Monday, September 6, 2004

Shocking News


Logfile from Two Moons - Savith.

Southern Hall
Sheer elegance of size unfolds before you. The Southern Hall, entrance to Blue Mountain, expands upwards into a dark indigo, slowly falling back down in lighter hues, mauve just overhead and a damp pink at foot. Carved and shaped from the stone, hawks and falcons adorn the walls near the entrance. Stone ivy, tainted with a vibrant green and brown of shaping magic, slowly progresses towards the north, first intermingling with real flora, then disappearing behind what could only be lush vegetation for a cavern.
To the west, a staircase forms an octagon as it angles down in a colorful and playful design of color. Although the bottom step shares the same rich blue stone as the floor, each consecutive step shifts hues until the last reaches a deep green, leading into the shadows of an arch. To the southeast, another arch decends into a grotto, night-sky blue pillars shouldering either side.
The air is fresh and clean, a breeze blowing through unseen places high above. A rich sweetness of vegetation rolls in through the northern arch. Overhead, shadowy bridges span the eastern and western walls, drawn from the very stone. Although lit well enough to make out the distinct details of the hall, the huge space echoes voices and footsteps several times, contributing to the immenseness of Blue Mountain.

Time being meaningless here, its passing can only be measured when one is tired and sleeps, and when one is hungry and eats. Or when the Chosen take a shift change. Such as now, when Savith flies from the Main Hall, just down from his watch over the Throne. Another day done. Another meal about to be ordered, and many, another night spent in the arms of loved ones. IF no one calls, that is.

Some in the Mountain might measure time by the comings and goings of the Chosen, but Savah, is not one of those. Such things, if she notices them at all, are never commented upon. She sleeps as often here, as she did in the Village, so that is no measure of time either. Her time, is mostly spent in meditation, save for those increasingly rare journeys outside the Chamber she has resided in since arriving in the Mountain. And this, is one of those moments, where the Mother of Memory slips out from behind the thick cloth curtain, her hair done up in its myriad of tiny braids, clothed in the garb of a Mountain elf, though her skin, her bearing, and of course, the power which radiates benignly from her, as if she were the sun, force her to stand out.

And that is what makes Savith do a double take. He hadn't see Savah in a while, and well.. She's just so dark compared to the gliders. Alighting upon the ground, the Chosen pauses a moment, and nods to the head of the sun village, his voice soft, "Savah."

Lifting her eyes, Savah's attention flickers from the floor and deep thoughts, to Savith. Slowly, her eyes blink, and she cants her head in the form of a genteel nod, "Chosen." After all, he's in full regalia, he must be doing Her bidding.

Or just finished doing Her Duty? At the title, Savith inclides his chin and becomes suddenly MORE businesslike. "Is there anything I can do for you, Mother of Memory," the CHosen asks. Two can play at tossing titles about. The two are standing just inside speaking distance, while Savith closer to the Main Hall and Savah near the Guest Caverns she has been staying.

Savah closes her eyes for a moment, her head shaking softly from side to side. Its then, her hands move, to gently grasp one to the other. Soft is the Mother's voice, as she replies, "No, no there is nothing that I need done for me." Her eyes then open, a glimmer of an enigmatic smile beginning, "Is there something else, perhaps, I can do for you?"

It is about now that another form slips along the ground from the Guest Cavern. Lacking the height of the Gliders, and the dark color of the Sunfolk, she is one of the others who have congregated to the Mountain during this time of troubles - a simple Cavedweller who followed the Sunfolk and Palace-folk to this blue place.
The words makes Savith quirk a brow,but before he can answer, the soft sound of the pitpatter of little footfalls upon stone catch his attention. "No, no," Savith replies distractedly, eyes going toward the newest elfess. "Nothing you can do, at the moment."

