Thursday, September 30, 2004

More to Yeyeen

Logfile from Two Moons - Savith.

Waterfall - Surface - Raft Holt
The waterfall towers before you, the surroundings so magnificent, everything coming together in perfect harmony here. When the daystar is up, the mist created by the water flowing down into the big pool at the base, create a faint image of a rainbow. A cliff juts out just by the waterfall - vines dangles down from a tree on the very edge, the grass thick and green up there. The sounds of the water rushing into the pool dominate the area, a crescendo that carries out into the jungles. The pool is naturally formed, a big oval shaped edging, a big stream running into the trees, heading for the ocean. A ledge, wide enough for an elf or wolf to pass has been pulled from the cliff face. It runs along it heading behind the crashing waterfall. The grass is thick and lush surrounding the pool, a few rocks and boulders closer to the very base of the waterfall provides perfect seating. Wildlife tend to drift this way, across the pool one can catch a glimpse of some creature wanting a fresh drink. The whole place is open, lined only by the trees which leads deeper into the forests, a path can be seen there.
Dusk has arrived and with it, the purples and golds that light the sky in a warm embrace. The daystar is near to falling out of sight.

Winddance> Silverstorm wades up on the beach, water droplets trickling down her body.

Winddance> Winddance is perched upon the cliffs, preening a wing.

Winddance> Silverstorm peers up at the giant bird, slightly nervous at its presence.

Winddance> Winddance seems gentle and nonthreatening.... then again, she is a big bird.

Raft Beach - Shoreline - Raft Holt(#10028RDJLSa)
Truly magnificent and unique in its beauty, Rafter's beach unfolds before you. The sand is soft yellow, verging on golden, patterns of black sand trickling through the monotone coloring. The soft rushes of the waves playing upon the beach is accompanied by the light breeze which stream through the palm trees further into the cove. There you have it, rising up on either side is majestic cliffs with reefs and rocks underneath. The cliffs rise further, forming a lush green ridge formed as a giant U, which surrounds this secluded area. At the mouth of the U, there is only blue-green ocean to be seen with exception of the tribal gathering raft dipping on the waves.
Dusk has arrived and with it, the purples and golds that light the sky in a warm embrace. The daystar is near to falling out of sight.

Silverstorm's observation of the big bird is diverted by the arrival of the glider. "Hello." she says, looking up to meet his gaze.

NightSky flutters his wings cautiously, his beak opening a smidgen.. danger... strange elf nearby.

Savith comes in from the beach, glancing up as he's noticed. **Greetings,** he sends softly toward the raft holter, while near Nightsky, WInddance flutters a bit: Save me?

Silverstorm hears the flutter of wings and glances out of the corner of her eye at Nightsky. **Are those your birds?** She sends gesturing up at the hawks. There is simple curiousity in the send, nothing more.

"One is," Savith replies as he floats close enough to Silverstorm that voice may carry to her ears. "THe other belongs to my Brother." He pauses a moment, then adds, "We are here hunting for manytooth, as was allowed by your Chieftain Firewater."

Silverstorm nods. She knew some of her tribesmates were at Blue Mountain, but when they left, she'd been busy. Now was her chance to rejoin her people and see someplace new. "Are you heading back to Blue Mountain immediately after you're done hunting?"

NightSky settles as Savith nears.. its 'not-quite' master! He digs at his flanks with his beak, picking out an irritant.

A single brow lifts at Silverstorm's words, though the CHosen replies truthfully, "We are." And nothing more is offered as he settles upon the sand upon a silent ripple of magic.

At Nightsky's side, Winddance turns back to preening her feathers, pulling at them with beak and tongue, fluttering and puffing up against Nightsky.

Silverstorm frowns slightly at his brief answer, and then tries again. "Could I perhaps go with you when you leave?" She remains standing, not having the bonus of a cushion of air.

Savith's eyes flicker a moment, the green chilling before he replies, "We are, unfortunately, unable to bring another elf with us when we return, for we hope to be as ladened with manytooth as our bonds can carry." Again there is a moment's pause before he adds, "I can, however, bare a message to your chieftain. Should he require your immediate presence, mayhap My Lord will dispatch a Chosen to collect you."

You locksend to Kureel, Savith reports in, Silverstorm's last pose, followed by Savith's answer. Enjoy!

Kureel locksends ** Another stray raft elf following you about Brother? Are you certain you mother did not sew trout into your jumpsuit? **

Silverstorm sighs. She was afraid that would be the answer.

Silverstorm says "Alright, I understand."

Silverstorm doesn't think her chief will need her, but there is a little bit of hope. At least this snobbish glider could carry a message.

Savith grins lightly at something as his eyes flicker once more, then he speaks aloud, "I do apologize, cousin, but food is of the utmost importance, as our home must now supply for far more than it was ever intended to. Please, your message."

You locksend to Kureel, Savith snorts at that, though he too sees the humor in that. **No, Brother, I don't think she did, though I do still think she makes your undersuits too tight for you!**

Silverstorm shrugs. "Just tell him that 'Silverstorm regrets not coming along when she got the chance and wishes to amend that by coming as soon as possible."

Savith nods to that, replying, "I shall be your voice to your chieftain." And he continues to survey the elfess.

You sense in a locksend, Kureel snorts mentally. **Simply more that the material needs to fit, Brother.**

NightSky flutters in annoyance, his eyes on Savith... some sort of derision is held there, a connection to his Master.

While Winddance doesn't seem the wiser, turning to pull at some of Nightsky's feathers gently.

Silverstorm has disconnected.

Later that night...

Yeyeen stands in the surf, void of clothing as she baths in the cold ocean water, washing away the blood and sweat of the days hunt. Her skin is slightly reddened on her face and neck from the unforgiving glare off the water as she splashes water over her skeletal form. On the beach a fire burns, with her uniform resting nearby to dry and a hunk of manytooth steak sizzling over the heat.

Savith floats in with a small backpack in his hands. Spotting the uniform and the too thin elfess, he sends. **Clear skies, Sister. Have you seasoned the meat yet?** Hidden under those words are the feelings of being hot and itchy from sand too.

Yeyeen sends back tiredly, a sense of near bliss at the cold water reaching into her thoughts. *Clear skies. A little. Season it to your tastes, Brother.** She continues to wash when she giggles suddenly and swats at the water.

Savith nods, sending a wordless acknowledgement to that as he sets his pack down to rummage through it. A moment later, he comes up with his spice baggie and begins sprinkling the powders and herbs upon the hunka hunka fish. Hearing the giggle and the slap, he glances over, **Having fun?** Mind company?

Yeyeen sends back, her tone light with near laughter. **The water is wonderful Brother. And the high ones know you need a bath. Beware the small fish however...they tickle.**

Savith smirks faintly, setting his spice supplies down to move toward the water. **And my uniform needs a washing. High ones know the fit Mother will throw if I come home with /another/ shredded uniform.** Ah, the humor. Savith is far too rough on his clothing some days.

Yeyeen releases her chosen's bun with a mental thought and dunks herself under the water. She surfaces, her long hair streaming behind her in the moonlight before she turns. **You mother still dresses.....** she cuts herself off, the thought teasing, yet biting towards the end. Perhaps she's just too tired to point and counter-point tonight.

**Then Mother still dresses /you/ as well, Sister,** Savith rebuffs, dropping helm and talonwhip to the sand just beyond the water's reach before he floats up to pull the boots off as well. After all, his mother's the seamtress in the mountain. She makes EVERYONE'S uniform! :P

Yeyeen stretchs her neck forward as her hair is pulled straight by the gift of her magic and starts to braid itself down her back. She doesn't respond to Savith's barb, instead choosing to change the subject. **Do you think we'll hunt again tomorrow, or just pack and go?** she sends, hoping more for the second than the first.

Point, Savith. He can't help but grin lightly at that as he makes his way into the water by his Sister. **If Kureel thinks we have enough, we'll pack and leave. If he thinks we carry one more, we'll probably head out after that. -gasp-** The gasp is both mental and physical as the cold waters touch his skin. **This is cold.**

Yeyeen smiles triumphantly at her fellow Choosen, have left that particular feeling out of her sends. **Refreshing, isn't it?** she teases softly, before suppressing another giggle and swatting at the water. **We have nearly more than the birds can carry, I think. And I'm already having to ride back with you. Hopefully our Brother's need to return quickly will win out.**

Savith should've figured how cold it was by the pebbles on Yeyeen's chest. ;P He drops into the water fully, up to his head while pulling his uniform off. **I do think we'll have load your bird midflight.**

Yeyeen sighs and splashes some of the chilled water onto her face before floating up and out of the waves. **This is a good hunting spot** she sends. **I've never hunted manytooth's before. It has been a learning experince.** What's this? An admittance of weakness? She must be tired.

