Thursday, September 30, 2004

More to Yeyeen

Logfile from Two Moons - Savith.

Waterfall - Surface - Raft Holt
The waterfall towers before you, the surroundings so magnificent, everything coming together in perfect harmony here. When the daystar is up, the mist created by the water flowing down into the big pool at the base, create a faint image of a rainbow. A cliff juts out just by the waterfall - vines dangles down from a tree on the very edge, the grass thick and green up there. The sounds of the water rushing into the pool dominate the area, a crescendo that carries out into the jungles. The pool is naturally formed, a big oval shaped edging, a big stream running into the trees, heading for the ocean. A ledge, wide enough for an elf or wolf to pass has been pulled from the cliff face. It runs along it heading behind the crashing waterfall. The grass is thick and lush surrounding the pool, a few rocks and boulders closer to the very base of the waterfall provides perfect seating. Wildlife tend to drift this way, across the pool one can catch a glimpse of some creature wanting a fresh drink. The whole place is open, lined only by the trees which leads deeper into the forests, a path can be seen there.
Dusk has arrived and with it, the purples and golds that light the sky in a warm embrace. The daystar is near to falling out of sight.

Winddance> Silverstorm wades up on the beach, water droplets trickling down her body.

Winddance> Winddance is perched upon the cliffs, preening a wing.

Winddance> Silverstorm peers up at the giant bird, slightly nervous at its presence.

Winddance> Winddance seems gentle and nonthreatening.... then again, she is a big bird.

Raft Beach - Shoreline - Raft Holt(#10028RDJLSa)
Truly magnificent and unique in its beauty, Rafter's beach unfolds before you. The sand is soft yellow, verging on golden, patterns of black sand trickling through the monotone coloring. The soft rushes of the waves playing upon the beach is accompanied by the light breeze which stream through the palm trees further into the cove. There you have it, rising up on either side is majestic cliffs with reefs and rocks underneath. The cliffs rise further, forming a lush green ridge formed as a giant U, which surrounds this secluded area. At the mouth of the U, there is only blue-green ocean to be seen with exception of the tribal gathering raft dipping on the waves.
Dusk has arrived and with it, the purples and golds that light the sky in a warm embrace. The daystar is near to falling out of sight.

Silverstorm's observation of the big bird is diverted by the arrival of the glider. "Hello." she says, looking up to meet his gaze.

NightSky flutters his wings cautiously, his beak opening a smidgen.. danger... strange elf nearby.

Savith comes in from the beach, glancing up as he's noticed. **Greetings,** he sends softly toward the raft holter, while near Nightsky, WInddance flutters a bit: Save me?

Silverstorm hears the flutter of wings and glances out of the corner of her eye at Nightsky. **Are those your birds?** She sends gesturing up at the hawks. There is simple curiousity in the send, nothing more.

"One is," Savith replies as he floats close enough to Silverstorm that voice may carry to her ears. "THe other belongs to my Brother." He pauses a moment, then adds, "We are here hunting for manytooth, as was allowed by your Chieftain Firewater."

Silverstorm nods. She knew some of her tribesmates were at Blue Mountain, but when they left, she'd been busy. Now was her chance to rejoin her people and see someplace new. "Are you heading back to Blue Mountain immediately after you're done hunting?"

NightSky settles as Savith nears.. its 'not-quite' master! He digs at his flanks with his beak, picking out an irritant.

A single brow lifts at Silverstorm's words, though the CHosen replies truthfully, "We are." And nothing more is offered as he settles upon the sand upon a silent ripple of magic.

At Nightsky's side, Winddance turns back to preening her feathers, pulling at them with beak and tongue, fluttering and puffing up against Nightsky.

Silverstorm frowns slightly at his brief answer, and then tries again. "Could I perhaps go with you when you leave?" She remains standing, not having the bonus of a cushion of air.

Savith's eyes flicker a moment, the green chilling before he replies, "We are, unfortunately, unable to bring another elf with us when we return, for we hope to be as ladened with manytooth as our bonds can carry." Again there is a moment's pause before he adds, "I can, however, bare a message to your chieftain. Should he require your immediate presence, mayhap My Lord will dispatch a Chosen to collect you."

You locksend to Kureel, Savith reports in, Silverstorm's last pose, followed by Savith's answer. Enjoy!

Kureel locksends ** Another stray raft elf following you about Brother? Are you certain you mother did not sew trout into your jumpsuit? **

Silverstorm sighs. She was afraid that would be the answer.

