Monday, March 15, 2004

Roller Coaster Emotions

Logfile from Two Moons - Savith.

Rock Garden
Hidden lights weave tangled shadows in the frozen beauty of the gardens. A dim memory of the dappled play of sunlight through leaves, the patches of light reflect off manycolored stone shapes that echo the essence of trees and bushes and tangled vines; and plants whose like has never been seen on the world of Two Moons.

Several reaching pillars sprout branchlike tendrils that reach for walls and ceiling as if to support them. Clusters of smaller shapes, bringing to mind flowers and birds, emerge from the clinging branches - skillfully drawn forth from smaller veins of softly colored rock.

Seats shaped like crouched animals, beaked and taloned, have been covered with soft furs to invite to restful contemplation of the gardens. The distant walls of the garden appears as an interlaced mass of entwined rock, forming loops and mazes, scattered with random bulbs bursting with the promise of leaves, or flowers..or other things.

Drafts can be felt from deep within the walls, hinting at hidden shafts and openings.

Now that Elian's no longer the Chosen toy-du-jour, he's actually got free time. And time to rest, even! So a few weeks later, between the food-intensive environment of the kitchen and the constant workload of the Chosen - damn, he's looking good, even if he's still a tall scrawny sod. The crow's feet have retreated slightly, and he's actually playing in the rock garden, trying to catch and throw a small ball on the end of his everpresent broom. Weird. But which end? The stick side or the bristle side?

Savith was visiting his mother, you know, the one that was around, and even left Rosendo in her care. Though not on active Duty at the moment, as Head CHosen,
Savith is ever on call, and so must be ready to fly at a moment's notice. With mate currently seeing to Tsoran and unvavailable to care for the child, Savith is left with few otions. ONe of which is take the boy to work, which never really works out the way Savith needs it to. FLying in from the Rose Garden, CHosen spots birth father. Recalling the odd conversation with Malene the other day, Savith isn't quite sure how to approach Elian. Options again: Everyone knows they are family, even Winnowill declared it, and so he could be cruel and start calling Elian father and be all nice and stuff to get in under the armor and...

The bristle side. He's not THAT good. LOL He should have lessons then. Hey, he's comfortable with this. Unlike fatherhood, huh? In fact, Elian's given up on fatherhood altogether. Last he knew, Savith was denying it vehemently and using every available opportunity to try and twist the knife - which seems a little contradictory, but very little of the situation makes sense anyway. So he's just letting it pass, and keeping his love for his son deep down with everything else, hiding it behind the half-smile, and the yelp that comes as he loses control and the ball bounces away. He runs after it, vaulting over a bench and "sweeping" it up with the bristles, then erks as he straightens up and spots Savith. Oh, don't mind him, just the crazy kitchen servant at play again. "Clear skies, Chosen..."

Savith lifts a brow as Elian loses the ball and goes scurrying after it. "Interesting game," Savith comments as the shaper greets him. "I'll have to see Rosendo try it." And then a smirk, and Savith makes a little circle with a finger, "But with the other end, of course." Well, as far as Fatherhood goes, Savith had given up on it too, given that he did Elian and Tarek twenty times worse than they did him. He made SURE they knew it was HE that did the leaving. It killed one of hte girls too. Rosendo has been a saving grace, though it reopenned many wounds. At least the centuries old infections are starting to drain?

Elian chuckles, and with a familiar twist, spins the broom around the ball before flipping it up in the air and snatching it. "A habit I picked up, from my time amongst the Chosen, I've grown rather fond of this tool. How can I help you, Savith? I'm not on Duty right now, but if you want me to send to the kitchen for something, I wouldn't mind." Ahh, but Elian doesn't know this - after all, baby boy has been VERY forthcoming about his past, but he can't pick up EVERYTHING...

Savith purses his lips lightly, but shakes his head. "I don't need anything," he replies, lifting a hand as if to stay Elian from going anywhere. "Take your rest as you can." Look! A responsible Savvy! "We have a similar training tool. It has been a long time since I've had to impliment them, so thank you for reminding me of it."

Elian tilts his head curiously, tucking the broom under an arm with pursed lips. "Oh? I hadn't realized there were other tools available... what does it look like? Where do you keep them? I've only seen the Chosen from the end perspective, of course, I've never seen that side of things, and Lord Winnowill DID want me to understand them completely..."

Monday, March 15, 2004

Roller Coaster Emotions

Logfile from Two Moons - Savith.

Rock Garden
Hidden lights weave tangled shadows in the frozen beauty of the gardens. A dim memory of the dappled play of sunlight through leaves, the patches of light reflect off manycolored stone shapes that echo the essence of trees and bushes and tangled vines; and plants whose like has never been seen on the world of Two Moons.

Several reaching pillars sprout branchlike tendrils that reach for walls and ceiling as if to support them. Clusters of smaller shapes, bringing to mind flowers and birds, emerge from the clinging branches - skillfully drawn forth from smaller veins of softly colored rock.

Seats shaped like crouched animals, beaked and taloned, have been covered with soft furs to invite to restful contemplation of the gardens. The distant walls of the garden appears as an interlaced mass of entwined rock, forming loops and mazes, scattered with random bulbs bursting with the promise of leaves, or flowers..or other things.

Drafts can be felt from deep within the walls, hinting at hidden shafts and openings.

Now that Elian's no longer the Chosen toy-du-jour, he's actually got free time. And time to rest, even! So a few weeks later, between the food-intensive environment of the kitchen and the constant workload of the Chosen - damn, he's looking good, even if he's still a tall scrawny sod. The crow's feet have retreated slightly, and he's actually playing in the rock garden, trying to catch and throw a small ball on the end of his everpresent broom. Weird. But which end? The stick side or the bristle side?

Savith was visiting his mother, you know, the one that was around, and even left Rosendo in her care. Though not on active Duty at the moment, as Head CHosen,
Savith is ever on call, and so must be ready to fly at a moment's notice. With mate currently seeing to Tsoran and unvavailable to care for the child, Savith is left with few otions. ONe of which is take the boy to work, which never really works out the way Savith needs it to. FLying in from the Rose Garden, CHosen spots birth father. Recalling the odd conversation with Malene the other day, Savith isn't quite sure how to approach Elian. Options again: Everyone knows they are family, even Winnowill declared it, and so he could be cruel and start calling Elian father and be all nice and stuff to get in under the armor and...

The bristle side. He's not THAT good. LOL He should have lessons then. Hey, he's comfortable with this. Unlike fatherhood, huh? In fact, Elian's given up on fatherhood altogether. Last he knew, Savith was denying it vehemently and using every available opportunity to try and twist the knife - which seems a little contradictory, but very little of the situation makes sense anyway. So he's just letting it pass, and keeping his love for his son deep down with everything else, hiding it behind the half-smile, and the yelp that comes as he loses control and the ball bounces away. He runs after it, vaulting over a bench and "sweeping" it up with the bristles, then erks as he straightens up and spots Savith. Oh, don't mind him, just the crazy kitchen servant at play again. "Clear skies, Chosen..."

Savith lifts a brow as Elian loses the ball and goes scurrying after it. "Interesting game," Savith comments as the shaper greets him. "I'll have to see Rosendo try it." And then a smirk, and Savith makes a little circle with a finger, "But with the other end, of course." Well, as far as Fatherhood goes, Savith had given up on it too, given that he did Elian and Tarek twenty times worse than they did him. He made SURE they knew it was HE that did the leaving. It killed one of hte girls too. Rosendo has been a saving grace, though it reopenned many wounds. At least the centuries old infections are starting to drain?

Elian chuckles, and with a familiar twist, spins the broom around the ball before flipping it up in the air and snatching it. "A habit I picked up, from my time amongst the Chosen, I've grown rather fond of this tool. How can I help you, Savith? I'm not on Duty right now, but if you want me to send to the kitchen for something, I wouldn't mind." Ahh, but Elian doesn't know this - after all, baby boy has been VERY forthcoming about his past, but he can't pick up EVERYTHING...

Savith purses his lips lightly, but shakes his head. "I don't need anything," he replies, lifting a hand as if to stay Elian from going anywhere. "Take your rest as you can." Look! A responsible Savvy! "We have a similar training tool. It has been a long time since I've had to impliment them, so thank you for reminding me of it."

Elian tilts his head curiously, tucking the broom under an arm with pursed lips. "Oh? I hadn't realized there were other tools available... what does it look like? Where do you keep them? I've only seen the Chosen from the end perspective, of course, I've never seen that side of things, and Lord Winnowill DID want me to understand them completely..."

Did She, now? Savith tilts his head, oh so very hawk-like, to study Elian. And his mind flickers out, checking on things, making sure his attention will not be needed, and if so, getting a vague sense of time until it will be. Things settled, the Chosen settles himself to the ground in front of Elian with little thought. "There are many tools used to train Chosen in matters of the hunt. Typically, they are kept where only a Chosen can get them, and if I can answer a question for so ancient a glider, I am ever ready to Serve." Turn the tables on ya, Pops. ;) A Chosen serves the Mountain. Double edged-knife though, so take care.

Elian half-smiles, rubbing the bridge of his nose. "I wouldn't want to intrude on Chosen territory, though. It's all right, I'll stay with what I've got - after all, those are tools for the Chosen, they have a purpose. No one will miss this, on the other hand..." He nods to the broom with a chuckle. "It's served for a long time, but it's been dismissed without a thought, it's kind of sad but what else can we do? At least I've found a use for it now, even if it's not what one might expect." He holds the broom out, tossing the ball back up in the air and catching it handily in the bristles, carefully bouncing it against a nearby wall and catching it again on the flipside.

Savith watches the ball-bouncing. Hmm... with the right modifications, this could be a good catch-a-preserver type training. There's a half-grin! Wooo! Point: Elian! Savith grinned! Folding his arms over his chest, Savith just replies, "I said that their location was for a Chosen to know." But that does imply that only those being TRAINED for CHosen get to play with them. Though it is interesting to see how Elian has brought something with little current use into a state of usefulness. "But the broom is a good tool for you now, I think." Now, the quesiton is... does Savith up the anty and give the ball a flick with magic. To keep Elian on his toes... honest!

Tsoran drifts in, as is his habit silent as a shadow.

lian half-grins, almost unconsciously, as he upends the broom, concentration wavering as the ball balances on the ratty end. The ball is pretty ratty itself, for the record, just a bundle of rags tied tightly together. "Not being Chosen myself, I think... it's probably just as well..." Then he erks, as it drops off towards the floor, and snaps the broom around its axis, dropping to scoop it up just before it hits the floor. Surprisingly graceful, that. Maybe there IS something to this broom stuff? Nah. It's not Chosen training, after all.

Savith chuckles faintly as Elian nearly drops the ball, but does seem impressed, despite himself, at the shaper's moves. And again, the thought to see if actually calling the elf 'father' would upset him flickers to mind. After all, it made him uneasy whenever Ekana said it, and he would fire right back with a terse 'daughter'. OOh... gotta DROOL on those love-to-hate/hate-to-love relationships, huh?

Elian starts straightening up, then gahs again as the ball suddenly tips and drops to the floor. Whoops, lost control. Did he? The broom was steady as a rock, but... oh well. He doesn't seem too surprised, "sweeping" it up again and snagging it in his free hand. Let's see, wasn't Savith, Kureel's still eating, and... hm. "Clear skies, Tsoran," he says with a half-smile, not turning around. "I'm still learning, really," he adds to Savith, "but it passes the time."

Tsoran says "All it needs now is learning to watch your back at the same time, and you'll be all ready to join the Chosen." He drifts to the floor, nodding politely to the other Chosen. "Savith."

Savith snorts at Tsoran's comment. "Tsoran," he greets with a nod. Smirking as he replies, "Can't teach an old bird new tricks, Tsoran. This one'll never be a Chosen." Rosendo, on the other hand. MUHAHAHAH. Oh sorry. Fatherly pride rearing its head. Green eyes flicking back to Elian Savith lifts a brow, "YOu have free time? I'm glad to hear that." But for what evil
purpose is he glad? MUHAHAHHAHAHAH Oh sorry. Chosenly pride rearing its head.

lian chuckles, turning to look at Tsoran. "A broom has a lot of uses, but I don't think keeping an eye out is one of them. Unless you prop it against a door or something, so it clatters on the floor, but... a Chosen? I somehow doubt that, not being a floater and all, I'll ever manage to live up to your exacting standards. I'll just have to be content with who I am, that's all." He nods to Savith. "Not a lot, but my Duty rarely calls me when my shift is up anymore, only every once in a while. The kitchen staff is generally competent enough without my thumb-fingered help."

