Thursday, July 31, 2003

Moment with Grandma

Logfile from TwoMoons - Savith.

After a few moments, the Chosen nudges his mother softly, keeping his thoughts soft so as not to waken the now sleeping child, **You still awake?((

Llune relaxes, feeling warm and safe, and as close to comfortable as she's been since she left the mountain, and barely hears savith's Savith's send, murmuring **Yes darling?**

He's about to ask why she came with them, but he's almost sure he doesn't need to know, so instead, he figures now is as good a time as any to prepare her for the return to the mountain, be it next week or in a turn from now. **If I tell you something, can you try to remain calm about it?**

Llune nods sleepily, hearing the words, knowing their meanings, but not really comprehending, in that manner one can only do between sleep and waking.

Savith keeps an arm about Llune, as if protecting her from the horrors of the outside world as he send-whispers, **We must return to the mountain, eventually. When we do, Our Lord will be upset. She will need someone to punish and blame for all this. You must convinence yourself the fault is mine.**

Llune slowly wakes to this thought, rebelling against it **but winnowill was absent - we were forced to seek a healer...** she sends softly

Savith shakes his head softly, **Despite that. It was my own fears than consumed me, and led me to steal a bondbird not my own, kidnap my mother, and a soon to be mother, and endanger all of you by flying cross country to a place where savages gather. There was no way for me to know they would help us. It was just as likely they would of shot us down without a thought. Such a gamble is dangerous. I must take the blame.**

Llune sighs softly, **but these people have been kind - yes, they're rougher than those at the mountain - but we have a different lifestyle, that is all... Everyone is all right, what's the trouble? She should thank us for rescuing the child that is "the future of the mountain," and thanks these savages too.** Her send remains calm throughout, a measured, matter-of-fact gentle tone. **All will be alright.**

Savith sighs as well, no longer humming his lullabye as his son sleeps peacefully. HE does shift, however, to ease the weight on his arm. In the few short days since the birth, Savith's already beginning to notice the cub's growth, and how much heavier he is than he was. **You do not understand, I think,** he almost mutters, **I know things will work out, but I still have need to see you and the others protected. Surely, She will want someone to hang for this. Saved or not, the child has been touched by the Outside.**

Llune would shake her head and pout, if she weren't so warm and sleepy, and didn't want to wake Rosendo **Well, better it be touched by this colorful wilderness than kill itself and it's mother.** She glances at the sleeping babe **Don't you agree?**

Normally, Savith would grumble. Instead, he rolls his eyes toward the sky in a 'why me' fashion and sends, **No, Mother. For your safety, the safety of Rosendo, and Larias, I must disagree.** A bit firmly he sends, **Just agree with me that you were brought here against your will, no matter what you ended up thinking of it now that we're here, and you will live long enough to see Rosendo grown to an adult.**

Llune sighs again **But then I would be lying. I came to help, to keep you and Larias from fighting... I must tell you, I have felt a little useless, since you have been enjoying each other's company...**

**Enjoying,** Savith starts, blinking. Turning his gaze, he glances out for her, then back to his mother, **Please. We are night and day. I've just been fighting to stay diplomatic, at the child's request.** See. He's a good Chosen. Give him a cookie!

Llune nods, not expecting Savith to admit that he hasn't *hated* this time teaching Larias about cublings, **Of course. He is truly a dear little child... But what would Rosendo do without you?**

**Cry,** Savith replies, turning to look at hte child again. A mistake, of course, for the tiny face turns his inner will to goo. **Ceaselessly.** But there's a smile. He can finally raise a child, from start to finish. He hasn't done too badly with Volek, though he's been very firm in reminding the boy that he is NOT the child's father. That the father left the choice to Volek, and that VOlek himself chose to be trained as Chosen.

Llune touches a finger to the cub's cheek, **Yes, probably. Poor Larias...**

Savith's brow draw together. **Poor Larias,** he asks? He watches his mother, the only glider he is more loyal to thatn Winnowill, caress his infant son. Hey! Be careful there, Llune! Don't you know all of Savith's hopes and dreams are in this one tiny elf? **Why poor her?**

Llune sends **well, you're se bent on taking the blame, I'm sure Larias will have a hard time with Rosendo on her own until you've served your time... I'll help all that I can, but there is only so much a grandparent can do..**

Llune gently turns her face up to Savith **you shouldn't be in *that* much trouble, right? I mean, ultimately, this served the mountain better than loosing this child, right?**

Savith sighs and leans his head back. And there's the main concern he's been wrestling with. He vowed to himself, and Larias, that unlike himself, this child will have both parents. But the world has forced his hand. There isn't any other choice. He whispers, **ONly so much. This isn't what I wanted, you know.** Of course she does. She can feel it in him, so used to his moods as she is. Her gentle look is met with the familiar troubled thoughtfulness of Savith, and at her question he turns to look down at his mother, avoiding her eyes as he's done since the first mission he was sent on as Chosen. I don't think he's told her way, either, all things considered. **Yes, I suppose that's true. I guess, there's no point in worrying about it now.**

Llune smiles reassuringly - of course she knows, deep down, on a more instinctual level, his fear and resentment at being cornered into doing the lesser of two evils **You have endured punishment before, for your brash nature...** She moves in the slightest of shrugs, **At the worst, our lord will punish you as a parent punishes a child that scares her. You'll be fine** she nods, as if now everything is all right **but Larias probably will not sleep for weeks!** she send giggles - funny how she still acts like a clueless, innocent young elfess sometimes.

Savith chuckles lightly, though the thought does little to reassure him. **Probably,** he echoes. He understands, better than Llune, that any tortures he'll face, Winnowill is certain to force Larias into feeling through him. He'll be in misery, certainly, but Larias will have it worse of all, for she will have to fight to keep the child from seeing and feeling the pain. Savith shushes Llune softly as the giggles make the child rub at his nose and give a sleepy sigh.

Llune shushes as directed, noting the babe's aborable gurgle, **He is *SO* adorable**

Savith watches the child, starting up the humming again until he stills. Yes, he is, Savith thinks silently, though doesn't give play to those inner thoughts. Ceratinly, one elfess knows them already, but she is off by the pool, brushing her hair and watching the wolfrider guards in silence. Savith can only smile softly, that hint of fatherly pride he was unable to feel for Wolfflame and Wildstorm worming its way into his features. A jibe, cause he can, **Pray he is more stable than his mother.**

Llune she looks seriously back at Savith **could we not stay here until he's old enough to be apart from you? It is truly beautiful, and he would not have to associate with the savages, if that's really what they are...**

Savith gahs softly, the motion disturbing the child, forcing Savith to shush-shush him. **High ones, no. She would fillet me for certain if we did! We stay here only if there is no other option.** Like, the mountain collapsing into dust.

Llune nods, **it was just an idea...** She snuggles into Savi's shoulder again, getting comfortable for sleep, **and you're just as unstable as Larias, you just hide it better... We should pray he has the fashion sense of his grandmother, and neither of you!** she jokes.

Savith rolls his eyes, a smirk on his face. **Oh, go to sleep already,** he exclaims, exasperated, but pleased at the teasing, so like the past between these two. With that, he too closes his eyes and leans back to nap.