Sunday, August 17, 2003


Logfile from TwoMoons - Savith.

Guest Den
Lostholt's guest den is slightly larger than the dens of the normal denizens of the holt. There are four or five alcoves shaped into the sides of the den for sleeping in. Each has its own fair share of warm furs for the use of the various guests that find themselves here. There are also a few shaped stools to sit upon and various shelves and pegs shaped into the walls for the guests to keep their cloaks and other personal items upon.

It's near dawn. Larias and Savith went out hunting on Winddance. Rumors abound in the holt that shortly before the pre-dawn darkness, the gliders came flying through. Something about another fight. No doubt, word reaches Llune's ears not long afterwards, leading her to the guest den where the wolfriders said the two flew. Larias is (most likely) asleep not far from Savith. Savith himself is tucked into furs, hair loose and asleep. His right forearm has very interesting bruises on them, looks like from rope of some kind. On his head is a fading lump, a bruise, and a scab where the cut has been cleaned. The uniform, one of his last, sits folded not far away, slightly torn.

On one arm is a happy, alert little cub, the other full of fabrics and a few *lovely* dark, soft leathers. Llune coos softly to the child, "Yes, now we'll go get some thread and a few beads and my..." She catches a glimpse of Savith, "Shh shh, everybody's sleeping..." she spies the torn uniform, then whispers a little more than softly, "Time to fix *another* uniform.." she *tsk tsks* "I suppose we could sit over here," she moves to *her* alcove, sets down most of the fabrics, keeping the soft leathers and moving to her bed to set down the cub and the leathers, "Let's see..." she murmurs before lapsing into sending with the baby - how would we cut it? What will we make? Definately needs to be somthing for Moonshade... What could she need?

Savith mutters in his sleep at the voice, brows furrowing. There's one thing missing from his uniform: his helmet. He's never far with out her helmet. But there's something odd about his mutters - they are more of a groan than dream caused murmurs.

For the most part, Larias seems to be sleeping rather deeply and soundly. She's still in her green dress, which is looking rather shabby. Impressive how hard on the delicate materials she is considering how little activity she's had. At Savith's groaning, she rolls to her side, brow furrowing, the blanket slipping off, (after all, its warm in the den). And thats when the full extent of the damage to the green dress can be seen. There is a tear beginning at the hemline, reaching up to roughly midthigh, and a section of the fabric looks as if its been ripped from the rest of the dress.

The fabric which was the compress on Savith's head, which, in his sleep, has slipped from his injury and into his hair.

You sense in a locksend, Larias has kept a tendril of thought locked on Savith as he sleeps. Nothing intrusive, simply an assurance he is there and still ok. Glider lass is all worried about him.

You locksend to Larias, Savith is fine. Sleep was the best healer, truth be told. The unintrusive connection has been helpful, for Larias can feel him dreaming slightly, though the images are broken and beneign. The worry, as he nears wakefullness, gets a bit of his attention, and he seems to try to find you. 'Larias....?'

Savith murmurs again, like a groan, and his head turns again while a hand twitches lightly.

Larias's brows furrow as she rolls over once more, an arm moves to lazily drape across her eyes. Through the fogged lands of sleep, a hazy send reaches out, ** Hmm? What? **

You locksend to Larias, Savith's mind feels it, but too asleep he is, and his inner thoughts remain hidden from all bu the closest of elves. '...worry... you worry. You hurt?'

You sense in a locksend, Larias's sending is much more coherent, much closer to waking up than his own. A correction is made, 'you are the one hurt' she is fine, over extended perhaps, but fine.

You locksend to Larias, Savith seems confused. 'I'm hurt? I don't feel...' Wait a minute! Shouldn't he be awake by now?

Savith groans again, eyes fluttering.

At his groan, Larias moves her arm back down to her side, eyes sleep filled but open. Despite the low levels of light in the den, she squints from the pounding in her head. With a soft grunt, she pushes herself into an upright position. Hardly any distance from Svith at all really, she closes it a worried expression quickly coming to light as she wonders, did she let him sleep to early? to long? She murmurs softly, "How are you feeling?" For the moment, unaware of any other in the den.

Savith fights to wake up, eyes fluttering open with difficulty. He takes a moment to focus on Larias's face. There's two of them? OH, wait, there she is. He grins lightly, then lick his dry lips, "... Thristy."

Larias, though rather worried, smiles down at him, she nods at the statement. "Let me see what I can get." Gently she rises, careful so as not to disturb him. She flits to the packs that were brought with them, then checks the pegs for waterskins which have been hung. Ah, yes, there we go. She doesn't know how fresh it is, but at this moment, a day old won't kill him, he needs liquid! She returns by his side, the skin in hand, voice soft, "Can you sit up?"

Savith had started to drop into sleep again when Larias left his side, but her voice stirs him, and his eyes reopen. Can he sit up? Silly question. But as he moves, it's clear it will be a struggle as muscles complain loudly, and his head screams, forcing him dizzy.

Larias frowns as she watches the struggle, a sigh escaping her lips. She sets the skin off to the side, "If you let me, I will help?" She swallows nervously, "You need to sit up to drink, at least a little."

Savith continues to struggle to sit up, because, Voll help him, he's NOT weak. The effort makes beads of sweat break out on his brow, but when it's done, he's sitting up, panting lightly.

Larias shakes her head as she regards him, stupid stubborn, but then a sigh, she's just as bad most of the time, is she not? The skin is picked up once again, and she holds it out for him to take when he's ready. At least this time she'll allow him the dignity of drinking on his own, rather than a replay of the Mountain. High Ones, don't remind him! Once he's settled, he takes the waterskin and drinks slowly. He drinks a good amount before he pulls the waterskin from his lips, and brings a hand up to wipe his chin, only then seeing the fun bruises left by the rope of his talon-whip. He blinks. Oh my. And he's naked too. He glances at Larias.

Larias doesn't seemed phased by his back of dress for once, heck, she's the one that stripped him isn't she. Where he was doting and watchful of her while pregnant, she takes a turn now that he is injured. She nods approvingly at the amount of water drunk, then frowns, "Meat, or nuts.. you need one or both. Which would you like?"

"Both," Savith replies softly, leaning back to rest his head. "High Ones.... what happened?"

Again, Larias lifts off with care, gliding to where food has been before, and selects some meat and a handful of nuts. Her return is made on foot, that rent in the skirt easily visible when she walks. With a foomp of skirt, she moves to sit on her knees beside him. She doesn't answer the question, instead she hands over the meat, keeping the nuts in her own hand for a moment, "eat first."

