Thursday, July 24, 2003

Perilous Journey Begins

Logfile from TwoMoons - Savith.

After poor Savith's duty ends of guarding the empty throne, upon his return to his quarters, to his delight and agitation no doubt, he finds Larias. The pregnant elfess is sitting on the bench by the table, turned sideways so she has enough room to be comfortable. Her elbow is on the table, propping her up as she appears to be catching a short nap as she waits for his return.

Savith pauses a moment, then gets out of uniform. Just removing the helm and talonwhip, and setting them silently on a shelf before he settles before Larias. In a whisper not meant to startle he quips, "Didn't realize my table was so comfortable."

Unfortunately, it does startle, and so, the Larias's head nearly drops to the table before she catches herself, "Hmm? Huh.. what?" Eyes blink rapidly, clearing some of the sleep from them, cheeks hinting at her light embarrassment, she'd not meant to fall asleep after all. "Its not actually..." she pauses briefly in her speech, no sense beating around the bush is there, "What exactly do you have in mind for this unexpected journey?"

Savith purses his lips. "Perhaps you should move to the sitting area," he comments softly, moving to pour himself a goblet of water. His voice lowers, as if concerned it will echo, "Nothing, really. At least, until we're out of casual sending range."

Larias hefts herself upright, looking entirely ill at ease as she does so. Body stretched thin, mind frazzled more than usual, ahh, just like the days before she rid herself of the nightmares with the aide of Savah. So compliant it makes her this time though, and so, doing as told she moves to the sitting area, lowering herself gently onto one of the more comfortable seats. Her own voice as well drops a notch or two, "Why take Llune - she'll go as of right now. But honestly Savith, I don't understand." A light dry, humorless chuckle, "After all it took to get me to willingly be here, and now we leave? With someone who really doesn't wish to.."

Savith pours another goblet and moves to sit by Larias, holding it out to her. Yes, it was quite the feat to get her to return. "Don't think for a moment," he replies, "That this leave taking is permenant. You are not well, I can see and feel it. Winnowill seems preoccupied and has not asked. If she's not interested in the child's wellfare, even as of now, I'll not stay and see you or the hatchling put in danger, simply because she feels too important to check up on us." My! What harsh words. And from a Chosen, no less! He sips his water, eyes growing a bit distance as he tries to keep his cool about it, "At least, with an outside healer, they are willing to help, with out many questions." He glances back over with a weary grin, "Plus you're more comfortable with any of them than Her. Your comfort is important, after all."

The goblet is taken, and so dutifully, Larias actually drinks some. After quenching her thirst, she sets the goblet down on the floor beside her, nodding to Savith's words as she sighs. "And where is it we are going then?" Chuckling softly, "I can't imagine you'd trust Splash with this, nor Zasia from the Underworld." And thus ends the list of Healers Lairas knows, only one of which does she actually trust.

Savith just grins, "And that's where I'll leave it for now." Clearly, he doesn't even want to think it while in the mountain halls. Oh? Someone trying to hide something from his Lord? Bad CHosen! Larias is rubbing off on you! He sips his water, a faint quirk of a brow, "More?"

Larias, with a bit of effort, sends the goblet floating back to Savith, "Please, if you don't mind." Her lips curl upwards at the corner, grinning as she shakes her head, "You'll hang in the hall for this you know... -If- your lucky."

Savith collects the goblet from the air as he stands. He too grins faintly. "IF does all the work in that sentence," he retorts as he brings the pitcher to them. Once in hand, he sits again and refills.

Larias's voice drops into little more than a hushed whisper, "Are you sure Llune should be included in this? And Volek?" Larias shakes her head, nearly ready to speak again, she winces, hand going to rest on her stomach before she does the oh so motherly thing and shushes her unborn child, "Mommy's trying to talk sweetie, you need to hush now."

Savith opens his mouth to reply, but at Larias's soft hushing, he falls silent. Ah... how many times has he seen that? Too many. Yet this time he doesn't grit his teeth at it. Instead, he gives a faint sigh, which he covers with another sip of water. In reply, he whispers, "Volek is tied to me until She declares otherwise. I'm his mentor and parent in that. Where I go, he must go. As for Llune... her inclusion is more for your sake than her own. Her skills with cloth will be useful for a time, and you two seem to be, at least, not going for each other's throats." Plus, it won't give Winnowill someone to use as bait to force any kind of speedy return. These four are the whole of hte family he knows. She'll have no power of him then, and when he returns, no one else to blame but himself.

Larias's hand begins to rub at her stomach rather gently, absent mindedly, perhaps unaware she is even doing such. Pale eyes lift to look Savith directly in the face, "Savith, do you really expect anyone to welcome us with open arms?" With child or no, Larias fully expects anyone and everyone to turn this small group away. But, once more, Larias winces sending a bemused expression down to her belly - which is on the move as the child decides to perform acrobatic tricks in her abdomen.

Savith grins, then shakes the thought away, "Change the subject. I'm not talking about this anymore today." He turns to regard Larias, and the belly. How odd that must feel. "Are you alright...?"

It most certainly does feel odd! Larias nods though, "Yes, yes I'm fine." She lets out an abrupt giggle which is cut off, "High Ones! He's certainly mobile today." Perhaps the soup did the child some good after all.

"He," Savith starts, eyes widening. But she giggled, and he relaxes a bit, fighting a grin, "Perhaps the child reminds you that eating is a good thing." Hint hint. Nudge nudge. See, Savith's smart!

Blue eyes roll to look upward at the ceiling, a hefty exasperated sigh is given, but, Larias nods, "You're right... I should eat again. Do you have anything in here?" No time like the present! Her hand continues gently rubbing her bulging belly, a thoughtful look on her face as she nods to herself, "MMm, yes, He. I think anyway. I suppose I could be wrong, but," with an amused grin, "-He- acts just like you."

Savith nods, standing and setting the goblet down. "I haven't the selected Mother does, though I can call fromthe kitchen if you'd..." He pauses, and smirks, "Just like me? I'm not sure how I should take that." COnsidering the wolfriders he last stayed with weren't too friendly.