Tsoran murmurs. "Such a friendly fellow, isn't he. Well, I have a duty calling."

Savith watches as Tsoran so promptly leaves. A faint, cold, cruel, grin flashes across Savith's features while a rock shaper drifts through the area, on the way to the Cage. Did Savith arrange that? Surely not! He's a NICE Head Chosen. Glancing at Elian, Savith's grin fades to a smirk. "Well, perhaps, if you need something more to do, I can think of things."

Elian tilts his head and chuckles, partly at Savith's words and partly at Tsoran's abrupt passing-through. Go figure - he can never tell when Tsoran's settling in for a prolonged bout of- well, being Tsoran, or when he's just dropping by for a quickie. "I wouldn't want to interfere with my duties, really, but I thank you for the thought, Chosen. No, I just have enough time to rest, and without anyone to care for I have to take matters-" He glances down at the broom. "Into my own hands."

AH! THe perfect time to strike. As Elian opens himself for the attack, Savith takes it, cruelty flashing into those green eyes. "Entirely your own doing, that. Father." And that last word, so carefully spoken as Savith stands on the ground before Elian, arms crosses. Now, watch which way the knife twists.

Well, Elian can't always be on his guard... he half-smiles, looking up. "I know. What of your own
duties? I wouldn't want to keep you from them, I know things are always hectic for you." Aww, no blood? No cringe? Not that can be seen. That half-smile is awfully alien to Savith, but then again, it has been ever since that scene where Lord Winnowill decreed his punishment.

Ooh.. No reaction. Savith's eyes narrow faintly as the smirk fades to a cold thin line. "My duties are ever-present at the moment, but nothing too... hectic, as you said." Means Savith's got time to kill... so to speak. "Besides, if My Lord decreed you to learn more about hte Chosen, it is within my Duties to see to that, as I lead the Chosen now, don't you think?" Come on... where's the reaction? Where's the cringe?

What reaction? Maybe Elian doesn't care anymore. Wouldn't that be a trip? Or maybe he's just hiding it deep, down inside, with his true feel- nah, he just don't care, that's got to be it. He tilts his head, a hand absent-mindedly rubbing at his far arm. "I'm sure she didn't intend for me to interfere with the true Chosen's Duties, but - if you have any words of wisdom, I'd love to hear them."

Words of wisdom, hmm? Savith's eyes narrow to emerald chips, and his arms uncoil. It's slow, the circling Savith starts of Elian, like a hawk circling a patch of grass to drop and scoop up the ravvit in its talons. NO reaction? Bullshit. There's got to be a reaction. "One would think /you/ would have given those to me," he starts coldly lashing out with blame.

Elian sighs, rubbing the bridge of his nose as the broom drops, bristles grounding and leaning on the handle, turning to regard Savith almost gently. "I know you hurt, Savith, and I have apologized. There's nothing more I can do." There's that half-smile again. "I don't think this has anything to do with the Chosen, either, so I'll get back to my Duty and you to yours..."

Trolls shoot him from the sky! Elian's just ... not... REACTING! GAH! "True enough," Savith admits once the circuit is complete and he returns to face Elian. "What questions do you have about the Chosen that have been dying to have answered," he asks, a very faint sneer upon his features which the Head Chosen works to schools away.

Tsoran returns from his call to duty, obviously.

Hmmm, the rockgarden. Lost in thoughts, the ever-so smoothly moving elfess almost sleepwalks through the garden of rock, like a lost raindrop over skin. She is balancing a long-necked carafe on her small hips, and holding a tablet with four elegant goblets in the
other hand. Unlike other times where she simply walks in and out through a scene like a ghost, she notices this time the voices that seep through the garden. From far she calls herself back into this place, yet hesitating to walk into the scene between Elian and Savith, and even moreso that Tsoran appears. Not even hiding, she just remains standing where she is,
waiting, listening, watching.

Elian chuckles, shrugging a shoulder. "None that come to mind, though I do wonder about those training tools - you've already said they're for a Chosen to know, though, so I guess I'll just have to use my imagination." Fingers tap upon the broom, and he hooks it up, settling it over a shoulder. "Gone, but not forgotten," he remarks a little cryptically. "Is there anything you've ever wondered about the kitchen?" A true half-grin, as humor touches his expression. "That
you wouldn't regret finding out?"

Tsoran murmurs. "Such a pretty sight. I believe I shall not intrude."
Tsoran heads towards Around The Cage
Tsoran has left.

More's being said here than it seems, for Elian's words of gone, but not forgotten, recieve a
full-fledged sneer. "Unfortanely," he nearly growls back in reply, stepping from Elian one full step. Calm. Calm. You don't win if you react first. "The kitchen's business I have seen to. I doubt they would change anything since I was a youth." AHA!! Savith worked the kitchen's too! Ryn's here? She's not noticed, considering Savvy's back is to her.

Elian spreads his hand, ball tucked between thumb and palm. "Likely not, they didn't change much from what I'd remembered either. Some things really never do change, I guess." No, Ryn isn't noticed, considering Savith's doing his best to twist the knife and it's not... really working. But it certainly has Elian's attention, doesn't it? "Give my best to Rosendo and Larias, please? My Duty may not take all my time, but it does take most of the /useful/ time, I haven't had much opportunity to see anyone lately."

Things don't change. Right. And Savith's Lord of Blue Mountain. But it does give the Chosen the moment he needs to find calm again, and at the request to pass on things to beloved family, Savith grins. "Oh, most certainly Larias would love to see you in person. So no. Give her your 'best' all on your own," he says, though what he's not saying is... also important.

That's odd... usually, Savith would rather keep them nice and far away. Has something else happened? But in any case, Elian chuckles, nodding. "Should we cross paths, I will be sure and do so. Do you know where she's at, by any chance? Is she asleep?"

You locksend to Larias, Savith checks up on you. Where are you?

Savith flickers a locksend. Ah. There. "She is busy at her own Duties," Savith replies, and with Tsoran busy that means it's not with HIM. ;) "She should comes down here when she is done, if you'd like to wait." Cause right now, Savvy's got all day.

Tsoran drifts over to Ryn, paying no heed to the happy couple of Elian and Savith.

That's also odd. Usually, Savith would also rather keep nice and far away from Elian as well. The ex-shaper-ex-servant tilts his head. "If we happen to cross paths, I wouldn't mind at all. I do have my own Duties, but not for a time yet..."

Ryn flickers a smile at both Elian and Savith's ongoing, as well as Tsoran's arrival. Nodding, she lifts the carafe to fill one of the fine goblets with wine, holding out the tablet to Tsoran to pick it. "It's the freshest I could find, without the other servants thinning it too much", tells her soft voice, looking at Tsoran with slightly tilted head.

Well. That's what happens to an elf when his mate isn't given him her full attention. Strange strange things. Savith, hearing another voice, turns and finally spots Ryn. audience. and no telling how long she'd been there either. Puckernuts. Turningback to Elian, Savith regains that grin, "I see. Well, do enjoy your rest." Playing nice! Honest!

Elian chuckles and nods. "Clear skies, Chosen." An audience? Well, what else is new? Might as well sit down, he's not going to start toying with the broom with Tsoran around. It's an Elian thing in any case...

Tsoran accepts the wine, smiling to Ryn. ** Thank you, my dear, it is appreciated. ** He glances over to Savith, and raises the goblet in a toast. ** Sure you won't join us in a drink, Brother? **

Savith turns his gaze to Tsoran. Wine. Hmm.. But having gotten as close to a farewell from Elian as Savith feels truely comfortable with, the Head Chosen drifts from the ground to fly over. **Half a glass only, Ryn,** he agrees.

Tsoran locksends ** You're a better elf than me, Brother. I'd have dropped him from the bridge by now. **

Tsoran's smile is replied with a smile as well, and as he looks over to Savith, she looks over to Elian, as if Tsoran's invitation was spoken out for Elian as well - just one her side. As the leader of the Chosen approaches her, she nods and fills half a goblet for him, holding the tablet out to him to grab his drink.

You sense in a locksend, Larias is inside the Mountain of course, being stoic and remaining calm, - where else would she feel nervous and wild, yet force herself to remain calm, cool and collected...

You locksend to Tsoran, Savith hmphs softly in reply. **I must lead by example, Brother.**

Elian shakes his head, smiling, to Ryn's invitation-by-proxy. Actually, he'd as soon slip away to his chambers the moment the opportunity presents itself... got things to think about, now.

You locksend to Larias, Savith seems... pleased you're remaining so calm, and given where you are to boot! Rock on Larias!

Tsoran sips his wine, making an appreciative sound.

Tsoran locksends ** And you do so most well. A quite suitable replacement for our poor distracted Kureel. **

You locksend ** The time's not right to beat him so, after all. ;)** Savith quips just before your next thought drifts to him, but when he does, he replies smartly, **Yes. Poor distracted Kureel. And yourself? I do hope my mate is not too distracting for you. ** to Tsoran.

Tsoran sends openly ** I am pleased that the gardens are still producing a sufficient amount of wine. One hears rumors the vines have been doing less wall of late. ** Tsoran regards Savith as he sends, somewhat thoughtfully.

Tsoran locksends ** Less a distraction to me than to herself, Brother. Perhaps it is time she was dismissed from my serivce. **

You locksend to Tsoran, Savith seems a bit pleased to hear that. **Yes. My mother is run tired with Rosendo's care. It is time for Larias to be a mother again.** A pause. **I shall see it she is dismissed.**

Tsoran locksends ** If you are confident of her mothering skills, I am agreeable with that. She does seem a touch wavering of temperament. **

You locksend ** There is only one way to learn to be a parent, Brother. I am confident that Rosendo needs both mother and father, though I shall see to this
temperament, if you would enlighten me with what you have seen. ** to Tsoran.

Savith carries on a brief locksend conversation with Tsoran, sipping at his wine. "Hmm... quite good. My thanks, Ryn." Elian is categorically ignored for now.
Must rethink plan of attack.

Categorically ignored, Elian slips away...

Tsoran glances in the direction of the disappearing Elian before turning his attention back on his companions.

[Mountain] Finding a way to knock down Door and Brace, Savith cackles.
[Mountain] Clinically Insane Larias tries on a new one too?
[Mountain] Categorically ignored, Elian braces the Door!

Tsoran locksends ** Such an ambivalent reaction to closeness, that one. Yearning for it in one moment, and fiercely fighting it the next. Living must her for any duration must be rather...stressful. **

[Mountain] Categorically ignored, Elian says, "She appreciates my... support."
[Mountain] Categorically ignored, Elian has been rock-hard for six thousand turns, there are some long-lasting effects that are well and truly appreciated by those in the know.
[Mountain] Phantom Tsoran just washes his mind out with soap.

You locksend to Tsoran, Savith Hmms softly. **Given how touch felt for her for so long, it is mostly understandable. It has been a long process to get her to show as much trust as she has.**

Ryn dips a slight bow with her head, holding her hand out to one of the benches, "Wouldn't you like to sit and rest for a while? This wine is not to be drunken
in haste." A warm smile comes to her lips as she says that. Whatever makes her so friendly today, she might also just want to give the two Chosen a moment of

You locksend to Larias, Savith almost wonders if your ears are burning as he talks about you.

[OOC] Ryn should have written Rest instead of Peace
[OOC] Tsoran says, "No peace for the wicked."
[OOC] Savith says, "And no rest for hte weary."
[OOC] Elian says, "And no escape for the bleeding."

Tsoran sends openly ** Thank you, Ryn, but duty calls again too soon. I do appreciate the moment of refreshment before returning to less cultured tasks. **

Tsoran locksends ** Trust... well, I suppose there is some use for it. She seemed quite worried about loosing yours. **

You sense in a locksend, Larias turns her attention to your mind, ** Hmm? ** She can feel the attention you are placing on her, though she doesn't know the why of

Savith sips lightly, saying little as he savors the wine. But unliek Tsoran, Savith does take a seat on the offered bench. After a long moment of sending, he replies, "If you both are called elsewhere, it is understood." He nods to Tsoran, "A Chosen flies to Obey, after all."