Savith blinks at Larias's refusal to answer immediately, but takes the meat first. He eats slowly, sore. "okay, I'm eating," he retort between bites.

Larias sighs, glancing down and away. A shrug, "You were injured hunting. I didn't see how it happened - but one of the deer took off, and you trailed after attached by your talon whip. I found you, unconscious, but alive." Another shrug, "Got you back here as fast as I could."

Savith stops eating, and levels a look on Larias, "And left some of the kill behind?"

Larias nods once, "Save for the beast Winddnace took, I left it all behind." Her voice lowers, hardly even a whisper, "Your health mattered more."

Savith would be bad. He should be mad but... wait, what did she say? He shakes his head, "No, it's not, Larias. Curse it, you and Rosendo need food more than you need me."

Larias smirks, rising as she does so, turning her back, yes, must get something out of one of the packs - a brush, there we go. And so, with back to him, she begins brushing her hair. Her voice is sounds troubled and tired, "Hunting was to help out this tribe. They likely have food enough without you and I adding in kills." Again, her voice drops with her back turned, he can't hardly hear it, though the thought rings loud in her mind, 'I will not trade you for a piece of meat.'

Savith snorts, eating, replying to he mental note, "That's good to know." He sighs, "Well, what's done is done, and the kills been eaten, so /I/ will try again tonight."

Larias spins around, hands paused in the process of brushing long hair. Her eyes narrow and her head shakes once from side to side, "You will do no such thing. -You- will sit right there, until my head stops aching."

Savith snaps his head over, ready with a smart ass remark, but ends up moaning and clutching his head. He mutters, "Your head?"

Larias makes quick work of an approach as he moves to clutch his head, her tone turning soft and tender again, "Yes, my head. When mines cleared I might believe yours is as well. Until then.."

Savith takes a steadying breath and looks up at Larias. There's a smirk, "Finally. You let down those troll-cursed walls." He nods lightly and takes another bite, his tone softening, "Fine, when I'm closer to healed. Until then...." He glances about, not seeing his mother.

Larias sits next to him, the brush held in her hand though she no longer works at her hair. Her eyes remain on her knees, "Yes.. finally I let them down. And yes, when you're better." A faint smile forms, "Though don't expect to go alone. Not after this fiasco."

Savith chuckles softly, "Or hook a white-tail' rump unless I'm braced for it, huh?" Oh, a spark of humor! He pauses to take a drink.

Larias lifts her eyes, a faint chuckle coming from the elder elfess. But, its hard to remain humored when she can feel his head ache, her own, sore, but not like his. "There are other ways to bring them down you know, safer ways."

Savith looks at Larias, all ears, as he takes another bite.

Larias smirks faintly, sensing his attention on her. Now he wants hunting tips, after he's been drug who knows how far and rammed into who knows what. She shakes her head, "Another time perhaps."

Savith just nods. Hunting tips? Please. He was just sure you wouldn't say anything, or say something stupid. Well, he wins, and so, goes back to his meal, a touch smug. "When I'm better," he retorts in a sing-song voice, a smirk on his face.

Larias flicks a glance his way. She sighs softly, shaking her head, "You're still exasperating, you know that?" As if Recognition should have somehow cured him of that quality.

Savith glances up, "And you're annoying." Ah, but he's grinning. Can't hate him when he's grinning!

No, no she can't hate him, especially when he grins at her like that. The corners of her lips twitch, as she tries for a moment to suppress a smile, but, then muscles win out and she actually does. Larias chuckles softly, rolling her shoulders in a shrug, "The bane of your existence."

Savith nods, the smirk turning to a grin which borders on a soft smile. "Oh yes. The bane," he retorts, bringing a hand to his throat, and pretends to gag and fall over. "gah! gah!" What a goof!

Larias blinks as she stares at him in confusion, brows furrow perplexed. Now this is a side of Savith she's not seen. She can't help but chuckle some more, he looks so silly, really he does. "Of all the things I've tried to do to you, choking isn't one of them."

Savith stops and straightens, shaking his head. No sense of humor. Really. He sighs, the smile fading, and he takes one last bite, nearly full.

Larias looks back to her lap as he stops the silliness. How's she supposed to know how to joke and be silly? She sighs, once more beginning the task of brushing her hair. her nose wrinkles as she reaches across her face, getting a whiff of self and dress. "Oh my...."

Savith looks over, and smirks, "Nice. Rosendo smells better at times." Another jibe. He's in a mood. Mayne he should get beat on the head more often! "At least you don't need to be bathed," he grins, a hint of cold humor.

Larias's cheeks color at the jibe, the hand holding the brush falls back to her lap, her eyes turn to look at him. At first, she's almost insulted, but then she smiles lightly, "I'm not the only one in this room a wolfrider could scent from upwind."

Savith's brows lift. Oh-ho! A jibe in return! That gets a grin, almost a smile. "You want to jump into an icy river," he asks, laughing softly.

Larias's blue eyes twinkle in the dim light, her smile turning what could be called, mischievous? "Only if that means I can throw you in first."

From the forest, an eerie howl goes up, a warning.

Savith has! "Just try it."

Larias glances towards the entrance to the guest dens, then shrugs, they are in a holt after all, and though there is a strange sound to the quality of the howling, she shrugs it off. Her look returns shortly back on Savith, "When your head is better... I will." OOo, this could be interesting.

Savith rolls his eyes, "So until then I must live with your stench?" He shakes his head, smiling though. "Thanks."

Larias smirks softly, "And I with yours." She leans a bit closer, sniffs, then "whew, worse than I though."

Savith laughs this time, eyes closing. It's a free sound, light and airy, which tosseds color onto his cheeks.

Larias's own smile softens, the expression reaching her eyes, their blue color almost seeming to grow deeper as light emotions take hold, even if she doe shave a head ache. her cheeks flush a pale pink, hmm, when he laughs, hmmmm....

Savith leans his head back, laughing still. Why is he laughing? Well, he's relaxed! Off duty, sorta, and not trying to make sure everything goes just so. Ask Llune. He's like this sometimes, alone, in her room. A hand comes to his eyes, brushing at the tears starting to form.

Larias clears her throat, eyes glancing away for but a second. But his laughter continues, the sound drawing her eyes back to rest on him. How can she help but to smile, to lean just a little closer. The brush dropped and forgotten in her lap, one hand is free to move forward, halting him from wiping at the tears of laughter, the other completing the motion for him, gently brushing his cheeks dry with the back of her fingers.