Or sick in the head. Breaking the surface, Savith looks up at his sister, floating the uniform up toward her. **Mind setting this by yours to dry,** he asks, mind twinging with a bit of concern.

Yeyeen glances at the uniform and raises an eyebrow in slight contempt before she grabs ahold of the garment and floats back to the shore to lie stretched out near hers. The elfess hangs suspended above the waves, letting the water drip from her frame before she starts pushing the droplets from her skin. **Do not worry for me, Brother.** she sends sharply. Okay, olive branch extended.....sort retracted, broken, stomed on, and tossed into the fire.

Savith rolls his eyes slightly, washing away the grime of the day quickly. **A Chosen must worry for all in the mountain, Yeyeen, especially his fellow Chosen,** he remarks coolly before floating up to dry by his sister. AHA! But what you didn't know was that the olive branch was made of stone! BUWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!

Yeyeen snorts at that, her face twisting slightly in disbelif. The tone of her send is wistfull, however, as if she once belived that might have been true. The bitterness of broken dreams flits in as well before being tightly wound up and put away. **Of course, Brother. Ours is the duty to care for the mountain.**

Savith can't help but bring his brows together at that, but forces himself not to comment on it. Rather, he too begins pressing the water from his skin, in slow dilebrate motions. **As well as those of the Mountain, whom may have forgotten,** he adds softly, the touch of his mind as ginger as one's hand over a deep bone bruise.

Yeyeen glances at her fellow chosen a moment sideways, studying him as if trying to figure him out. She shivers, and turns to float back to the fire. **I didn't know the mountain forgot.** she states coldly as she comes to rest near the fire and actually settles onto her sleeping roll instead of floating above it as usual. **The waters here must have stange effects on elves.** she comments dryly. Yeah, thats it. Blame the nice innocent water.

YEAH! What it ever do to you!? Huh? Savith moves over, floating a blanket up to himself to wrap up in before settling down by the fire to warm and dry. **The Mountain doesn't,** he replies. **But sometimes we do.** We, meaning elves in general. Like Larias. The thought makes him sigh and look up toward the mountain that can not be seen. Oh, how he misses her.

Yeyeen glances at the elf for what seems the umpthteen time tonight and shakes her head. **You surprise me Brother.** she sends without the hint of mischeviousness or malice. **I wonder how you survive with how open you seem to leave yourself.**

Savith looks over, smirking lightly, **Very carefully.** Not much of a retort, but then again, Savith has...changed. He sighs again, looking into the fire, growing silent.

Yeyeen stares too into the fire in silence for a while before standing with her knife drawn. For a moment, in the darkness and shadows of the flickering firelight she seems hostile as she looms over the sitting elf, but only for a moment as she steps past and starts to cut a hunk from the cooking steak. **Hunrgy?** she asks serenely, casting doubts as to if that moment ever existed.

Savith never had any fear. Mostly because he was too busy picturing his soulmate in those dancing flames. "Hmmm," he vocalizes questioningly, lifting his gaze to Yeyeen and the shark meat. **Please,** he replies, nodding and letting that sense of hunger drift from him, but only the physical tummy hunger. Not that OTHER hunger.

Yeyeen cuts the hunk free and floats it over to the sitting elf. **Careful. It's very hot.** she teases lightly, as if the elf couldn't see that a sizzling hunk of meat fresh off the fire is hot.

Maybe he couldn't, for before the warning Savith was reaching for it with his hand. Moss colored eyes flick up to Yeyeen as she warns him and his gift ripples to the meat to collect it from the air instead of those vulnerable bare fingers. He nods, wordlessly sending his thanks, before adding over that with words, **I brought a bottle of wine, if you want some.**

Yeyeen cuts her own peice free and returns to her blankets, meat floating behind her. **Might as well.** she replies as she settles heavily to the ground. **Though it's likely to put me to sleep.**

**We'll need the rest,** he comments gently, eyes and mind going to the backpack for the small travel bottle he brought with him. **And with all the work I have already done here, no rafter will attack us in our sleep.** Good Chosen. Have a cookie.

Yeyeen blinks a moment, the thought of being attacked her never crossing her mind. She reaches out with her mind a moment, and Stardrifter screechs in response. With a satisfied nod, she turns and starts in on her meal while it's still hot.

While Savith provides the drink. And being attacked here is not so far out of thought. Just ask. It was... interesting, to say the least. Passing the drink, Savith sets to his own meal, eating in silence.

Tuesday, September 28, 2004

Go Fish

Logfile from Two Moons - Savith.

Raft Beach - Shoreline - Raft Holt
Truly magnificent and unique in its beauty, Rafter's beach unfolds before you. The sand is soft yellow, verging on golden, patterns of black sand trickling through the monotone coloring. The soft rushes of the waves playing upon the beach is accompanied by the light breeze which stream through the palm trees further into the cove. There you have it, rising up on either side is majestic cliffs with reefs and rocks underneath. The cliffs rise further, forming a lush green ridge formed as a giant U, which surrounds this secluded area. At the mouth of the U, there is only blue-green ocean to be seen with exception of the tribal gathering raft dipping on the waves.
Dusk has arrived and with it, the purples and golds that light the sky in a warm embrace. The daystar is near to falling out of sight.

As the sunstars light begins to fade into the brillant golds, purples and reds and the first of the stars start to peak out, Yeyeen rests on the beach after a long day of doing almost nothing. Fly here, fly there, you have to lure them up, more will show up tomorrow....gah! The elfess sits in the sand, staring out over the water as rocks and shells float up from around her and sail out over the water to skip several times before landing with a splosh.

While Savith floats in from the perch where the hawks are, having seen his hawkess to her place. **Tomorrow morning,** he sends, eyes squinting into the fading sunlight. **We should start by getting a few ravvits and bringing them with us. Manytooth react to fresh blood.**

**Quickly then** Comes Kureel's send from the perch that Savith just left, securing Nightsky's comfort. **We have no time to waste.** Time is short, we have to get back home!! Three out of eight Chosen gone, and with Outsiders at the base!! Danger!!

Yeyeen sends one last stone hurling into the water before glancing back to the first of the Chosen. **At least give us untill we can see again. I would perfer not to take any more risks than necessary feeding the...our visitors.** she sends, stifling a harsher comment. *Between one of us getting hurt, or them going hungry, let them starve.**

Standing in the sand, Savith turns his head to look at Kureel, shaking his head lightly as he replies, **We can't do any hunting until the sun is well and truely up. The manytooths are difficult to spot at night, and could cause serious injury to our bonds.**

Kureel fly's back to float near the others, Switching to speech. "Very well, let us find bait then at dusk while the little beasts are still about, so that we can begin hunting at first light. We will need to carry as many as we can.. Yeyeen, how many can your bond carry, and Savith, how many for you?"

Yeyeen motions towards the two measly manytoohs...manyteeth? caught today. "If the are all around that size? Stardrifter should be able to carry 4 perhaps, and still be able to fly to the mountain. More if we load onto her back and I ride double with one of you."

Savith eyes the catch already made that day, figuring things in his mind. Two lashed to where the packs go, one in its talon, and if Yeyeen rides double, another two more. It leaves him nodding. "They are all that size, at least this kind. There is one kind, I have heard of, that is far larger, nearly double these. Winddance can carry only two, if Yeyeen's riding with me, which I do think should be the case. Nightsky's able to carry more than 'Dance."

Kureel tallies in his head.. excellent, plenty to shoe in those filthy outsiders mouths and shut them up. "Good, we should not leave far from here, to gather bait for our trap. Savith you've hunted these more then I, will fish suffice to bring them?"

Yeyeen sighs quietly to herself and floats into a standing position, lightly brushing sand from her uniform. "What about a wave dancer? Plenty of blood in one or two of those instead of hunting ravvit all noght."