"If it wouldn't be too much trouble? I, think I could stand to eat something again." Larias has been had, hasn't eaten since the soup, but that did do her a world of good. A shrug though is given to his other statement, "Take it how you will. Good, bad, or indifferent, there are some remarkable similarities." Which of course, only a mother would notice, seeing as mother's are the only ones that have a chance really to interact with the unborn.

Savith sends to the kitchen staff, requesting meal enough for two. Remarkable similarities. He shakes his head, unable to imagine. He moves to collect a smaller cushion for Larias to use as a lap table while she eats before sitting back down. "I can't imagine."

Larias chuckles softly, a grin upon her lips, ahh something she knows about having a child that he doesn't! Finally! "For starters, you were right... What you said earlier about you and I bickering. He doesn't like it when we do that. I don't think it mattered at first, but, as I grew, it seemed to then."

Savith hmms softly, sipping at the water as he hands over the cushion. The only reason why he said that was because the wolfriders always got after him for that. His eyes trail toward Larias's midsection. "Then I suppose we should try to avoid disagreements."

Larias sets the cushion atop her belly, but after a second or two, she moves it to her side. Nodding, she agrees, "We should..." Freedom so close, she manages a light hearted chuckle, "Though, knowing the two of us, I've no idea how we'll manage such."

"Very carefully," he mutters just as the gliders with the food float in. He glances over, and nods to the table here by the seats. "Set it down over there. Thank you." The gliders nod, set the trays down and leave, realizing Savith seems a bit testy, at least to them. As they leave he moves to bring a tray to Larias.

Larias watches the elves as they come in, set everything down, them make their hasty departure. She shakes her head, a wry grin on her lips after she is certain they are all out of ear shot, "They seem afraid of you today." But with the tray brought over, thought of chatter halts as the desire to eat kicks in, "They managed a nice selection this time..." Thus said, she nabs a piece of fruit quickly scarfing it down.

Savith smirks faintly, and sits back to let Larias eat her fill before moving to eat himself, though to be polite, he nibbles now and again. "They do," he comments. "Though I'm not altogether certain way." Maybe it was the fact that after such a public punishment, he still went back to duty, as normal, and has been acting as if nothing happened. Then there's the Recognition. What glider wouldn't be awestruck? :P He sits in his sitting area by Larias's side holding a tray for her to eat from.

Volek walks softly. Not really on purpose, but just cumpulsory. He fingers stumble a bit through the tip of his hair, redoing his braid, retieing it after his morning bath. He pauses after stepping in, almost giving away his wondering why his feet brough him here.

Larias nibbles on this or that from the tray. When she pauses, she forces herself to continue, after all, if she doesn't eat enough, then savith or Llune are likely to try force feeding soon. "No doubt they have their reasons." Her mind wanders, perhaps they think of Savith as she does Tsoran - Chosen is Chosen after all. Her nose wrinkles at the thought, a light fornw forming.

Savith mutters a reply, "No doubt." His eyes spot Volek by the entrance way. Ah, someone to change the subject with? For? "Volek, good morning," he greets. Ah, so he was on graveyard shift. No wonder the throne was empty!

Volek quickly scans, as he always does. In hereting his father's attention to detail has done him well. His mind mulls over the scene, as he nods to Savith. "Good morning. and good morning to you Larias" He says, offering her a headbow

Larias continues munching from the tray, eating bits of fruit and cooked meats. She nods to Volek as well, "If you would like some..."

Savith nods at Larias's words, indicating the other tray that has yet to be touched. "It is early. Have you eaten?" Oh? What's this? Savith, being civil? He must be sick.

Volek finishes tyeing his brade, letting a moment of silence hang after the two elders speak. He holds up a hand "Thanks, but no... I am alright. But if I may have something to drink?"

Larias lets Savith handle getting Volek something to drink, adding in her own order, "If I could have some more water as well?" She snags another piece of fruit, eating it quickly, sucking the juice off her fingers afterwards.

Oye! Wait just a minute! What does Savith look like?! A sun villager? To fetch and carry drinks with a bright smile? As if! To Volek, Savith nods, "Of course you may." But that's all. Clearly, Savith'll only serve for Larias, for at Larias's question, he silently moves to refill her goblet.

Volek nods and walks over to get his own drink. He pauses in his spot to drink it up. At that he places it back down and looks absently out of the cave.

"Thank you." How polite Larias can be when she's in a good mood. Once its in hand, she sips at the water after Savith has played fetch. eyes move first from the elder Chosen, to the one in Training, then back again. "So when do," she winces again, scowling down at her belly, so much for that train of thought.

Savith glances over and grins. Good baby. Keep her from thinking along those lines. A brow lifts. Hmm... Maybe they are similar. "You're welcome," he replies, keeping up with the polite mood for now. He looks at Volek, "Something on your mind, Volek?"

Volek walks towards the entrance of the cave. He pauses and looks back "No, just busy prepareing for the journey. I still must finish." He continues walking from the cave.

Larias's brows furrow as Volek makes a hasty retreat from the room. Is this her presence causing such? She sighs, sipping at her goblet of water.

Savith presses his lips together, and states coldly, "Of course." That boy better not tell anyone what he's planning. His brows furrow as well as his expression darkens. He sips from his goblet too.

Volek sends a glance back behind him. He notes his teachers glance for a moment. ** should I not be ready, teacher? **

Larias remains silent, looking at Volek and then back to Savith, sharing some of the Chosen's worry about this mis-adventure, partuclarly in taking other denizens of the Mountain. Some how, some way, this is not going to end well.

Savith nods, but replies in a soft voice, "That you should. Just keep it quiet for now." No sense in getting tossed in the Cage before his hatchling's in the world, after all.

Volek stops and turns back. He almost seems a little hurt ** Why would you think I would? Is that why you don't tell me anything anymore? ** With that he turns on his heel and walks away.

Ahh, so thats the way it is. If Larias isn't at odds with Savith, someone else, this time Volek, must be. The pregnant elfess winces, eyes dropping to look at the tray near by her. Giving Savith a chance to... react without her interrupting.