Larias clears her throat, eyes glancing away for but a second. But his laughter continues, the sound drawing her eyes back to rest on him. How can she help but to smile, to lean just a little closer. The brush dropped and forgotten in her lap, one hand is free to move forward, halting him from wiping at the tears of laughter, the other completing the motion for him, gently brushing his cheeks dry with the back of her fingers.

Llune walks in with a freshly bathed and dressed baby, smiling and humming gently... At the gleeful scene she is greeted with, she stop and turns the baby to see, ginning at the two, "See? They're so *nice* when they get along!" the statment isn't malicious - it's just... positive reinforcement - her smile is genuine... Rosendo gurgles and shows his *best* toothless grin, mouth wide and drooling just a little.

Savith's laughter stops at Larias's light touch, eyes turning to her in wonder-touched awe. The smile still plays at his lips until Llune's voice fillst he sudden silence. At which point, he blushes and turns his head away. Damn it! Someone saw him being a dork, didn't they? But it's mom. She's used to seeing him. Oh my.

When Savith turns his head away, Larias looks confused a moment, but then the realization that she heard Llune's voice hits, her cheeks flush a deep crimson and she moves back. Her head turned away from Savith as well.

Llune smiles at the two, "Oh, please don't let me interrupt!" she apologizes, "I was just wandering by to pick up this torn uniform of Savith's..." She thinks a moment, "Would you like to play with Rosendo? He's been *very* active the past half hour or so!"

Savith is glad Larias let loose his hair too, for he lets it fall as a curtain to hide his cheeks. "No, Mother," he says, the bruises on his arm visible. "I'd likely dorp him." Once more his voice is growing cold, distant.

Larias rises from where she had been standing, and finally, poor Llune gets to see what a mess Larias has made of her dress. There is a tear beginning at the hemline, reaching up to roughly midthigh, and a section of the fabric looks as if its been ripped from the rest of the dress. She shakes her head at Llune's offer, "He.. is happiest in your arms."

At the sudden change in tone, Llune's smile fades, still visible on her face, but not at all as exuberant as it should be, "I'm... I am sorry... I should leave?" Her tone is questioning, a bit baffled at both parent's rejection of their cub, then noticies Larias' dress, stifling a gasp, "Have you been hurt? Seen the healer?"

Savith remains silently, as he normally does when embarassed by his actions. He sighs, and bites his lower lip. 'go away mom. go away,' he nearly chants in his mind.

Larias shake sherhead as she looks at Llune. "No, I'm not hurt." There is a tremor in the elf's voice as she speaks, "I.. had to take care of matters with what was at hand. Thats all."

Llune nods, all joy drained from her face... Rosendo senses these unhappy feelings and begins to fuss uncomfortably, "Well then..." She picks up the torn uniform, "I suppose I'll leave the two of you to converse..." She smiles thinly, then coos at the babe, glancing up as she drifts toward the door, "Perhaps we could share a meal later this evening..." She nods.

Savith replies softly, "That would be nice, Mother. But later. I've already eaten." Did I foget to mention he's nekkid?

Llune smiles, noding a bow to each of them and ducking out of the room. "Later then. Good day..." And she's out the door as mysteriously as she came.

Savith sinks his head to his hand, then regrets it as it presses down his head wound, "oooh. bad idea."

Larias looks at Llune, cheeks burning crimson now. Her mouth opened and closed but no sounds came out. Oh High Ones! Puckernuts and all that. As Llune makes a sudden departure, she swallows wondering what llune thinks is going on. But the sound and feel of Savith's pain draws her out of her thoughts. She doesn't approach, standing still, with distance between them,. Her voice trembles lightly, full of emotion, "You ok?"

Savith nods lightly, "Yeah, just fine." He sits up straight again and leans his head back, with a sigh. What timing.

And good timing to! Really it was! Larias makes as if ready to begin brushing her hair again, and then she notes with a sigh, the brush is over by him *gulp*.

Savith has his eyes closed, the blush fading finally from his cheeks. Ooops.. does the blanket fall lower when he leans back? *^^*

And here she was looking as the blanket fell to! As the blanket falls lower, Larias lets out a squeak and spins around, her skin a bright red from the tips of her ears down to her neck - and since her leg is visible, its obvious the blush goes straight down to her toes. "Ah.. mm.. Savith.. you're .. proabbly .. going to get.. cold?"

Savith hmms and glances down. oops. and he grabs the blanket up and pulls it up again, shifting to lay down again. "Hmm, thanks."

Larias continues standing with her back turned, tips of ears still pink, posture tensed and uncomfortable - mostly with herself. She lifts her arms, hugging herself, though from behind it might just look like she's folding her arms across chest. There is a quiver in her voice, words short and simple, "Your welcome."

Savith sighs and looks over, sensing that.... "What's wrong," he asks finally.

Larias shrugs, finding her mouth dry, she licks her lips, hoping that will give her the voice she needs. It takes her a moment, but she does respond, actually managing to formulate an answer rather than blow off his question, "I.. don't know what I want. I think I do, then I'm not sure."

Savith watches Larias from the bed area, "If you think you do... what's the problem?

Larias chuckles softly, mirth missing from the sound, "I am.. you are."

Savith blinks and pushes up to an elbow, "We're a problem? That's doesn't sound good." His eyes narrow a touch as he considers Larias, trying to feel her out, not up.

As he reaches out, its easy to sense whats there swirling about, clouding her mind. As one would expect confusion, nervous tension, embarrassment, worry - but below the surface, tucked under that which habit brings, there is love, and High Ones help us - desire. her head shakes at his question, "Not us.." A pause, and s Larias speaks again, her voice trembles, hardly a whisper, "The idea of us."

Savith senses, then nods. "Oooh," he says as he senses the desire, the idea of us. He purses his lips, thinking about Dodia. On and off lovemate, there when he needed. "I see. What did you want to do about it then?"

Larias rolls her shoulders in the form of a shrug, "If I knew.. then there wouldn't be a problem."

Savith nods, and thinks. "Well, we can ignore it," he says, "We can lock it away, or we can act on it."

Larias turns around, her eyes locking on his form. With cheeks burning darker than the rest of her skin, ** And which would you choose to do? If the choice was yours alone to make? **

Admist the howls, Shenshen runs in, "Umm... Sorry to bug, but I think you should know." She glances at Larias, then Savith, eyes reflexively tracing his firm before she tells him, "There's a fire at the edge of this holt. We don't know if it's going to make it here, but..." Shenshen doesn't get further, for Savith's eyes darken, and a sneer forms. He knows what a fire could mean, and with HIS child here, his mother, and more. Ignoring the dizziness, he pushes himself to standing and turns to get his uniform, snapping at the villlager, "Go get my talonwhip." A send to Larias.

