Thursday, January 2, 2003

Playing Games

Logfile from TwoMoons - Savith.

Raft Beach - Shoreline - Raft Holt
Truly magnificent and unique in its beauty, Rafter's beach unfolds before you. The sand is soft yellow, verging on golden, patterns of black sand trickling through the monotone coloring. The soft rushes of the waves playing upon the beach is accompanied by the light breeze which stream through the palm trees further into the cove. There you have it, rising up on either side is majestic cliffs with reefs and rocks underneath. The cliffs rise further, forming a lush green ridge formed as a giant U, which surrounds this secluded area. At the mouth of the U, there is only blue-green ocean to be seen with exception of the tribal gathering raft dipping on the waves.
The beginning of spring has arrived to this tropical land. Those northern birds that have taken refuge here for the winter have begun to leave, only here and there can a dull feather still be found amongst the brighter plumage. Dusk has arrived and with it, the purples and golds that light the sky in a warm embrace. The daystar is near to falling out of sight.

Chosen. Two of them. They've been in the Raft for a few weeks, hunting and smoking shark meat. It's another few weeks, and another glider arrives. He lands his hawk on the cliffs by the shoreline, and glides down to the beach to request a moment of the Chief's time, as well as permission to hunt in Raft Holt waters again. It's after his send rings out, that Savith takes a moment to glance about.

Oh, and the other gliders have left by this time. My bad.

Amber was frolicing with 'funny'(clown> fish and avoiding anemonies. Red curls drift around her face and the small, colorful fish play hide and seek amoung the ringlets. Suddenly she looks up to the surface and rises up with urgency. It's not the need for air so much as ....**Savith!** She shoots up through the surface waves and scans around, blue eyes darting here and there till they find you. She waves in delighted greeting she learned from her father. **My eyes see with joy!**

Savith was clearly not expecting so warm a welcome. After all, it was white cold last time he was here. Amber's tiny send catches him somewhat off guard, and he turns to look. A child? Why does she look so.. High ones! Is that, **Amber,** his mind asks of the young elfess waving and smiling at him. Her eyes... see with joy? He's not sure how her father would react to that, and so, turning to face the child fully, the Chosen claps his hands behind his back, hands holding wrists. And there, he waits, watching.

Amber swims to shore with ease as over the turns she has gained in strength. She seems to slice through the water like a knife. As she rises up out of the waters it is not a toddler's form but that of a cubling rising upwards from a recent growth spurt. Baby fat has long since been replaced by hints of growing muscles, long arms and sometimes awkward legs. This is evidenced when she tripped before reaching you. "Ooof! Darn feet of mine!" She shakes off the sand as she were a wolf and pads happily up to you. **It's great to see you again!**

Savith grins faintly, a tiny crack in that cold demeanor of a shell he wears on his face as teh child trips and falls, only to push herself up again. "It is good to see you as well, Amber, though im ust say, I hardly recognize you. You have grown so much, almost into a little elfess, since last I was here." His hands he keeps behind him, away from child and talonwhip. And though his countance seems cold and aloof, it's his eyes, the soft moss green, that gives him away to the child alone: warmth, fondness, and a touch of whismy.

Amber nods agreeingly to her 'idol's' observation. "Yes, I've been practicing alot so I will be ready when they finally let me go hunting." She decides to mimic you by putting her hands behind her back. Her own eyes express her admiration, delight and awe. "Did you come to play with me again?" Well what do you expect her to think. You always have before. ^_^

Savith blinks a few times. Play with? The stoic Chosen glances side to side briefly. No one's around? Good. Returing his gaze to the child, the grin, faint mischievous twinkle of his eyes and his nod all contradiction his words, "I may not have time to enjoy my stay, for I must only hunt, then return to my home. I will be missed."

Amber leans in closer with a slight bend at the waist as she listens to your every word. Azure eyes gleam with happiness as you nod. She noted the side glances and percieved it to imply a special closeness meant only for her like that of a very special/best friend. With raised eyebrows and a smile on her lips, she replies "You have been missed here. Didn't the other Gliders, that were here before, do enough hunting already?" Obviously like any child she has not grasped the concept of all it takes to maintain a tribe.

Savith glances side to side again, before dropping to a knee, allowing the grin to grow for a moment. "No, we have not, but until your chieftess grants me permission to hunt, there is little I can do," he replies. With a coy half smile and a tilt of his head, he asks, "I've been missed? Odd that is. Most tribes dislike gliders."