Again, Savith shakes his head. "The Rafters are to the wavedancers as we are to our hawks," he replies, having been told by the Raft CHief here that wavedancers are off limits. "It would not be a good idea, but yes, Brother, fish will work. In fact, any blood will summon the manytooth." He shakes his head again, but this time out of amazement while a memory flickers to the other two Chosen. The memory of a solo hunt here, learning to find them. He was told blood, and didn't believe it, until he dropped a gutted ravvit into the water. Water that was clear and undisturbed for as far as he coule see. Not but five minutes later... a pack of them!

Kureel says "Good, then we go fishing, within sight of the hawks roost." Kureel floats back to said roost, and pulls three sacks from a bundle. "Here, throw the smelly beasts in these, bring back as many as we can.""

Yeyeen snorts softly and lets the wavedancer comment drop. "So how do we hunt fish in the dark, Brother?" she asks dryly, floating one of the sacks and a hunting spear to her side.

"The shoals," Savith replies. "The water's shallow, but the fish more active." He too catches his pouch and points off that-a-way, away from the shoreline. "It's near the waterfall."

Kureel snorts in returns "Why only one way, Sister." He floats off in the direction Savith pointed, tossing back a jibe over his shoulder as he moves. "Carefully"

The elfesses light laugh echos across the empty beach as she floats towards the waterfall to hunt for fish. "Well, then let us hope you can remember which end of the spear to use, Brother." she comments to Kureel before gaining speed and moving away ahead of the others.

Waterfall - Surface - Raft Holt
The waterfall towers before you, the surroundings so magnificent, everything coming together in perfect harmony here. When the daystar is up, the mist created by the water flowing down into the big pool at the base, create a faint image of a rainbow. A cliff juts out just by the waterfall - vines dangles down from a tree on the very edge, the grass thick and green up there. The sounds of the water rushing into the pool dominate the area, a crescendo that carries out into the jungles. The pool is naturally formed, a big oval shaped edging, a big stream running into the trees, heading for the ocean. A ledge, wide enough for an elf or wolf to pass has been pulled from the cliff face. It runs along it heading behind the crashing waterfall. The grass is thick and lush surrounding the pool, a few rocks and boulders closer to the very base of the waterfall provides perfect seating. Wildlife tend to drift this way, across the pool one can catch a glimpse of some creature wanting a fresh drink. The whole place is open, lined only by the trees which leads deeper into the forests, a path can be seen there.
It is the dark of night, with little more than the two moons and a sparkling of star to light the way for one and all.

Savith grins at Yeyeen's barb, but says nothing. Instead, lifting from the sand, he leads the way through the raft holt, headed for the waterfall. The roar of the waters is heard long before the moisture is felt, and longer still before the waterfall is itself seen. Entering the area, Savith remensices a moment, eyes settling upon a branch, only for him to frown and shudder.

Kureel grumbles thinking to himself. 'Don't make me test it out on *you* Sister dear, after all most of my problems root down to you lately.' The scenery passes by below, its beauty lost, even in the night's dark, to the uncaring Kureel.

Yeyeen slows down to fly alongside Kureel a moment, curious. "Me, Brother? And what have I done to cause you problems?" she asks, her tone turning confrontational. Maybe the youngest of the Chosen grew a backbone in her absence from the eight.

Yeyeen slows as the trio reaches the waterfall and glides out over the water, away from teh clinging mist of the falls, studying the water. Her spear floats along beside her, sharp point facing the rippling surface. "We should have brought your pet fish" she says to Savith. "Let him earn the food he eats for once."

Savith turns from his reverie at the sound of Yeyeen's voice. He blinks, taking that in, but wisely choses not to answer. Instead, he floats over by his sister, sans spear. **Save the spear for the manytooth, Sister. These fish are best caught with talonwhip.** As if to demonstrate, he frees his talonwhip from his hip and clicks the claws open.

Kureel snickers at Yeyeen's comment, "Come now Sister, whom Savith chooses to keep in his Chambers is his business.. well and mine.. and Lord Winnowill's. But not yours." Talonwhip already slid into hand as he eyes the water's surface carefully. He catches a flash of movement.. a glimmer in the water and strikes... a blink later and a very small wriggling fish is pulled from the waters. As it flips its scales against the brightmetal tines of the talon-whip to escape, Kureel scowls... not what he was looking for.

Yeyeen glances at Savith with barely restrained patience as he starts to lecture her, before grinning at Kureel's comment. "The spear /is/ for the manytooth, Brother. I simply have it ready for when your aim slips and makes the fish bleed." She studies the water, her eyes focusing into its depths before she reaches out with her mind. A fish, wiggling as if in a grasp lifts itself from the water and floats into her waiting bag. **Not all problems are sloved by the whip Brother** She sends triumphantly.

Savith rolls his eyes at Yeyeen's comment. Honestly! And /she's/ older than he? Puh-leeze! **There aren't any manytooth here, Sister,** he chides again, eyes going into the water to search for a fish himself. Quarry found, he casts his own talonwhip into the water's depth. A flick of his wrist and the rope jerks up back toward him, a nice fat trout squirming in his talonwhip. Moss-colored eyes flick to Kureel. HAHA! Mine's bigger than yours! Neener neener neener!

Kureel scoffs, lucky first try, I scared it in your direction. **Live a few more hands upon hands upon hands upon hands of turns, Sister and *perhaps* I will consider your advise wise. Now kindly focus on your task.** Stalling really, all this yabber while he searches for another fish.. still nothing.. Blast!!

Savith places his fish into his pouch, and looks about for another fish, moving a bit away from Yeyeen to do so. A moment passes as he collects his talonwhip and readies for another throw. Then he casts again but misses his mark. Slippery little buggers.

There! Bastard! Kureel strikes out with his talon whip again this time the whop comes free with a medium sized trout in its coils.. better but not great yet.

Yeyeen floats away from the others as well, scanning the waters depths. Lifting the fish like that took more than she's willing to let on. Relunctantly, she pulls her own whip free and tries to find a target.

Monday, September 27, 2004

To the Raft!

At the very summit of the Mountain you find the clearest signs of the transformation initiated by the Dreaming gliders at Winnowills bidding. The rocky surface is still shaped in intricate loops and whirls, echoing the wonder of the great Egg. Half familiar shapes can be sensed as much as felt among the twisting and folding surfaces..some utterly alien, other of a disturbing familiarity.
Pain cries from the walls, but so do joy, and wonder, and the dizzying echoes of the long gone Dreams. The gargantuan latticework forms a dome to crown the Mountain with shapes that from afar might seem to be the roots of some twisted tree. Even here, the tiny cracks can be seen criss-crossing all surfaces.
The loops and folds open out to the open sky in unexpected places, and ways. Though none of the openings are larger than the armspan of a glider, and most much smaller, there are still few places left shadowed. The light of the sun and the moons weaves intricate shadows, that changes in fascinating ways as time passes.
In some nooks and crevices there have been placed furs or pillows, telltale traces of the gliders spending hours and days in dreamy contemplation of the sky.
A winding stairway leads Down to the main parts of the Mountain.

Kureel locksends ** Brother, the Lord has ordered en, yourself, and I to travel to the Vastdeep to hunt for our Visitors, I am with Yeyeen now, please begin getting our Bond-birds ready for flight, and gather what we will need. We will meet you in the Aerie. **

You locksend to Kureel, Savith snaps to attention quickly. **At once Brother,** he replies, flying from his room shortly there after to get the bondbirds ready. Of course, yours and Yeyeen's are hardest. Stupid lack of animal bonding...

As ordered, Savith has prepared the three bondbirds for travel and hunting. Each have the Chosens' day packs, and three spears each. Floating by his hawk, the trained, and until recently, unbonded hawkess, Savith trills at her, feeding her a bit of morsel and petting her beak as he waits. "Sweet hatcling."

Yeyeen drifts into the Aerie, a brillant smile bringing the beauty back to her face until her gaze falls upon Savith. Quickly, the stone mask that makes the elfess look so haggard reappears. **Clear skies, Brother. Are we ready yet** she sends, obviously expecting Savith not to be finished.

His eyes first scan the preparations.. critically eyeing the packs, the birds, weighing that against the time since he sent.. not bad. As Kureel alights his feet on the stone of the Aerie he sends **Well done Brother, well done indeed. Almost as well as I could have done.. half asleep.** He grins wryly.. a joke? or ego? **But better then most.** He floats over towards his bond, calling softly to Nightsky. 'Are you ready to fly again so soon?' 'No I don't doubt you can do it.' 'Yes you are very brave..'