You locksend to Larias, Savith is all business, **Sorry, my Recognized, but this wil have to wait.**

Savith dresses quickly, then moves to Larias while Shenshen runs off. He rests a hand on her shoulder lightly, looking into her eyes, **Stay here, and guard Rosendo.**

Larias swallows hard but nods. ** He will survive. ** If she has to kill herself to make it so. She can outfly a fire.

Savith nods, his grip tightens sligthly, **Even if you must leave Llune and Volek. He is more important.** The imcomplete thougth resounds, 'and so are you.'

You locksend to Cutter, Savith's mind is cold, but businesslike, **My apologies for interrupting, Wolf Chief, but one of your tribe has told me of a danger that effects myself and those in my care. I offer my whip, and the wings of my hawk to your cause, that I might protect my family.**

Savith comes flying in from the woods, whistling shrilling and sending to someone. Helmetless, the Chosen as a bump on the head that he's ignoring.

Spooked, Skywise instinctively draws his sword with the sound of scraping metal. Upon seeing the source of the noise however, he shakes his head with a bit of annoyance and resheaths his weapon.

Melisandajerks around at the sound of metal on metal, certain she has been betrayed.

Cutter glances over at Savith as he moves out of the father tree. A faint nod is his only acknowledgement of the Chosen's presence.. or is it an acknowledgement? He moves behind Melisanda out of the father tree but, he soon veers his course, **Lady, you will ride with me so we might reach the edge the holt faster.** he sends to her as he mounts the massive grey wolf. He then looks to her guards, **You two may ride with Skywise and Tyleet.** As he sends, Tyleet moves into the clearing astride her large wolf.

Cutter locksends ** You have my thanks. **

Scraping metal? Yes, the sound of Savith snapping shut his talonwhip and putting it to his hip. Savith's eyes glance at Cutter, and he nods, looking up. His cheeks pale faintly, before he bunches his legs slightly and rockets up to meet his bird mid flight.

You locksend ** I follow the smoke, and lend you my eyes as well, that you might see. Where you send, I will fly. (Such obidence. Good Chosen. Here's a cookie.) ** to Cutter.

Winddance(#10355JTaev) One of the great hawks which are bonded with the Chosen of Blue Mountain. Winddance is truely a beauty of flight and grace. Her body is speckled with brown, black, and white feathers giving her a bit of a peppered appearance, especially at her breast. Her wings however are all brown and black in the typical pattern of the birds. Around her neck is a harness for her rider, Savith to hold onto during flight.

You move upon the great bird, settling down on the silver-gilded harness on her back.

All around the great bird, Melisanda looks over at the wolf, arching a brow. ** You're serious, aren't you? **

All around the great bird, Skywise quickly holds up his hands to Melisanda to show her that he is unarmed. "Easy there. Nobody will hurt you," he says, as his wolf friend Skylark pads over and nuzzles the stargazer's leg.

All around the great bird, Reed hurries along, heart beating wildly. Has her Lord really set the woods on fire?! Oh HighOnes please let it not be. Her bow is in her hand and ready to fire. She's watching everyone's reactions. It's so hard to be sure of anything in this fray.

All around the great bird, Tamaris seems to be trying to push Melisanda along, and his eyes dart around. A very stressful situation for the Underworlder, and one he does not care for. He eyes the wolf as it appears and looks quite apprehensive.

All around the great bird, Reed knows the sooner Melisanda is in Malandor's sight then the sooner Cutter's holt is out of danger. **Lady Melisanda....his holt is in danger...he will not harm you. Trust life is in your hands** Reed looks up at Melisanda with as much sincerety as she can muster.

All around the great bird, Cutter nods his head to Melisanda then pats Ashefur's shoulders, **I won't let you fall off.** he replies to her. Ashefur, doesn't look so much aggressive as apprehensive. The pack still howls the FIRE RUN! howl which has the pack leader's senses tense at best.

All around the great bird, Skywise gives his wolf a scritch before moving to Skylark's side and mounting. He reaches out a hand, offering to help Reed onto the wolf in front of him.

All around the great bird, Melisanda arches a brow, and considers her dress. She sighs, and shrugs. ** We shall see. I am... bigger than you, however. ** She moves, slowly, over towards Cutter's wolf.

All around the great bird, Ashefur stands quietly though it's clear that he's ready to spring away at any moment. Cutter chuckles at Melisanda's observation, **Indeed, you are. Mind your toes so they don't drag the ground.** he sends, sounding almost as if he's trying to add a bit of humor to lighten things up a bit. Tyleet peers at Tamaris and pats the ruff of her own wolf, **I suppose you're stuck with me, then.** she sends, offering a quiet smile to the Underworlder.

All around the great bird, Reed glances at Skywise and then back at Melisanda and Tamaris. Reed has no trouble with wolves obviously but it all depends on Melisanda.

All around the great bird, Tamaris looks over at Melisanda, and takes a deep breath. Hopefully, Melisanda will follow. He looks up at Tyleet, having watched Reed, and sighs, pulling himself on top of the wolf as best as he can, in front of Tyleet.

All around the great bird, Melisanda pauses, and looks off at the distance. She sighs, and nods, coming over towards Cutter, and also starting to pull herself up on the wolf.

All around the great bird, A light smirk appears on Skywise's face as he looks at Reed. "I'll be a ride you'll not soon forget."

Savith settles himself on his bird's harness. He sends down to Cutter, eyes narrowing on the small curls of smoke he sees, before he urges his mount toward it, leaning forward to make all due haste.

You locksend to Cutter, Savith lends you his eyes, reporting in to you, his mind businesslike and cold, **I see smoke. Not much. Not growing, but seen clearly.**

All around the great bird, Reed settles in front of Skywise. It feels good to ride a wolf once more, but wish it were better circumstances

All around the great bird, Reed elbows Skywise a bit and replies **Well I can promise you the same thing**

All around the great bird, Cutter aides Melisanda to settle on Ashefur's back. Once she's settled, he catches her around the waist with one arm and with a brief send to his bond, they spring into motion, heading toward the edge of the holt as if the fire were burning on their very tails.

