Tuesday, July 1, 2003

Discussing Recognition

Logfile from TwoMoons - Savith.

Mountainside Garden(#6861RJ)

Obvious exits:

Savith has asked Larias to cover her eyes to lead her to this garden, knowing she wants to be out and about, and doing his best to find any excuse to see it happen. Not, of course, cause he really wants to see her smile or anything, but because a happy mommy means a healthy child, and that's the only important, right?

Though she detested the idea of being led about, Larias eventually, after much prodding, acceded and went along, her eyes tightly shut as requested. A smile did form on her lips as soon as the outdoor air brushed against her, much more compliant to being led wherever it was Savith was bringing her.

Savith drops slowly toward the humans' garden they keep for the spirts they worship. He scouted it out earlier, and found no one about. Landing, he settles Larias down, and then speaks, "Okay. Open."

Like a good glider, Larias does as she is commanded by one of the Chosen. She gasps softly as she looks about, her feet firmly planted on the ground. Inhaling deeply, she manages a smile as the scent of growing things washes over her. "Oh Savith..." she can't even finish speaking, instead, she just has to breathe deeply again, ahh, outside, its truly a wonder isn't it?

Savith was going to not smile, really he was, but Larias's joy floods toward him, forcing a grin. He turns from her to peer over the edge toward the village, to give him his scowl. Ahh.. there. But when he glances back at Larias, he feels her joy again. Oh, this is hard to deal with.

Larias, gasp, is actually leaving foot prints in the snow, where as most gliders wouldn't land in the nasty stuff. However, she doesn't hardly notice, instead she moves to the edges of the garden where the evergreens rise. She plucks one of the needles, inhaling deeply from the broken piece. After a moment, she turns to Savith, "I know, they can be smelle din the Mountain as well.. but, ther isn't anything like their fresh scent." But, he doesn't feel the same way does he? She sighs, flicking the broken needle away.

Oh, he does, but just trying hard to not admit it. At her sigh, Savith says, "ENjoy yourself out here, Larias. If you like the scent, get your fill today."

Larias does something bizarre and completely undoes her braid. If she has to get her fill, then by goly, thats exactly what she's going to do. She caresses needles on the pine once more before returning to the snow covered garden of the Humans. She bends down and scoops up a handful of snow, epsite the chill it brings her hand. Memories spring to the surface, but, just as quickly as she drops the snow back to the ground, they fade back down again, where they're safely tucked away for the moment. Without looking at Savith, she inquires, "I won't be allowed out at all when I start to show, will I?"

Savith just watches Larias, as he once did the wolfrider mothers he lived with. "That has yet to be seen," he replies calmly, doing his best to stay from her mind and emotions without blocking himself away, knowing just what that would cause.

"I'm not sure where the order will come from, either you or Her.. But I am sure, the closer I get, the more likely I won't be seeing the skies or the ground from anywhere but the Aerie." Larias then bends down to pick up one of the abandoned tools of the humans, curious about its construction. As she bends though, she lets out a squeak, not so quickly standing straight up.

Savith gasps and rockets toward her, worried. "What? What happened?" He's doing his best to NOT call Her to check on this aches and pains and so forth.

Larias has her hand on her stomach, her face looking a pale green. "The child," she swallows down some of the nausea, "Hasn't kicked like that before." A dry humorless chuckle, "I suppose he didn't like having his room cramped?"

Savith forcibly refrains from setting a steadying hand on Larias's back, "No, it would seem not. Perhaps you should just float it to your hand from now on, hmm?" His eyes speak volumes, if she dare look or even glance. Worry.

NO, she doesn't dare look. Instead, her eyes are down on the ground, eyeing the primitive hoe. Her gaze is unblinking, and as small beads of perspiration form on her brow (despite the cold), and slowly, the tool rise sup into her grasp. Larias pants somewhat heavily, "It.. is easier said than done it would seem."

Savith smirks and glances over. With almost casual ease, the Chosen, havingmuch more practice at this, summons a rock to his hand. "Practice," he states, then drops the rock, "I dare say you may need it, it the child fies as I fully expect it to."

Larias arches a brow, "Practise?" smirking she continues, "Savith, I should be able to lift myself and 2 others with nothing but a quick glance and the thought. This," she holds up the how, "Isn't so heavy it should cause strain."

Savith tilts his head, looking a touch confused, "Then?"