"Perhaps later then?" Savah asks quietly, the smile full upon her lips, knowing and humored all at once. The words spoken, her attention as well turns towards the sound of another moving about.
Silverfox comes to a stop as she glances up to find all eyes (all four of them) on her. The scarred arms come up to wrap around her waist, as she comes to a stop. There is a pause, before she nods in greeting, voice quiet, if odd in this Hall, and respectful. "Savah, Chosen... I hope I am not intruding?" After all, if nothing else, being polite has been pounded into her head.

"Hmmmm, perhaps," Savith replies, eyes on Silverfox. They narrow into slits as they study her features, her countance. "No," he answers finally. "No, you're not interrupting. I don't believe I've had the pleasure of meeting you." Cold? Of course! Calculating? Definately. Creepy? Well, what do YOU think?

You sense in a locksend, Larias's mind, turns to dread, fear fiulled, angry, protective.

Savah echoes the Chosen, well, the meaning anyway, for her own words differ, as does the tone, for hers is warm, welcoming, and encouraging, "Of course not my child. Of course not. Ktai mentioned to me, that you had come."

You locksend to Larias, Savith is instantly aware and worried. **Beloved? What? What is it??**

Silverfox tilts her head and gives the Chosen a frank look, from the top of his curly hair to the bottom of his feathered books, taking her time. After a moment or five, going so far as to think she'd not ever be replying, a grin appears as would seem to be her customary, "Nope, I don't believe we have. Shade and sweetwater, Chosen - I'm Silverfox." Savah gets a look, and a more sedate smile - even if that is obviously more towards an effort of respect then calmness, "Good, good - Ktai made me promise I wouldn't be bothering anyone, but the idea of staying in the Cavern for another moment was like making a figure in the burning sands - unpleasant to even think of!"

You sense in a locksend, Winnowill abruptly enters your mind, not seeking pain, but for pure efficiency, not even bothering to knock on your mind before making her thoughts known. **Savith, do be a good father and go collect your youngest from my Sweet Larias, I have need to speak to her, and do not wish the Child to be bothered.**

And in that stretch of time, Savith's eyes shadow as his shoulders tense. As the elfess's voice pipes out from her, he shifts his gaze, turning them up toward the summit. A locksend drifts from his mind, as an unplesant expression darkens his features. It's then that his eyes return to Silverfox, narrowed even more sharply. "Silverfox," he repeats. He opens his mouth to say something further, only for no sound to emerge. Instead, his eyes take on a glazed look as what can only be an inky send creeps into his mind. A blink, and he turns, legs tensing as this CHosen prepares for flight.

You locksend ** I Fly. ** to Winnowill.

You sense in a locksend to Winnowill, Savith: Larias's mind reaches for her mates, ** Ah, something, that I must.. attend to Savith. I... ** well, she's not sorry. ** I hope you weren't interrupted. **

You locksend, to Winnowill, Larias: Savith's mind is calmingly businesslike. **No, certainly, lifemate. I am on my way.** A pause, and his mind sends again, knowing She is listening. **DO I escourt her to you, My Lord?*8
Savah's pale thin brow arches as Savith goes from cool to cold, from stiff to robotic, seemingly in response to his look of ... irritation? frustration? worry? She speaks quietly then, "Yes, I.. .find myself needing to move about, more frequently here as well.

Winnowill locksends, to Larias, Savith: ** No, she knows the way, and the child needs tending. As all children do. And the safety of our children is of highest paramount, is it not? **

You locksend, to Winnowill, Larias: ** It is. **

Silverfox twitches a moment at the look, then very carefully takes a step back. Just in case she's annoyed him, you see. She watches him get ready to leap into the air, before looking at the elder to see how she is responding, before nodding, "Almost the opposite of the Village. Interesting..."

Savith launches himself into the air and off into somewhere else in the mountain. Sends flicker to and from him as he flies off.

Savah's eyes follow after the fading form of the Chosen, definitely on an errand of his Lord, no question about that. She shakes her head, letting out a soft sigh, before turning her focus back towards Silverfox. Again, she speaks softly, "Yes, much here is the opposite of the Village. Have you found it, tolerable this far?"