Path Around the Father Tree(#1106RJ)
The path, bordered by steep rocks, is used mostly by the elves for travel to the woods behind the great Father tree or to lay traps for abundant small game that can be caught farther north.
Now during the whitecold, game is rarely to be found. The path itself is choked with bright snow, huge drifts piled up, making traveling increasingly difficult as you travel.

All around the great bird, Nightfall jerks her head in the direction of her mate, then in the direction of Cutter's send. ** It... just... wait! They are coming. Please, do not continue this. ** Redlance looks at his mate, smiling weakly, as the last of his wet, green growth keeps the sputtering fire back.

Malandor looks around at those gathered here and narrows his eyes. ** Very well. It should take no more than 20 minutes (OOC: Yes I know that's not a elvish unit of time. Sue me.) by wolfback to get from the center of your holt to this location. Melisanda tells me she is on such a beast. ** He stops, and the guards move a little more to circle out around him. ** I will hold here precisely that long. **

High above, drawn by the smoke, the large form of a Mountain Bond Bird can be seen. Sharp of eyes? Yes, she has a rider, long hair streaming behind his head. Bringing a hand to cover his eyes, Savith peers down, gripping the harness tightly, and sending privately as he surveys what he can.

You locksend ** I see them. Three hand. The fire is not spreading. I see no wolfriders. Only underworlders. I'm too high to catch their sends. ** to Cutter.

Breath comes uneasily to Lostholt's archer, Strongbow Waykeeper. His aim does not lessen now that Malandor as stopped, nor does he stop his growling. Rather, he remains, as he is, growling ferally, eyes streaming hot clears that only now slow, the scent and heat of the flames lessen.

Pike flicks a glance at Strongbow, glad he's holding up, then looks back at Malandor. Skot alone seems a bit deflated by the event. He was hoping for a fight, as was Krim, to an extent.

StarFall moves to Strongbow's side and puts a hand on his arm that holds his bow trained on Malandor. With a send for archer from archer she slowly attempts to lower his aim.

Malandor turns to regard Strongbow, narrowing his eyes slightly.

You locksend ** Shall I decend? ** to Cutter.

Cutter locksends ** Aye..we're almost there. **

StarFall removes her hand from Strongbow's arm and steps away from the other Wolfrider, allowing her gaze once more to fall upon Malandor.

Above the scene, the hawk begins her decent, circling lower and lower. Her rider's eyes narrow. Trying to make out details to send elsewhere.

You locksend to Cutter, Savith obeys, without question. He surveys the scene, lending you his eyes for it all. As the angle of his descent brings the forest into view, he spots Starfall easily, and with difficultly, Strongbow. But no emotion does he flavor onto it, simply reporting to you, that Your Will may command.

Surprised by the tears from the strong archer, Nightfall almost starts to growl herself. But she must practice restraint. She must be the calm one here.

The Underworlder guards lower the crossbows, uncocking them, apparently at an order from Malandor.

The sound of racing paws can be heard in the forest before Ashefur bursts from the underbrush bearing the weight of the wolfrider chieftain and one other: Melisanda. The wolf skids to a stop near Strongbow. Fierce lupine eyes survey the scene with a look that speaks of displeasure but, there is no fear there. **Stay your fires, Lord Goumando. Look upon your sister. She has suffered nothing worse than being sent to the vistor's den to allow herself time to calm down. The same was done for Darkedge..... her Recognized.... when they decided to try to kill each other at the howl.**

Strongbow's eyes spot the motion, flicking quickly from Malandor ot his troops, then back. His growl reduces in volume and intensity, a signal to his scouting party to lower their weapons as well. Pike is the first to comply, bringing his spear down to his side. Krim is the next to comply, followed by Skot. The fires finally calmed, Redlance sinks wearly to the ground, panting and shaking, fighting to recovering quickly. When Cutter arrives, Strongbow finally relaxes the hold on his bowstring, slowly bringing the arrow closer to the bow shaft, but never lowering. He flicks a glance and a send at Cutter.

Melisanda spots the Underworld group with a warm heart and smiles as the wolf comes to a stop, moving to start to get off the wolf.

Skywise rides in with Reed on his wolf. His grin sours as he takes in the situation and he releases his grip on Reed and dismounts.

Reed jerks up out of Skywise's all too snug embrace and leaps off the wolf before it has even come to a stop. **I'm not made of moss cloth and I know how to ride a wolf** Clearly Skywise was right she would not soon ever forget that ride. In a running leap she's at Ashfur's side reaching up to help Melisanda down, impatient with Cutter's stalling. She wants to get Melisanda to her brother's side as much if not more than anyone else.

StarFall crosses her arms over her chest and watches with cold, dispassionate eyes.

Nightfall turns, still on her own wolf. Tangle backs up, whurfing once at Ashfur. Nightfall glances at Cutter, glad he is here but still unsure about the UW guards.

Tyleet, brings up the rear of the new arrivals and skids her wolf to a halt. The gentel wolfrider lass, quickly releases her charge and even affords him a smile but, the tense situation she's ridden into soon has that smile fading from her face.

Tamaris nods and gives a smile to Tyleet, and then looks over at the group of Underworlders, and then over to Melisanda, moving towards her as well.

The bird above continues to circle, bringing her rider closer and closer to the treetops, and finally into open-send range, and clearly seen. It's a Chosen, in uniform. But he's hair's loose, fluttering in the wind, the curls pulled from the locks. He looks over the scene, face impassive and unreadable, cold and calculating, just like a good Chosen should be. The question becomes: what the heck is a Chosen doing here and who's side is he on? Again he sends privately.

You locksend to Cutter, Savith's mind remains focused on giving you the upperhand by remaining informed. It's a sublte link he creates, one, it seems, he's used to forming, allowing another to simply replay, freeze-frame, rewind, and play again any 'scene' in his short term memory, or see from his eyes completely. There's a sense of a question, a wordless: Your orders?

As the situation calms more and more, Strongbow's tension ebbs, the growl subsiding until only a sneer remains. His eyes are red, and his shoulders tremble slightly. Redlance, collecting himself, starts to push himself up to his feet, tired, but finding strength to stand with his tribemates, willing himself to go on.

Cutter locksends ** Hold for now. Let's see what Lord Goumando will do now. **

Skywise goes over to assist Redlance.

You locksend ** As you Will. ** to Cutter.

Redlance shakes his head, though whether to clear it or at Skywise's approach, it is hard to tell. He blinks, his tired eyes narrowed and watchful.

