Thursday, May 27, 2004

Message Delivered

THURSDAY, MAY 27, 2004

Logfile from Two Moons - Savith.

Raft Beach - Camp Area - Raft Holt
Beach and forest meets here, and the place is cleared for tents and other forms of shelter. Straight north, you have cliffs stooping down to sharp impassible reefs. Boulders dot the beach there, all the way back to the forest. The beach holds the same characteristic patterns here, as it does all over. White sand with trickles of black. Here, one can enjoy the shades of the palms and coconut trees, or play in the shallows of the water.
The longest part of the day has arrived, bringing with it the brightness of the daystar high over head.

Savith arrived near dusk two days ago. His bird is perched upon the cliff, and he even sent a message along with Streak, that it was urgent he speak with the tribe's chief. Since then, it's been a waiting game. As dawn nears, he wakes, having slept against his bond bird. Not the most comfortable place to rest, but rest it was, and the Chosen stands, folding his blankets and tucking them away, chirping and clicking to Winddance, back to the beach below.

The Chief must be a busy man indeed, because it has taken him this long to actually take the time, it would seem. Not usual, considering the Raft in general are usually quite eager to meet their Mountain visitors. Now though, he makes his way up towards the camp area, trident in hand. The bird and accompanying elf is not hard to spot, so it is a straight line he makes towards you. ** Fair tides, Savith. ** he greets the by now familiar face. He isn't quite his smiling self these days, though.

Ah. Finally. Savith looks over his shoulder before turning fully to face the chief. **Clear skies, Chief Firewater,** he replies. **I bring a message from My Lord Winnowill, of Blue Moutain, meant for you and you alone.** And it's right down to business.

** I see. ** Firewater sends, giving a faint nod of his head. Glancing around, he gives a wave of his hand towards the firepit and the driftwood logs left out as seating place there. Switching to private sending smoothly, he moves towards them himself, waiting for you to follow. ** What message does Lord Winnowill have? ** He can be business too, see.

Savith leaves his bird as he is bid, and flies to the fire pit. Enroute, a locksend drifts from his mind. By the time he has settled, Savith's eyes have gone flat and emotionless. IN a send locked to Firewater's mind, the touch of Savith's mind, mingled with His Lord's conveys the message, **My Lord... I, request that you, Chieftain of Raft, and any magic users and able-bodied elves you can spare from your home, travel to Blue Mountain. At the summit, we shall all, all the various tribes from across Two Moons, shall discuss what must be done about a destructive set of twins that have destroyed no less than one elven holt: Grove holt. My Lord feels... I feel... this is a matter that no single tribe or gathering of elves can handle alone.**

Firewater watches your progress over to the firepit with a blank expression, your words seeming to cause no great surprise to him. After a moment's pause to see whether you have more to say, he nods his head ever so slightly. ** Word has reached us, even here, of these elves. Rumors and exaggerations, most of them, but I take it there is truth to the destruction of the Grove, then. I am sorry to hear this is true. ** he sends calmly, still private to your mind alone. ** I cannot say I understand, though. Why would these two wish to spread such devastation? ** All in all, Firewater's tribe is unused to such... random acts of cruelty, even with their ties to the Mountain.

**It is, as of yet, unknown to My Lord, to me, the why of it, ** Savith/Winnowill replies. **Other tribes are arriving. Can the Mountain count on you, Firewater, Chief of Raft Holt?** Savith's eyes seem to glitter... glitter an odd odd blue. A blue that is not normally found within his eyes.

Firewater watches your progress over to the firepit with a blank expression, your words seeming to cause no great surprise to him. After a moment's pause to see whether you have more to say, he nods his head ever so slightly. ** Word has reached us, even here, of these elves. Rumors and exaggerations, most of them, but I take it there is truth to the destruction of the Grove, then. I am sorry to hear this is true. ** he sends calmly, still private to your mind alone. ** I cannot say I understand, though. Why would these two wish to spread such devastation? ** All in all, Firewater's tribe is unused to such... random acts of cruelty, even with their ties to the Mountain.

**It is, as of yet, unknown to My Lord, to me, the why of it, ** Savith/Winnowill replies. **Other tribes are arriving. Can the Mountain count on you, Firewater, Chief of Raft Holt?** Savith's eyes seem to glitter... glitter an odd odd blue. A blue that is not normally found within his eyes.

Ah yes. Firewater goes quiet for a few moments, glancing down at the dormant firepit for a few moments. ** The Raft has not been too... welcome at the Mountain before. There have been complications. If Lord Winnowill can assure us that there will be none this time around, I am certain we will be able to come. ** That precept having been said though, Firewater continues, ** But in principle, the Raft agrees. We will join in whatever effort will be made to stop these twins. **

The Chosen smiles. It's a seductively dark expression, to which his eyes glimmer azure. **You have my personal Promise that no harm will come to /any/ of your tribe, so log as none move to harm any member of my family during their stay,** Savith replies... no. Not Savith. Winnowill. The Dark Lord of Blue Mountain sends through her Chosen, using his mind like a puppet. The feel of her mind strengthens, over powers the feel of Savith's own mind.

The change of sending tone is something that Firewater picks up on, the Chief narrowing his eyes faintly as he nods his head carefully. ** I see. Then we have an accord, as it is. I have business on the mainland as is. We will make our way to the Mountain at the same time. **

Savith nods, eyes still blue. **I have instructed my Chosen, Savith, to bring you or any other you wish to send ahead, on the back of his hawk, so you can inspect the area I have set aside for your tribe's use,** Winnowill replies through the mind of her puppet. **I can not stress enough how little time there is to gather and plan.** The smile fades, the Chosen's expression becoming more business like now that Raft's Aid is secured.

** I am certain we will find an arrangement for that. There is other things we would discuss as well, if there is time at the summit. ** Firewater sends, inclining his head towards the mind-riding Winnowill. ** Until then, Lord Winnowill? **

Again the Chosen nods, smiling a pleased and almost pleasant smile. **Of course, Chief Firewater,** Winnowill replies. **Savith knows what of what we spoke, and will wait two days here for you to inform him if he shall be carrying anyone to mountain.** When the send fades, Savith blinks, his eyes returning to their mossy hue. His shoulders slump and he exhales as if he had been holding his breath for far too long. Whew! That's just freaky...

The stiff smile Firewater returns is momentary, and fades quickly from his lips. By the time Savith seems to be Savith once more, Firewater is already rising to his feet. ** I have other business to attend to. I will see to it that you are given a more proper residence for your time here, as well as food, if you do not wish to hunt yourself. ** Firewater's stiffness is almost tangible, and his sending is a constrained one. Because when it comes to having your mind ridden, Firewater has experience on that part. It cost him three hundred years of memories in the end, and his tribe, until no more than a few hands of turns ago, and as such, this was not the most pleasant of experiences. ** Until later, Savith. ** he sends, giving a faint inclination of his head before turning and moving off.