Wednesday, September 22, 2004

A Chat with Sandspur


Logfile from Two Moons - Savith.

Savith's Chambers, Hall of the Chosen, Blue Mountain
A feeling of magic resonates about the chamber, a shapers touch having recently graced the room. A stone chandelier is centered on the ceiling, several candles set to burn and illuminate the room. Hanging from the chandelier are several small pieces of metal, polished so as to brightly reflect the light from the candles above. A patchwork ravvit fur ground covering is on the floor, colors ranging from tawny blonde, to golden, to a rich deep brown. Around the fur covering, are several large sitting pillows, each one matchnig one of the shades in the center pillow, one which is made of roe deer skin, a soft brown, striped faintly with gold.
Along one wall a stone table has been erected as has a bench, a pitcher and tray set out, though both are commonly empty. Hung against the far wall of the room, is a circular decoration. It appears to be made entirely of leather and ravvit fur, soft browns , again with a touch of gold. Within the circle, strands of sinew create a webbed pattern, in which small beads made of bone are tied. From these beads, strings of leather fall, almost brushing the floor, the ends tipped in more beads, feathers, and fur. Two wall sconces shaped to either side, illuminate the strange piece of art work.
One small corner of the room has been curtained off from the rest, the curtain matching the color scheme of golds, yellows and browns, with fine needlework decorating the light weight leather. Images of great hawks, wolves, ravvits and a myriad of other creatures has been embroidered onto the piece. A small corner of the bed and platform peeks out from behind the curtain, covered in new blankets and pillows, again the coloring the natural golds and browns of doe skin, set to match the rest of the room.
All in all, this Chosen's room has come to resemble a wolfriders den more than a chamber of the Mountain.

As an almost not-so-uncomfortable silence descends upon the pair, Acedia sleeps on in her crib by the bed. As Sandspur peers up at his friend, Savith is clearly preoccupied, a light frown gracing his features every so often, as if a flicker of unpleasant thought drifts to him before taking flight again. What were they talking about before the silent pause?

Sandspur lingers in the comfortable silence for a time, then reaches up to touch Savith's hand lightly. "Are you sure you don't want to rest a little? You didn't look so good coming out here."

Savith sighs softly, nodding as he runs a hand through his rather short-cropped curls. "I should," he repeats in a fatigued tone of voice. "But I've got Hall Duty again in the morning. No point in sleeping now."

Sandspur looks confused. "Don't you need to be rested for that..." The hand moves up to Savith's shoulder. Ugh. There would be more give in the stone floor. He kneads gently.

Savith frowns again, brows knotting up on his forehead as he shrugs to pull his shoulder away. "Yes, probably," he replies. "But I've done without sleep before. Today won't be any different." He pauses a moment. "Though I should eat."

Sandspur shrugs easily as Savith withdraws. The touch wasn't meant to be amorous, but he's noticed how aloof his friend can be. "I know where the dining hall is. I can bring you whatever you'd like."

Savith shakes his head at that. "We have a cook for that," states the Chosen. "It's just a matter of sending. Plus, you shouldn't be out and about the mountain alone." He pauses here again, eyes settling upon the table Larias always has ready with food for him when he gets home. Empty. -sigh- It's the little things you miss. High ones! What a sap! It's only been, what? An hour?! >.<'

Sandspur looks a little helpless. "Is there anything I can do for you? Please, Savith..."

Savith smiles lightly, though honestly it's only skin deep. "If you want to stay up and keep me awake, that you be nice. Otherwise, no, not really. You could sleep now. Infants are tiring to care for."

Sandspur shakes his head. "No. I'll stay with you, Savith. I just...feel like I can only annoy you, I suppose."

Savith smirks. "No. You'd know when you annoyed me," he says with almost a touch of humor. THen he sighs softly and sends for the food. "You want somethin gtoo?"

Sandspur shakes his head...then rethinks. "A little fish. None of that wine stuff, though."

Savith nods to that, placing his order with the kitchen staff. Sandspur might not want wine but Savith sure doe-... aw man!! He's got hall duty. -sigh- Cancel the wine, please. With the order placed, Savith reclines, staring up at the ceiling. A moment passes, then he turns to look at Sandspur, "Where'd you put my helmet?"

Sandspur smiles a little. "Foot of the bed."

Savith turns his head to look. A faint grin and a flicker of thought brings the helmet flying over. The passes the two on its way to the shelf where it belongs.

Savith can't help but smile in pride. If there's one thing he's proud of having gotten from his birth parents, it's flight. With his helmet settled into place, he removes the talonwhip and floats it over as well, to get it out of the way.

Sandspur sighs. "I don't suppose that's something a body can learn, is it?"

Savith purses his lips at the question. "I... don't know," he replies. "I don't think so. I can't learn rockshaping," he murmurs faintly.

"I had to ask." Sandspur grins. "How long are you on duty for?"

"Just the morning," Savith replies. "Since Hally Duty is the most demanding, it's shorter. Allows designed to leave time to hunt.""

Sandspur says "So...we can hunt?"

Savith thinks about that a moment, then shakes his head. "It wouldn't be advisible."

Sandspur says "I didn't mean right *now*, but...later?"

Savith nods lightly. "Maybe," he states softly. "If My Lord allows, of course." Outside, a light send annouces the arrival of the food.

The send actually makes Sandspur tense a little, even as he runs to answer the door.

Savith glances up as Sandspur bolts for it. Okay... Savith replies to the send, allowing the glider to enter. She pushes aside the drape just as Sandspur gets there. Collition.