Silverfox clearly relaxes some as the Chosen floats up out of the room - if she's going to be here for a while, that is probably something she needs to work on, how to hide her reactions better. "So far, though Ktai is going to have her hair go pale with her worrying...." the young healer admits cheerfully enough. "She was worrying /me/, though, so I came a'visiting. Everything going well with you, Mother of Memory?" The title at this poing is probably due to the increased danger the cavedweller sees the elder being in, just being here.

"As well as can be expected," Savah replies, her eyes flicking now and again in the direction of the flighty Chosen. Another soft sigh, her head shaking a fraction from side to side. Her eyes close for one brief moment, then open again, "How was she worrying you?"

Silverfox smirks a touch, as she looks up at the taller Sunlady, arms still tucked up around her waist, given mothcloth is /not/ suitable for the Mountain, "You mean besides a lack of eating, a lack of sleeping, and telling me to go away? Usual things." Wait -- that /is/ the usual thing!

A hint of a smile makes its way to Savah's lips, perhaps being aware of all this already, and, more than likely guilty of very similar for she does not have her usual handmaiden there to remind her to eat and drink when she has been meditating for to long. A soft chuckle sounds from the Mother of Memory, "So, she is being her usual self, and this concerns you?"

The sound of bare feet on stone proceeds the entrance of Larias. She looks, pale, fear filled and determined. Her arms are at her sides, held there stiffly, though she wishes to curl them protectively about a child right about now.

Sorry. But Baby is with Daddy, right now. But if you'd like to leave a message, please press one, now, or just wait for the tone. BEEEEEEEEEEEP. Savith walks at his mate's side, cradling a fussing infant in his arms. A large infant, to be sure, but an infant, none the less. Soft words and whistles and birdchirps come from the oh-so-stoic Chosen as he seeks to calm and comfort the child. Waking a baby from naptime for a walk, is NOT a good thing. No, not at all. Fussy baby.

Silverfox giggles quietly at the Mother of Memory, before asking, "Should I be driving you to distraction with my natterings as well? Well, obviously, because she wasn't annoyed when telling me to go away. She was..." there are people coming. A chosen and another, and with a moment's pause, "More insistant about it." Ah, talking is such a wonderful thing!

A slender, broad-shouldered figure watches furtively from a shadowed doorway -- if there's one thing the mountain is not short on, it's shadows. He knows he's not supposed to be out here without Savith escorting him, but he's been curious about this place and been here long enough to scrape together a little courage.

"Perhaps, with you, Ktai and Rue working together..." Another soft chuckle emanates from the Mother of Memory, but the sound trails off into silence as the Chosen returns, and with strange company too.

Larias pauses a moment once the landing of the floor has been reached. She abruptly grabs her mates shoulder, forcing him to pause in step, and, exuberantly, turns to wrap her arms tight about him, a quick nuzzle to his neck, flutter of eyelashes to cheek, and a light kiss as well, and she turns, two tears glimmering in the light and off she goes at a full blown run, feet slapping on the stone floor, darting into the Grotto.

Which leaves poor Savith standing there, at the bottom of the stairs, a fussy baby in his arms, blinking after his mate. There's a worried cast to his features, no doubt about it, but send moral support? HA! Not on if his life and soul depended on it! ...Oh wait. It just might. Twoedge's Riddles. What's a Chosen to do?!

Silverfox smirks up at Savah, "Ohhhh, so Ktai's just as fussy as she's always telling me I am? Nice - I'll have to tell her I will stop when she does - and that just won't include you..." she teases the Sunlady, before glancing back to the two, as Larias runs off. A touch of a frown appears, as that can't be good.