Silverstorm says "Alright, I understand."

Silverstorm doesn't think her chief will need her, but there is a little bit of hope. At least this snobbish glider could carry a message.

Savith grins lightly at something as his eyes flicker once more, then he speaks aloud, "I do apologize, cousin, but food is of the utmost importance, as our home must now supply for far more than it was ever intended to. Please, your message."

You locksend to Kureel, Savith snorts at that, though he too sees the humor in that. **No, Brother, I don't think she did, though I do still think she makes your undersuits too tight for you!**

Silverstorm shrugs. "Just tell him that 'Silverstorm regrets not coming along when she got the chance and wishes to amend that by coming as soon as possible."

Savith nods to that, replying, "I shall be your voice to your chieftain." And he continues to survey the elfess.

You sense in a locksend, Kureel snorts mentally. **Simply more that the material needs to fit, Brother.**

NightSky flutters in annoyance, his eyes on Savith... some sort of derision is held there, a connection to his Master.

While Winddance doesn't seem the wiser, turning to pull at some of Nightsky's feathers gently.

Silverstorm has disconnected.

Later that night...

Yeyeen stands in the surf, void of clothing as she baths in the cold ocean water, washing away the blood and sweat of the days hunt. Her skin is slightly reddened on her face and neck from the unforgiving glare off the water as she splashes water over her skeletal form. On the beach a fire burns, with her uniform resting nearby to dry and a hunk of manytooth steak sizzling over the heat.

Savith floats in with a small backpack in his hands. Spotting the uniform and the too thin elfess, he sends. **Clear skies, Sister. Have you seasoned the meat yet?** Hidden under those words are the feelings of being hot and itchy from sand too.

Yeyeen sends back tiredly, a sense of near bliss at the cold water reaching into her thoughts. *Clear skies. A little. Season it to your tastes, Brother.** She continues to wash when she giggles suddenly and swats at the water.

Savith nods, sending a wordless acknowledgement to that as he sets his pack down to rummage through it. A moment later, he comes up with his spice baggie and begins sprinkling the powders and herbs upon the hunka hunka fish. Hearing the giggle and the slap, he glances over, **Having fun?** Mind company?

Yeyeen sends back, her tone light with near laughter. **The water is wonderful Brother. And the high ones know you need a bath. Beware the small fish however...they tickle.**

Savith smirks faintly, setting his spice supplies down to move toward the water. **And my uniform needs a washing. High ones know the fit Mother will throw if I come home with /another/ shredded uniform.** Ah, the humor. Savith is far too rough on his clothing some days.

Yeyeen releases her chosen's bun with a mental thought and dunks herself under the water. She surfaces, her long hair streaming behind her in the moonlight before she turns. **You mother still dresses.....** she cuts herself off, the thought teasing, yet biting towards the end. Perhaps she's just too tired to point and counter-point tonight.

**Then Mother still dresses /you/ as well, Sister,** Savith rebuffs, dropping helm and talonwhip to the sand just beyond the water's reach before he floats up to pull the boots off as well. After all, his mother's the seamtress in the mountain. She makes EVERYONE'S uniform! :P

Yeyeen stretchs her neck forward as her hair is pulled straight by the gift of her magic and starts to braid itself down her back. She doesn't respond to Savith's barb, instead choosing to change the subject. **Do you think we'll hunt again tomorrow, or just pack and go?** she sends, hoping more for the second than the first.

Point, Savith. He can't help but grin lightly at that as he makes his way into the water by his Sister. **If Kureel thinks we have enough, we'll pack and leave. If he thinks we carry one more, we'll probably head out after that. -gasp-** The gasp is both mental and physical as the cold waters touch his skin. **This is cold.**

Yeyeen smiles triumphantly at her fellow Choosen, have left that particular feeling out of her sends. **Refreshing, isn't it?** she teases softly, before suppressing another giggle and swatting at the water. **We have nearly more than the birds can carry, I think. And I'm already having to ride back with you. Hopefully our Brother's need to return quickly will win out.**

Savith should've figured how cold it was by the pebbles on Yeyeen's chest. ;P He drops into the water fully, up to his head while pulling his uniform off. **I do think we'll have load your bird midflight.**

Yeyeen sighs and splashes some of the chilled water onto her face before floating up and out of the waves. **This is a good hunting spot** she sends. **I've never hunted manytooth's before. It has been a learning experince.** What's this? An admittance of weakness? She must be tired.