Savith's brow draw together tightly at the child's accusation. "Now, wait just a minute," he starts, expression darkening as he stands to his feet. But the child doesn't wait, and he walks away from them, and out of the room. A fist clentches, shaking faintly. 'Stupid fledging's going to out us all at odds,' the Chosen muses silently, teeth grinding softly. He fights a sneer as he turns from the exit, and drops to sit again. Life is hard, man!

Larias moves as silenetly as she can, lifting herself with her magic, moving over towards Savith. A hand is placed on his shoulder, "You should try and relax..." Oh that'll help no doubt!

Savith turns to snap a cold reply to Larias, when he remembers he eariler words. They shouldn't argue. Rather, he nods and brings the goblet to his lips. Well, at least he's trying to give the appearance of relaxing. "You should try to eat more, if you can," he mutters softly.

Alighting on a nearby soft cushiony seat, Larias tries to give Savith an understanding smile. "He's a boy coming into his own. I don't think he meant anything by it."

Savith quirks a brow, the response bubbling to the surface, "And you've so great an experi-..." Ah, but he cuts himself off before that goes any further. A shake of his head, and a sigh, and he nods, "You might be right." Gah! This being nice stuff is icky.

Larias smirks as she turns her head to regard Savith, "Not personally no, but I have witnessed many an elf growing up - even if only from a distance. Being angry at their elders seems normal." With but a thought, she brings the tray of food over to her new seat by Savith, snacking again on a piece of meat.

Savith hmphs softly, sipping at his drink. He bites his tongue to keep from making a smart ass remark in reply. Instead, he forces himself to sit back and try to relax, reaching for a morsel to his mouth.

Llune enters, looking a good deal less refined than usual. Her usually perfect hair is.. Well, *nearly* perfect, but not quite as perfect as usual - there are a few loose strands, but only those that are almost natural. Her dress is simple ((ignore the desc for now)), the silver plain one she's so very fond of, and her facial features drawn and tight. She looks nervous, exhausted, torn... Everything one would expect from a fairly old Glider who has recently been talked into not only leaving the mountain, but very possibly defying her Lord Winnowill. Carrying several - has to be at least 6 - parcels wrapped in plain fabric and tied with thread, she's the picture of a bedraggled delivery person, and, upon entering the room and seeing both Savith and Larias, begins to pour out concerns in a fashion not at all like Llune's regular reservedness.

Llune says "I'm not sure about this. Perhaps I should stay here. Have you spoken to Winnowill yet, Savith?" She notices, as though for the first time that Larias is daring to eat, "Oh, I'm glad you're eating. Maybe this is all unnecessary - perhaps a better diet is all that is necessary...."

Llune dumps the packages on the floor near a corner and moves to sit at the table

Not missing a beat, Llune continues her concerns, not allowing a word in edge-wise, "Is it safe, where you're going? What about predators? Bad humans? Other elves? I've never flown before, on one of those birds... Should I bring my tea-set?"

so ready to say something to Savith, Larias stops as Llune enters, and begins babbling. She sighs, closing her eyes, High Ones this is all thats needed after Volek upset Savith. Is there a line outside of elves waiting to come in and irritate the agitated Chosen? Her eyes open and they settle upon Llune, "He's right llune, I need to be looked at by a Healer.. and the one here," a shrug is given, "isn't exactly amiable to working nicely with me."

Noticing the tension hanging like tabacco smoke in the room, Llune stops a moment, "Is something wrong, Savith?"

There must be, for Savith is actually rude to his mother. Even as Llune talks over Larias's words, he cuts in sharply, "Shut up! No, don't bring your tea set. And I'm fine!" GAH! Having had quite about as much annoyance as he can take for one morning, and having just gotten in from a long night of trying not to fall asleep in mid-air, well, he's easily aggitated. But still! What nerve!

Llune stops short, apalled and hurt by Savith's behavior. Her features turn from very, very worried, to sorrowfully, I-just-got-slapped-in-the-face-by-my-best-friend-and-then-she-laughed-at-me startled, and her eyes grow wide with tears, "Savith!" is all she utters, in the shortest, most tight-lipped tone of wouned, angry Llune. But she does not back down. She does not turn and flee, though her heart would have her disappear and die, she stands triumphantly in her place and *GLARES*

Larias winces as Savith erupts, she looks away from him, a hand going to her stomach as her child uses her insides like a trampoline, to much excitement for the little one it seems. After a moment, a staying hand is placed on one of Savith's own, her voice quiet, tense, "Savith... you need to calm down." To llune she speaks next, "Leave your tea set Llune, he is right about that. Come, sit with us, we'll work this out." She convinced Llune last night, how did she do that again, now to do it all over again!

Savith turns a hard look to Larias, about to snap at her, but he's brought up short but her soft tone and gentle hand. He studies Larias's features a moment, then sighs and nods, reaching for his drink again. He muses, "This isn't something I want to discuss here, but if you need me to..."

Llune sighs deeply, composing herself nearly instantly at Larias' calming words... Her shoulders stoop, but she knows this is a time to plan, not argue, for *whoever* goes. She moves to sit down.

Llune says "I'm sorry, I forget in my nervousness the stress on the two of you."

Larias offers a wan smile to Llune, and then to Savith as well. Yup, stress does certainly have an effect on her. "Don't worry about that Llune... but it is exactly that reason you will need to come. You can keep him calm more often than I, and me calm as well. We will need that."

Llune says "But my home... My apprentices... My clothes... I fear I will be losing much..."

Savith keeps his gaze from the ladies, and his mind as well. Should She decide to evedrop just now. That would be bad. Instead, he sips his drink, and turns a deaf ear to the room.

Larias turns her pale eyes fully upon Llune, again there is a sad, smile, "And if I stay, with no help for her. The entire Mountain, will lose more."

Llune nods, knowing. Wishing it weren't so, but knowing. "Yes."