You locksend to Tsoran, Savith smirks faintly, **Soulmates. Yes, losing my trust is something she fears greatly but not something to be lightly pulled at. It took more than turns to calm her so.** Of course it did! It tok his SOUL man.

Tsoran murmurs over his wine. "Obedience is a virtue. More should learn it."

You sense in a locksend, Tsoran whispers quiet softly against your mind. ** Is it worth the price? **

You locksend to Tsoran, Savith brushes at you in annoyance as you whisper luxeriously into his mind. **Hmph,** is the near-sound his mind seems to make at yours. **Go make asingle pass at the summit to see if Winddance is on her way, then go hunting. THe kitchen needs more work.** And then give Savith and Larias some alone time. ;)

Monday, March 15, 2004

Roller Coaster Emotions

Logfile from Two Moons - Savith.

Rock Garden
Hidden lights weave tangled shadows in the frozen beauty of the gardens. A dim memory of the dappled play of sunlight through leaves, the patches of light reflect off manycolored stone shapes that echo the essence of trees and bushes and tangled vines; and plants whose like has never been seen on the world of Two Moons.

Several reaching pillars sprout branchlike tendrils that reach for walls and ceiling as if to support them. Clusters of smaller shapes, bringing to mind flowers and birds, emerge from the clinging branches - skillfully drawn forth from smaller veins of softly colored rock.

Seats shaped like crouched animals, beaked and taloned, have been covered with soft furs to invite to restful contemplation of the gardens. The distant walls of the garden appears as an interlaced mass of entwined rock, forming loops and mazes, scattered with random bulbs bursting with the promise of leaves, or flowers..or other things.

Drafts can be felt from deep within the walls, hinting at hidden shafts and openings.

Now that Elian's no longer the Chosen toy-du-jour, he's actually got free time. And time to rest, even! So a few weeks later, between the food-intensive environment of the kitchen and the constant workload of the Chosen - damn, he's looking good, even if he's still a tall scrawny sod. The crow's feet have retreated slightly, and he's actually playing in the rock garden, trying to catch and throw a small ball on the end of his everpresent broom. Weird. But which end? The stick side or the bristle side?

Savith was visiting his mother, you know, the one that was around, and even left Rosendo in her care. Though not on active Duty at the moment, as Head CHosen,
Savith is ever on call, and so must be ready to fly at a moment's notice. With mate currently seeing to Tsoran and unvavailable to care for the child, Savith is left with few otions. ONe of which is take the boy to work, which never really works out the way Savith needs it to. FLying in from the Rose Garden, CHosen spots birth father. Recalling the odd conversation with Malene the other day, Savith isn't quite sure how to approach Elian. Options again: Everyone knows they are family, even Winnowill declared it, and so he could be cruel and start calling Elian father and be all nice and stuff to get in under the armor and...

The bristle side. He's not THAT good. LOL He should have lessons then. Hey, he's comfortable with this. Unlike fatherhood, huh? In fact, Elian's given up on fatherhood altogether. Last he knew, Savith was denying it vehemently and using every available opportunity to try and twist the knife - which seems a little contradictory, but very little of the situation makes sense anyway. So he's just letting it pass, and keeping his love for his son deep down with everything else, hiding it behind the half-smile, and the yelp that comes as he loses control and the ball bounces away. He runs after it, vaulting over a bench and "sweeping" it up with the bristles, then erks as he straightens up and spots Savith. Oh, don't mind him, just the crazy kitchen servant at play again. "Clear skies, Chosen..."

Savith lifts a brow as Elian loses the ball and goes scurrying after it. "Interesting game," Savith comments as the shaper greets him. "I'll have to see Rosendo try it." And then a smirk, and Savith makes a little circle with a finger, "But with the other end, of course." Well, as far as Fatherhood goes, Savith had given up on it too, given that he did Elian and Tarek twenty times worse than they did him. He made SURE they knew it was HE that did the leaving. It killed one of hte girls too. Rosendo has been a saving grace, though it reopenned many wounds. At least the centuries old infections are starting to drain?

Elian chuckles, and with a familiar twist, spins the broom around the ball before flipping it up in the air and snatching it. "A habit I picked up, from my time amongst the Chosen, I've grown rather fond of this tool. How can I help you, Savith? I'm not on Duty right now, but if you want me to send to the kitchen for something, I wouldn't mind." Ahh, but Elian doesn't know this - after all, baby boy has been VERY forthcoming about his past, but he can't pick up EVERYTHING...

Savith purses his lips lightly, but shakes his head. "I don't need anything," he replies, lifting a hand as if to stay Elian from going anywhere. "Take your rest as you can." Look! A responsible Savvy! "We have a similar training tool. It has been a long time since I've had to impliment them, so thank you for reminding me of it."

Elian tilts his head curiously, tucking the broom under an arm with pursed lips. "Oh? I hadn't realized there were other tools available... what does it look like? Where do you keep them? I've only seen the Chosen from the end perspective, of course, I've never seen that side of things, and Lord Winnowill DID want me to understand them completely..."

Did She, now? Savith tilts his head, oh so very hawk-like, to study Elian. And his mind flickers out, checking on things, making sure his attention will not be needed, and if so, getting a vague sense of time until it will be. Things settled, the Chosen settles himself to the ground in front of Elian with little thought. "There are many tools used to train Chosen in matters of the hunt. Typically, they are kept where only a Chosen can get them, and if I can answer a question for so ancient a glider, I am ever ready to Serve." Turn the tables on ya, Pops. ;) A Chosen serves the Mountain. Double edged-knife though, so take care.

Elian half-smiles, rubbing the bridge of his nose. "I wouldn't want to intrude on Chosen territory, though. It's all right, I'll stay with what I've got - after all, those are tools for the Chosen, they have a purpose. No one will miss this, on the other hand..." He nods to the broom with a chuckle. "It's served for a long time, but it's been dismissed without a thought, it's kind of sad but what else can we do? At least I've found a use for it now, even if it's not what one might expect." He holds the broom out, tossing the ball back up in the air and catching it handily in the bristles, carefully bouncing it against a nearby wall and catching it again on the flipside.

Savith watches the ball-bouncing. Hmm... with the right modifications, this could be a good catch-a-preserver type training. There's a half-grin! Wooo! Point: Elian! Savith grinned! Folding his arms over his chest, Savith just replies, "I said that their location was for a Chosen to know." But that does imply that only those being TRAINED for CHosen get to play with them. Though it is interesting to see how Elian has brought something with little current use into a state of usefulness. "But the broom is a good tool for you now, I think." Now, the quesiton is... does Savith up the anty and give the ball a flick with magic. To keep Elian on his toes... honest!

Tsoran drifts in, as is his habit silent as a shadow.

Elian half-grins, almost unconsciously, as he upends the broom, concentration wavering as the ball balances on the ratty end. The ball is pretty ratty itself, for the record, just a bundle of rags tied tightly together. "Not being Chosen myself, I think... it's probably just as well..." Then he erks, as it drops off towards the floor, and snaps the broom around its axis, dropping to scoop it up just before it hits the floor. Surprisingly graceful, that. Maybe there IS something to this broom stuff? Nah. It's not Chosen training, after all.

Savith chuckles faintly as Elian nearly drops the ball, but does seem impressed, despite himself, at the shaper's moves. And again, the thought to see if actually calling the elf 'father' would upset him flickers to mind. After all, it made him uneasy whenever Ekana said it, and he would fire right back with a terse 'daughter'. OOh... gotta DROOL on those love-to-hate/hate-to-love relationships, huh?

Elian starts straightening up, then gahs again as the ball suddenly tips and drops to the floor. Whoops, lost control. Did he? The broom was steady as a rock, but... oh well. He doesn't seem too surprised, "sweeping" it up again and snagging it in his free hand. Let's see, wasn't Savith, Kureel's still eating, and... hm. "Clear skies, Tsoran," he says with a half-smile, not turning around. "I'm still learning, really," he adds to Savith, "but it passes the time."

Tsoran says "All it needs now is learning to watch your back at the same time, and you'll be all ready to join the Chosen." He drifts to the floor, nodding politely to the other Chosen. "Savith."

Savith snorts at Tsoran's comment. "Tsoran," he greets with a nod. Smirking as he replies, "Can't teach an old bird new tricks, Tsoran. This one'll never be a Chosen." Rosendo, on the other hand. MUHAHAHAH. Oh sorry. Fatherly pride rearing its head. Green eyes flicking back to Elian Savith lifts a brow, "YOu have free time? I'm glad to hear that." But for what evil
purpose is he glad? MUHAHAHHAHAHAH Oh sorry. Chosenly pride reating its head.

Elian chuckles, turning to look at Tsoran. "A broom has a lot of uses, but I don't think keeping an eye out is one of them. Unless you prop it against a door or something, so it clatters on the floor, but... a Chosen? I somehow doubt that, not being a floater and all, I'll ever manage to live up to your exacting standards. I'll just have to be content with who I am, that's all." He nods to Savith. "Not a lot, but my Duty rarely calls me when my shift is up anymore, only every once in a while. The kitchen staff is generally competent enough without my thumb-fingered help."

Tsoran murmurs. "Such a friendly fellow, isn't he. Well, I have a duty calling."

Savith watches as Tsoran so promptly leaves. A faint, cold, cruel, grin flashes across Savith's features while a rock shaper drifts through the area, on the way to the Cage. Did Savith arrange that? Surely not! He's a NICE Head Chosen. Glancing at Elian, Savith's grin fades to a smirk. "Well, perhaps, if you need something more to do, I can think of things."

Elian tilts his head and chuckles, partly at Savith's words and partly at Tsoran's abrupt passing-through. Go figure - he can never tell when Tsoran's settling in for a prolonged bout of- well, being Tsoran, or when he's just dropping by for a quickie. "I wouldn't want to interfere with my duties, really, but I thank you for the thought, Chosen. No, I just have enough time to rest, and without anyone to care for I have to take matters-" He glances down at the broom. "Into my own hands."

AH! THe perfect time to strike. As Elian opens himself for the attack, Savith takes it, cruelty flashing into those green eyes. "Entirely your own doing, that. Father." And that last word, so carefully spoken as Savith stands on the ground before Elian, arms crosses. Now, watch which way the knife twists.

Well, Elian can't always be on his guard... he half-smiles, looking up. "I know. What of your own
duties? I wouldn't want to keep you from them, I know things are always hectic for you." Aww, no blood? No cringe? Not that can be seen. That half-smile is awfully alien to Savith, but then again, it has been ever since that scene where Lord Winnowill decreed his punishment.

Ooh.. No reaction. Savith's eyes narrow faintly as the smirk fades to a cold thin line. "My duties are ever-present at the moment, but nothing too... hectic, as you said." Means Savith's got time to kill... so to speak. "Besides, if My Lord decreed you to learn more about hte Chosen, it is within my Duties to see to that, as I lead the Chosen now, don't you think?" Come on... where's the reaction? Where's the cringe?

What reaction? Maybe Elian doesn't care anymore. Wouldn't that be a trip? Or maybe he's just hiding it deep, down inside, with his true feel- nah, he just don't care, that's got to be it. He tilts his head, a hand absent-mindedly rubbing at his far arm. "I'm sure she didn't intend for me to interfere with the true Chosen's Duties, but - if you have any words of wisdom, I'd love to hear them."

Words of wisdom, hmm? Savith's eyes narrow to emerald chips, and his arms uncoil. It's slow, the circling Savith starts of Elian, like a hawk circling a patch of grass to drop and scoop up the ravvit in its talons. NO reaction? Bullshit. There's got to be a reaction. "One would think /you/ would have given those to me," he starts coldly lashing out with blame.

Elian sighs, rubbing the bridge of his nose as the broom drops, bristles grounding and leaning on the handle, turning to regard Savith almost gently. "I know you hurt, Savith, and I have apologized. There's nothing more I can do." There's that half-smile again. "I don't think this has anything to do with the Chosen, either, so I'll get back to my Duty and you to yours..."