Sandspur blinks at the brief interaction between Savith and Larias. He's going to get in trouble, he knows, but Savith looks...well, poleaxed. "Um...Savith?" He pokes his head out and approaches the Chosen cautiously, his bare feet all but silent on the stone floor. "Is everything all right?"

All trace of light hearted amusement fades from the visage of the Mother of Memory, her brows dip down low, arching high. She lets out a long sigh, then shakes her head, one thin brown hand reaching up to press against her temple.

The child complains a bit more as Daddy's chirping whistles fade with his worry. It's Sandspur's questions that reach Savith's ears, for he turns to look at the spiky visitor. He takes a breath and nods, busying his voice by chirping nad whistling for his precious hatchling once more. Turning from Sandspur slightly, Savith takes to pacing, his steps taking him toward Savah and Silverfox, all the while bouncing the child gently.

Silverfox glances towards the new voice, considering Sandspur as she asks the Chosen, "Kitling can't sleep?"

Sandspur inches up to the Glider and child, slipping off his necklace. He holds it over the bundle of fretful Gliderling, letting the clearstone and shells tinkle against each other. Acedia has been soothed by this before...maybe it will work again. "Poor must be so frustrating not to speak."

Amber eyes look at all those present, and then, she moves to turn round, headed back towards the Guest Chamber she has been residing in. Something, new occupies her thoughts, something new which should be tended to. No words are spoken, though the Mother of Memory is far from speedy in her departure.

Savith's eyes trail after Savah. They narrow faintly as a dark scowl appears. One can just imagine the little black storm cloud over his head as he all but glares at Savah. And there goes his cute birdsong, gone again. But thankfully those bright beads help, and the child reaches for them and leans WAAAAAAAAAAY over toward Sandspur. Annoyed, Savith just lets her go, opting to holding the child aloft with his mind then struggle with her in his arms. She's hot besides, and mussin' his uniform. Hmph. Plus, this way, he can cross his arms and look rightfully disgruntled.

Silverfox glances at Savah, and sends something, the little Cavedweller looking rather concerned as more and more people seem upset, kitlings included.

Sandspur laughs and moves to take little Acedia...who instantly grabs her favorite set of reins -- the Rafter's fluffy blond hair -- and begins trying to chew on them. He gives Savith a wry look. "Even the little Gliders like bossing me around."

Reaching the Guest Cavern, Savah pushes back the thick cloth, and slips inside, without turning round to bid adieu to anyone there. So what if sensitive feelers might note a roll of sending wash from her mind.

Savith is not a sensative feeler, and so notices only Savah leave without a word. Hmph. Arrogant wolfess. Turning his back to the room she just entered, Savith looks at Sandspur and with dilerbrately forced gentleness, he replies, "So it would seem. I think she just like the color." Savith does. Blonds are the BOMB!

Silverfox frowns at the closing swath of cloth-door, then shakes her head, before turning her attention on the now-pleased kitling, grinning a bit.

"Perhaps," the Rafter admits. "But it works, either way." The muscular seaelf looks up at Silverfox. "Oh, hello. Are you visiting too?"

You sense in a locksend, Larias has no way of shielding you in any way shape or form from what passes through her mind. Searing hot, soul touching pain, agony ripping through her psyche, dredging up a memory of touch and knife like pain. It hurts, High Ones it hurts, and then, nothing. Not the nothing of death, the nothing of - even if I am still being hurt, I don't know it anymore.

What? People.. talking? Near me? Nah... Must be my over-worked imagination. The voices of Acedia, Snadspur, and Silverfox fade into nothing as a red haze falls over Savith's vision. His magics cuts out as he staggers backward, a ragged, pain-filled gasp ripping from his throat. Unbeknowst to him, Acedia drops. She drops like a... She just drops. And he drops, his legs finding themselves no longer able to support his weight. He fails to his rump, still quite awake, but his eyes are unseeing, and filled with clear, wet tears. In his chest, his heart pounds.