Oh that's it! With a grin like that and the fact that you are more at her level now, she can't resist a big hug even if she is still quite damp. As she hugs warmly, she shares her feelings open and honestly as only a child will do. "You are my favorite person to play with next to Mother and Father!" Pulling back again she looks at you and continues with her candid explanations. "Why shouldn't I? We've always had fun. I don't know why others wouldn't if they knew you like I do." Well it seems her wolf blood's tendency to keep her in a NOW frame of mind, despite her partial pure blood, has hidden any recolection of past tensions. She was but a babe then anyway.

Savith rocks backward. An odd moment this is, where it looks like he might fall over, but an invisible hand pushes him back to rights. His fingers clench against his wrists to keep himself from reflexively putting his arms around the child. Rosendo's only a hand or so of turns behind Amber. It's too adorable! When she pulls away enough to look him in the face, Savith chuckles faintly and winks softly. "Then it shall have to be our secret. If everyone knew, they wouldn't let you have any fun with me." Alright, maybe this ISN'T what Winnowill had in mind when she said diplomatic. Oh well.

Amber unclasps her hands and plants them on her practically nonexistant hips. "Sooo what should we do first? Go swimming, flying or play some games?" She pushes back her red curls and tucks them behind her cute pointed ears. Then she furrows her brow as she notices you are /still/ holding your hands behind your back. She leans over as if to look around "Are you holding something behind you, Savith?"

Oh the strength of will it takes to keep from laughing at the cute cubling. So this is what he has to look forward too? The future IS bright! Keeping his hands behind his back, Savith's grin fades into something only a fraction more serious as he replies. "I don't think flying is a good idea right now..." His words fade as she leans forward to look around his back. Something behind...? Oh! And once again that grin appears as he replies with a soft chuckle, "Ah, nothing."

Amber looked almost disappointed when it was revealed that you weren't hiding anything. "Oh prickle fish! I thought you brought me something." Oh clearly the child is quite possibly doted(sp?) on a tad much not only by you but everyone else too. The pipling drops to her knees and tugs free her pouch from her belt. "I have some games. Do you want to play dice or guess tiles?"

Savith slowly uncoils his hands from behind his back as he moves to sit on the ground in front of Amber. Whew. This shouldn't get him into too much trouble. "What are guess tiles," the Chosen asks as he settles to the sand.

Amber rummages through her belongings and one by one draws out about a dozen tiles. She shows you that there are pairs of matching tiles depicting different types of shells. "You turn them face over and mix them around see..." She smiles up at you. "You want to go first?"

Savith tilts his head to one side as Amber brings out the tiles. A memory game? His lips purse faintly as he placed his hands on his knees, shrugging faintly. "I'm afriad I don't know the rules. You'll have to teach me."

Amber mimics you again with a tilt of her head and seems a bit surprised. "No one ever taught you how when you were little, Savith?" Reaching for a tile she shows you. "I turn one tile over and then try to find it's match...." She turns the tiles back over after she finishes explaining. "There now you try."

Savith sits across from Amber, in the sand on the beach. A big bad Chosen in uniform, helmet and wicked talonwhip and everything, sitting cross-legged with his hands on his knees learning to play Guess Tiles from a Raft Holt Cubling. Wonders will never cease. As she explains part of the rules, his green eyes study the backs of the tiles, wondering which to pick. The game seems so simple as he slowly reaches out a hand to turn one over. "No," he replies moving to flip over another. "No one ever taught me this game. Hmm.. Not a match. I turn them back and let you go, yes?" He glances up at Amber, checking to see if he has this right.
Out in the sea, a wave rolls in, charging up the beach, to recede some half an elf-length from where the pair sit.

Amber nods "Uhhuh..that's it. Now the trick is to remember where you last saw them in case you turn up a match for them later." There she sits in small, innocent contrast to the great Glider as if it were as common as birds in the sky and fish in the sea. Her blue eyes twinkle as the second tile she turns over is a match for one you had previously turned. She turns them over and grins widely, hoping you don't remember.

Savith keeps a nice straight face as he spots the pair. Ah. It is a memory game. Modified, this could be of great use to his son. When the turn becomes his, Savith reaches out, moving slowly still, as if to not cause alarm, and turns over the matching pairs. "Like this," he asks, again lifting his eyes to Amber. "And the turn is yours?"

Amber 's shoulders slump a bit as Savith gets the first pair, but she remains smiling because regardless she is very happy for him. "Yes, just like that, Savith. No, you get to go again since you got the match." She props her chin in her hands with her elbows on her knees to watch and see if Savith will find anymore.