Trolls shoot him from the sky! Elian's just ... not... REACTING! GAH! "True enough," Savith admits once the circuit is complete and he returns to face Elian. "What questions do you have about the Chosen that have been dying to have answered," he asks, a very faint sneer upon his features which the Head Chosen works to schools away.

Tsoran returns from his call to duty, obviously.

Hmmm, the rockgarden. Lost in thoughts, the ever-so smoothly moving elfess almost sleepwalks through the garden of rock, like a lost raindrop over skin. She is balancing a long-necked carafe on her small hips, and holding a tablet with four elegant goblets in the
other hand. Unlike other times where she simply walks in and out through a scene like a ghost, she notices this time the voices that seep through the garden. From far she calls herself back into this place, yet hesitating to walk into the scene between Elian and Savith, and even moreso that Tsoran appears. Not even hiding, she just remains standing where she is,
waiting, listening, watching.

Elian chuckles, shrugging a shoulder. "None that come to mind, though I do wonder about those training tools - you've already said they're for a Chosen to know, though, so I guess I'll just have to use my imagination." Fingers tap upon the broom, and he hooks it up, settling it over a shoulder. "Gone, but not forgotten," he remarks a little cryptically. "Is there anything you've ever wondered about the kitchen?" A true half-grin, as humor touches his expression. "That
you wouldn't regret finding out?"

Tsoran murmurs. "Such a pretty sight. I believe I shall not intrude."
Tsoran heads towards Around The Cage
Tsoran has left.

More's being said here than it seems, for Elian's words of gone, but not forgotten, recieve a
full-fledged sneer. "Unfortanely," he nearly growls back in reply, stepping from Elian one full step. Calm. Calm. You don't win if you react first. "The kitchen's business I have seen to. I doubt they would change anything since I was a youth." AHA!! Savith worked the kitchen's too! Ryn's here? She's not noticed, considering Savvy's back is to her.

Elian spreads his hand, ball tucked between thumb and palm. "Likely not, they didn't change much from what I'd remembered either. Some things really never do change, I guess." No, Ryn isn't noticed, considering Savith's doing his best to twist the knife and it's not... really working. But it certainly has Elian's attention, doesn't it? "Give my best to Rosendo and Larias, please? My Duty may not take all my time, but it does take most of the /useful/ time, I haven't had much opportunity to see anyone lately."

Things don't change. Right. And Savith's Lord of Blue Mountain. But it does give the Chosen the moment he needs to find calm again, and at the request to pass on things to beloved family, Savith grins. "Oh, most certainly Larias would love to see you in person. So no. Give her your 'best' all on your own," he says, though what he's not saying is... also important.

That's odd... usually, Savith would rather keep them nice and far away. Has something else happened? But in any case, Elian chuckles, nodding. "Should we cross paths, I will be sure and do so. Do you know where she's at, by any chance? Is she asleep?"

You locksend to Larias, Savith checks up on you. Where are you?

Savith flickers a locksend. Ah. There. "She is busy at her own Duties," Savith replies, and with Tsoran busy that means it's not with HIM. ;) "She should comes down here when she is done, if you'd like to wait." Cause right now, Savvy's got all day.

Tsoran drifts over to Ryn, paying no heed to the happy couple of Elian and Savith.

That's also odd. Usually, Savith would also rather keep nice and far away from Elian as well. The ex-shaper-ex-servant tilts his head. "If we happen to cross paths, I wouldn't mind at all. I do have my own Duties, but not for a time yet..."

Ryn flickers a smile at both Elian and Savith's ongoing, as well as Tsoran's arrival. Nodding, she lifts the carafe to fill one of the fine goblets with wine, holding out the tablet to Tsoran to pick it. "It's the freshest I could find, without the other servants thinning it too much", tells her soft voice, looking at Tsoran with slightly tilted head.

Well. That's what happens to an elf when his mate isn't given him her full attention. Strange strange things. Savith, hearing another voice, turns and finally spots Ryn. audience. and no telling how long she'd been there either. Puckernuts. Turningback to Elian, Savith regains that grin, "I see. Well, do enjoy your rest." Playing nice! Honest!

Elian chuckles and nods. "Clear skies, Chosen." An audience? Well, what else is new? Might as well sit down, he's not going to start toying with the broom with Tsoran around. It's an Elian thing in any case...

Tsoran accepts the wine, smiling to Ryn. ** Thank you, my dear, it is appreciated. ** He glances over to Savith, and raises the goblet in a toast. ** Sure you won't join us in a drink, Brother? **

Savith turns his gaze to Tsoran. Wine. Hmm.. But having gotten as close to a farewell from Elian as Savith feels truely comfortable with, the Head Chosen drifts from the ground to fly over. **Half a glass only, Ryn,** he agrees.

Tsoran locksends ** You're a better elf than me, Brother. I'd have dropped him from the bridge by now. **

Tsoran's smile is replied with a smile as well, and as he looks over to Savith, she looks over to Elian, as if Tsoran's invitation was spoken out for Elian as well - just one her side. As the leader of the Chosen approaches her, she nods and fills half a goblet for him, holding the tablet out to him to grab his drink.

You sense in a locksend, Larias is inside the Mountain of course, being stoic and remaining calm, - where else would she feel nervous and wild, yet force herself to remain calm, cool and collected...

You locksend to Tsoran, Savith hmphs softly in reply. **I must lead by example, Brother.**

Elian shakes his head, smiling, to Ryn's invitation-by-proxy. Actually, he'd as soon slip away to his chambers the moment the opportunity presents itself... got things to think about, now.

You locksend to Larias, Savith seems... pleased you're remaining so calm, and given where you are to boot! Rock on Larias!

Tsoran sips his wine, making an appreciative sound.

Tsoran locksends ** And you do so most well. A quite suitable replacement for our poor distracted Kureel. **

You locksend ** The time's not right to beat him so, after all. ;)** Savith quips just before your next thought drifts to him, but when he does, he replies smartly, **Yes. Poor distracted Kureel. And yourself? I do hope my mate is not too distracting for you. ** to Tsoran.

Tsoran sends openly ** I am pleased that the gardens are still producing a sufficient amount of wine. One hears rumors the vines have been doing less wall of late. ** Tsoran regards Savith as he sends, somewhat thoughtfully.

Tsoran locksends ** Less a distraction to me than to herself, Brother. Perhaps it is time she was dismissed from my serivce. **

You locksend to Tsoran, Savith seems a bit pleased to hear that. **Yes. My mother is run tired with Rosendo's care. It is time for Larias to be a mother again.** A pause. **I shall see it she is dismissed.**

Tsoran locksends ** If you are confident of her mothering skills, I am agreeable with that. She does seem a touch wavering of temperament. **

You locksend ** There is only one way to learn to be a parent, Brother. I am confident that Rosendo needs both mother and father, though I shall see to this
temperament, if you would enlighten me with what you have seen. ** to Tsoran.

Savith carries on a brief locksend conversation with Tsoran, sipping at his wine. "Hmm... quite good. My thanks, Ryn." Elian is categorically ignored for now.
Must rethink plan of attack.

Categorically ignored, Elian slips away...

Tsoran glances in the direction of the disappearing Elian before turning his attention back on his companions.

[Mountain] Finding a way to knock down Door and Brace, Savith cackles.
[Mountain] Clinically Insane Larias tries on a new one too?
[Mountain] Categorically ignored, Elian braces the Door!

Tsoran locksends ** Such an ambivalent reaction to closeness, that one. Yearning for it in one moment, and fiercely fighting it the next. Living must her for any duration must be rather...stressful. **

[Mountain] Categorically ignored, Elian says, "She appreciates my... support."
[Mountain] Categorically ignored, Elian has been rock-hard for six thousand turns, there are some long-lasting effects that are well and truly appreciated by those in the know.
[Mountain] Phantom Tsoran just washes his mind out with soap.

You locksend to Tsoran, Savith Hmms softly. **Given how touch felt for her for so long, it is mostly understandable. It has been a long process to get her to show as much trust as she has.**

Ryn dips a slight bow with her head, holding her hand out to one of the benches, "Wouldn't you like to sit and rest for a while? This wine is not to be drunken
in haste." A warm smile comes to her lips as she says that. Whatever makes her so friendly today, she might also just want to give the two Chosen a moment of

You locksend to Larias, Savith almost wonders if your ears are burning as he talks about you.

[OOC] Ryn should have written Rest instead of Peace
[OOC] Tsoran says, "No peace for the wicked."
[OOC] Savith says, "And no rest for hte weary."
[OOC] Elian says, "And no escape for the bleeding."

Tsoran sends openly ** Thank you, Ryn, but duty calls again too soon. I do appreciate the moment of refreshment before returning to less cultured tasks. **

Tsoran locksends ** Trust... well, I suppose there is some use for it. She seemed quite worried about loosing yours. **

You sense in a locksend, Larias turns her attention to your mind, ** Hmm? ** She can feel the attention you are placing on her, though she doesn't know the why of

Savith sips lightly, saying little as he savors the wine. But unliek Tsoran, Savith does take a seat on the offered bench. After a long moment of sending, he replies, "If you both are called elsewhere, it is understood." He nods to Tsoran, "A Chosen flies to Obey, after all."

You locksend to Tsoran, Savith smirks faintly, **Soulmates. Yes, losing my trust is something she fears greatly but not something to be lightly pulled at. It took more than turns to calm her so.** Of course it did! It tok his SOUL man.

Tsoran murmurs over his wine. "Obedience is a virtue. More should learn it."

You sense in a locksend, Tsoran whispers quiet softly against your mind. ** Is it worth the price? **

You locksend to Tsoran, Savith brushes at you in annoyance as you whisper luxeriously into his mind. **Hmph,** is the near-sound his mind seems to make at yours. **Go make asingle pass at the summit to see if Winddance is on her way, then go hunting. THe kitchen needs more work.** And then give Savith and Larias some alone time. ;)

You locksend to Larias, Savith's mind reaches for your. A touch annoyed at someone. A touch pleased by something. A touch dark at something else. All in all, a normal Savvy. **When you are done with your work, beloved, I would like some words with you in an official capacity.**

Tsoran gives Savith a deep bow, smiling. ** As the Head of the Chosen wishes, of course. **

You sense in a locksend, Tsoran adds in a locksend, still barely above a mental whisper. ** I do pardon upsetting your harmony with my question. I ask merely
for...information. **

Savith smirks lightly. **As the mountain needs, Brother. Go hunt when you're done with your wine,** he quips lightly. Annoyance fading, Savith lifts a brow
at a private thought, replying as the smirk fades lightly.

You locksend ** So you can make sure your own mate were so obident, Brother? ** to Tsoran.

You sense in a locksend, Larias immediately grows tense and wary all at once, ** Yes... Chosen. ** It seems the best response, if the words are official, isn't Chosen what she should call her mate?

Tsoran locksends ** I have no mate, my Brother. And the one I would have as one, would never be... obedient. **

You locksend to Larias, Savith returns to being a bit chilly of mind, though not at the title, but at the conversation he is having with another's mind. But he does make the mental note to reward Larias for picking up on those not-so-subtle nuiances. **And then some not so official words when all is said and done.**

Savith lifts a brow, then grins darkly. "I suppose, it's all a matter of Trust, then, isn't it," Savith askes publically, moving to stand. But will he answer? The goblet comes to his lips, hding the smirk.

You locksend ** Would you trust me to give you an answer you can work with, and would you trust yourself to try it? Or would I trust you with the answer, given you and my mate's history. ** to Tsoran.

Tsoran places the goblet back on Ryns tablet, lingering his fingers on it for a moment as he looks at Savith.

You sense in a locksend, Larias isn't sure if this is all good things or bad things, even the idea of a nice mate to mate chat seems ominous when following up a mate to Chosen conversation. ** Of course Savith, as soon as I am done here. ** Oh, the pangs of what, guilt hit her, what does she converse with the prisoner about as she works - so many emotions tripping through her mind.