You locksend, to Winnowill, Larias: Savith's frightfilled soul stumbles VOER itself trying to reach for Larias as through her he filled pain. **Beloved?!?!?!?** What? She's listening? Whatever! Must... help.. mate!

Can we say 'oh /puckernuts/'? I thought you could.... Habit and instinct has Silverfox going from looking at the child to running towards the father, as hopefully the sea-elf with the kitling can catch her.

Winnowill locksends ** Calm, Chosen. Larias is fine. Now. **

Sandspur gasps and manages to snatch Acedia in his arms as he sees Savith start to crumple. It's a quick, unprepared movement and the sea-elf manages to open a shallow cut along his side with his own spikes in his surprise...but Acedia is hardly even jostled. She gives a sqwauk of annoyance and tugs the Rafter's hair again, but settles quickly. Not so her rescuer, who stands staring at Savith, wide-eyed. He drops to one knee beside the crumpled Glider, heart racing. "Savith?" He reaches ouf one hand to shake the Chosen's shoulder. "Savith, wake up! Savith!"

You sense in a locksend to Winnowill, Savith: Larias does not respond. She even forgot to turn the message machine on, so there's not even a beep of reassurance.

Ragged breaths come from the glider, eyes wide and unseeing. It's like his hyperventalating. Can't anyone else hear the pouding in his ears? Come on, man! It's REALLY loud!! At the shakes, Savith turns his eyes to Sandspur, and blinks a few times before he seems to come back to himself, though his whispers words are mostly incoherent. Somthing about yes, fine now, and my lord, but really, it's all mostly a jumbled mess. Maybe he's too bsy locksending. Yeah, that's it. Locksending.

You locksend to Winnowill, Savith's heart is racing in his chest, frightened for that part of his soul he needs. But at Winnowill's word that she is fine, he tries to calm. But just like when she crashlanded into the aerie and was taken to Her to heal, Savith is far from settled.

You locksend to Larias, Savith's heart is racing in his chest, frightened for that part of his soul he needs. But at Winnowill's word that she is fine, he tries to calm. But just like when she crashlanded into the aerie and was taken to Her to heal, Savith is far from settled.

You sense in a locksend, Winnowill soothes your mind with a soft murmuring hum resounding in your mind. **All is well Savith, she is with me, I must see to a complication from her bearing your child. One that has yet to be fully resolved. She will be returned as soon as the task is done. See to your Child, Larias will wish to see her once she returns.**

Silverfox frowns as she kneels on the other side, then looks at Sandspur, "Is he making any sense to you?" One hand flutters up to touch the Glider's shoulder, then falls away again before coming close to actually *touching* him.

Savith takes a few more steadying breaths, his eyes closing a moment before they open. "Yes, yes, fine. I'm fine," he rambled, his voice sounding nothing like the cold and distant, in-control voice that Silverfox heard eariler. A hand moves to try to find a place to put it, so physically push himself to his feet. Sad that Silverfox is there, for since he's not looking, he might bump into her.

You locksend, to Winnowill, Larias: Savith calms slightly, but is not completely assured. Cue Worried Glider. **Yes, My Lord. I shall wait.** Waiting. ACK! Waiting room, blows, man!

"No, not really." Sandspur swallows hard, trying to put his worry aside to *think*, curse it. Then Savith stands and Sandspur finds himself offering his shoulder as one arm automatically moves to go around the Glider's waist for support. "Careful."

Silverfox would wonder what is happening with the kitling, but in the meantime, her leg is used as a pushing post, so she grabs for the arm anyway, though with a different instinct, to help the glider up. "What happened?"

"Nothing," Savith lies promptly, not realizing just how much help he needs getting to his feet as he leans on both elves more than he would have liked to, had he been fully in his right mind. Then suddenly, he looks around. "Where's Acedia," he demands, voice raising in fear. Even his eyes seem wilder, the pupils dilated.

Sandspur quickly indicates the little one cradled against his body with the otehr arm. "She's right here, Savith. Not even shaken up. See?"