Savith moves to refill his goblet. His head is hurting. Ah! He hasn't had dinner. He glances at the trays of food, and grabs some for himself. Another day, Savith. Just one more day, and you can let these chicken-hawks in on your thoughts.

Llune says "But what *should*I*BRING*??!" she whispers loudly, then lowers her whisper, "what would I need?""

Larias glances at Savith as he begins eating, well, thats a good sign I suppose, she thinks to herself. "You should bring the most durable clothing you have. The warmest clothing you have. Savith, Volek, and I, High Ones willing, will take care of everything else. You'll also want to bring some material with you, so we can continue making garments for the child, when He does come."

Yes. Savith'll take care of the rest. He always does, somehow. OH! But he's not supposed to be part of this conversation. This is not the conversation you're looking for. *waves hand for hte Jedi Mind Trick* There. Better. He busies himself eating, remaining silent and deaf of the goings-ons.

Llune nods "But we *will* be coming back? can I leave instructions with my apprentices?

Savith glances at Larias briefly, then shakes his head. There, he's said all he's going to for just now, and stands, "If you'll ladies will excuse me, I'm going to get out of this uniform." Finally. That's a good excuse. He flies off, grabbing an extra outfit before heading toward the grotto for a bath.

Larias nods, smiling sadly once again, "Yes, we will be coming back. Once everything is all set, once we know I am ok, and that the child is too. Nothing bad will happen to you while we are Outside. I am a testament, our kind can survive out there Llune, and you will have 3 strong elves with you." Granted one of them is having fainting spells, not eating right, and heavy with child, but hey, who's counting.

Llune nods, and steels herself to her task, "Well then. Shall I pick all the colors?" she asks, attempting to regain her usual pert-ness.

Larias chuckles softly, "Colors won't matter for you. Go for sturdy and warm, thats what will matter."

Llune sighs, "Larias, darling, colors, *always* matter. But sturdy and warm,...

"Outside then, if you have anything that is browns and greens perhaps? Those would be good colors to choose. They will allow you to blend in more with the surroundings you will be in." Ahh, Larias can find a compromise, yay!

Llune says "I thought on the outside," she says it like a fairy land, "that when it was cold, there was white...?""

Larias nods, her smile growing just a tad, "It is, and yes, I suppose you may want to pack something for that time as well. I.. don't hardly know what season it is out there anymore. You may need, you may not, but it doesn't hurt to be prepared."

Llune nods, her warmth slowly returning, "I like to be prepared. I must hurry and go pack!"

With cautioning tones Larias nods, "You should, but do so quietly. and quickly."

Llune nods, refraining from speech - you *did* say quietly.

Savith is only gone an hour, or less. Dressed to rest, maybe nap, and then... He presses into his room, finally. Ahh... it's a wonder what food and a shower will do for an elf's spirit's. While not quite grinning, his attitude is much improved. Once inside, he flicks a glance baout. Who's still here?

Of course, big surprise, Larias is still in the room, though no one else currently is. She appears, once again to be napping, a soft little snore confirms it. Even in sleep she no longer looks comfortable, periodically wincing, occasionally rubbing at her stomach.

Savith pauses at Larias's side. Thoughtful. Hmm.... He shakes his head. Ah, well it's not like there's anything he can do. He's no healer. He floats past, ignoring her, to set the still damp but clean uniform on a shelf. He notes that much of his items are starting to be packed. Most notably, Volek's items are packed. He nods, and packs one travel bag for himself. It's all he'll need.

Despite her need for sleep, Larias apparently has been industrious as well, as her own travel bag can be seen set by the entrance into the room. Not quite so full as it used to be, there is room (should Llune decide to over pack). The elfess tries to roll in her sleep, only managing to wake herself up once again.

Savith glances over as Larias stirs, floating his pack toward the entrance as well. Flying to Larias's side, he tilts his head, "You didn't sleep long.:

Larias pushes herself more into an upright sitting position, having slid down somewhat as she snoozed. With a shrug she answers, "I usually don't get very much. At least I'm accustomed to such.." Ahh, the silver lining.

Savith hmphs softly, "It's not good for you." He pauses a moment, then shakes his head, "But I'm not arguing. Do you need anything else?" Before we go.

"If I could do something about it, I would." She sighs hefting herself up to her feet, holding onto the corner of the table to pull herself up. "I thought about taking something from my stores of herbs, but I'm to worried it may do something I'm not expecting." She glances to her bag, then shakes her head, "No, I have everything I need in there - I'll work on garments once we're out more suitable. Between you and Volek, we'll end up with enough leather." Gasp - did Larias just uninclude herself in the idea of hunting?

Llune sends to Larias and Savith **Savith, Larias...

She did! Savith's eyes widen, and he opens his mouth to comment teasingly about it when he's mother's send reaches him. He glances at the doorway, and replies, **MOther. YOu send. Am I needed?** Ah... good old, predictable Chosen's response.

Larias blinks as the send reaches her, rather than answer, and draw Winnowill's attention, Larias leaves the responding to Savith. She looks at Savith though, "Do you think she's really ready?"

**I need your inspection.. Come, if you're prepared.**

Savith glances at Larias, and squares his shoulders, "I don't know. It seems I must go." And dressed out of uniform. How undignified. He lifts his mind to reply, **Certainly, Mother. I shall fly to you shortly.** "I'm just glad she's being subtle about all this." It means his hide if she doesn't.

Larias grins a bit, "You're mother is no fool Savith. I think she knows how important this really is.. She is leaving, and willingly after all." Moving to the table, Larias takes a seat on the bench, "I'll wait here. Less suspicious looking."

Savith nods to Larias, and collects himself. Pushing from the ground, he flies with all haste in an unhurried fashion to his mother's room. Just how he flies quickly without looking unhurried is beyond his player, but somehow he does it. It's like a game, one of hte few pleasures Savith allows himself to take. How fast can he go, and still have enough control to pull himself up short and not go tumbling into Llune's chambers? Once at her door, he steps in and looks about, "Mother, you sent."

Larias checks her @emit With Savith out of the room, Larias once again closes her eyes, attempting to cat nap, knowing, for this up and coming flight, she will need her strength.