Tsoran locksends ** Ah, my sweet Brother, I have no further interest in your mate. But you... you could do better. And perhaps once the last pangs of Recognition
fade, you will see it yourself. No, do not waste your Trust on me, Savith. You will have better use for it.**

Savith regards Tsoran thoughtfully as his words and emotions from his mate drift across his mind at nearly the same time. Havin taken only a few sips, Savith sets the goblet down. "I see. Then I shall speak with her about it at my first opportunity," he comments aloud.

You locksend ** Pure blooded is far better than wolf blooded, Brother. Remember that. ** to Tsoran.

You locksend to Larias, Savith is a touch unsettled by the emotions, and his reply to his Brother is a bit more... terse than he would have liked given the topic of conversation, and so he dials down the gain on his Larias-o-phone, hoping that'll help matters until he can fly to your side.

You sense in a locksend, Tsoran's sending sparkles with amusement, then brushes against your mind with more than a hint of...sensuality? How spooky. ** I
know it well, Savith. Ask Cothee, sometime. **

Tsoran departs to fullfill his orders, presumably.
Tsoran heads out an opening that leads to a slender stone bridge to the west.
Tsoran has left.

Around the Cage
As the narrow, railing-less stair winds through the wast emptiness of the Mountain, it briefly touches the naked surface of a vertical wall. Where wall and stair meet there is a break in the emptiness, a dark and jagged gap in the smooth wall. Separated from the wide empty space with stone bars from which jagged stone thorns jut, this small alcove is crude and unshaped, a distinctly foreign element in
the intricately woven pattern of the Mountain. It seems almost an afterthought - or perhaps a remnant from times far past.

The crouched birdlike shape holding the flame that lights the winding stair sheds a pale radiance on the ledge in front of the cage, but leaves the interior shaded in darkness.

From behind the bars, Raven is standing with her head resting against the back wall of the cage. Her hair falls in a curtain that obscures most of her face from view but, it is clear that she is looking in Larias' direction. The Chosen guard is watching the two of them with a rather suspicious expression on his face though the two aren't speaking just now.

From behind the bars, Larias is near the front of the cage, down on hands and knees, her dress well, lets just say its seen better days. This hands and knees scrubbing is not what the garment was designed for, that's for sure. She is scrubbing the floor diligently with her rags, periodically dipping them in a bucket to rewet and bring the floor to a lovely shine.

Savith floats up from the Rock Garden. Giving a nod to the Chosen on Duty, Generi, most likely since he gets ALL the shit-shifts, Savith floats over and settles on the other side of hte bars, watching in silence. Last time he saw Larias moving about in the Cage... he was here to torture wasn't he? But hte dress is noted, and not really meaning to sound like days of old, Savith comments softly, "We'll have to see about getting you something more appropriate, Larias."

From behind the bars, Raven doesn't notice Savith's approach or his replacing of Generi. Not until he speaks and then she merely glances in his direction before closing her eyes and returning her thoughts and gaze to wherever they were before. She looks as if she's doing better since the Lord proclaimed that she was to be fed regularly with good food instead of the dregs and after having had a bath but, there are still plenty of signs of the ravages left from the last turn spent languishing within the small cell.

From behind the bars, Larias's head snaps up at the sound of her voice mates, and the words he speaks are not lost on her, nor are the memories that they dredge up. The grip on her rags goes white knuckled, and her voice ends up with an edge to it, "Thats not funny.

You sense in a locksend, Larias recoils at the memory and those words, coupled with her location. Such not a happy memory to share, so hard to maintain calm serenity as the memory flickers and flares to life in her mind. Her mind reaches for another, hoping to concoct an interruption of this duty so she can leave this cage and the way it make sher feel.

Savith recoils slightly from the memories and the emotions he can feel flicker up from Larias. "Ah... that's not what I meant, Larias," Savith retorts, stepping away from the bars in an effort to break the moment. "High ones. Hurry up so we can talk." Raven is ignored. After all, the thief already took what she wanted, didn't she? What more can Savith give her that won't get himself in trouble. Besides that, WInddance
got hte tug and is on her way back. Though the going is slow because, let's face it, Winddance is a bird brain. (Ooh look! A cloud!)

You locksend to Larias, Savith takes the emotions like a slap in the face and so retreats, unlike then, to find a way to steady himself. Oh, but he does so HATE that Kureel ordered this. But if Savith were to undo it it would look odd. To say the least.

Tsoran floats up the stairs, rising from the deep
shadow below.

You sense in a locksend, Larias retreats from your mind as well, trying not to dislodge your balance, while her own teeters and wobbles like a weeble.

From behind the bars, Raven is leaning against the back wall of the cage with her head against the stone. Her face is mostly obscured by the curtain of her hair and she seems to be focusing on something far away and then her eyes open wide and she straightens, looking much like the elf that was snatched from the plains a turn ago. Her expression suddenly blooms into a bright smile as a locksend bursts from her.

giant bondbird isn't much of a nesting kind, but goes straight for the feed and water. *scarf*

Savith has stepped away from the Cage, having arrived here not long ago. Calming Larias's flaring emotions from his mind, the Chosen simply waits in silence for mate to declare she is done wit her work.

Tsoran regards the Cage. ** Ah, there is our lovely Larias, now. I did wonder what that worried sending was all about. **

Winddance looks over. Ooh.. food? Food is good.

Savith stops and looks over at Tsoran suddenly. WTF!? Larias sent to HIM? Oh, bt his soul can FEEL the utter shock in that move. Yup yup. And Savith is forced to fight back that flare of... shock, jealousy, confusion, gah! EMOTIONS! Get them off! Get them off! They're sticky!

giant bondbird ruffles importantly. Well, there's probably room for one more at the feed...

Winddance trills and heads over. Ooh. yum! Muchbetter than that grit in the sandy-place. You ever been to the sandy place?

giant bondbird settles for fresh kills, or Aerie feed. Sandy places are unpleasant.

Winddance dips her head to eat. Yeah. Sandy place not fun, but at least they give you LOTS of water. Ooh, and yeah.

Tsoran walks lightly over to Savith, stopping shoulder by shoulder with the Head Chosen. ** It seems the distress was not triggered by any real threat. Unless the little Raven has grown stronger than last I saw her. **

From behind the bars, Larias is near the bars of the cage, down on hands and needs, where the dress touches the floor, its gotten wet and dirty. She sits upright, in her knees, blinking surprised as well that Tsoran has made an appearance just outside the Cage, well, thats not what she was hoping would happen, nope, not at all. Her expression is tense, and the floor is finally clean. When she speaks, the words come out tense, "I should call the shaper." She should, but she doesn't not just yet.

You sense in a locksend, Tsoran glances at you from the corner of his eye. ** Do you want the shaper to let her out? **

You locksend to Tsoran, Savith is still a bit unsettled, bit at your mental touch, his mind stills, and replies, **As ordered, she must call when her work is done.**

Tsoran smiles faintly. ** Then perhaps you should leave her to her duties. ** That apparently in response to a more private send.

Savith crosses his arms overhis chest and retorts, "I'm waiting." Oohh. not happ.

From behind the bars, Strange, usually the Cage is a place that doe snot make Larias feel safe, but right now, she's almost reluctant to leave it. What, with Savith and Tsoran waiting so patiently outside the bars, *gulp* . Mental note made to self: do not try to circumvent one duty with another, does not go well.

Tsoran considers this. Considers Larias, and the poor denied Raven. Then reaches out to place a hand against Savith's back, quite calmly.

Tsoran locksends ** Tension, my Brother. Have you given my question thought? **

From the Aerie, there is a ruckus along with several excited sends, **Winddance
has come back!**

Savith doesn't flinch at Tsoran's touch, though it does make Savith turn to regard his brother. Oh.. but a diversion! At the sends, Savith snaps his head to the Aerie. A quick thought and... he flicks a look at Larias. Yup. SOmeone has a radar for alone time between the lifemates. But not today. Savith sends up to the aerie, **Get her settled in and harnessed to her nest. I'll be up shortly.**

Tsoran murmurs. "Go see to your former bond. I will take care of Larias." Isn't that a nice offer?

From behind the bars, Belatedly, almost reluctantly, Larias calls for the shaper that lets her in and out of the Cage. She rises to stand, dusting off her dress, though the effort is wasted, its dirty and wet, forever stained, alas. She turns her head to give an almost imploring, helpless look to Raven, who of course can't do anything to help out, finally, Larias sighs, and picks up her two buckets of water, the rags having been tossed in them, this time, the in and out will only take one trip... now where's that blasted shaper.

RIght here. High ones! Elfess have NO patience. floating down, the shaper moves the stone away for Larias to pass. But Savith lifts a brow at Tsoran. "The hawk is being seen to. I need to speak with the life-bearer first." Ooh.. not even using her name!

Tsoran inclines his head respectfully. "As you say, Brother. I have a fresh kill that needs attending." The hand pulls away after a moment, he gives Larias a thoughtful look, and then departs as silently as he arrived.

From behind the bars, Raven casts a look in Larias' direction and it is clear that she wishes she could help in some way but, knows that she is not in any position to help herself much less anyone else. She looks up toward the ceiling of the cage, still smiling as she welcomes her bond back to the Mountain but, then she feels the tether being attatched to Dance's leg and she shakes her head, "Noooooo! I did as you
asked! What part of her will you not kill by doing this?!?" she shouts aloud, letting the sound carry through the halls and not caring who hears. She lets out an anguished wail as her bond is tethered and bound to the stones. She shakes her head franticly
then braces her hands on either side of her head as her eyes roll back and she collapses to the stone floor unconscious.

From behind the bars, Now that is going to leave her ears ringing for a long time... Larias looks back to the collapsing Raven, and though she'd like to kneel down and see if she's ok, somehow, that doesn't strike her as a good idea. After all, if that was from a Winny blacksend, consoling is definitely not on the list of things Lri should do. She closes her eyes, and with buckets in hand, slowly makes her way back out of the Cage, brow beaded in sweat from the work, dress dirtied and wet from hanging to the floor as she cleaned. Once out of the cage, her eyes go to her mate, and then they drop back to the floor, "If.. you want to speak to me now Chosen, my duty is done, though I need to return these to their place." She lifts the buckets a fraction of an inch, her arms straining to do so.

YOu know, being Head Chosen has it's perks. Like calling over the poor rock shaper to take the buckets. "He'll see to your items, Larias. I would see you bathed and changed first." Cause a hot bath would definately relax and he's got good news. Really.

Larias steps out of the Cage as the bars melt away.
Larias has arrived.

Larias swallows nervously and sets the buckets down for the rockshaper to take care of once he's done closing the bars. Her eyes drift again over to regard her mate, and oh yeah, she's nervous, "Yes Chosen..." She turns to head down the steps, legs aching from having been on her knees for so long, and now all these blasted steps.

Savith turns to walk after Larias, taking each step slowly. His eyes regard her, starting to wonder if the work is too taxing for her. Better check with WInnowill on that. Mental note made, and steps walked.

Larias heads down the steps towards the Grotto, catch me if you can.. oh wait, everyone can, since they fly and she walks.

Water cascades from the very heart of this cavern, from its spiralling roof down over the forms of stone to the uneven floor. In the center of the room a number of circular basins nest, each within a larger one, sinking in order into the floor and edged with shells shape from the very stone. Water fills each of these basins, as in the old days, constantly flowing from the fountain clean and being eventually drained
away. The circulation ensures only the very purest water is in the basins at any given time.
Illuminated with the same far-off luminescence as the water and most of the Mountain, two paths sinew off into the stone: one low-ceilinged hallway, and a set
of stairs descending into the floor.

Splish, splash it appears Kifah is taking a bath, all on a quiet afternoon. The little elfess has the grotto to herself for the time and is taking full advantage. Her clothing has been folded neatly and set atop a bench, her boots beneath, and her robe hanging from a nearby hook. Long days of strain show around her eyes, a tightness normally not there that has dulled her usual mirth and settled a cloud over her head almost permanently now. However dark the time is for the catelf the future is bright, and so it is with hope in her heart that she manages a soft lullaby from her lips as she washes away the days grime and sweat from leather working.