Cutter locksends to Skywise, **For once, I'm glad to have a Chosen hanging around the holt.**

Skywise nods in Cutter's direction at the private send as he puts an arm around Redlance to support him. ** True. Eyes in the sky can be very useful in a situation like this. I just hope he doesn't have other reasons for being here. ** is his private response to Cutter.

Malandor nods, noting the arrivals. He seems more relaxed to see the three returned, apparently unharmed. He nods to Tamaris and Reed, and actually smiles to Melisanda.

Cutter releases Melisanda to her guards but, remains on Ashefur's back. **She has Recognised, Lord Goumando and to my knowledge, that has not been fulfilled. She will waste away if it is left that way.** And he should know how that wasting goes having gone through it himself so long ago. **I trust there will be no further action against LostHolt or must we be forced into a war over this?**

Melisanda slides off the wolf and makes her way over to go inside the circle of Underworlders, standing beside Malandor, and looks at him with a smile of her own.

Strongbow remains mounted, where he is, silent, unmoving now that his bow is slack yet still held at the ready. His breath remains a very shallow light pant through clentched teeth, nostrils flaring slightly. Tyleet lets her wolf carry her back and out of the main hunters' way.

Aramis's off to one side, just doing what she's supposed to do. The 'captain' of the guard's brows slide upwards at that announcement, her attention wavering just a bit to glance towards Malandor.

The hawk pulls into a slow circle some elf heights above the tree tops, wings flared in a glide. Her rider waits, mounted silently, watching from above, reporting every movement the underworlder's make to... someone.

The only Underworlder not a part of the group is the elfess with the silvery hair. StarFall watches openly with a cold look in her lavender eyes, standing somewhat with the Wolfrider's yet even they she keeps her distance with.

Malandor shakes his head. ** My soul purpose for coming was to ensure Melisanda's safety. And, until midday today, I was told she was held in the den while Darkedge was permitted to be free. ** He glances to Aramis and then back to Cutter. ** There is no reason for war between us. I had truely, honestly, hoped violence would not be required, and I am sorry a demonstration of my resolve was required. ** He sighs. ** Regarding the recognition, that is something you and I and Melisanda should discuss in private. ** He glances around. ** However, I am assuming you would not tolerate such a force inside of LostHolt. Therefore, we will move back outside of LostHolt. We are prepared for a stay in this weather. **

Tamaris looks quite relieved, indeed, and walks with Melisanda, to the security offered by the Underworlder group. He looks up at his Lord, apparently, receiving a send, and nods in reply.

Melisanda sighs and looks down. She does look more relaxed, being with her own kind, and says nothing about Malandor's suggestions.

Reed sees her Lord and is hesitant about returning the nod. Up to this point she has yet to send to Him. She was ready to help Melisanda dismount but the help was not needed. She follows Melisanda at a distance. She does not enter the 'circle' of Underworlders. Seeing the ones she was responsible for safely returned, her duty is done. While her Lord speaks she just stares at the singed and smoldering trees. She just shakes her head.

Cutter eyes Malandor for a moment before he responds, **What is there to discuss about Recognition? It is either fulfilled or they both will waste away to nothing... be useless to their tribes? What is there to discuss?**

The faintest of gestures is made by Aramis, and the guard's relax their guard just a bit. However, the captain doesn't appear to relax. Of course, it's her job to be overly paranoid.

Strongbow remains silent, watching.

Malandor smirks. ** Because, chief, I highly doubt we want a repeat of this particular episode. ** He shrugs his shoudlers. ** It matters little for the moment. We will go make our encampment. **

Skywise chuckles a bit, thinking back to Cutter's recogniton. "Lord er...Goumando. I know he has firsthand experience with that," he says, addressing Malandor. "He was about as blunt when he was trying to convince Leetah to give in to the calling of recognition. In the end it turned out that he was totally right and they ended up having two cubs!"

Still circling, the hawk's rider watches and listens, waiting. Ah yes, Recognition. It's not safe, waiting like that. Really it's not, Savith can't help but think. But then, a cold thought, and an evil grin, eyes narrowing as that twisted sense of pleasure a true blue Chosen feels at the pain of another. Melisanda's feeling Recognition denied. It's almost enough to make him laugh at her plight! HAHAHA! Let her suffer, Darkedge! Savith cheers mentally, making note to thank the boy for getting back at her for blacksending at him while he was shaped to a pilar in the Main Hall.

You locksend to Cutter, Savith's mind, so ready for your order, can't disguise, cover, or hide that sick pleasure, that cold sadism that marks nearly all that Winnowill has touched. The reasons behind it are clear should you press.

Reed doesn't want to hear talk about Recognition and she's still waiting for her nerves to come down. What she wants most in all the world now is not possible and so she makes her way around the other side of the circle to wait for the out come of this confrontation. Looks around at her Lord upon hearing that an encampment will be made. She's not sure what to make of it.

StarFall's visage breaks for a moment, giving way to a nervous twitch as she hears Skywise's words. It is only for a breath, then the mask returns.

Malandor nods. ** Yes, I am quite familiar with how Recognition works. Forgive me then, I will rephrase my desire. I wish to return, make our camp secure, and get out of this blasted cold, before any further discussions about what has and has not happened occur. The Recognition will... work itself out. There are other issues, however. **

Skywise locksends to Cutter ** Although this recognition looks like it could be even more painful than you and them as well as everyone around them. **

Nightfall locksends to Cutter, ** So, want to adjust that bet we made earlier about this being a difficult Recognition? **

Cutter nods to Malandor, **Very well. Go make your camp and we shall meet again soon.. to discuss whatever you feel needs to be discussed about it.** That sent, Cutter glances at his own tribesmates and there is a brief flicker of send from him letting them know to stand down. He then nudges Ashefur, who soundlessly turns and moves back into the forest. **No fires inside our borders.** Cutter sends almost as an afterthought to the Underworlders. He does chuckle at a locksend and replies, **How much?** he asks of her.

Malandor locksends to Tamaris, ** Three skins of dreamberry wine it is, then... **

Melisanda sighs and nods, turning to look down the path Malandor took to get here.

Tamaris smirks a bit at Malandor and nods.

Skywise sighs as the tension in the air slowly slips away. He shoots a mischevious glance at Reed and waves to her before mounting Skylark and heading off after Cutter.

Strongbow finally pulls the arrow from his bow, and slips it into his quiver. Without another word, he nudges Kindle, and the two turn to head back toward the holt, sending to Cutter.

Malandor mmms, nodding. ** As you wish. ** He nods to Aramis and turns, starting to retrace his steps, leaving LostHolt.