Llune looks up from her few bags, "Savith!" She whispers, excited and still very nervous, "Do I have everything I need?" Upon inspection of her twin satchels, you see several wrapped packages, most likely items for Larias and the baby (maybe even a few for Savith), and a collection of threads, a foled pouch, presumably filled with needles of different sizes. There are also 3 pairs of shoes - a tiny pair, obviously for the baby, of fluffy green material and soft honey leather, a pair of thick, dark brown leather boots, about Savith's size and preferred style, and a finer pair in reinforced leather, with a lace up the side, a bit on the wide side, in tan leather. The other satchel holds several dark dresses - greys and deep green, and 3 silver to white, 2 pair of Llune-sized boots - one of white leather and trimmed with white feathers, the other of soft honey leather and trimmed with dark green and red feathers. She must've packed at least 8 dresses, all of them seem to be dainty, yet fluffly, layered, and warm. There is also a multitude of soft fabrics, of different colors and thicknesses some undyed, some dyed different glider favorites, purples and grays and dark reds and blues and greens. There are a few scarves of gauzy material and lacy ribbons, jewelery tucked into the nooks and crannies of both bags. Llune herself has changed into a dark green and dress, short sleeved and of a thick, sturdy material. "How have I done?"

Savith blinks as he surveys the vast about of... fluff Llune has managed to crap into a handful of bags. Well, he's got ot be impressed with that. But any thoughts of talking her out of things are dashed. He knows it'd be pointless, and would upset her further, and perhaps ruin the careful positioning to see she comes with them. Instead, he nods, "It's wonderful." He steps over, "You haven't told your students yet, I hope."

Llune shakes her head no, "I left plenty of things for them to do, I'm sure they'll go ahead and do it while I'm gone." She smiles, "How do we get these upstairs?"

Savith looks them over. Carefully. He picks up one and grabs one of Llune's dresses to cover it with. Using magic, he disguises it well. "One at a time. For now, dress in something that doesn't look so much like the outside. We'll stop near Grove and let you change again. For now, it must seema s if nothing is amiss."

Llune nods - she was *just* making sure it was an "outsidey" outfit, anyway, honest.

Uh-huh. Right, Mom. Savith just rolls his eyes and flies off. **I've got the dresses for Larias,** he says openly, **If you've finished the child's blankets, could you bring them? If they are not too heavy for you.** Another openning for her to bring another bag to his room. It's close the aerie. They'll head out in the bright of day, when the others are in the throne room, breaking for lunch, or out hunting.

she pulls out one of the dresses - a dark dark red, and a few soft blankets for the child, **there are many, but I can manage, thank you**

Savith almost facepalms and whispers, "Use those to hide a bag, and bring it when you're ready." WIth that, he turns and heads back to his room. See, nothing out of the ordinary. Just caring a heavy load from his mother to his mate. Really.

Llune moves behind the screen, "I'll be there soon."

Savith moves to his room. Once there, he sets the bag with the others and tosses the carefully made dress carelessly aside. Today. It must be today. These bags are getting too obvious. Soon as VOlek reports in. He looks over to find Larias, his heart skipping a bit as he worries that Tsoran may have found out, and taken her away.

Poor, pregnant elfees. Nope, Tsoran has not managed to abduct Larias as of yet, instead, she has managed to drift off into sleep once again, even though Savith has only been gone a short while. Its a wonder she can sleep at all, but she seems to find the oddest times and places to nap. Yup, definitely asleep, the sound of her breathing amplified as, she snores, just a little - not that she'd believe it.

As another unladylike sound escape the elfess, Savith chuckles, then coughs it away. He just did not laugh. Really. It was in your imagination. He moves over and checks that she's comfortable. Well for now, anyway. And he lets her sleep, knowing she'll need her rest. Though he risks much for her, he knows that she'll be the one on whom this trip will take it's toll. He moves to sit on his table, and drop his head to his hands. A full day with out sleep, he's starting to feel tired.

Savith yawns after awhile and stands. He might as well try to catch a nap. Moving to his bed, he lays down, curtains open, and closes his eyes. A soft sigh, and he's out like a light.

Sleeping sitting up, on a stone bench of all places, Larias continues her snoozing. Its a wonder the two have been able to tolerate each other this past day, and now, sleeping in the same room, *gasp* the Mountain -is- going to crumble, isn't it?

Ah, but yes, these two, being cordial, and now sleeping together. :P Wonders will never cease? Savith rests as peacefully as he can, though he must stay partially aware. Winnowill is known to spy on dreams, afterall. Who do you think taught him how?

But sleep doesn't last long for the pregnant, and this nap is like all others. Thechild begins to stir, dance on internal organs, and with a grunt, Larias is brought quickly into wakefulness once again. Unknowing that Savith has returned, she speaks aloud to her unborn, "will you stop it in there? Please... You're as bad as your father. Never let me get a moment's peace."

Savith gasps at the voice, openning his eyes and becomes aware just in time to hear the child being just like him and not getting a moment's peace. He turns his head and looks over to mutter, "Thanks a lot."

Her head whips up, cheeks getting a light tinge of pink in them. "I'm sorry.. hadn't realized you come back." Larias smiles apologetically, "Its not entirely true.. for either of you."

Savith hrmphs and pushes himself up, "You were sleeping when I returned. It hasn't been long." Once on his feet, he points to the bed, "You should sleep as much as you can."

Larias glances to the bed, then down at her belly, chuckling softly, "You don't really expect me to lay down do you?" She can't help but grin, "I'm feel lucky sitting up now and then I can catch a nap Lay down though," she shakes her head, "no hope that way."

Savith moves over, "Must I hold you up then?" Surely, the powers of flight can give the child the weightlessness he'd like.

Larias smirks, then shakes her head, "No, you don't need to hold me up... I'm not the only one that needs to be rested. You've a bird to fly, and I have a sinking feeling, there will be very few stops until you get where you're going."

Savith sighs faintly and sits back down near Larias. You had to remind him. "Soon," is all he says, and leans back.