Silverfox believes that like she believes being in the Mountain is healthy for her - but that's just her expression. Besides thinned lips, she says nothing, and just makes sure the Glider stays standing before letting go and stepping away.

For his part, Sandspur makes no move to distance himself from Savith, and his grey eyes have lost little concern despite the fact that Savith is on his feet.

Gimme gimme gimme, the CHosen's eyes fairly scream as both hands reach for Acedia... leaving him with no support and he sways once again. "wooooooo," he murmurs, eyes closing again. The pain is slow to fade, and his world... upside down, it seems.

"Perhaps you should sit down, with the Kitling, Chosen, until your head stops spinning, yes?" comes the response from the silver haired elfess, as she watches.

"She's all settled for the moment, Savith. She's fine, I promise. I won't let anything happen to" Sandspur smiles weakly. "But yes, sit down."

Savith nods, a hand reaching out for Silverfox, another for Sandspur. Savith needs some support here, and he knows it. "Yeah," he mutters. "Yeah. And some wine. Strong wine." Oh, and maybe he should contact Kureel. Yeah...

You locksend to Kureel, Savith's mind is a bit out of whack. **Brother....? I need... the night off.** Please?

Silverfox allows herself to be grabbed, and even to assist the Glider to a bench, if there is one to be had. "What happened?" she asks again, as she casts her eyes about for a wine pitcher. She's about ready to start drinking, if it comes down to that.

Sandspur helps guide Savith, though the three of them have to settle for a stone treestump in the absence of actual benches. He's got his arms full of Glider, so no fetching for him.

Ah, but Savith can send. If he's going to make himself dizzy sending ot his Brother for the night off, he might as well get some wine while he's at it, and to the kitchen his mind goes. **Wine, strong, now.** Oh, not even aplease. tsk tsk. Slumping to the stone stump, he lifts his gaze to Sandspur, hands reaching for his daughter again. HIs daughter, little Acedia, happily chewing and tangling Sandspur's golden tresses.

Silverfox tilts her head and steps back. And... because she's stubborn, "So... you ignoring the question, or just over-dizzy to hear it?" And just in case there is a question about what 'it' is, "What happened, in other words? Or should I wander back off to the Cavern, a'fore I start bothering you?"

Sandspur offers the infant up without pause, moving to stand behind Savith and act as a backrest should he need some surreptitious physical support.

Acedia fusses as Sandspur offers her over, pulling the rafter's hair with all she's got. Seeing this, the father sighs, muttering, "Nevermind. YOu hold her." Moss green eyes lift to Silverfox and a heavy sigh drifts from him. "My Lord has Summoned my mate, is all. I was not expecting... to feel anything. It's done now, and neither one will feel the other until all is fixed." His voice sounds a touch more hollow that it was in the past.

... Even without certain preconcieved notions, that does /not/ sound good. Silverfox winces slightly, then nods, before glancing towards the way that Savah went. After a moment, she nods to both, and says, "Shade and Sweetwater... I think I had best see how my companions are doing..."

Sandspur swallows hard. "Is..." He can't really finish the sentence. After that, how can he think that poor Larias is all right?

Savith nods to both, his words soft and directed to Sandpur, "She will be. My Lord is a most gifted Healer." But what exactly is wrong, Savith has not yet stated. In Sandspur's arms, the child settles again, little hands grabbing at anything that sticks up. Ooh, spikey!

Sandspur gasps and quickly tucks his elbows in. Close call, and definitely a hair-greying one. He grimaces down at the cut already there. Clumsy foam-head. "Well...I suppose that's good."

Wine incoming. Savith takes the decanter, but does not yet drink. "Very," he sighs, and just sits there. "Thank you. For catching her," he says after a moment, eyes on the wine.

Acedie giggles and grabs at the beads again, bouncing in Sandspur's arms. "Ah! Ah! Ah!"