Savith glances over his shoulder at his Sibling's sendings. To Yeyeen, Savith merely nods, while Kureel just gets a thin-lipped almost smile. It's like an unpleasant smirking pout. OH, this hunting trip is going to be fun. Two cob-web ridden ancients picking on him. Oh boy. Turning away, Savith settles upon the brightmetal harness that wraps itself around the bird's breast, cooing like a turtle dove to his mind-deaf hawk. **Just waiting on you, treesap,** he quips finally, eyes flicking to Yeyeen. Treesap, cause she's SLOW!

Yeyeen smirks at the poor attempt at an insult and sends softly to Stardrifter, her own bond bird. The elfess checks the harness and supplies herself, not trusting Savith to have done it correctly as the tightens a strap here and refits a buckle there. **Funny brother. Didn't I hear you making those same sounds to your babe? Doesn't speak well for her intelligence.**

Kureel sighs.. oh yes this will be.. interesting. Floating up to the harness and taking his seat, he pulls the hunting spear free from its holding place, gesturing with it as he speaks, not *to* dramatic, "To the Vastdeep and back, with as little time wasted as we can. Lord Winnowill has sent three of us, to bring enough food back for all of the elves below, three days there, no more then we must return. To leave our home unprotected, even when most of the guests have left, is dangerous. So let us fly fast and hunt well."

Savith straightens in his harness, opting NOT to reply to Yeyeen's comment this round. He's got to think of a good one first. A shrill whistle and Winddance hefts herself up to her feet, crying aloud and ready to be off.

Yeyeen settles herself into her harness without any more delay, and glances about a moment before a queit send to the heavy bird lifts the two into the air and into the night.

Kureel urges Nightsky out, behind the others.. some small part of his mind worrying, why does it seem like he might not see the Mountain again? Odd, must have been something he ate. Nightsky takes wing and falls in behind the others, Kureel scanning the ground carefully.

Savith and Winddance lead the way, taking to flight and starting toward sun-goes-down. He doesn't glance down, rather, the Chosen glances back, toward the mountain. After all, everything that is important to him is there. **There is a cliff we'll perch at,** he informs the others. **Room enough for the hawks. It over looks the waters we'll find the most game in. Daytime hunting is best.**

Thursday, September 23, 2004

A Deal with the Devil


Logfile from Two Moons - Savith.

Main Hall
The room rises up round, walls idle in their shape, with little regard to gravity, and fluid stone columns drip from the ceiling to floor, curving and twisting into deep blue shadows. The massive room is dim, lit only at the far side, where rises the skeleton of a great bird, hovering protectively over the throne of Blue Mountain's Lord. Deep, wide stairs rise up to greet the throne, stopping many feet below, leaving no evident manner of ascending the seat. From time to time, elves flit in and out, through hallways and through narrow, holes in the walls, high above the floor.

**Chosen, see our visitors to their tribes, see that they safely leave our Home to prepare, as soon as possible.** The order flies out, from the blue, one evening. The calm minds voice behind it betraying nothing, like these things happen all the time.

On duty, Savith floats above the throne, jus to WInnowill's right. As the send drifts from her, he takes a breath. This was bound to happen soon, and so he flicks his eyes down to his Lord. A silent nervousness touches him as he debates speaking his mind. Somedays She will tell you what your opinion is. Other days, she wants to hear what your REAL opinion is. What day is today?

Winnowill reclines back after her sending. A twinge fro her Chosen, a subtle discomfort, an unasked question intrigues Her. "Savith, I want to hear your opinions on this. Do you think that our guests will be glad to leave our Home?" Barb cast, now lets see how he bites, and on what.

"Some no doubt will be," Savith replies, hands folded behind him. "Others will not be." It's a nibble-nibble, to be sure.

Winnowill folds her hands together, steepling the fingers. "How very.. descriptive of you Savith. Understandably the Wolfriders will be pleased to leave us, after their previous.. visits to our home. The Go-backs as well seemed anxious to leave, though at times I found it difficult to tell them from the Wolves, which only goes to show that blood is not the only thing that corrupts an elf."

Savith just nods at that. Oh, but Winnowill asked for his opinion. "No, it's not. Nor is outward appearance," he comments softly, moss green eyes sliding toward his Lord to peer at her. Winny's fish is nibbling still, yet still skittish.

Winnowill continues "Savah and her band, now they have been most surprising, my Dark Sister will be staying here to plan, but the rest of her band may be returning with the others.. and darling Rayek.. and his extended family. Ah, such a joy." Almost like she's talking to herself... until. "And of course Firewater, and his.. friends..."

It's the mention of Firewater and his group that makes Savith tense. The nibble turns into a full fledged bite. "Yes. The Rafters," he murmurs faintly.

Winnowill turns in Her Throne abruptly to face the floating Chosen. "I think, Savith, that it is time you tell me about the Rafters, and why you seem to react so strongly whenever I speak of them."

Savith clears his throat and licks his lips as She asks. "As you may recall, My Lord, the Raft was where I located Larias after her long absence," he begins, eyes leaving Winnowill's form for the floor. Normally happy thoughts would come from thinking of one's lifemate, but no. Instead a frown forms as worry knots his brow. It's been how long since Larias needed healing? He clears his throat again, suddenly aware that Winnowill still watches him. "And I helped deliever one of their children," he adds, a light blush rising to his cheeks. After all, She laughed at him in send when she touched his mind at that moment and he had NO IDEA what to do. Boil water, right?

Winnowill nods, her eyes clearly intent, her posture indicating just as clearly as words could. 'Yes, and?'

Savith glances over. A breath is taken. Oh boy. Here goes. "And Sandsour is trusted by both Larias and myself to care for Acedia," he says, a quiver threatening to shake his spine. Don't hurt me, dear Lord! Don't hurt me!!

Winnowill pauses. A very long Pause. VERY Long. "Your child. Whom your lifemate suffered greatly for. Your second child by recognition in short time. A feat almost unheard of in our tribes history, let alone the recognition itself. A child entrusted to your care. And you trust his care to an Outsider?" Her voice raises just a touch at the end, her anger showing through, despite attempts to quell it.

And the quiver is off, shaking the very tips of Savith's ears. He swallows nervously, and replies frightfully. "I can't get any kind of answer from Larias, to see whom else she'll allow to hold the child, My Lord! I've only ever seen her let Sandspur close. Not even Mother is allowed!" Crap! Someone save me!!

Winnowill quirks a brow. "So you are saying that you need this Sandspur's help to see after your hatchling? To *help* you with your duty to the Child?"

Savith isn't sure if this is better or worse. Okay, the more he thinks baou tit, the more he's sure this is worse. But to agree is bad. And to not agree would be bad... His eyes display his uncertainity and his brows knot on his forehead. Several times he licks his lips to speak. Several times he opens his mouth to speak. But nothing comes out until he manages, "With so many others still in the mountain, and now requesting to leave it, I am still as busy as ever. It would not be wise to take Acedia with me during my other Duties, and I am not relieved of my Duty, and I need help, someone to watch her while I'm away, and..." oh, poor Savith! He's rambling, he's so nervous!

Winnowill nods slowly. "So then, you are forced to be a failure. To either your duty or to your child. I see." She takes a moment to think, to decide, though she has in truth made up her mind the very moment the discussion started. "you know how important your family is to me Savith"

Savith is a failure still. It's like a slap across the face. He turns his face from His Lord and he floats a little lower as his shoulders sag slightly. To Her almost question, Savith nods. "Yes, My Lord, I do. Perhaps not fully, but I understand. It's new life in our home, and..." he falls silent now. Said too much. -.-'

Winnowill allows him a moment to stew.. to worry. "So then, the question becomes what to do. Go against the orders to bring our guests out of our home, do as asked, and be removed from your position. Find *someone* that your child will tolerate, or.. find some way to convince me that it is in our best interests to allow an Outsider to help you in your inability to meet both of your duties."

Savith bites the inside of his lower lip. Convince? Oh high ones. His mind works quickly, but comes up with little until... "I suppose, one could say it's repayment, for their own trust in me with one of their children?" Okay, that was lame, but it's the best he can do! Is it just him, or is that his heart pounding?

Winnowill softly chides, a 'tsking' sound, "Not a very convincing argument to make me believe that what I see as best for the Mountain is wrong Savith. Allow me to provide a better alternative. You wish this elf, Sandspur to stay here with us, to help you manage. In return I wish you to prove to me exactly why you *should* be Chosen." She sends, finishing the offer.