Much like Kifah, Larias looks like she's seen better days. The skin about her eyes is tight, her expression one of grim determination mingled with a bit of pain, that and worried irritation. High Ones, Tsoran came to her call, thats not what was supposed to happen, and boy, wasn't Savith boiling over it too. Her dress is dirty from the knees down, and wet to, and oddly enough, the last four inches of her hair is wet as
well. She pauses as she enters the Grotto, hearing Kifah's song, and her steps come to a halt. She sighs, "If you desire privacy Kifah, I can see if I am allowed to wait for another time to bathe." She and the kitty cat haven't exactly been talkative with one another since the tossing of Kureel.

But does Savith care? Well of course!! Friendships were ordered repaired, after all. But Savith will give Kifah that chance to respond even if the quirk of his brow might hint that he would be annoyed if the cat said no. But while he remains silent here, his mind is flashing to Llune's apprentices, to bring Larias a fresh dress. Then to the servers for towels.

At least one apprentice is off duty, so Kifah gets to skip fetching for a friend she's not to sure she wants to be all that friendly with. However as the grotto is a public place she halts her song, cut off as her good mood falters. So much for a relaxing bath. "If I desired privacy, Larias, I would have spoken with Malene about that private bath chamber in my own nest like Kureel and I once discussed.", the catelf retorts, trying to keep her tone from being snappish. Maybe she'll just cut her bath time short today and go back to work for awhile.

Larias lets out a sigh, and heads over to about as far distant a place as can be found from where Kifah sits in the waters. She makes no reply, rather, she gets
undressed. Her knees a re definitely either bruised or grimy, and for the astute, the barest swell of her stomach can be seen. She moves to the waters, and slides in, keeping distant from the cat elf. If Savith is there, she doesn't even seem to show that she is aware, after all, he ordered here as Head Chosen, no reason to assume he'd be having bath time as well.

Sadly, bath time is not right now. BUt, wanting to feel his mate's body in his arms, Savith figures now is the best time to get at least part of his work done with so he can enjoy the bath. "As you begin to wash up, Larias, I need to inform you that you have been dismissed from Tsoran's service." See! GOod news! Come on. get happy.

Kifah's lips writhe for a moment. That was either shock or some smart ass comment that she bit back just then as she completely busies herself in scrubbing dye
from her hands and arms where she was spattered. Blue polkadots just don't become her. 'I wonder who ordered that to begin with?', Kifah thinks to herself, 'And
how Tsoran thought... probably a dream come true in his book.'

Larias breathes a sigh of relief, utterly missing whatever it is Kifah whispers beneath her breath. "Winnowill feels I've learned my lesson?" She asks, one brow arching up, obviously surprised by the notion, especially considering her outburst to Tsoran the other day. She smirks, dunks her head, then comes back up again, hair plastered to her face, "Not that I'm complaining, just surprised."

You sense in a locksend, Larias expounds on that, ** I'd gotten the impression from her, it would be a lengthy duty... But I am glad that it is done with. **

"Winnowill had little to do with it," Savith replies after Larias dunks and surfaces. THe 'nasty' bit is done with. Savith can be a mate for a moment before seeing to his returned bond. "Tsoran himself stated it was best ended. He would know, I think." ANd the helmet is pulled from his head and the talonwhip from his side.

You locksend ** As did I, but if Tsoran no longer needs you, I will agree it is for the best. YOu will be needing more rest as you get bigger, I think. (ooh.. a daddy again! Yay!) ** to Larias.

You sense in a locksend, Larias blinks, and mentally, she deflates, ** Tsoran ... released me? Damn him... He tried that yesterday. Only she can release me. Not
him. **

You locksend ** Did he? Hmm. Well, I had planned to speak with Her about your work int eh Cage, to make sure it will not over tax you. I will bring it up. If Tsoran no longer needs you, it is time you focused on family. ** to Larias.

Kifah shoots Savith a look from the corner of her eyes, a look that is here and gone, and perhaps even unnoticed by those present. Done with her scrubbing the catelf hauls herself from the tub, scraping the water from her body and doing her best to wring the water from her hair before she reachs for a towel to dry off with.

Kifah locksends ** And what of her 'lesson' with Kureel? **

You locksend to Kifah, Savith turns his attention on you quickly. **Lesson? You mean her mistaking him for Tsoran?**

Kifah locksends ** Yes. **

Larias closes her eyes letting out a frustrated sigh. Leaning her head back, she tries to blot out all the sights and sounds, focussing on a private conversation. Better than catching any nasty looks from Kifah.

You sense in a locksend, Larias feels her head beginning to ache again, but, as usual, she works at ignoring it, ** Savith, please. Don't. I know you mean well, but all this is by her Will. She knows I still clean the Cage, she knows Tsoran and I rub each other the wrong way, ** well, save for that one time, ** Don't get yourself into trouble by intervening. ** Her sending turn more acerbic than she intends, ** Do you
even know what lesson I am to learn through this, why she has assigned me to tend to his needs and desires? ** Oh yes, desires, though thankfully, none of those have turned towards joining.

Gah! Too many thoughts! Too many thoughts. Savith sighs as mutliple thoughts hit him and none make him all too happy. "Why do you ask her, Kifah," Savith replies publically to the cat elf, cause apparently, as Larias lovingly points out, he hasn't a clue. Damn it! It makes him want to THROW things across the room and yell when people leave him out of hte loop about things that are important to him! And Larias can feel that frustration clearly. It's like Winny tatooed it on his forehead.
t's a sign of her bad mood that has Kifah practically lashing her tail, if she had a tail to lash in the first place that is. "As you wish, Head Chosen." With her hair mostly dry the catelf reaches for her robe, securing it closed before she'll bother to give Larias the time of day, let alone ask her question. "So if you've learned your lesson with Tsoran, what about Kureel? Or do you have any more intentions of harming my mate I should be aware of in advance?" Snippish is an understatement, as the biggest blanket protection Larias has right now is she's a lifebearer for the
Mountain, a fact no one better rub into the little elfess' skin along wtih all the other lemon juice and salt to her wounds. Elian is not here today to calm her down and make her think rationally, and the promise none no of save Winnowill and Kureel does not extend to Larias.

Ok, she's dealt with Tsoran on a far to regular basis, she just got out of the Cage, her mate is manic today, and now the cat is chewing on her toes. Larias stands up, the water falling off her body in torrents. She's far from clean, but bath time, regardless is over. Nope, must keep a different promise, but not before Larias sends a private reply. Her face is beat red, a scowl on her features.

You sense in a locksend, Larias has been taken to the edge and tossed over it today, verging on that pinnacle of losing it or maintaining status quo, Larias well, is just about ready to fall into losing it.

Tail lashing? What about ruffled feathers. Already frustrated, Kifah's tone of voice and now Larias's emotions get hte best of him, and he stands. "Go to our nest, Larias," he orders, eyes hard on Kifah. What could he say? So many things. SO SO many things. But Winnowill's orders ring in his mind and it keeps him from lashing out at the cal elf. "The day has been long for everyone." The gliders move in with towels
and clothes for Larias. THe later Savith takes, the former is floated to his mate while the gliders head out.

You locksend to Larias, Savith just wants one hour with you alone. Is that too much to ask? Is it? One hour to relax, to hold you and be a mate. Screw being Chosen. And Tsoran? Yeah, here's your answer, 'brother': it's MORE than worth it. Every moment, even the bad, make those sweet times all the better. So yes, giving up his soul to have Larias near is more than worth it, and he'd do it again. So just leave his mate alone. Mine! (ala Finding Nemo)

And there was the send that tipped the cat's cup. Throwing her towel to the floor Kifah turns to face Larias as if the catelf were ten feet tall. "And I've already apologized ten times over AND offered myself to the Chosen for punishment, specifically /your/ mate, Larias! It wasn't like I was happy that I let Tsoran lead you off either, but given he's fond of stabbing me with his boot knife what the vines was I supposed to do?! And it's your own fault for getting drunk! And while it may have been Tsoran you thought you were throwing you still weren't in your right
mind. Go sulk in my nest you say? If I had a nest! I'm sure you've already heard the whispered rumors about me and Elian till I decided I'd be better off going to
sleep in the Aerie near Nightsky's nest since I can't even sleep with my own mate!" Turning the catelf stalks off, clothing in hand, dressed in the robe so long ago given to her by Kureel, more then likely headed back to the cubby in the aerie she's started to sleep in when she's not working for Llune.

Larias grabs the twoels from the air, insult to injury, they float to her. Something she can't even do right now. But, she does as told. though, in the most childish manner possible, especially after Kifah's bursting retort. The towel she took from the air is dropped to the floor, and, without a strip of clothing on her, she stalks out, water dripping from body and hair. Oh how she;d love to make a reply, or try and
rip into Kifah right now, but the one elf that can truly order her about with ease, did so - and to him she listens, even when she's raving.

Savith carefully carefully controls the putburst he can feel Larias wanting to start up into, which in turn would start him into a rant and a rave. So as Larias turns to leave nude, Savith turns, collects the towels with a thought and steps in after her, draping the fabric over Larias's shoulders. "Cover up, darling. We don't want Rosendo to get hte wrong ideas." Even if it is funny.

Kureel steps quietly down the stairs to the Grotto, his eyes a bit blurry, but that certainly looks like a nude Larias, and pissed too. Well, this could be fun,
he could use some cruelty in his life. **Clear Skies Larias, Tsoran not allowing you clothes?** He stands at the bottom step, blocking the way as much as he can
for so lithe an elf, a cruel smirk creeping into wearied features.

Kifah doesn't notice Kureel's appearance as she walks head long into her mate. The little elfess is also stalking, tail lashing if she had one, and in a state
fit to be tied as she tries to muscle her way past Kureel, muttering under her breath the whole way.

What a lovely way to end her day, ordered to her room, only to have the way blocked by cat elf and bastard Chosen. And that very same Bastard Chosen asking such a bastard like question. The hands at her sides ball into fists, and, though she's supposedly trying to remain calm she lets out a guttural scream of rage and begins charging the mated pair, seeing nothing but Kureel's jaw line in the cross hairs. So much for being good and listening and all that. Heh - and here Winnowill ordered her to learn to respect the Chosen, yeah, thats working REAL well.

Oh crap! Out of control mate! Being right behind her, Savith charges after Larias, intent to wrap his arms about her ribcage and pull her to a stop and off her feet. Control. Control. Must not... nust be good. No really. Thank the High ones Winnowill took Larias's flight away or he'd not ever have a chance at slowing her

Kureel sends briefly to the insistent mate trying to barrel through him, though he will move out of her way if she proves determined, or ignorant enough of him. Larias however.. She looks like she might just be ready to attack a Chosen.. and Kifah, neither good things in Kureel's mind. He un-hooks his talon whip from his belt, and sends openly. **Savith, subdue her, or I shall.** the flavor of the sending makes it clear for the most unobservant elf that should he have too, it wont be altogether pleasant. Larias did nearly kill him.

Kifah turns, hearing Larias' scream of rage, completely ready to light into her again after as kind as she's been, even when she's wanted to soundly thump the female she thought was her friend. 'Fine, why not, first Tsoran Cages me, stabs me, my own mate tries to strangle me, and now this!' Kifah thinks, turning to meet Larias' attack even as she hears Kureel's sending; the catelf is all to happy to 'subdue' Larias

Though her mate tries to stop her, wet as she is, Larias ends up able to slide free, kind of like a greased pig. Breaking into an awkward run, she closes the distance between herself and Kureel, ok, Kifah's out of sight out of mind now, she's short. Its just Kureel and his cruel sneer, which, given the hand pulled back for a punch, is something she wants to seen off his face right now.

GAH! Slippery mates! As Larias slips from his grasp, Savith clentched his teeth. He lost and he knows it. At this rate, Winnowill's gonna take his whip away.

Slipping deftly aside, with just a touch of levitation for emphasis, Kureel grins and slides his talon whip up to Larias' neck, the sharp points just barely touching the skin, so in control of his weapon that the slightest movement from Larias is matched, he wont let her hurt herself, that's his job now. **So anxious for another stay in the Cage Larias? Why such foolishness? Risking yourself I can understand, but
what about Savith's child?**

Watching her mate in slightly awe, Kifah holds her ground, almost daring Larias to take a swing at her as she scowls at the taller female. However for now she'll let someone else try and calm her down. Of course that does nothing to calm her anger, but at least she manages not to send.