The hawk circles again, her rider awaiting orders to stay or go.

Reed rolls her eyes and just can't believe 'that' wolfrider. She turns her back and hopes he goes quickly. She distracts herself now with seeing what that Glider is up to with his bird.

Melisanda nods and smiles, turning with her brother, starting to walk.

Tamaris sighs and looks over at Reed.

Reed is looking up at the bird and separating herself from things on the ground and waiting. The cold doesn't seem to even phase her at the moment.

StarFall watches the wolfriders begin to slip away back to their beloved Holt, while the Underworlders begin their slow trek out of the territory and off to set up their camp. For long moments she is merely a tall and slender shadow, the faint breeze stirring little tendrils of hair that have slipped from ponytails or braids. Like little whisps of memory, or ghosts of the past, they dance around her face and neck. She settles her hand upon a stone for a moment, the feeling of magic strong, most likely a send, and then the lieutant of Garado slips back towards LostHolt.

Pike, Skot, and Krim turn as well, as does Tyleet, and they all start heading home.

Cutter locksends ** Go back to your family, Savith. I don't think they'll be attacking us this night. **

A shrill whistle from the glider, and a squawk as reply from the hawk, and she turns again, flapping and gaining height, carrying her up and away from the scene as her rider replies to a private send.

You locksend ** As you will. ** to Cutter.

[travel spam omitted]

Base of the Lost Holt Father Tree(#765RJa)
A dense grove of grotesquely shaped trees dominated by one immense Grandfather of a tree whose age is no less great than its size.
It is obvious that the old tree has survived a terrible tragedy and you can see some of the scars left by the terrible blaze on the snow covered branches. Snow lies piled around the trees roots and in drifts around the Father Tree. Like old friends, the gnarled trees embrace one another, their many branches entwined and now snow collects atop them, occasionally crashing down to the ground below. You awaken in the cold winter night to the sound of cracking and snow falling, perhaps from branches above.

Skywise looks up for a moment from his contemplation at a private send. A grin breaks across his face and he sighs deeply.

Savith has settled Winddance to her perch, and flies back into the holt, headed toward the Hollow Tree and the Guest Den. But part way through the clearing, the Chosen, gliding stoically, topples, slamming into a nearby tree, panting, weak, and shaking. His cheeks pale, and the head wound aggrivated, bleeds into his hair and down on his forehead.

Strongbow rides in silence until near hte Father Tree. Sliding from his mount he starts to make the rest of his way to his den, stopped by the sight of a Chosen. If his mood wasn't good before, it's down right fowl now. He sneers, a low growl forming.

Skywise looks at Strongbow with his eyebrows arched. "What's wrong now Strongbow?"

Savith lifts his head and looks at the archer. Oh. Right. Pushing himself up, Savith forces himself to stand. Once on his face, a hand drops to his hip, to his talonwhip.

Strongbow reacts as Savith's hand drops. A sharp growl, and he draws an arrow, nocking, aiming, and drawing in one smooth motion.

Skywise sends franticly. ** Strongbow STOP! **

Savith blinks once. It's clear his mind it's all their, and wild curls, thick and brown, fall in disarray about his face. Mooving slowly, watching Strongbow, Savith sends, **I must return the weapon, archer.** He unhooks the weapon, and holds it out, the rope coiled in his hand as Strongbow growls and aims at him.

Strongbow growls, ignoring Skywise's send. Too much has happened. Too much as threatened, and Strongbow's mind see only Chosen, and smells the oily-sick scent of living trees burning around his ears. He rode fast to get here, to get to Moonshade's arms, who is now running from the Father Tree, violet eyes worried. "Strongbow! Lifemate, stop!"

Ashefur races into the clearing bearing Cutter on his back. Cutter slides off of the wolf's back before he even comes to a complete halt. He doesn't pause much to take in the scene, instead, he moves over toward Skywise giving his soulbrother a questioning look. **Strongbow! No!** he sends openly as he realizes what the archer is doing.

Nightfall had been trotted in sedately on her wolf, her lifemate now half-asleep against her back. But what is this? Another uproar? ** What is the matter? ** she asks, her mind voice curious and a little urgent-sounding.

Savith watches Strongbow, then turns his hand slowly, and open his hand. The silvery talonwhip drops to the ground at his feet, talons closed. He levels a tired green-eyed look at Strongbow, as if begging the question: you going to loose sometime tonight, or are you goingto make us all wait? There's even a slight lift of his chin. There's the scent of elf blood in the air, glider blood. from where? His forehead. A line of blood trickles down nearing his brow and green eyes. The set of his shoulders, the weight of his body in the snow - it's a micrale he's still standing, looking as if he might topple at anymoment.

Skywise mentaly pleads with Strongbow as he nudges Skylark closer to the archer's mount. ** Strongbow please. No good will come of this. How many will you send to the palace? **

Strongbow watches Savith, long after the hated weapon clatters to the ground. Skywise's send stings the archer, so ready to end Malandor's life as he was. Moonshade glares at the stargazer as she senses it, and touches Strongbow's arm softly. Soft sends pass between the two, and a hearteat later, the arrow is removed from her bow, and placed into his quiver. Stalking toward Savith, he crouches, still growling, and graps up the weapon. Good luck getting it back now, smelly Chosen. Weapon in hand, he turns and leaves, Moonshade on his trail.

Nightfall looks bewildered. What in the snowy hells of the Northern reach has happened here? Strongbow has gotten blood in his nose and cannot let well enough alone? Then let the wild wolf of an archer hunt; as Skywise said, how many must go to the palace to sate him?

Skywise lets out another sigh of relief, his hand going to his forhead and rubbing down his face.

Savith watches Strongbow, unflinching as the archer puts up his weapon, then as he moves to leave. He blinks once. Then twice, and the head wound from the night before's little 'hunting trip' with Larias takes hold, and he drops to his rump in the snow, dazed.

Cutter moves to intercept Strongbow as he's moving toward the father tree. He reaches for the Chosen's weapon, expecting it to be given. He'll hold it for the time being. **He was on our side this night. I believe he deserves a little more thanks than what he has been given.** He looks to Moonshade, urging her in send to help her lifemate to relax from this evening's events. He then turns back to Savith, **You should have a healer tend to that.** he sends to the Chosen.

Moonshade nods to Cutter, and manages to coax Strongbow to let go of the weapon. But that's all, and he stalks off.

Skywise goes over to Savith and dismounts. "Can you get up? You're rump's gonna turn blue," he says with a slight grin as he offers to help the glider to his feet.