Winnowill locksends ** Eveshka years to be Chosen, feels she should continue Her training. I believe that a challenge will be required, though not necessarily a physical one. You will ensure that Eveshka does not become Chosen, for if you do not, it will be your place that she acquires. **

Savith is silent. There just isn't anything to say. What can he say? He frowns lightly, and blinks a few times. He takes in Her locksend, swallowing lightly, and then nods. "Yes you Will, My Lord." Making deals with the Devil, huh? This is not good.

Winnowill locksends ** Then you agree to my offer Savith? **

You locksend to Winnowill, Savith is nervous, and yet determined. He has always been loyal. He might misstep, he might not always think clearly, but in his heart, Mountain is All. **I do, My Lord.**

Savith replies in locksend.

Winnowill nods and smiles, a slight smirk of satisfaction creeping in.

Winnowill locksends, to Sandspur, Savith: ** Sandspur, of the Raft Tribe, friend to Savith Chosen of Blue Mountain, and to his child Acedia. **

Sandspur locksends, to Winnowill, Savith: ** ((surprise, aprehension)) Yes? I am here. **

Winnowill locksends, to Sandspur, Savith: ** Savith has spoken to me on your behalf, in no small part due to his.. commitment and confidence in you. ((long drawn out mental pause)) You are welcome to stay, and tend to Savith's hatchling. **

Savith swallows lightly, turning his gaze from Winnowill and back to the width of the Main Hall. Oh boy.

Sandspur locksends, to Winnowill, Savith: ** ((again, surprise and poorly hidden pleasure at the offer...and at Savith's trust, for he knows this is no small thing)) Then...I shall. Thank you! **

Winnowill turns back to recline again on the throne. "Thank you Savith, you may go now and see to your child. And your hard won friend."

Savith bows, and sends for Generi to replace him, refusing to leave until he's relieved of his current Duty. "My thanks, My Lord," he murmurs before he goes, flying up, up, and away! To infinity and beyond!

Winnowill waves off Generi when and if he arrives. Solitude is what she requires.

Savith's Chambers, Hall of the Chosen, Blue Mountain
A feeling of magic resonates about the chamber, a shapers touch having recently graced the room. A stone chandelier is centered on the ceiling, several candles set to burn and illuminate the room. Hanging from the chandelier are several small pieces of metal, polished so as to brightly reflect the light from the candles above. A patchwork ravvit fur ground covering is on the floor, colors ranging from tawny blonde, to golden, to a rich deep brown. Around the fur covering, are several large sitting pillows, each one matchnig one of the shades in the center pillow, one which is made of roe deer skin, a soft brown, striped faintly with gold.
Along one wall a stone table has been erected as has a bench, a pitcher and tray set out, though both are commonly empty. Hung against the far wall of the room, is a circular decoration. It appears to be made entirely of leather and ravvit fur, soft browns , again with a touch of gold. Within the circle, strands of sinew create a webbed pattern, in which small beads made of bone are tied. From these beads, strings of leather fall, almost brushing the floor, the ends tipped in more beads, feathers, and fur. Two wall sconces shaped to either side, illuminate the strange piece of art work.
One small corner of the room has been curtained off from the rest, the curtain matching the color scheme of golds, yellows and browns, with fine needlework decorating the light weight leather. Images of great hawks, wolves, ravvits and a myriad of other creatures has been embroidered onto the piece. A small corner of the bed and platform peeks out from behind the curtain, covered in new blankets and pillows, again the coloring the natural golds and browns of doe skin, set to match the rest of the room.
All in all, this Chosen's room has come to resemble a wolfriders den more than a chamber of the Mountain.

Sandspur looks up at Savith's entrance. The Rafter rises from his spot on his cushions and takes several long strides toward the Glider. "Savith, I...I don't know what to say, truly."

Savith has his helms in his hands, having pulled it off almost immediately. His eyes settle upon Sandspur, and a wan smile touches his face, but keeps it's distance from his eyes. "Say nothing," he replies. "I shall need your aid until Larias is well, that is certain. Will you need anything to stay here? I can not ask that a shaper come to grant you a bed area, however. Too much shaping has been done here too recently."

"The cushions are fine." Sandspur looks worried, for had not heard about Larias being ill. " serious is her illness?"

Savith shakes his head lightly as he sets the helmet on the shelf, followed by his talonwhip. "I'm not certain," he replies. "But serious enough for My Lord to require the time to work on her. And all these guests are surely straining."

Sandspur looks guilty at that, glancing down at the floor. Had he upset the pretty one? "I'll take care of the pip like she was my own...well, my own pip, I suppose."
Savith makes his way from the door toward the dining table for water. "Thank you, Sandspur. I am glad My Lord is allowing this. I know you wished to stay within these halls," he says, his tone flat and heartless.

"You know I wish to stay near you," Sandspur points out.

Savith shrugs lightly in reply, pouring a drink for himself. He doesn't answer.

Wednesday, September 22, 2004

A Chat with Sandspur


Logfile from Two Moons - Savith.

Savith's Chambers, Hall of the Chosen, Blue Mountain
A feeling of magic resonates about the chamber, a shapers touch having recently graced the room. A stone chandelier is centered on the ceiling, several candles set to burn and illuminate the room. Hanging from the chandelier are several small pieces of metal, polished so as to brightly reflect the light from the candles above. A patchwork ravvit fur ground covering is on the floor, colors ranging from tawny blonde, to golden, to a rich deep brown. Around the fur covering, are several large sitting pillows, each one matchnig one of the shades in the center pillow, one which is made of roe deer skin, a soft brown, striped faintly with gold.
Along one wall a stone table has been erected as has a bench, a pitcher and tray set out, though both are commonly empty. Hung against the far wall of the room, is a circular decoration. It appears to be made entirely of leather and ravvit fur, soft browns , again with a touch of gold. Within the circle, strands of sinew create a webbed pattern, in which small beads made of bone are tied. From these beads, strings of leather fall, almost brushing the floor, the ends tipped in more beads, feathers, and fur. Two wall sconces shaped to either side, illuminate the strange piece of art work.
One small corner of the room has been curtained off from the rest, the curtain matching the color scheme of golds, yellows and browns, with fine needlework decorating the light weight leather. Images of great hawks, wolves, ravvits and a myriad of other creatures has been embroidered onto the piece. A small corner of the bed and platform peeks out from behind the curtain, covered in new blankets and pillows, again the coloring the natural golds and browns of doe skin, set to match the rest of the room.
All in all, this Chosen's room has come to resemble a wolfriders den more than a chamber of the Mountain.

As an almost not-so-uncomfortable silence descends upon the pair, Acedia sleeps on in her crib by the bed. As Sandspur peers up at his friend, Savith is clearly preoccupied, a light frown gracing his features every so often, as if a flicker of unpleasant thought drifts to him before taking flight again. What were they talking about before the silent pause?

Sandspur lingers in the comfortable silence for a time, then reaches up to touch Savith's hand lightly. "Are you sure you don't want to rest a little? You didn't look so good coming out here."

Savith sighs softly, nodding as he runs a hand through his rather short-cropped curls. "I should," he repeats in a fatigued tone of voice. "But I've got Hall Duty again in the morning. No point in sleeping now."

Sandspur looks confused. "Don't you need to be rested for that..." The hand moves up to Savith's shoulder. Ugh. There would be more give in the stone floor. He kneads gently.

Savith frowns again, brows knotting up on his forehead as he shrugs to pull his shoulder away. "Yes, probably," he replies. "But I've done without sleep before. Today won't be any different." He pauses a moment. "Though I should eat."

Sandspur shrugs easily as Savith withdraws. The touch wasn't meant to be amorous, but he's noticed how aloof his friend can be. "I know where the dining hall is. I can bring you whatever you'd like."

Savith shakes his head at that. "We have a cook for that," states the Chosen. "It's just a matter of sending. Plus, you shouldn't be out and about the mountain alone." He pauses here again, eyes settling upon the table Larias always has ready with food for him when he gets home. Empty. -sigh- It's the little things you miss. High ones! What a sap! It's only been, what? An hour?! >.<'

Sandspur looks a little helpless. "Is there anything I can do for you? Please, Savith..."