Larias lets out another growl of rage, caught in arms and magic, with a talon whip at her throat. Going utterly still, Larias speaks through clenched teeth, "Let me go you worthless piece of troll dung." Her fists at her sides remain balled tightly, ready to swing when she gets the chance, legs too seemed tensed to strike, the sooner Kureel lets the magic loose and removes the talon whip, the sooner she can give him
what he deserves.

Savith moves to match Kureel, making a Larias sandwich. A send meant for her mind alone, as green eyes flick to Kureel. He's hands do move to wrap about Larias fully, getting a firm grip. He'll pull her away now, and up into the air, where she can't do anything.

You locksend to Larias, Savith is upset, and your outburst made him loose it. **Curse it /Larias/. Stop being stupid. Just stop. Stop stopstop stop stop!!!**

Kureel smirks, a soft chuckle in his throat. "I think not, Larias, you'll just attack me, and I'll be forced to put you down.. and that would rob the Mountain of /so/ much. A Mother for Rosendo, a friend for Elian, a mate for Savith, and a very ....hrm.. dedicated? servant for my Brother." He brings the talon whip down, still keeping her slightly aloft. "No, I think not."

Every word which oozes with vitriolic acidity from Kureel's mouth only fuels her anger and rage, but Savith works to dampen the fire, cut it off at its source, the she-elf herself. Though the talon whip falls away, Larias does not make any motions, not even to attempt to swing her fist at her own mate, seeing as magic's hold prevents her from swinging at Kureel, though it doesn't stop her from kicking him - at least Savith's words accomplish that feat. She closes her eyes, hiding the stormy grey window they give to her soul, and silence reigns supreme bout her, as she
remains a the cream in the filling of a Chosen sandwich.

Savith floats backward as the talonwhip is pulled away, moving slowly, drawing Larias with him as he goes. In his rush to capture his wild mate, he dropped his helm and talonwhip, since he had taken them off in hopes of getting a bath. Yeah, that didn't work out. Green eyes remain on Kureel, pensive and ...submissive. Someone's not feeling very Head CHosen-ish right now. Nope. Actually, he's upset and worried and trying not to funnel too much into Larias.

You locksend to Larias, Savith wants to run away, hide, and take you with him. THe thought of locking you up in his room and never lettig you out flashes across his mind. Maybe, if you don't TALK to anyone, you won't get in trouble! But that's hardly an answer. Sadly, Savith doesn't HAVE any real answers right now. He just wants you out of here. But damn could he scream and throw something against a wall right now.
Hey, you're in his arms, right? Wonder how far you... no. bad thoughts! Bad Savvy. no nookie!

You sense in a locksend, Kureel sidles up next to your mind slowly, a cautious and careful communication. **Savith, Brother I think it is time for me to reclaim my position as Head Chosen, you seem to have issues of your own at the moment. And mine will soon be resolved.**

Kureel sends briefly to his Brother, all the while keeping his eyes locked on to Larias'. Depending on his reply.. he may find pulling her away from his magics easy, or VERY difficult. "Kifah, would you be so kind as to collect Savith's helm and Talon whip please?"

You locksend to Kureel, Savith is none too steady, but the very carefully mental communication doesn't tip the scales and relatively in control does Savith remain. And readily agree to the idea too. Damn! What respect Savith has for Kureel, I mean really! TO be so steady while being attacked and fighting Recognition Denied. He's too awesome for words man. And with the acknowledgement, Savith sends all that he's done as Head CHosen, which wasn't much. He hadn't gotten then chance to get Kifah to tell him who hurt her so he could be punished, thought he point is moot now, then
Tsoran wanting Larias's punishment to end and then the utter frustration of no one TELLING him that ONLY WInnowill could end it. Oh, and Winddance is back. Yes, and tethered to her nest for the time being. Just in case.

"Yes, Chosen." Kifah replies, walking past the two to go fetch the helm and whip for her mate. No matter how much she's mad at Larias a part of her feels sorry for
her other friend; Savith. His mate may have just cost him his position with the Chosen for a time, and all of a sudden it dawns on her and what she put Kureel at risk over when wanting to vent at Larias over the lack of an apology or anything between the two. Saddly it doesn't dull the anger the little elfess has.

Larias remains utterly still, red faced and angry, but doing as her mate requested. She's naked and dripping wet, and held by mates arms and another Chosen's magic. Why did she even bother waking up today?

Savith meets KUreel's gaze as he's sent to, then as a wordless report filters between them, Savith drops his gaze and turns his face aside slightly. Stupid wolfin habits from having two wolfrider soulmates. THey creep up at the WEIRDEST times, like now: Showing throat and all. GAH!

Kureel releases any hold over Larias. The smirk cooling He awaits Savith's Helm and Talonwhip. Ahh, its good to be Head Chosen again.

Kifah returns to her mate's side, offering him the helm and whip of a Chosen, her expression carefully guarded, even though her mate can feel the tension of the moment; but it wasn't Savith's fault! "You asked for these, Chosen?"

Larias does not place her arms around her mate, no, she simply remains held aloft, getting his clothes wet while he does whatever it is that he's going to do with Kureel. Her face remains red, contorted with anger that hasn't been released in a rather long time. But hey, she's remaining still, not moving, so, thats a good thing, right?

You sense in a locksend, Larias is a boiling sea of anger and rage and frustration and annoyance and pain. She's been so good of late, why did Kifah have to dig, its all her fault! Oh yeah, and Tsoran's, he just had to show up when all he was supposed to do was send for her and say, yeah, he needed something so she could leave the Cage cause it was creeping her out.

And very good thing. Yes, very good. He told her stop. SHe stopped. Good girl gets a cookie. Who's a good girl? Larias is a good girl! Woohoo! COokie! Drifting another little bit away, Savith lifts his gaze to Kureel again, waiting. His helm and talonwhip, that which marks him as CHosen. Will they be returned to him... or kept until things are more settled? OH but then emotions. EMotions from Larias. They makes his green eyes quiver faintly, and his brows pull together while a frown plays at the corners of his mouth. This is SO frustrating! His mate! His! He just wants to shout MINE and tell everyone to come back in three centuries. (Mine! ala Finding Nemo!) Heeheehee

Kureel loops his own Talon whip on his belt before taking the helm and talon whip from Kifah. Kureel pauses, noting the tension and tremor running through the room like the low strumming of a tightly wound string. Interesting. **I respect you enough to trust you to take care of this Brother** He sends while holding them back out, one in each hand. Of course this begs the question, will Savith release Larias to come and get them? And what will she do when he does? Internally, Kureel is slipping back to that sirens call, cruelty and anger only able to hold its annoying song at bay for so long. Poor Kifah, its all there for her to feel if she's listening.

And people wonder why Kifah's high strung, she's not skilled enough to blot it out through that connection of souls. Come on Larias, you know you want to swing at Kureel, just give the catelf an excuse, she's got a fist with your name on it. A tremble runs through the catelf's small body as she stands there, hoping to leave, wanting to leave, her eyes seeking her mate's as she senses his inner struggle.

Oh, what a connumdrum. To set Larias down and have her rush Kureel again, as he can feel her wanting to, or weaken his magical hold to extend himself to collect the items and risk her break free. He'll try this. She's obeying so well.... To her ear his lips go, as if whispering, but the thoughts drift more privately that in softly uttered words can do.

You locksend ** Should I put you down, you will not attack, understood? You must not. (Beg beg plead plead. PLEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEZE?) ** to Larias.

Larias lets a thought drift to her mate, a promise. Her eyes do not open, nor does her body relax, her face remains that same red shade, emotions raging within her. But, she doesn't look like she prepping to swing at anyone or kick at anything. At least, not right now.

You sense in a locksend, Larias seems to consider your request, for far longer than really it should ya know? ** I will remain at your side. **

You locksend ** I'll hold you to that, for should you move away from it, there will be little I can do to save you. (Such saness there is in him over that fact. Okay, maybe he should change his answer to Tsoran. Sometimes this whole soul thing ain't.... no, it's worth it. I mean come ON! He's not alone anymore!) ** to Larias.

You sense in a locksend, Larias keeps her level of irritation constant, and she snaps a bit, ** I said I'd not move, what, now YOU don't believe my sends either?! **

You locksend to Larias, Savith snaps back. **I /do/ believe you! I just fear your rash actions. They make scared. Scared! I'm AFRAID of what you might do, of losing you, so just stay. Right. Here. And don't. Move!** And all that frustration quivers.

Kureel rests the hand that holds the talon-whip, down on Kifah shoulder echoing his mental explanation of, no stay here for now. They will have to speak later of what crawled up the kittys butt. He waits patiently, the turmoil in his mind growing stringer, If Larias were to charge him now he may not even notice it. Kifah veritibly hums with the tension, caught between the turmoil of her mate's mind, and the sheer anger over the whole situation in general. Noting the distraction Kureel endures the little elfess keeps her eyes locked to Larias and Savith, ready to defend her love from the irrational female who needs her nose whacked with a reed; someone needs to grow up and act their age, and only Kifah is the youngest by centuries easily, though it's still not a good excuse for her either.

Savith locksends with his mate, thoughts flashing between them until finally he turns slightly and places Larias gingerly upon the ground by his side. Everything is slowly done, eyes turning to Larias's face. She can rage on him when they ar ein the privacy
of their nest, and he'd welcome the bruises at her hand, but for now. Stay. Stay. Stay. Good girl gets a cookie. Be a good girl. And slowly the magic is lifted from her and his hands withdrawing...

Larias doesn't open her eyes once she's set on the ground, nor when the magic fades from around her. And the only motion she makes, is her arms folding up across her chest, at least she doesn't tap her foot in irritation. Her expression remains unchanged, emotions broiling, rolling wildly within.

You sense in a locksend, Larias snaps back quickly, ** Fine. ** She's ticked, believe her, yeah right - if that were the case he wouldn't feel the need to reiterate so much. Right about now, a much younger Larias would be sticking her tongue out.

At Seeing Savith Approach, Kureel extends hands again, offering Savith his items of station.. those things that mark him as Chosen. A private sending for His Brother, to bolster him, at least that's how its intended. The reality however..

You sense in a locksend, Kureel betrays a genuine respect for you, his defenses assailed from so many directions by this cursed Wolf-elf! **Each day my respect for you grows, Savith, even on the days when you manage to make me lose all respect for you.**

Kifah stays obiediently at her mate's side, even when his hand is removed, her expression carefully guarded and neutral though her eyes never leave Larias; like a
hunting cat waiting for it's prey to make the wrong move and spring.

Tension so high in the air, Kureel's compliment is like a breeze of fresh air. Savith takes his badges of rank, and replaces them smoothly with but a deep nod to Kureel. **If there is nothing further, Head CHosen,** he asks crisply, praying Kureel will say no, ready for him to say yes.

Larias simply remains standing there in the buff. Ok, so what if she's starting to get cold, and that means some of the red has left her face. She'll stand here for a hundred turns if she has too, at least, thats what the set to her jaw seems to imply.
Kureel returns his hand to Kifah's shoulder, finding a bit of calm in the turbulence of his mind. Noting Larias evident chill, and deciding that though she may not be armed, if those nipples get any colder they might be used as weapons he sends **Larias, dry off and put something warm on.** Then facing Savith **We must speak about Winddance.**

Kifah turns her gaze up to her mate, looking at him for a long moment as if searching for answers.

Ah crap. He shouldn't have asked! But as Kureel orders, Savith nods. **Of course, Chosen,** he sends but doesn't add anything to Kureel's orders. Casue if he didn, he might get in trouble.

Larias turns her head to face Kureel, her eyes opening as she makes as quick a reply as she can, "I am to remain where I am until told otherwise." SO nyah nnyah nyah nyah!

Kureel scowls "And i have just told you otherwise" He snaps. Facing back fully to Savith and ignoring the mad-elf. "Winddance is restrained, tell me about that, and what you see must be done to ensure her continued reliability to us, and not to that Filth in the cage." That soul-stealing Bond stealing filth.. blech! And yet... so intriguing... must have her.. no must kill her! No can kill her.. must mate with her... Ack, somebody stop my head i want out.