Before the Chosen can make his move, there is another crash of waves, this one coming perilously close to the elves before retreating as if called reluctantly to heel. A peal of silvery laughter comes from the water and a pip emerges, dripping wet. She flicks hair out of her face with an impatient toss of a head. "Amber!" She waves, running to the water's edge, calling, "I brought back something for the cookpot!" Spotting the stranger with her friend, she pauses and goes still. "Who are you?"

Wakua comes floating in fro the Camp Area and yawns widely before smoothing out her dress. She spots Savith with Amber and a new elf she hasn't met before. The watershaper floats forward nods to Savith, ** Clear skies Savith. ** She smiles at Amber, ** Calm waters Amber. ** Wakua nods to the new elf, ** I'm Wakua the Watershaper from the Mountain. **

Savith lifts his gaze from the tiles in the sand at the second bright voice. Another cubling? He must attract them as flowers attract the bees. About to reach out for the tiles again, the Chosen halts, his entire form growing still. His moss-colored eyes study the second child a moment before he replies in a quiet voice. "My name is Savith. I am visiting from Blue Mounntain," he replies just before Wakua enters. At the mountain-greeting, the Chosen flicks his eyes toward the shaper, replying. **Yes, they are clear,** he sends flatly.

Amber sits up straight and looks around, already recognizing the voice of her playmate. Vigorously she waves back to her friend. Amber looks to Savith as he makes his own introductions. Then with the grin to Caprice "See?? I've been telling you all about him and you didn't believe me." Amber gestures to Caprice. "Come on over. It's alright. What did you get?" She is just a little jealous about the older piplings hunting success.
Amber waves to Waku and beams while waiting for Caprice to join them.

Caprice stands with the surf frothing around her ankles and doesn't look like she intends to join them. She's watching Savith and the new elf intently. The look isn't friendly nor is it hostile. "The flying elves," she confirms to Amber softly. She sends privately to her playmate, turning abruptly on her heel. As she walks back into the water, a disturbance can be seen on the waves. She slips underwater and out of sight. The disturbance coaleses into a miniature whirlpool. Silver tails and fins flick on the water surface. The whirlpool obediently trails after the elusive pip.

Wakua floats over in her dress that is totally in appropraite for the beach, but it's all she has, ** I a surprised to see you here Savith, come to check up on me? ** She asks with a hint of a smile and beams at the two children and definately likes the Raft so far. So many children running around. Maybe some will rub off on Wakua. Wakua blinks at the second child as she watches when she gets into water, ** Child please come back. ** She looks to Amber, ** Who was that? **

Savith watches the child disappear, saying and doing nothing to stop the child's leave taking. He knows that any action would be misinterpretted by the tribe, and so simply watches the child. Amber's little showing-off of him gains a quirked brow but little else. It is Wakua's send that has the Chosen answering, his eyes returning to the tiles in the sand. **No. I've come to hunt,** he sends simply, mind flat as usual. Two unmatching shells, and Savith returns them to face down, his hand moving slowly back to his knee. "Your turn," he says to Amber, green eyes flicking up to the child.

The shift in Savith's demeanor does not escape Amber entirely. She holds Savith's gaze a moment before looking down to turn up two tiles that also do not match. She makes sure Savith got to see them before turning them back over.

Amber locksends ** What's the matter, Savith? Don't you like her? She was nice to me the other day. **

Wakua nods to Amber, ** Where does she come from? ** She looks to where Caprice went to and then look back to Savith and Amber, ** What is this? ** Wakua floats over to them and floats in the air with her legs tucked under her.

Savith did indeed see the tiles, his mind memorizing them. But he is playing against a child, and so, instead of immediately moving for the next pair, he reachs for one of the match, then a tile just next to it, one that hasn't yet been seen. He falls silent, returning his hand to his knee.

You locksend to Amber, Savith's mind is reserved, tense, and wary. **That is not something I think I can answer honestly.** Clearly, it is the water shaper that is the cause of such reservations within the Chosen.

Amber gets a giddy amount of tension as she thinks Savith will get another pair. Good! She reaches out and claims the next pair and the next. Puckernuts! The next two do not match but possibly she saw there matches elsewhere. "We are playing Guess tiles, Wakua." She pats the sand beside her inviting the elder elfess to sit with her.
Wakua nods, ** I see. ** She moves over to sit near Amber, but not on the ground, up in the air.

Savith, however, is plopped down in the sand with the child, his hand reaching out to turn over a pair, then two other random pieces. His attention, however, is partially on Wakua now, as his eyes flcik toward her once, then returning to the game he's playing with the child.