Larias lets out a frustrated breath, "How should I know? I've not done this before." She heaves the hoe off further into the garden, irritated by her lack of understanding,.

Savith folds his hands over his chest, "Don't get frustrated. Just do it. You'll need the skill." He's certain.

Larias looks at Savith flatly, "How many times have I had my bag simply float behind me. I don't need the skill, its one I already possess." If thats the case, why isn't she lifting anything?

Savith frowns and studies Larias, both with eyes and without. He senses. What /is/ the problem. She's healthy. Filling out as she should. He hasn't ever seen her so robust.

She doe sappear quite healthy doesn't she. A healthy look to her face, features filled out in a way they haven't been in eons, even her color, despite being cooped up in the Mountain, is a healthy shade. Her emotions though, are a turmoil as usual, frustration and anger, at nothing but herself. Irritation, why can't she lift a stupid stick anyway? Larias places a hand to her head, closing her eyes, "Maybe.. I should sit or something..."

Savith nods and watches to make sure she doesn't faint or anything. A though drifts from him, unbidden, **The child...?**

Finds a place she can sit, brushing some of the snow from the ground, lowering herself. Yup, things certainly must be wacky if she's sitting in the snow rather than the air. A hand goe sto her stomach at the question, though she doesn't really need it to tell her, "I think the child is what.. WildSTorm? would have called fussy."

A look of.... something flashes across his face. Hidden underneath is the memory of leaving Wildstorm to her death. "It was Clearlight," he states softly, then crouches by Larias's side. "What do you feel?"

Larias gives Savith an apologetic look, she hadn't thought of the memories which names might bring up. A shrug then, "The child... the child is flitting about my insides like," she can't help but grin, "A mad man, or mad woman.. whichever." Another pause before she continues, "Just feels, makes me feel, heavy."

Savith nods. He's not altogether certain if that's a good thing, but if she's grinning.... He inhales and glances about the garden a moment, forcing those hated memories back into their Cage.

After she's taken the weight off her feet, Larias moves to stand, once again, seeming quite able to float. She shakes her head, puzzled, but her stomach is no longer dancing either, and so she relaxes. Her eyes trail over towards Savith, "I.. didn't mean to stir up unpleasant thoughts."

Savith steadies his gaze on Larias. The green dances about a moment, troubled, before he replies. "I hadn't realized the touch of another soul would bring those memories to my mind again." He pauses then turns his gaze away, "I will try harder to keep them from you."

Larias gliding easily once more, she approaches Savith, her voice about as soft and tender as one could ever hope to get from Larias, "You've shared my memories with me.. I can share yours with you. Perhaps it will make them easier to bear?"

Savith blinks once. A brief moment, he seems to check for any prying minds, then drops to locksend.

You locksend ** What shall I share,** he begins, **from the begining? I had just been Chosen. Eager to prove, She sent me out.** There's the sense that he knew, it was a fool's errand, meant to get him killed. Everyone knew it too. Yet he took it, ever willing to prove himself, that guilt of what he is not plaguing him more then than now, though it is still present. (more) ** to Larias.

You locksend to Larias, Savith shares the emotions involved. **It was whitecold, as now. I found myself in a wood, none too friendly.** From nowhere, the spear that downed him. He didn't even hear. Didn't see. It's an old wound. Long healed. The spear's owner, Clearlight, sprung from the bush, and grabs him roughly, to snarl and insist she know his purpose. But, as eyes met eyes...

You locksend to Larias, Savith's mind ripples the memory. The first time. So much like the last. He shares the full strength of it, holding back only the wolfrider's soulname, though the fericity of her, the wild, can not be denied. **Wildstorm's mother.** The hair tells it. She has her mother's hair. Savith was distraught! Injured, by a wolfrider. And now, forced to mate, with a wolfrider! Clearlight howled for her tribe, sending fast and hard for the healer, and Savith sat in shock.

Larias hovers close by, her eyes closed, full attention given the sent story from her Recognized. No trace of emotion though plays on her face, she's been learning how to school her features once again - its a necessity if one plans on surviving in the Mountain.

You locksend ** I was healed,** he states coldly. Moving forward past the joining, as if it leaves a sour taste in his mouth. **It was gathering berries for Clearlight, she was heavy, halfway toward dropping when...** Softdream enters his mind. A soft, quiet wolfrider, delicate. She, out of the tribe, was trying to give the unbalanced glider the sense of belonging. They reached for the same fruit, at the same time, and again... eyes met eyes. Savith's world was again, torn apart. **Twice, inside a turn.** ** to Larias.