Savith smiles lightly, though honestly it's only skin deep. "If you want to stay up and keep me awake, that you be nice. Otherwise, no, not really. You could sleep now. Infants are tiring to care for."

Sandspur shakes his head. "No. I'll stay with you, Savith. I just...feel like I can only annoy you, I suppose."

Savith smirks. "No. You'd know when you annoyed me," he says with almost a touch of humor. THen he sighs softly and sends for the food. "You want somethin gtoo?"

Sandspur shakes his head...then rethinks. "A little fish. None of that wine stuff, though."

Savith nods to that, placing his order with the kitchen staff. Sandspur might not want wine but Savith sure doe-... aw man!! He's got hall duty. -sigh- Cancel the wine, please. With the order placed, Savith reclines, staring up at the ceiling. A moment passes, then he turns to look at Sandspur, "Where'd you put my helmet?"

Sandspur smiles a little. "Foot of the bed."

Savith turns his head to look. A faint grin and a flicker of thought brings the helmet flying over. The passes the two on its way to the shelf where it belongs.

Savith can't help but smile in pride. If there's one thing he's proud of having gotten from his birth parents, it's flight. With his helmet settled into place, he removes the talonwhip and floats it over as well, to get it out of the way.

Sandspur sighs. "I don't suppose that's something a body can learn, is it?"

Savith purses his lips at the question. "I... don't know," he replies. "I don't think so. I can't learn rockshaping," he murmurs faintly.

"I had to ask." Sandspur grins. "How long are you on duty for?"

"Just the morning," Savith replies. "Since Hally Duty is the most demanding, it's shorter. Allows designed to leave time to hunt.""

Sandspur says "So...we can hunt?"

Savith thinks about that a moment, then shakes his head. "It wouldn't be advisible."

Sandspur says "I didn't mean right *now*, but...later?"

Savith nods lightly. "Maybe," he states softly. "If My Lord allows, of course." Outside, a light send annouces the arrival of the food.

The send actually makes Sandspur tense a little, even as he runs to answer the door.

Savith glances up as Sandspur bolts for it. Okay... Savith replies to the send, allowing the glider to enter. She pushes aside the drape just as Sandspur gets there. Collition.

Monday, September 6, 2004

Shocking News


Logfile from Two Moons - Savith.

Southern Hall
Sheer elegance of size unfolds before you. The Southern Hall, entrance to Blue Mountain, expands upwards into a dark indigo, slowly falling back down in lighter hues, mauve just overhead and a damp pink at foot. Carved and shaped from the stone, hawks and falcons adorn the walls near the entrance. Stone ivy, tainted with a vibrant green and brown of shaping magic, slowly progresses towards the north, first intermingling with real flora, then disappearing behind what could only be lush vegetation for a cavern.
To the west, a staircase forms an octagon as it angles down in a colorful and playful design of color. Although the bottom step shares the same rich blue stone as the floor, each consecutive step shifts hues until the last reaches a deep green, leading into the shadows of an arch. To the southeast, another arch decends into a grotto, night-sky blue pillars shouldering either side.
The air is fresh and clean, a breeze blowing through unseen places high above. A rich sweetness of vegetation rolls in through the northern arch. Overhead, shadowy bridges span the eastern and western walls, drawn from the very stone. Although lit well enough to make out the distinct details of the hall, the huge space echoes voices and footsteps several times, contributing to the immenseness of Blue Mountain.

Time being meaningless here, its passing can only be measured when one is tired and sleeps, and when one is hungry and eats. Or when the Chosen take a shift change. Such as now, when Savith flies from the Main Hall, just down from his watch over the Throne. Another day done. Another meal about to be ordered, and many, another night spent in the arms of loved ones. IF no one calls, that is.

Some in the Mountain might measure time by the comings and goings of the Chosen, but Savah, is not one of those. Such things, if she notices them at all, are never commented upon. She sleeps as often here, as she did in the Village, so that is no measure of time either. Her time, is mostly spent in meditation, save for those increasingly rare journeys outside the Chamber she has resided in since arriving in the Mountain. And this, is one of those moments, where the Mother of Memory slips out from behind the thick cloth curtain, her hair done up in its myriad of tiny braids, clothed in the garb of a Mountain elf, though her skin, her bearing, and of course, the power which radiates benignly from her, as if she were the sun, force her to stand out.

And that is what makes Savith do a double take. He hadn't see Savah in a while, and well.. She's just so dark compared to the gliders. Alighting upon the ground, the Chosen pauses a moment, and nods to the head of the sun village, his voice soft, "Savah."

Lifting her eyes, Savah's attention flickers from the floor and deep thoughts, to Savith. Slowly, her eyes blink, and she cants her head in the form of a genteel nod, "Chosen." After all, he's in full regalia, he must be doing Her bidding.

Or just finished doing Her Duty? At the title, Savith inclides his chin and becomes suddenly MORE businesslike. "Is there anything I can do for you, Mother of Memory," the CHosen asks. Two can play at tossing titles about. The two are standing just inside speaking distance, while Savith closer to the Main Hall and Savah near the Guest Caverns she has been staying.

Savah closes her eyes for a moment, her head shaking softly from side to side. Its then, her hands move, to gently grasp one to the other. Soft is the Mother's voice, as she replies, "No, no there is nothing that I need done for me." Her eyes then open, a glimmer of an enigmatic smile beginning, "Is there something else, perhaps, I can do for you?"

It is about now that another form slips along the ground from the Guest Cavern. Lacking the height of the Gliders, and the dark color of the Sunfolk, she is one of the others who have congregated to the Mountain during this time of troubles - a simple Cavedweller who followed the Sunfolk and Palace-folk to this blue place.
The words makes Savith quirk a brow,but before he can answer, the soft sound of the pitpatter of little footfalls upon stone catch his attention. "No, no," Savith replies distractedly, eyes going toward the newest elfess. "Nothing you can do, at the moment."

"Perhaps later then?" Savah asks quietly, the smile full upon her lips, knowing and humored all at once. The words spoken, her attention as well turns towards the sound of another moving about.
Silverfox comes to a stop as she glances up to find all eyes (all four of them) on her. The scarred arms come up to wrap around her waist, as she comes to a stop. There is a pause, before she nods in greeting, voice quiet, if odd in this Hall, and respectful. "Savah, Chosen... I hope I am not intruding?" After all, if nothing else, being polite has been pounded into her head.

"Hmmmm, perhaps," Savith replies, eyes on Silverfox. They narrow into slits as they study her features, her countance. "No," he answers finally. "No, you're not interrupting. I don't believe I've had the pleasure of meeting you." Cold? Of course! Calculating? Definately. Creepy? Well, what do YOU think?

You sense in a locksend, Larias's mind, turns to dread, fear fiulled, angry, protective.

Savah echoes the Chosen, well, the meaning anyway, for her own words differ, as does the tone, for hers is warm, welcoming, and encouraging, "Of course not my child. Of course not. Ktai mentioned to me, that you had come."

You locksend to Larias, Savith is instantly aware and worried. **Beloved? What? What is it??**

Silverfox tilts her head and gives the Chosen a frank look, from the top of his curly hair to the bottom of his feathered books, taking her time. After a moment or five, going so far as to think she'd not ever be replying, a grin appears as would seem to be her customary, "Nope, I don't believe we have. Shade and sweetwater, Chosen - I'm Silverfox." Savah gets a look, and a more sedate smile - even if that is obviously more towards an effort of respect then calmness, "Good, good - Ktai made me promise I wouldn't be bothering anyone, but the idea of staying in the Cavern for another moment was like making a figure in the burning sands - unpleasant to even think of!"

You sense in a locksend, Winnowill abruptly enters your mind, not seeking pain, but for pure efficiency, not even bothering to knock on your mind before making her thoughts known. **Savith, do be a good father and go collect your youngest from my Sweet Larias, I have need to speak to her, and do not wish the Child to be bothered.**

And in that stretch of time, Savith's eyes shadow as his shoulders tense. As the elfess's voice pipes out from her, he shifts his gaze, turning them up toward the summit. A locksend drifts from his mind, as an unplesant expression darkens his features. It's then that his eyes return to Silverfox, narrowed even more sharply. "Silverfox," he repeats. He opens his mouth to say something further, only for no sound to emerge. Instead, his eyes take on a glazed look as what can only be an inky send creeps into his mind. A blink, and he turns, legs tensing as this CHosen prepares for flight.