Or sick in the head. Breaking the surface, Savith looks up at his sister, floating the uniform up toward her. **Mind setting this by yours to dry,** he asks, mind twinging with a bit of concern.

Yeyeen glances at the uniform and raises an eyebrow in slight contempt before she grabs ahold of the garment and floats back to the shore to lie stretched out near hers. The elfess hangs suspended above the waves, letting the water drip from her frame before she starts pushing the droplets from her skin. **Do not worry for me, Brother.** she sends sharply. Okay, olive branch extended.....sort retracted, broken, stomed on, and tossed into the fire.

Savith rolls his eyes slightly, washing away the grime of the day quickly. **A Chosen must worry for all in the mountain, Yeyeen, especially his fellow Chosen,** he remarks coolly before floating up to dry by his sister. AHA! But what you didn't know was that the olive branch was made of stone! BUWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!

Yeyeen snorts at that, her face twisting slightly in disbelif. The tone of her send is wistfull, however, as if she once belived that might have been true. The bitterness of broken dreams flits in as well before being tightly wound up and put away. **Of course, Brother. Ours is the duty to care for the mountain.**

Savith can't help but bring his brows together at that, but forces himself not to comment on it. Rather, he too begins pressing the water from his skin, in slow dilebrate motions. **As well as those of the Mountain, whom may have forgotten,** he adds softly, the touch of his mind as ginger as one's hand over a deep bone bruise.

Yeyeen glances at her fellow chosen a moment sideways, studying him as if trying to figure him out. She shivers, and turns to float back to the fire. **I didn't know the mountain forgot.** she states coldly as she comes to rest near the fire and actually settles onto her sleeping roll instead of floating above it as usual. **The waters here must have stange effects on elves.** she comments dryly. Yeah, thats it. Blame the nice innocent water.

YEAH! What it ever do to you!? Huh? Savith moves over, floating a blanket up to himself to wrap up in before settling down by the fire to warm and dry. **The Mountain doesn't,** he replies. **But sometimes we do.** We, meaning elves in general. Like Larias. The thought makes him sigh and look up toward the mountain that can not be seen. Oh, how he misses her.

Yeyeen glances at the elf for what seems the umpthteen time tonight and shakes her head. **You surprise me Brother.** she sends without the hint of mischeviousness or malice. **I wonder how you survive with how open you seem to leave yourself.**

Savith looks over, smirking lightly, **Very carefully.** Not much of a retort, but then again, Savith has...changed. He sighs again, looking into the fire, growing silent.

Yeyeen stares too into the fire in silence for a while before standing with her knife drawn. For a moment, in the darkness and shadows of the flickering firelight she seems hostile as she looms over the sitting elf, but only for a moment as she steps past and starts to cut a hunk from the cooking steak. **Hunrgy?** she asks serenely, casting doubts as to if that moment ever existed.

Savith never had any fear. Mostly because he was too busy picturing his soulmate in those dancing flames. "Hmmm," he vocalizes questioningly, lifting his gaze to Yeyeen and the shark meat. **Please,** he replies, nodding and letting that sense of hunger drift from him, but only the physical tummy hunger. Not that OTHER hunger.

Yeyeen cuts the hunk free and floats it over to the sitting elf. **Careful. It's very hot.** she teases lightly, as if the elf couldn't see that a sizzling hunk of meat fresh off the fire is hot.

Maybe he couldn't, for before the warning Savith was reaching for it with his hand. Moss colored eyes flick up to Yeyeen as she warns him and his gift ripples to the meat to collect it from the air instead of those vulnerable bare fingers. He nods, wordlessly sending his thanks, before adding over that with words, **I brought a bottle of wine, if you want some.**

Yeyeen cuts her own peice free and returns to her blankets, meat floating behind her. **Might as well.** she replies as she settles heavily to the ground. **Though it's likely to put me to sleep.**

**We'll need the rest,** he comments gently, eyes and mind going to the backpack for the small travel bottle he brought with him. **And with all the work I have already done here, no rafter will attack us in our sleep.** Good Chosen. Have a cookie.

Yeyeen blinks a moment, the thought of being attacked her never crossing her mind. She reaches out with her mind a moment, and Stardrifter screechs in response. With a satisfied nod, she turns and starts in on her meal while it's still hot.

While Savith provides the drink. And being attacked here is not so far out of thought. Just ask. It was... interesting, to say the least. Passing the drink, Savith sets to his own meal, eating in silence.