The surprise she feels is easily registered through the connection. Larias had known that Savith had Recognized twice before, but, while one mate was still with cub? ** I didn't know such a thing was possible. **

Savith nods but continues. There is more.

You locksend to Larias, Savith shows the agony. The waiting. The jests. Souldancer. The tribe, in hate, named him that. Than a glider could do what none of them could not. Even Softdream changed, sensing his wariness, sensing his... disguist. Why did he stay? He hoped for a glider. If even one of the two could float, he'd claim the child, and return to the mountain, another glider to be raised as Chosen, to fill the ranks.

Larias's hand moves to her stomach, this child, no doubt it will be a glider in her mind. How could it be anything but? Its parents, likely two of the swiftest i the tribe. You have to be swift, if your to be Chosen.

You locksend ** But it was not to be.** As the children grow in his eyes, neither have gifts, and he himself not so at detecting them as His Lord is. **I had been gone too long. I had to return.** He leaves. Larias's thought intrudes lightly, and another memory seems to intertrude from elsewhere... one that haunts his soul: (**He will fly fast, and he will fly hard, for a glider he is. But I feel no touch of your gift within him.**) Savith shudders from it, and continues with his story. **THey followed.** THose stupid cubs! It was a game to them. And he played with them, leading them on foot for seasons, twisting this way and that, getting them lost. Ever he watched for the gift of flight. And nothing. Finally, disguisted with himself, and sensing His Lord's ire, he flew off, ending his trail, and leaving two cubs, helples, hopeless, alone, in a wood they did not know, and out of sending and howling range from home. **ANd there I left them to perish.** Happy now. That is the pain he feels, the reason he WOULD /not/ allow you from his sight, the reason THIS child will have a mother, its mother, and a father, its father. ** to Larias.

Larias reaches out to touch his Shoulder, her hand halting mid-air before it actually makes contact. How many elves, while she watched over tribes, did she let die, so she could stay hidden from them. Were they her children? Of course not, but though they were beastial, a part of her knew they were elfin kin. Her head turns, stealing a glance away, ahh yes, the garden, built by human hands. "Perhaps... that is one of the reasons I returned early."

Savith opens his eyes, spotting the hand near him. As she recoils, he turns vulnerable eyes to her. "And I'mglad for it, though it was not apart of the trade you made. There was no reason for you do to it."

No reason? Her mind wanders, why did she come back? She was so desperate to be away fom the Mountain, to keep her child away from Winnowill's grasp that she discussed giving up the babe with Savah, Rhentagoth, and Djhala. The thoughts are there, but so is the notion it was something she couldn't do. And Savith, trappe din the Mountain without his bond, how could she do that to him? Yes he offered the bird to leave, that was when she was in danger, not for her to flee after joining. Her eyes remain fastened to the hoe she threw earlier, her voice barely a murmur, "I had my reasons."

"I see," is Savith's stony reply. He too looks at the hoe, then turns to move to the edge. "Inform me when you've had enough fresh air." So vulnerable and open, it takes time to close off again, especially, from so deep a bond as they both share. Now that the bridge is built, his soul and heart feeling bolstered by the lack of loneliness, which is a whole OTHER story, it's hard to set the brdige a light.

Larias closes her eyes a moment, once more breathing deeply, filling her lungs with the precious sweet, though cold, air of the Outside. Once her eyes open, their normally pale blue is stormy, nearly grey. "I.. think I should go back inside." The desire to stay outside mounting, before he can erspond, slowly, ever so slowly, she lifts into the air, beginning a slow journey back into the Aerie.

Savith follows after, moving to keep the distance between them. Memories are so fresh and so raw. He's fighting less tokeep them from her, but mor eto keep them from himself. 'Hope you're happy, Larias,' he thinks, 'I'm miserable.'

Mid-flight, as she pick sup on that thought, Larias halts, frowning, "Happy? No.. I'm not." His memories and hers, fresh in her mind, the desire to be Outside forever strong, but knowing she dare not try and flee this time. Freedom only lies within the Mountain, working around its rules somehow. "I'm about as happy as you are right now."

Savith stops at eyelevel to Larias. He narrows his eyes and finally just points, "Get inside." GAH! ANd out of my head, woman! Honestly!