Kifah does her best not to whine, though the strain she feels is relayed through her expressions. Of course her emotions are totally different; must make 'its' life difficult and misserable, good for nothing, mate stealing, bond thieving, excuse for bird poop!

Savith turns his head just enough to tell Larias over his shoulder, "Obey Kureel, Larias." And helmet is redonned. "She is restrained at my order to ensure the Theif would not order her away again. TO ensure her continued reliability... would mean the Thief stops sending to her, completely, for the rest of their lives, and I retrain her from scratch. I don't yet know how much damage has been done to her."

Larias moves stiffly, her knees are killing her from being on them for the time it took to clean the Cage this most recent time, not to mention what all those damn stairs are doing to them. Her steps are hard as she leaves where she was ordered to remain by her mate, looking for a towel left by someone, since she threw hers into the water mid tantrum.

Kureel nods at Savith's report, exhaustion beginning to show more clearly, and a surprising narrowed eye glace cast at Kifah for a moment, Kureel's getting snippy. "Keep me informed Brother."

Kifah looks humbled beneath her mate's gaze, meek once more as she resists the urge to lean against him and just be close for the sake of it, for both of them. Instead she offers him a wordless locksend, trying to fulfill her role as a good little mate.

Savith nods to Kureel's order, recoiling the talonwhip as he likes and attached it to his belt. "As you order," he replies, not commenting about Kureel's clearly seen exhaustion. Instead, he states, "If you'll excuse me, Brother, I must get Larias home. The shifts are covered until tomorrow." Meaning both are free till then, since Savith's been working everyone, himself included, as hard as they are able to keep Kureel from being overly strained. While still giving Kureel enough Duty to keep him sane.

Larias finds a towel, its one of the smaller ones, but at least its unused, and roughly she dries herself off. Now, where are those damn clothes she saw? All the while she mutters in a perturbed fashion to herself, hardly a word of it making any sense, nope, got to many things going on in her mind for much to make senses unless your in that place with her - and ask Savith, that is NOT a place anyone wants to be.

"Of course Savith, rest well." Kureel sure as hell isn't going to. Keeping him from duty? Are you mad.. Keep him busy, Duty time is no-thinking time.

Kifah reachs to takes Kureel's hand, Larias be damned, she'll show the ancient elfess how a mate should behave and be supportive.

Savith turns from Kureel and Kifah. If Kifah's trying to out o Larias, she'll have to get knocked up. >:) There's the dress. He dropped that too. He dropped EVERYTHING to catch Larias. Isn't he a nice mate? Scooping it up, he holds it out to Larias.

Not there. She stomp over that way. Nope, dress isn't there either. Larias lifts her head, and catches sight of something held by Savith, and so, to him her bare feet slap on the cold stone of the floor. She grabs it from his hands, and without a care for the material, puts it over her head and there, she's dressed. And then, just to be a complete snot, she moves back to where she'd been told to stand before. Though the garb given her is a bit strange, since she hasn't settled it all in its rightful place, at least she's dressed... As for Kifah, Larias won't even look at the cat elf right now. Yeah, she thought that one was her friend, but apparently too much time with Kureel has soured her disposition to the point she's lost understanding - as for learning from the cat elf, not a chance, too long outside living from day to day, heh, trade stories when you've lived half so long.

Kureel notes that Savith and Larias seem to be settled, well as settled as Larias ever gets. At a sending from his mate he sneers again deeply, eyeing Larias all the while. Seems Kifah's learning why he called her Traitor. See, patience teaches truth.

Kifah doesn't match her mate for expression, but obviously something in her send would compliment his sneer nicely. With a little sniff she nuzzles up to his side, affectionate and posessive all at once. My Mate! At a return sending from Kureel the little elfess merely shakes her head but otherwise doesn't budge.

Oh, things are far from settled. Savith's gonna get a beatin when they get in. GOod thing ROsendo is with Llune, huh? MOving to larias's side, Savith speaks to her softly, "Move." To the nest,and if you take a swing at anyone... high ones help him...

Larias does as told without another word or send to anyone. She's in a snit, and Tsoran, Raven, Savith, Kifah, and Kureel are did a wonderful job of setting her up to place her there. But, Savith rules her heart and soul more thoroughly than any other, and so, his word is law, no matter how much she would just love to swing at everyone else.

Kureel moves out of the way, pulling Kifah closer to him to move both out of the way. As soon as Savith and Larias pass, he takes a deep breath, summoning up mental acumen.

Kifah has no problem with getting out of Larias way, she's even a good girl and doesn't trip the ground bound female, mostly because she's expecting. Snuggled up against her mate she tries to forget the woes of reality for a moment, seeking through sending to ease Kureel's mind for a short while.

Savith's Chambers, Hall of the Chosen, Blue Mountain
A feeling of magic resonates about the chamber, a shapers touch having recently graced the room. A stone chandelier is centered on the ceiling, several candles set to burn and illuminate the room. Hanging from the chandelier are several small pieces of metal, polished so as to brightly reflect the light from the candles above. A patchwork ravvit fur ground covering is on the floor, colors ranging from tawny blonde, to golden, to a rich deep brown. Around the fur covering, are several large sitting pillows, each one matchnig one of the shades in the center pillow, one which is made of roe deer skin, a soft brown, striped faintly with gold.
Along one wall a stone table has been erected as has a bench, a pitcher and tray set out, though both are commonly empty. Hung against the far wall of the room, is a circular decoration. It appears to be made entirely of leather and ravvit fur, soft browns , again with a touch of gold. Within the circle, strands of sinew create a webbed pattern, in which small beads made of bone are tied. From these beads, strings of leather fall, almost brushing the floor, the ends tipped in more beads, feathers, and fur. Two wall sconces shaped to either side, illuminate the strange
piece of art work. One small corner of the room has been curtained off from the rest, the curtain matching the color scheme of golds, yellows and browns, with fine needlework
decorating the light weight leather. Images of great hawks, wolves, ravvits and a myriad of other creatures has been embroidered onto the piece. A small corner of
the bed and platform peeks out from behind the curtain, covered in new blankets and pillows, again the coloring the natural golds and browns of doe skin, set to match the rest of the room.
All in all, this Chosen's room has come to resemble a wolfriders den more than a chamber of the Mountain.

Savith follows closely behind Larias, almost as if herding her to their nest. But once there, the self-assured silent anger fades, replaced by the readiness fo ra good throttling. Okay Larias. Hit me.

But as Larias so often does, Savith's best laid plans are rent to shreds by her, even if she doesn't mean to. The whole way, her bare feet slapped hard against the stone, and when she moved to the curtain to enter the room, she nearly tore it from the rod that holds it in place. Once inside, she grabbed a goblet or pitcher, whatever was on the table, and flung it against the far wall. Once it clattered to the ground, she herself sat down hard, right there on the floor, holding her head in her hands. Tantrum over, reality sinking in.

Savith turns to make sure the curtain doesn't fall completely, only to flinch as the goblet hits the far wall. Turning, the last of Larias's emotions hit him like a tornado, and he can't help but drift over, dropping to his knees at Larias's side. Hesitantly he asks, "Larias?"

Larias looks up, her eyes reflecting the turmoil in her soul, all of which he can feel should he chose to. She lifts one hand, holding her palm to her head, fingers twined in her hair, "I can't keep doing this Savith." Her voice cracks, giving her reason to pause in her speaking. "Tsoran, Raven, Kifah... I can't take them, this" at the word this, her hand touches her stomach, and with that touch, the uncertainty, for she still doesn't know who's it is.

OH, Savith can feel it, feel it all. That gain on the Larias-o-phone is hitting feedback levels. The uncertainity, the turmoil.. it makes Savith lean forward and collect her up in a hug. "Ants eat their eyes," he curses softly. "I don't care who's it is. They can try to give you doubt, but that's all it is. doubt. And it is born and bred of jealousy. We are mates, a matched set. Together, we're not alone, and
they know it. So be deaf to them." Oh! He's shaking!

How odd, she's flipped her switch to nutso, and Savith is the one shaking, leaving Larias suddenly on the other side, with his arms about her, tears threatening, her hands reach up and around him in a quick embrace, only for one hand to fall away so the can try and brush through what hair she can (he did put the helm back on, right?). "I should just stay here, forever. Never leave this chamber, Only have to see you, talk to you. They'd not be able to incense me if I never saw them again." ANd that would be better for Savith, right? No loony mate, rooms always cleaned
- the ultimate homebody *snicker*

Hey. DOn't snicker! That's EXACLY what went through Savith's mind. Force you to stay home and then no one would bug you. But he's shaking more out of overloading emotions. "You know you can't do that. Sure, it'd be easy but.." ANd he grins. "We never take the easy road, do we?"

Larias hehs, her head falling so that it leans against the top his shoulder, "No.. no we don't. Not in our way, always have to do it the hard and impossible way. Always have to scratch, tooth and claw to get where we should be." Her voice drops a notch, "Only for me to lose it, and send us back to where we started from all over again." She leans back at that moment, not quite pulling away, "I just can't take the baiting, Kureel, I was used to, but Kifah..." Her head shakes, that is one thing she almost regrets, causing Kifah hurt in all this. It was never her intention to nearly kill Kureel, no, her intention was to nearly kill Tsoran, not that that is much better.

Savith hugs Larias to him, still quivering deep down. Of course, the wet uniform and cold stone floor aint helping. "She's upset about what you did to Kureel, is all. She doesn't understand, as I do, why you did as you did. Plus you'll be twice a mother, and she nothing. It urks her that her mate has Recognized another." Eyes growing distant, Savith's brows draw together. "I can only hope that for her sake, and Kureel's, WInnowill sees the child given to them, so at least it would be hers to rear." You know. Of course, WInnowill might be able to do more, but hey, it's all good.

Larias lets out a bit of a choked sound, "For all I know, this one may as well be given to Kifah and Kureel to raise." Her head shakes back and forth, "No.. no that's not true. I.. I don't think it is. My head, it hurts so much sometimes, I don't remember everything the way I should." She clings to her mate, resting her head against him again, "I.. I stayed away longer this time. I kept my mind to myself longer this time. That's better, right? I'm doing better?" Not perfect, just better...

Savith nods as he brushes back some hair. Yeah, he put on his helmet but still that lock of hair, the one curl pokes out. "Yes, you're doing better. Much
better. I'm sorry about hte headaches. I know. I feel sometimes. I wish... I wish I could do something..."

*"It'll be over soon, right? Only another turn, and then.. it'll be over." The pregnancy she means of course, that much of uncertainty will be finished. Larias thunks her head against Savith's shoulder, "If.. if it.. if she looks, like Kureel, should.. what should I, we do?"

That actually makes Savith chuckle. "She won't. You were already pregant when that happened." **Remember,** he prompts, bringing forth that happy memory of when you told him. 'I'm... we're going to have another.' That was the BEST! Forget all this
worrying over who's it is. JUst look at the facts. It ain't Kureel's, and therefore can't be Tsoran's. I mean, really. Bun was in the oven just after she returned from outside. Which means.... maybe someone from outside, but then no one would be able to say WHO she looks like, right?

Larias throws her arms around Savith bowling him over as she launches into a big bear style hug, her eyes squeezed shut for an entirely different reason than before. ** Actually, I had forgotten, so many seem to say so many different things, its all.. gotten confused for me. ** And the headaches of course don't

Savith topples over as Larias barrals into him. "oof," but the sound is happy, and he's smiling. **You'd forget everything, wouldn't you,** he quips, teasing lightly, more relaxed now that he has been in a while. **If I wasn't here.** Heehee... **Like the fact that i"m soaked! COme on. Let me up so I can dry off and we can go to bed.**

Finally, a lighthearted sound escapes from Larias as she takes a few moments to lay atop her mate, its not such a bad place to be. Leaning down, she rubs her nose against his in a quick nuzzle before rising just enough to pull blankets off the nearby bed, and down atop the pair. "You don't need to get up to go to bed." She grins, as the blankets fall in his face, but quickly she gets them set up, "If you need to get undressed, you can do so under the covers, with me." Fight and make up, what better way to end a day. "Though, you'll have to brush the lights out with

"I can do that," comes the lighthearted reply, as a full smile blooms to life. And out go the lights on the now happy couple.