Amber acting like an eager wolf pup after a ravvit, grabs up one pair and then the other. She beams rather proud of herself for beating the wise and cunning Glider male. "I win!" Then she counts how many pieces she has and realizes the both of you each have half. "Well I win because I got the last pair." Smiling, she asks both of you, "So what do you think of the game?"

Wakua smiles at Amber, ** Good job child. It looks to be an interesting game. **

Savith straightens as Amber wins the first game. "So you do," he replies, forcing a grin to his features. Oh, but how fake it is. "It was quite amusing. If you wish to play again, I would not object."
Amber shakes her head. "Lets play some dice." The pipling looks to Wakua. "How about you play with us this time?" Her eyes watch the two of you. She doesn't understand the tensions, but hopes it changes because she likes you both.

Wakua smiles as she brushes some none existant sand off her dress, ** I would like to play, if that is all right with Savith. ** There is no tension between her and Savith at least not any more. That little Cage incident has been forgiven, although not forgotten.

Amber starts picking up the tiles and tucks them back into her pouch. She pulls out three dice and gives one to each of you. "This is simple. Highest wins. We each take turns rolling."

Savith turns his gaze to Wakua, face unsmiling and cold. As Amber holds out the small stone, he slowly reaches out to take it. He studies it a moment, then sets it upon the sand before slowly moving to get to his feet. "Perhaps another time," he states brushing sand from the pants of his uniform.

You locksend ** My apologies, Amber, but as I stated eariler, playing such as this was our secret. ** to Amber.

Wakua nods to Savith and smiles at him, ** Do you have to go Savith? **

Amber looks confused as she watches Savith rise up. Her little mouth falls open and her lashes blink. It 'seems' she is speachless. The pipling looks from Savith to Wakua and then to watch Savith's back as he departs. Well what started out joyful has turned a somber tune.

You sense in a locksend, Amber feels sad and very worried you are mad at her. **I'm sorry Savith **

Savith fights to smile at Wakua, the expression heartless and cruel. "Yes," he says aloud. "There is much to do before I hunt." And with that, he lifts from the ground, headed for his bondbird, a parting locksend to Amber as he goes.

You locksend ** But perhaps later, we can play again,** he sends, only to feel guilty that he made you feel bad. Its for that reason he works to get a sense of lightheartness to his send, adding, **After all, I must find you a suitable present for teaching me that game. ** to Amber.

Wakua nods to Savith, ** Have a good flight and good hunt. ** She looks to Amber, ** I'd be happy to continue the game with you. **

Amber smiles as lighter news eases her worries. She tilts her head and smiles as Wakua offers to play with her for now. "Alright. Have you played with dice before?"

Wakua shakes her head, ** No I have not played before. **

Amber turns the die over and shows Wakua the differnt number symbols. "You roll and hope you turn up a higher number than mine. Best out of three tries wins."

Wakua ahs a little and has never seen a number symbols, ** Those are an interesting. Who would have thought that?" The takes the dice and rolls.

Wakua hmms, ** Which one does that mean again? **

Amber tilts her head back a bit. "Ahhh you win! One for you zero for me."

Wakua nods to Amber and chuckles, ** I see. **

Amber shakes her die vigorously and tosses with zeal. She makes her curls jiggle around her ears as she does so.

Amber rolls a die with numbers between 1 and 6, and it comes up with a 5!

Amber grins brightly at you now and waits.

Wakua hmms a little as she picks up her die and begins to shake it before she tosses it.

Wakua rolls a die with numbers between 1 and 6, and it comes up with a 4!

Amber sings merrily "One for me~and~One for you! Now we see who comes out on top!" The cubling leans over and nudges Wakua playfully before making her last roll.

Wakua nods to Amber and smiles, ** All right, what does the winner get? ** She starts to shake her die.

Amber rolls a die with numbers between 1 and 6, and it comes up with a 1!

Wakua rolls a die with numbers between 1 and 6, and it comes up with a 3!

Amber hadn't been asked that before, but the answer seems logical to her. "You get to be the Winner that's what you get silly" Seeing the results of the tosses she gives you a lopsided grin. "See? You are the winner!"

Wakua ahs and nods, ** So I am. ** She smiles, ** Shall we play again or another game? **

Amber considers her die and then plops it into her pouch. "I'm getting hungry and I want to go see what mother is doing."

Amber hugs Wakua before heading off. "Thanks Wakua. See you later."

Wakua hugs Amber back, "Bye Amber."

Amber strolls off back towards the caverns.