Just once Larias has to check, to make sure this is really what he thinks needs be done, "Are you certain you want to go through with this. I'll understand, if you would prefer to wait, to stay." Something must be wrong, Larias is never so accepting, so nice, so polite...

And that's what makes Savith nervous. He looks over and replies, "Don't ask me again. It's dangerous, for both of us." Cause you'll feel it if Winnowill decides to turn his brain to elf-goo.

I mean when, not if! After this stunt, she's bound to do something EVIL to him.

Larias's eyes move from Savith's form, nodding once. She swallows hard, so they will be leaving, no doubt about that now. Her mind races, do they really have all they'll need. She frowns, listing aloud, "Water skins? dried fruits and nuts? Oh High Ones..." She shakes her head, none of the usual staples will eb available to them, only what can be scrounged outside. As she begins to worry, the child begins to move again, her belly visibly moving as the child rolls and twists, this is not a happy time.

Savith hisses softly and sets a hand on her shoulder, "Don't htink about it. You'll only draw her attention." He glances at her belly, and frowns. "And it seems that worry makes the child upset."

Larias rubs at her abdomen again, trying to soothe the over active child. "I swear, everything makes him upset of late. Eating, sleeping, drinking, walking, gliding, standing, sitting... There isn't anything I can do comfortably anymore. At least not that I've found."

Savith frowns slightly. You know, normally, he'd chastise the child for bugging her, but... how do you do that... whent he child's not even... well..... "Ah... That's... terrible."

Larias bobs her head up and down, "Believe me, I know." She can't help but grin just a bit seeing Savith unsure what to do, herself clueless as well. Her voice drops top a whisper, "I tried sending to him, but that only seemed to make him more excitable." Ahh, perhaps there is a reason she calls the child a He then. "Maybe if you tried?"

Savith blinks and starts. Him? He shakes his head. "Ahh.. no. I'm no healer. He'll calm..." Ah, when? What always made Wolfflame and her sister calm? He has no idea, so... "when he's ready." GAH! That was weak.

"I'm no Healer either Savith, but I've no doubt the child can hear my sends." Larias smiles rather weakly, gently rubbing where an elbow tries poking at her side, "Your his father, maybe he'll listen to you since he's not so willing to listen to me." She hehs softly, but refrains from making any comments about chosen ordering gldiers about.

Savith glances at Larias with a quirked brow. Being his father has nothing to do with whether or not the child will listen to him. Ah, but since Larias isn't getting anywhere. Gah! "Fine," he grumbles, and sends, though he's far less harsh than he would be with say... Volek! **Stop moving about and let Larias rest, hatchling.** There. Done, right?

Larias goes still for a moment, waiting to see if the unborn brat calms down any, and, remarkably, he seems to. Letting out a sigh of relief, Larias actually smiles, though it is a tired one, "Thank the High Ones!"

Savith seems utterly shocked. He's still? He's honestly still? Ah, but Savith shakes the emotions away and comments softly, "Well, seems you can go back to sleep then." At least, until Volek and Llune declare they are ready. He's in no position to send for them. He's already flying toward a storm here.

Volek has had a day to himself. A day to think. The young lad makes his way into the fimilar cave, to the fimilar faces. He takes a look around and brushes a hair from his face. "I'm finished packing"

So ready to state she couldn't sleep now if she wanted to, but then Volek comes in, Larias smiles at the near adult, nodding her head in his direction, "Hello gain."

Savith glances up and nods, "Wonderful. It's time. Get everything together, then take Larias on Winddance and go. Just past the Grove. I'll meet you there." He stands and looks to Larias, "I've got the get he rest of Mother's things. Volek will watch you, as closely as I. I trust him and his skills in guiding my bond." He looks at Volek and sends, as tightly as he can.

You locksend ** Volek, please watch her, and make all haste to Lostholt should I not meet at your landing point in an hour after your arrival. If Larias senses anything, listen to her. She is your charge until we meet again. ** to Volek.

Volek nods to Savith and turns ** Alright... Is there anything I can help you with?"

Larias looks to Volek, shaking her head. She moves, albeit a bit awkwardly, and picks up her traveling bag, "I'll manage my own, but thank you."

Volek nods. ** Good, let me know if you need anything.... But we should be off. **

Larias, with bag floating at her side, nods to Volek. "If you lead on? I think I am ready." Do it now, or never as they say.

Volek pushes through the soft velvetine fur over the entrance, and leaves Savith's room

Larias pushes through the soft velvetine fur over the entrance, and leaves Savith's room

Winddance> Volek sits on the hawk. He set in his place, well trained in the duties of controlling the bird. He sighs as and leans forward, trilling, signaling for the giant bond to rise into the air.

Volek sits on the hawk. He set in his place, well trained in the duties of controlling the bird. He sighs as and leans forward, trilling, signaling for the giant bond to rise into the air.

Winddance> Heavy with child, Larias finds herself actually needing to hold on to the bird's driver. She tries not to grip Volek's shoulders to tightly, but everything seems awkward astride the great hawk this time, belly bulging into Volek's back, the flapping of wings enough to make her feel as if she'll topple over. Through gritted teeth she speaks, "This always seemed so easy before."

Winddance> Volek turns back a little ** I apologize, I'm not as refiined a driver as my instructor. ** His send is in the one hand, respectful, but not quite as intimatly close as it once was.

Winddance> Larias switches to sending as well as the pair head up into the sky, away from the Mountain. ** There is no need to apologize for that Volek. ** Self depreciating humor enters her sending, ** If you think you're skills are lacking, you should see what happens when I steer her. **

Shortly after Volek and Larias take flight, Savith and Llune do, astride a smaller less trained mount. It takes lots of concentration on the Chosen's part, to get the bird going as fast as he'd like and in the right direction. He's got to hurry, so he won't be seen.

The birds have finally caught up to eachother, somewhere on the plains. Slowing his relentless pace, Savith calls for a halt. His mother needs to adjust to the outside a bit and change out of her silks and frills, and they need travel foods. Plus, he can feel the trip already getting to Larias and the child. This far away, it's time to explain things, he's reasons and such to Larias. Once the others are off and away, he moves over, waterskin in hand. "How do yo fare?"