You locksend ** I Fly. ** to Winnowill.

You sense in a locksend to Winnowill, Savith: Larias's mind reaches for her mates, ** Ah, something, that I must.. attend to Savith. I... ** well, she's not sorry. ** I hope you weren't interrupted. **

You locksend, to Winnowill, Larias: Savith's mind is calmingly businesslike. **No, certainly, lifemate. I am on my way.** A pause, and his mind sends again, knowing She is listening. **DO I escourt her to you, My Lord?*8
Savah's pale thin brow arches as Savith goes from cool to cold, from stiff to robotic, seemingly in response to his look of ... irritation? frustration? worry? She speaks quietly then, "Yes, I.. .find myself needing to move about, more frequently here as well.

Winnowill locksends, to Larias, Savith: ** No, she knows the way, and the child needs tending. As all children do. And the safety of our children is of highest paramount, is it not? **

You locksend, to Winnowill, Larias: ** It is. **

Silverfox twitches a moment at the look, then very carefully takes a step back. Just in case she's annoyed him, you see. She watches him get ready to leap into the air, before looking at the elder to see how she is responding, before nodding, "Almost the opposite of the Village. Interesting..."

Savith launches himself into the air and off into somewhere else in the mountain. Sends flicker to and from him as he flies off.

Savah's eyes follow after the fading form of the Chosen, definitely on an errand of his Lord, no question about that. She shakes her head, letting out a soft sigh, before turning her focus back towards Silverfox. Again, she speaks softly, "Yes, much here is the opposite of the Village. Have you found it, tolerable this far?"

Silverfox clearly relaxes some as the Chosen floats up out of the room - if she's going to be here for a while, that is probably something she needs to work on, how to hide her reactions better. "So far, though Ktai is going to have her hair go pale with her worrying...." the young healer admits cheerfully enough. "She was worrying /me/, though, so I came a'visiting. Everything going well with you, Mother of Memory?" The title at this poing is probably due to the increased danger the cavedweller sees the elder being in, just being here.

"As well as can be expected," Savah replies, her eyes flicking now and again in the direction of the flighty Chosen. Another soft sigh, her head shaking a fraction from side to side. Her eyes close for one brief moment, then open again, "How was she worrying you?"

Silverfox smirks a touch, as she looks up at the taller Sunlady, arms still tucked up around her waist, given mothcloth is /not/ suitable for the Mountain, "You mean besides a lack of eating, a lack of sleeping, and telling me to go away? Usual things." Wait -- that /is/ the usual thing!

A hint of a smile makes its way to Savah's lips, perhaps being aware of all this already, and, more than likely guilty of very similar for she does not have her usual handmaiden there to remind her to eat and drink when she has been meditating for to long. A soft chuckle sounds from the Mother of Memory, "So, she is being her usual self, and this concerns you?"

The sound of bare feet on stone proceeds the entrance of Larias. She looks, pale, fear filled and determined. Her arms are at her sides, held there stiffly, though she wishes to curl them protectively about a child right about now.

Sorry. But Baby is with Daddy, right now. But if you'd like to leave a message, please press one, now, or just wait for the tone. BEEEEEEEEEEEP. Savith walks at his mate's side, cradling a fussing infant in his arms. A large infant, to be sure, but an infant, none the less. Soft words and whistles and birdchirps come from the oh-so-stoic Chosen as he seeks to calm and comfort the child. Waking a baby from naptime for a walk, is NOT a good thing. No, not at all. Fussy baby.

Silverfox giggles quietly at the Mother of Memory, before asking, "Should I be driving you to distraction with my natterings as well? Well, obviously, because she wasn't annoyed when telling me to go away. She was..." there are people coming. A chosen and another, and with a moment's pause, "More insistant about it." Ah, talking is such a wonderful thing!

A slender, broad-shouldered figure watches furtively from a shadowed doorway -- if there's one thing the mountain is not short on, it's shadows. He knows he's not supposed to be out here without Savith escorting him, but he's been curious about this place and been here long enough to scrape together a little courage.

"Perhaps, with you, Ktai and Rue working together..." Another soft chuckle emanates from the Mother of Memory, but the sound trails off into silence as the Chosen returns, and with strange company too.

Larias pauses a moment once the landing of the floor has been reached. She abruptly grabs her mates shoulder, forcing him to pause in step, and, exuberantly, turns to wrap her arms tight about him, a quick nuzzle to his neck, flutter of eyelashes to cheek, and a light kiss as well, and she turns, two tears glimmering in the light and off she goes at a full blown run, feet slapping on the stone floor, darting into the Grotto.

Which leaves poor Savith standing there, at the bottom of the stairs, a fussy baby in his arms, blinking after his mate. There's a worried cast to his features, no doubt about it, but send moral support? HA! Not on if his life and soul depended on it! ...Oh wait. It just might. Twoedge's Riddles. What's a Chosen to do?!

Silverfox smirks up at Savah, "Ohhhh, so Ktai's just as fussy as she's always telling me I am? Nice - I'll have to tell her I will stop when she does - and that just won't include you..." she teases the Sunlady, before glancing back to the two, as Larias runs off. A touch of a frown appears, as that can't be good.

Sandspur blinks at the brief interaction between Savith and Larias. He's going to get in trouble, he knows, but Savith looks...well, poleaxed. "Um...Savith?" He pokes his head out and approaches the Chosen cautiously, his bare feet all but silent on the stone floor. "Is everything all right?"

All trace of light hearted amusement fades from the visage of the Mother of Memory, her brows dip down low, arching high. She lets out a long sigh, then shakes her head, one thin brown hand reaching up to press against her temple.

The child complains a bit more as Daddy's chirping whistles fade with his worry. It's Sandspur's questions that reach Savith's ears, for he turns to look at the spiky visitor. He takes a breath and nods, busying his voice by chirping nad whistling for his precious hatchling once more. Turning from Sandspur slightly, Savith takes to pacing, his steps taking him toward Savah and Silverfox, all the while bouncing the child gently.

Silverfox glances towards the new voice, considering Sandspur as she asks the Chosen, "Kitling can't sleep?"

Sandspur inches up to the Glider and child, slipping off his necklace. He holds it over the bundle of fretful Gliderling, letting the clearstone and shells tinkle against each other. Acedia has been soothed by this before...maybe it will work again. "Poor must be so frustrating not to speak."

Amber eyes look at all those present, and then, she moves to turn round, headed back towards the Guest Chamber she has been residing in. Something, new occupies her thoughts, something new which should be tended to. No words are spoken, though the Mother of Memory is far from speedy in her departure.

Savith's eyes trail after Savah. They narrow faintly as a dark scowl appears. One can just imagine the little black storm cloud over his head as he all but glares at Savah. And there goes his cute birdsong, gone again. But thankfully those bright beads help, and the child reaches for them and leans WAAAAAAAAAAY over toward Sandspur. Annoyed, Savith just lets her go, opting to holding the child aloft with his mind then struggle with her in his arms. She's hot besides, and mussin' his uniform. Hmph. Plus, this way, he can cross his arms and look rightfully disgruntled.

Silverfox glances at Savah, and sends something, the little Cavedweller looking rather concerned as more and more people seem upset, kitlings included.

Sandspur laughs and moves to take little Acedia...who instantly grabs her favorite set of reins -- the Rafter's fluffy blond hair -- and begins trying to chew on them. He gives Savith a wry look. "Even the little Gliders like bossing me around."

Reaching the Guest Cavern, Savah pushes back the thick cloth, and slips inside, without turning round to bid adieu to anyone there. So what if sensitive feelers might note a roll of sending wash from her mind.

Savith is not a sensative feeler, and so notices only Savah leave without a word. Hmph. Arrogant wolfess. Turning his back to the room she just entered, Savith looks at Sandspur and with dilerbrately forced gentleness, he replies, "So it would seem. I think she just like the color." Savith does. Blonds are the BOMB!

Silverfox frowns at the closing swath of cloth-door, then shakes her head, before turning her attention on the now-pleased kitling, grinning a bit.

"Perhaps," the Rafter admits. "But it works, either way." The muscular seaelf looks up at Silverfox. "Oh, hello. Are you visiting too?"

You sense in a locksend, Larias has no way of shielding you in any way shape or form from what passes through her mind. Searing hot, soul touching pain, agony ripping through her psyche, dredging up a memory of touch and knife like pain. It hurts, High Ones it hurts, and then, nothing. Not the nothing of death, the nothing of - even if I am still being hurt, I don't know it anymore.

