Tuesday, September 28, 2004

Go Fish

Logfile from Two Moons - Savith.

Raft Beach - Shoreline - Raft Holt
Truly magnificent and unique in its beauty, Rafter's beach unfolds before you. The sand is soft yellow, verging on golden, patterns of black sand trickling through the monotone coloring. The soft rushes of the waves playing upon the beach is accompanied by the light breeze which stream through the palm trees further into the cove. There you have it, rising up on either side is majestic cliffs with reefs and rocks underneath. The cliffs rise further, forming a lush green ridge formed as a giant U, which surrounds this secluded area. At the mouth of the U, there is only blue-green ocean to be seen with exception of the tribal gathering raft dipping on the waves.
Dusk has arrived and with it, the purples and golds that light the sky in a warm embrace. The daystar is near to falling out of sight.

As the sunstars light begins to fade into the brillant golds, purples and reds and the first of the stars start to peak out, Yeyeen rests on the beach after a long day of doing almost nothing. Fly here, fly there, you have to lure them up, more will show up tomorrow....gah! The elfess sits in the sand, staring out over the water as rocks and shells float up from around her and sail out over the water to skip several times before landing with a splosh.

While Savith floats in from the perch where the hawks are, having seen his hawkess to her place. **Tomorrow morning,** he sends, eyes squinting into the fading sunlight. **We should start by getting a few ravvits and bringing them with us. Manytooth react to fresh blood.**

**Quickly then** Comes Kureel's send from the perch that Savith just left, securing Nightsky's comfort. **We have no time to waste.** Time is short, we have to get back home!! Three out of eight Chosen gone, and with Outsiders at the base!! Danger!!

Yeyeen sends one last stone hurling into the water before glancing back to the first of the Chosen. **At least give us untill we can see again. I would perfer not to take any more risks than necessary feeding the...our visitors.** she sends, stifling a harsher comment. *Between one of us getting hurt, or them going hungry, let them starve.**

Standing in the sand, Savith turns his head to look at Kureel, shaking his head lightly as he replies, **We can't do any hunting until the sun is well and truely up. The manytooths are difficult to spot at night, and could cause serious injury to our bonds.**

Kureel fly's back to float near the others, Switching to speech. "Very well, let us find bait then at dusk while the little beasts are still about, so that we can begin hunting at first light. We will need to carry as many as we can.. Yeyeen, how many can your bond carry, and Savith, how many for you?"

Yeyeen motions towards the two measly manytoohs...manyteeth? caught today. "If the are all around that size? Stardrifter should be able to carry 4 perhaps, and still be able to fly to the mountain. More if we load onto her back and I ride double with one of you."

Savith eyes the catch already made that day, figuring things in his mind. Two lashed to where the packs go, one in its talon, and if Yeyeen rides double, another two more. It leaves him nodding. "They are all that size, at least this kind. There is one kind, I have heard of, that is far larger, nearly double these. Winddance can carry only two, if Yeyeen's riding with me, which I do think should be the case. Nightsky's able to carry more than 'Dance."

Kureel tallies in his head.. excellent, plenty to shoe in those filthy outsiders mouths and shut them up. "Good, we should not leave far from here, to gather bait for our trap. Savith you've hunted these more then I, will fish suffice to bring them?"

Yeyeen sighs quietly to herself and floats into a standing position, lightly brushing sand from her uniform. "What about a wave dancer? Plenty of blood in one or two of those instead of hunting ravvit all noght."

Again, Savith shakes his head. "The Rafters are to the wavedancers as we are to our hawks," he replies, having been told by the Raft CHief here that wavedancers are off limits. "It would not be a good idea, but yes, Brother, fish will work. In fact, any blood will summon the manytooth." He shakes his head again, but this time out of amazement while a memory flickers to the other two Chosen. The memory of a solo hunt here, learning to find them. He was told blood, and didn't believe it, until he dropped a gutted ravvit into the water. Water that was clear and undisturbed for as far as he coule see. Not but five minutes later... a pack of them!

Kureel says "Good, then we go fishing, within sight of the hawks roost." Kureel floats back to said roost, and pulls three sacks from a bundle. "Here, throw the smelly beasts in these, bring back as many as we can.""

Yeyeen snorts softly and lets the wavedancer comment drop. "So how do we hunt fish in the dark, Brother?" she asks dryly, floating one of the sacks and a hunting spear to her side.

"The shoals," Savith replies. "The water's shallow, but the fish more active." He too catches his pouch and points off that-a-way, away from the shoreline. "It's near the waterfall."

Kureel snorts in returns "Why only one way, Sister." He floats off in the direction Savith pointed, tossing back a jibe over his shoulder as he moves. "Carefully"

The elfesses light laugh echos across the empty beach as she floats towards the waterfall to hunt for fish. "Well, then let us hope you can remember which end of the spear to use, Brother." she comments to Kureel before gaining speed and moving away ahead of the others.