Volek remains watching forward. Tuned to his duty as Savith address Larias... at least as far as Volek is concerned. He's has kept pace as well as he could, and has been obediant as well.

Indeed the trip has been hard on the rotund elfess. She looks exhausted, uncomfortable, irritable, and yet, somehow relieved. No longer in the suffocating air that is the Mountain, she can breathe jsut a little easier. As Savith addresses her, Larias lifts her head to look at him, "I've been worse." A weak smile given, "We'll make it though if thats what you're wondering."

THere's a light grin that plays on Savith's features, and he hands the waterskin over. He turns to look at Volek. The child did his task well. Very well. Praise coming rarely, Savith, elated that Larias is feeling more relaxed, sends to the youth, **YOu've done very well. I'm proud.**

Volek turns to Savith and nods once, with a soft smile on his face. Probably one of the most sincere expressions he's had far a while.

Larias's eyes flicker from Savith to Volek and back again. Perhaps she's not th eonly one that needed to get out of the Mountain to relax. Taking the skin, she drinks rather deeply,. parched from the long flight, needing water more than ever. She adds her bit of praise for Volek as well, ** You did a fine job guiding Winddance Volek. You should give yourself mroe credit. **

Savith flicks a glance at Larias. "Ah, he doesn't credit himself? A shame. Quite taken with the lad, Winddance is." He grins faintly and loooks to Volek, wondering what he'd make of that, even as his mind is already causing him to scan the area and look for edibles.

You sense in a locksend, Larias begins to send, but through the bond of souls, and the tight lock of a private though, its obvious how much of a toll the first half of the journey has taken on Larias. She was tired before, now she is exhausted - where she was uncomfortable before, now she is truly sore. So easy to pick up on these things, as she doesn't bother to hide a thought at the moment, ** Will you now tell me... what has you so spooked? Why this impetuous exodus? **

You locksend to Larias, Savith was stalling, wasn't he? Sensing Larias's exhaustion only compounds on his own, though he is practiced at being the stoic one, and returns a sense of strength and calm, urging you to take that and endure. **Her silence. As important as this child is to all of us, she has shown no interest in him. I like it not one bit. Then there's your weight. I don't think you should still be so thin. And then you fainted... No. There is something wrong, and if She will not come and see to it, even if you dislike Her, I will take you to someone, anyone, that will help. The Wolf Chief will listen, and his mate is a healer to match My Lord, and I've a feeling, she is someone you could trust.**

Volek smiles a bit and brushes Windance's neck with his hand. ** I just do as I was tought. ** He smiles at the great bird, his heart overjoyed that he's gained her trust so well. In his time spent with her, he's developed a bit of a bond with her.

Though her eyes are on Savith, and she is beyond tired, Larias forces a grin, ** Just don't do as I do and feed her too many treats. ** Not that the warning is needed, Savith no doubt being a good teacher, and Volek a good student, one that actually listens. ** When I had her in the Village, I managed to fatten her up a little too much. **

Winddance coos at the younster, fluffing her feathers. She likes him. Though Larias gives her more treats, at least the child isn't as demanding on her as Savith is. He's whistles, though lacking in strength and assurance to start, have grown as he has grown. It's almost motherly, how she feels for the elfling. 'Go hunt?'

Savith actually chuckles. The trip, he's found, has been tiring on him as well. Volek will have to be there guard, for Savith knows his own senses are dulled, what with his own exhaustion and that of his soulmate flooding him at once. **A little? Far too much! Her harness did not fit for a time.** But she's back to her sleek self. Pretty bird!

You sense in a locksend, Larias may be forcing a smile outwardly, inwardly there is no such facade, ** And when they turn us away? You are Chosen, Volek, in training to be one. Llune and I, obviously a re gliders - none of these are things which wolfriders trust. For good reason.. but, to gamble so much.. I won't be up for this kind of travel for long. ** Yes, she knows things aren't quite right, she can't recall Splash ever having pains, then again, she was a healer.

You locksend to Larias, Savith is keeping a facade as well, though his is more truthful, one of fatigue, to give you his strenth at the moment, **High ones, I know. But it was his childern that reawoke Voll's Dream of hte Palace. It's a calculated gamble, though a gamble none the less. I'm betting firmly that we will not be turned away.** He pauses, **Especially since you are in pain. It is too soon, I know. The others were... bigger, fuller than this. I will see they accept you, even if it is only you.**

You sense in a locksend, Larias tries to reason out why she isn't as large as she should be, then again, it hasn't been enough time either, and that she can not reason away, ** Perhaps they were bigger since they were wolfrider born? ** She pauses, thinking carefully how to word her next set of tired weary thoughts, ** If they reject, you, Llune, Volek - they reject me as well. Like it or not, I am of the Mountain. ** Aww, he should be proud.

Volek drifts a little. His hand idly rests on his side, where he keeps his training whip. He is a little tired, but his youthful energy could keep him going for a while younger.

You locksend to Larias, Savith would normally be, but there are more pressing matters at hand. **They will not. I will see to it.** If he must holding a tribe member in the claws of his talonwhip to secure their healer's talents. The certainity of that is what he holds firm to. **You will be healthy for this, and the child will come to no harm because of Her inaction.**

Larias takes another long drink of water from the skin, then holds it out in Voleks direction, "If you're thirsty, there is enough for us all I believe." She doesn't need to hog it after all - how many rivers between ehre and Lost Holt?

Quite a few, but after this stop, Savith doesn't plan on making any more. Not until they've reached their destination. He doesn't comment, but gives into the fatigue and sits on the ground as well, mumbling, "Need anything else, Larias?" We can't stay too long, even if he would love to nap right now.

You sense in a locksend, Larias sighs mentally, ** You will do nothing untowards to them, correct? If you and me arguing causes a fainting spell, I can't imagine what would happen if I had to fight you to protect the wolfriders. ** Ahh, so she could hear that unsent thought, that someone could become hostage to gain the aide of a Healer if they weren't amicable to the idea right away.