What? People.. talking? Near me? Nah... Must be my over-worked imagination. The voices of Acedia, Snadspur, and Silverfox fade into nothing as a red haze falls over Savith's vision. His magics cuts out as he staggers backward, a ragged, pain-filled gasp ripping from his throat. Unbeknowst to him, Acedia drops. She drops like a... She just drops. And he drops, his legs finding themselves no longer able to support his weight. He fails to his rump, still quite awake, but his eyes are unseeing, and filled with clear, wet tears. In his chest, his heart pounds.

You locksend, to Winnowill, Larias: Savith's frightfilled soul stumbles VOER itself trying to reach for Larias as through her he filled pain. **Beloved?!?!?!?** What? She's listening? Whatever! Must... help.. mate!

Can we say 'oh /puckernuts/'? I thought you could.... Habit and instinct has Silverfox going from looking at the child to running towards the father, as hopefully the sea-elf with the kitling can catch her.

Winnowill locksends ** Calm, Chosen. Larias is fine. Now. **

Sandspur gasps and manages to snatch Acedia in his arms as he sees Savith start to crumple. It's a quick, unprepared movement and the sea-elf manages to open a shallow cut along his side with his own spikes in his surprise...but Acedia is hardly even jostled. She gives a sqwauk of annoyance and tugs the Rafter's hair again, but settles quickly. Not so her rescuer, who stands staring at Savith, wide-eyed. He drops to one knee beside the crumpled Glider, heart racing. "Savith?" He reaches ouf one hand to shake the Chosen's shoulder. "Savith, wake up! Savith!"

You sense in a locksend to Winnowill, Savith: Larias does not respond. She even forgot to turn the message machine on, so there's not even a beep of reassurance.

Ragged breaths come from the glider, eyes wide and unseeing. It's like his hyperventalating. Can't anyone else hear the pouding in his ears? Come on, man! It's REALLY loud!! At the shakes, Savith turns his eyes to Sandspur, and blinks a few times before he seems to come back to himself, though his whispers words are mostly incoherent. Somthing about yes, fine now, and my lord, but really, it's all mostly a jumbled mess. Maybe he's too bsy locksending. Yeah, that's it. Locksending.

You locksend to Winnowill, Savith's heart is racing in his chest, frightened for that part of his soul he needs. But at Winnowill's word that she is fine, he tries to calm. But just like when she crashlanded into the aerie and was taken to Her to heal, Savith is far from settled.

You locksend to Larias, Savith's heart is racing in his chest, frightened for that part of his soul he needs. But at Winnowill's word that she is fine, he tries to calm. But just like when she crashlanded into the aerie and was taken to Her to heal, Savith is far from settled.

You sense in a locksend, Winnowill soothes your mind with a soft murmuring hum resounding in your mind. **All is well Savith, she is with me, I must see to a complication from her bearing your child. One that has yet to be fully resolved. She will be returned as soon as the task is done. See to your Child, Larias will wish to see her once she returns.**

Silverfox frowns as she kneels on the other side, then looks at Sandspur, "Is he making any sense to you?" One hand flutters up to touch the Glider's shoulder, then falls away again before coming close to actually *touching* him.

Savith takes a few more steadying breaths, his eyes closing a moment before they open. "Yes, yes, fine. I'm fine," he rambled, his voice sounding nothing like the cold and distant, in-control voice that Silverfox heard eariler. A hand moves to try to find a place to put it, so physically push himself to his feet. Sad that Silverfox is there, for since he's not looking, he might bump into her.

You locksend, to Winnowill, Larias: Savith calms slightly, but is not completely assured. Cue Worried Glider. **Yes, My Lord. I shall wait.** Waiting. ACK! Waiting room, blows, man!

"No, not really." Sandspur swallows hard, trying to put his worry aside to *think*, curse it. Then Savith stands and Sandspur finds himself offering his shoulder as one arm automatically moves to go around the Glider's waist for support. "Careful."

Silverfox would wonder what is happening with the kitling, but in the meantime, her leg is used as a pushing post, so she grabs for the arm anyway, though with a different instinct, to help the glider up. "What happened?"

"Nothing," Savith lies promptly, not realizing just how much help he needs getting to his feet as he leans on both elves more than he would have liked to, had he been fully in his right mind. Then suddenly, he looks around. "Where's Acedia," he demands, voice raising in fear. Even his eyes seem wilder, the pupils dilated.

Sandspur quickly indicates the little one cradled against his body with the otehr arm. "She's right here, Savith. Not even shaken up. See?"

Silverfox believes that like she believes being in the Mountain is healthy for her - but that's just her expression. Besides thinned lips, she says nothing, and just makes sure the Glider stays standing before letting go and stepping away.

For his part, Sandspur makes no move to distance himself from Savith, and his grey eyes have lost little concern despite the fact that Savith is on his feet.

Gimme gimme gimme, the CHosen's eyes fairly scream as both hands reach for Acedia... leaving him with no support and he sways once again. "wooooooo," he murmurs, eyes closing again. The pain is slow to fade, and his world... upside down, it seems.

"Perhaps you should sit down, with the Kitling, Chosen, until your head stops spinning, yes?" comes the response from the silver haired elfess, as she watches.

"She's all settled for the moment, Savith. She's fine, I promise. I won't let anything happen to" Sandspur smiles weakly. "But yes, sit down."

Savith nods, a hand reaching out for Silverfox, another for Sandspur. Savith needs some support here, and he knows it. "Yeah," he mutters. "Yeah. And some wine. Strong wine." Oh, and maybe he should contact Kureel. Yeah...

You locksend to Kureel, Savith's mind is a bit out of whack. **Brother....? I need... the night off.** Please?

Silverfox allows herself to be grabbed, and even to assist the Glider to a bench, if there is one to be had. "What happened?" she asks again, as she casts her eyes about for a wine pitcher. She's about ready to start drinking, if it comes down to that.

Sandspur helps guide Savith, though the three of them have to settle for a stone treestump in the absence of actual benches. He's got his arms full of Glider, so no fetching for him.

Ah, but Savith can send. If he's going to make himself dizzy sending ot his Brother for the night off, he might as well get some wine while he's at it, and to the kitchen his mind goes. **Wine, strong, now.** Oh, not even aplease. tsk tsk. Slumping to the stone stump, he lifts his gaze to Sandspur, hands reaching for his daughter again. HIs daughter, little Acedia, happily chewing and tangling Sandspur's golden tresses.

Silverfox tilts her head and steps back. And... because she's stubborn, "So... you ignoring the question, or just over-dizzy to hear it?" And just in case there is a question about what 'it' is, "What happened, in other words? Or should I wander back off to the Cavern, a'fore I start bothering you?"

Sandspur offers the infant up without pause, moving to stand behind Savith and act as a backrest should he need some surreptitious physical support.

Acedia fusses as Sandspur offers her over, pulling the rafter's hair with all she's got. Seeing this, the father sighs, muttering, "Nevermind. YOu hold her." Moss green eyes lift to Silverfox and a heavy sigh drifts from him. "My Lord has Summoned my mate, is all. I was not expecting... to feel anything. It's done now, and neither one will feel the other until all is fixed." His voice sounds a touch more hollow that it was in the past.

... Even without certain preconcieved notions, that does /not/ sound good. Silverfox winces slightly, then nods, before glancing towards the way that Savah went. After a moment, she nods to both, and says, "Shade and Sweetwater... I think I had best see how my companions are doing..."

Sandspur swallows hard. "Is..." He can't really finish the sentence. After that, how can he think that poor Larias is all right?

Savith nods to both, his words soft and directed to Sandpur, "She will be. My Lord is a most gifted Healer." But what exactly is wrong, Savith has not yet stated. In Sandspur's arms, the child settles again, little hands grabbing at anything that sticks up. Ooh, spikey!

Sandspur gasps and quickly tucks his elbows in. Close call, and definitely a hair-greying one. He grimaces down at the cut already there. Clumsy foam-head. "Well...I suppose that's good."

Wine incoming. Savith takes the decanter, but does not yet drink. "Very," he sighs, and just sits there. "Thank you. For catching her," he says after a moment, eyes on the wine.

Acedie giggles and grabs at the beads again, bouncing in Sandspur's arms. "Ah! Ah! Ah!"