Waterfall - Surface - Raft Holt
The waterfall towers before you, the surroundings so magnificent, everything coming together in perfect harmony here. When the daystar is up, the mist created by the water flowing down into the big pool at the base, create a faint image of a rainbow. A cliff juts out just by the waterfall - vines dangles down from a tree on the very edge, the grass thick and green up there. The sounds of the water rushing into the pool dominate the area, a crescendo that carries out into the jungles. The pool is naturally formed, a big oval shaped edging, a big stream running into the trees, heading for the ocean. A ledge, wide enough for an elf or wolf to pass has been pulled from the cliff face. It runs along it heading behind the crashing waterfall. The grass is thick and lush surrounding the pool, a few rocks and boulders closer to the very base of the waterfall provides perfect seating. Wildlife tend to drift this way, across the pool one can catch a glimpse of some creature wanting a fresh drink. The whole place is open, lined only by the trees which leads deeper into the forests, a path can be seen there.
It is the dark of night, with little more than the two moons and a sparkling of star to light the way for one and all.

Savith grins at Yeyeen's barb, but says nothing. Instead, lifting from the sand, he leads the way through the raft holt, headed for the waterfall. The roar of the waters is heard long before the moisture is felt, and longer still before the waterfall is itself seen. Entering the area, Savith remensices a moment, eyes settling upon a branch, only for him to frown and shudder.

Kureel grumbles thinking to himself. 'Don't make me test it out on *you* Sister dear, after all most of my problems root down to you lately.' The scenery passes by below, its beauty lost, even in the night's dark, to the uncaring Kureel.

Yeyeen slows down to fly alongside Kureel a moment, curious. "Me, Brother? And what have I done to cause you problems?" she asks, her tone turning confrontational. Maybe the youngest of the Chosen grew a backbone in her absence from the eight.

Yeyeen slows as the trio reaches the waterfall and glides out over the water, away from teh clinging mist of the falls, studying the water. Her spear floats along beside her, sharp point facing the rippling surface. "We should have brought your pet fish" she says to Savith. "Let him earn the food he eats for once."

Savith turns from his reverie at the sound of Yeyeen's voice. He blinks, taking that in, but wisely choses not to answer. Instead, he floats over by his sister, sans spear. **Save the spear for the manytooth, Sister. These fish are best caught with talonwhip.** As if to demonstrate, he frees his talonwhip from his hip and clicks the claws open.

Kureel snickers at Yeyeen's comment, "Come now Sister, whom Savith chooses to keep in his Chambers is his business.. well and mine.. and Lord Winnowill's. But not yours." Talonwhip already slid into hand as he eyes the water's surface carefully. He catches a flash of movement.. a glimmer in the water and strikes... a blink later and a very small wriggling fish is pulled from the waters. As it flips its scales against the brightmetal tines of the talon-whip to escape, Kureel scowls... not what he was looking for.

Yeyeen glances at Savith with barely restrained patience as he starts to lecture her, before grinning at Kureel's comment. "The spear /is/ for the manytooth, Brother. I simply have it ready for when your aim slips and makes the fish bleed." She studies the water, her eyes focusing into its depths before she reaches out with her mind. A fish, wiggling as if in a grasp lifts itself from the water and floats into her waiting bag. **Not all problems are sloved by the whip Brother** She sends triumphantly.

Savith rolls his eyes at Yeyeen's comment. Honestly! And /she's/ older than he? Puh-leeze! **There aren't any manytooth here, Sister,** he chides again, eyes going into the water to search for a fish himself. Quarry found, he casts his own talonwhip into the water's depth. A flick of his wrist and the rope jerks up back toward him, a nice fat trout squirming in his talonwhip. Moss-colored eyes flick to Kureel. HAHA! Mine's bigger than yours! Neener neener neener!

Kureel scoffs, lucky first try, I scared it in your direction. **Live a few more hands upon hands upon hands upon hands of turns, Sister and *perhaps* I will consider your advise wise. Now kindly focus on your task.** Stalling really, all this yabber while he searches for another fish.. still nothing.. Blast!!

Savith places his fish into his pouch, and looks about for another fish, moving a bit away from Yeyeen to do so. A moment passes as he collects his talonwhip and readies for another throw. Then he casts again but misses his mark. Slippery little buggers.

There! Bastard! Kureel strikes out with his talon whip again this time the whop comes free with a medium sized trout in its coils.. better but not great yet.

Yeyeen floats away from the others as well, scanning the waters depths. Lifting the fish like that took more than she's willing to let on. Relunctantly, she pulls her own whip free and tries to find a target.