You locksend to Larias, Savith almost grumbles. **No,** he finally consedes. **I'll play nice, if you need. But I fully plan on leaving you on birdback until they agree ...** or you fall over. Though he vows not to let that happen, as best he can. **... Not that I don't want you near to fight against,** he tries to be lighthearted, **as the high ones know, it seems that's all we're good at doing, but if they start hostile, I'll not want you in harm's way.**

Volek turns a little and glances a bit into the distance. He takes a deep breath and smiles.

You sense in a locksend, Larias laughs rather lightly in her mind, though it doesn't even manage to bubble out as it might if she were more awake, ** It would be more convincing for them to see me right away... To know, your words were true, as their own eyes can't lie to them. If anyone should remain on bird back, its poor Llune, she's not used to such conditions. **

Larias covers her mouth as she finally gives into a yawn. Nodding once, "Yes - a nice long nap is what I could use. Other than that, I don't think so." Her eyes once more drift over towards Volek, whom she offers a smile, poor youngin, getting roped into this.

You locksend to Larias, Savith ahs... That makes him nervous but.... **You have a point, but...** KNowing Savith, he'll give in, but he won't be happy. AH! Here's an excuse, **You shouldn't ride the bird I'm on, and Llune can't be on bird back alone.** See. He'll just have to... wait. GAH! He can't go down now either!

He's been roped into worse. The plains, remember? He was what, 6? 7? Poor thing. Savith stands and gets a bedroll off the bird for Larias, "A few hours only. Time is short." And he's even willing to float her aloft, to let her sleep.

You sense in a locksend, Larias smiles into her sending, tiredly amused, ** The answer is simple. Land outside their Holt. Without the birds. And walk - not glide, into their Holt. or at least to their scouts - we will be seen and stopped no doubt. Coming to them for aide, we ask permission before walking onto their land. If this is to work, we will have to do this the right way, to the Mountain way. **

Volek blinks a little eyes wandering about the surroundings. This is probably one of the least intersting of his quests. From the plains to Sorrows end, to the time where he was captured, and cacooned, only to awaken to the idea that he'd never see his father again. Then fleeing from strange creatures in the plains.... So far, this is hardly eventful

You locksend to Larias, Savith grins, **Well, there goes the idea of dropping in at the Father Tree and calling them out.** He jests, surely, but there's a hint that it's almost serious. **I've approached wolf-holts before. I will play by their rules.** As best he can.

Larias moves to the bedroll, her steps, and yes, she does walk with feet on the ground, are slow and measured. With care, she lays down on the bedroll after its laid out, stifling a yawn. ** You should rest too Savith. You've gotten less sleep than I have. ** She turns her head to look over at Volek, so different already from the 10 turn old elf she met on the island, ** We are in safe hands. ** Altogether to trusting larias has become, thisis what pregnancy does to an elf.

Savith kneels by Larias to see she is made comfortable and just nods to her send at him. Yeah, he'll sleep, later. Standing he looks to Volek. "Tell me how you would stand guard, the shift you'd use." If he likes it, he'll run with it. Saves him the trouble of thinking it over himself.

You sense in a locksend, Larias drowsily replies tothe sending, body ready to fall asleep, even the child is unusually quiet after the stressful flight, ** Together we'll manage... and perhaps, end up in a comfortable warm den, though I can't imagine any large enough for us to stand in. **

You locksend to Larias, Savith tries to eae your mind gently to sleep, **I'll have to ask the treeshaper to make it larger then.** See, he can be lighthearted.

For no apparent reason, as Larias begins drifting off to sleep, she actually smiles. Where Llune will likely be to scared to sleep, its easier to drift out here, with a fresh breeze, open space, and two guards watching over.

Savith stands as Larias drifts to sleep and regard Volek, "How would you assign us to guard duty, Volek?" KNowing that Savith's about ready to fall over himself.

Volek nods his head once. ** Well, as seeing that one maiden is with young, and the other is unused to this atmosphere, That leaves you and I as the lookouts. I shall go on watch for now for the first shift. When the sun rises, you can take the next shift... Though, I guess I should ask when you plan for us to leave..."

Savith grins at Volek, and nods. "After a full eight hours. I feel we can spare that much, and Larias need her rest." He gets bedrolls for himself and Llune and sets them up near Larias. "It's a sound plan, though there's one tiny flaw." He straightens from his chore, Llune already falling asleep. He turns to regard Volek, tired eyes more genlte than normal, "Winddance. She can be used as a look out as well, though she'll warn against non-gliders only, so one of us will still need to stand guard with her.

Larias starts to roll to her side, but then, abruptly, she stops, moving one again to sleep on her back. It doesn't take long for her breaths to turn slow and even, deep from sleep - and of course, that light bit of snoring which she seems to have developed since she became pregnant.

Volek turns to the bird and smiles at her. His mind wanders as his expression shifts

Volek locksends ** Do you think we have to worry about more gliders? **

You locksend ** Yes.** His mind is concerned about it. **Very much so. I've not the permission to be out, especially with Larias and Llune. Both should still be in the mountain. No doubt we are missed already, and the others are being sent out to find us. ** to Volek.

Volek locksends ** Hmm, it will be quite an amazing feat if This half-breed child will ever make it to chosen with as much trouble we are getting into *chuckle* **

You locksend to Volek, Savith chuckles faintly, **You will become Chosen. You're far better than I at doing what you're told. I seem to find ways to make trouble.**

Savith chuckles softly and moves to lay down, feeling Larias's exhaustion take over. Ah... can't keep eyes open. **Wake me... in 4 hours?**

Volek nods and floats up to Winddance and pets her fethers softly. He lays his hand, almost in a relaxed, but ready stance ** Aye, I will. **

Savith smiles and nods at Volek's send, and is soo fast asleep as well, finally sleeping fully, now that he's away from Winnowill's prowling mind. So he thinks. Surely, the Lord of Blue Mountain coud find him, if she wished.