Nightfall shakes her head. This is too much. ** Go hunt, or sleep, or roll in the furst, all of you. It has been stressful. ** A slight smile and weak wink is given and Nightfall heads up the Tree with Redlance, while Tangle goes to find her packmates.

It takes a moment before Savith turns his gaze up to Skywise. Huh? Oh. Umm. He has to actually focus on what the stargazer asked of him, before he nods. Reaching a hand down, Savith fights to push himself to his feet, the strain paling his cheeks, a drop of blood landing to his cheek. It distracts him, and he drop again, landing on his knees. He shakes his head, trying to clear it, a hand coming up to wipe at the blood. High Ones. He can't think. Where's his magic? Oh, there. Okay. Right.

Skywise looks at Skylark and appears to be giving the wolf a command. Skylark whuffs and moves over to the glider. The wolf then crouches down and crawls under Savith's arched form as Skywise helps push him onto the wolfs back.

Skywise sends for Leetah and then turns to Cutter. "I don't think he's coherent enough to call her himself."

Cutter considers for a moment then finally sends for Shenshen. Ynderra is out hunting, Hope is off somewhere and Leetah is just exhausted so, he calls for the herbalist to help Savith until one of the magical healers can spare a moment or two for the injured elf. **Shenshen will be here in a moment. She'll get that taken care of.** he sends to Savith then looks over at Skywise, not liking that the Chosen is having such difficulty even standing up.

How do you tell when a glider's not feeling well? When he doesn't complain about being pushed onto wolf back. Savith doesn't complain, not really, save for when Skywise's hands grab his right forearm. That elicits a moan of pain from the glider, and he shakes his head again, fighting to focus. "Shenshen," he whispers, trying to sort things out. "Just need to sleep," he replies after a moment, and fights to straighten, opening his eyes and regaining a touch of his composure, and gifts as he shakily lifts from the wolf. "I can make it to my chambers," he states, though his powers seem to flicker about him. Chambers? Dude, Earth to Savith: You're not in Blue Mountain.

Skywise winces with empathy as his touch hurts Savith, but like all Wolfriders, he knows that staying out in the snow is just not a good idea. He restrains Savith when he tries to get up. "We need to get you inside. Just relax."

Cutter's brows arch high on his forehead at Savith's faux paux. He sends to Skywise, **Chambers? I think he's hallucinating...** He sends a more urgent request for Shenshen to come quickly and soon the herbalist is racing out of the father tree looking as if she was just awakened. She doesn't even ask as she catches sight of Savith. Instead, she hurries over to him and tsks, "You need to be inside and under some nice, warm furs, then we'll fix you up good as new," she states then gives Cutter a look as if to ask him why she wasn't called sooner.

Cutter just backs off letting Shenshen look Savith over. At her glance, he gives a small, helpless shrug then turns back to Skywise. He gives the stargazer a small smile and shakes his head, Ah, the life of a chief...

Skywise nods. ** He acts like on who hasn't slept in days. ** he sends as he leads Skylark with the semi-concious Savith on his back into one of the lowest dens.

Savith struggles to stay aloft. Ah, don't you HATE it when women are right? Larias said he needed to stay put, but he just HAD to get up and fly, didn't he? Stupid Chosen. Skywise's grip holds him near the ground, and his powers flicker again, finding him dropping to the wolf's back again. Thank the High One's he's not really a heavy load, huh? Shenshen's examination reveals the cause of much of the issues. Seems this glider's taken a rather NASTY blow to the head not that long ago. Worse, the skin was cut, and now, bleeds freely again. It's very possible he's got a concussion, or worse, but such things are difficult to detect without a magical touch. The pain of his forearm, as Shenshen rolls up the sleeve, walking at the wolf's side to keep up and hold Savith steady, reveals odd bruises, thin lines that wrap about his arm, wrist and hand. As his being moved, and fighting to stay awake, he tries to send, but his mind remains foggy, and nothing that could be called a send, emerges.

Cutter sends to Savith, **Let Shenshen help you tonight. We will take you back to your mate and child after we're sure you're alright.** He moves along with Skylark, hoping that his send makes sense to the addled Chosen.

It surely does reach the addled glider, and Savith grumbles, "Not my mate." How many times does he HAVE to repeat himself, huh? Of course, considering just how much he's been cutting up around Larias, cracking jokes, and making smartass remarks... who knows? A lifemating just might be in their future. There certainly isn't the utter disguist and distrust that exsists in OTHER Recognized couples currently staying in Lostholt. :P Once inside a den, and laid in warm furs, whether Shenshen really wants it or not, Savith passes out, blooding matting in his loose hair, eyes falling closed. And no amount of shaking is going to watch this Chosen until he's good and ready. Unless you black send. That should wake him, well and good. A healer, magical, could wake him too. And of course, there's always Larias.


Logfile from TwoMoons - Savith.

Guest Den
Lostholt's guest den is slightly larger than the dens of the normal denizens of the holt. There are four or five alcoves shaped into the sides of the den for sleeping in. Each has its own fair share of warm furs for the use of the various guests that find themselves here. There are also a few shaped stools to sit upon and various shelves and pegs shaped into the walls for the guests to keep their cloaks and other personal items upon.

It's near dawn. Larias and Savith went out hunting on Winddance. Rumors abound in the holt that shortly before the pre-dawn darkness, the gliders came flying through. Something about another fight. No doubt, word reaches Llune's ears not long afterwards, leading her to the guest den where the wolfriders said the two flew. Larias is (most likely) asleep not far from Savith. Savith himself is tucked into furs, hair loose and asleep. His right forearm has very interesting bruises on them, looks like from rope of some kind. On his head is a fading lump, a bruise, and a scab where the cut has been cleaned. The uniform, one of his last, sits folded not far away, slightly torn.

On one arm is a happy, alert little cub, the other full of fabrics and a few *lovely* dark, soft leathers. Llune coos softly to the child, "Yes, now we'll go get some thread and a few beads and my..." She catches a glimpse of Savith, "Shh shh, everybody's sleeping..." she spies the torn uniform, then whispers a little more than softly, "Time to fix *another* uniform.." she *tsk tsks* "I suppose we could sit over here," she moves to *her* alcove, sets down most of the fabrics, keeping the soft leathers and moving to her bed to set down the cub and the leathers, "Let's see..." she murmurs before lapsing into sending with the baby - how would we cut it? What will we make? Definately needs to be somthing for Moonshade... What could she need?

Savith mutters in his sleep at the voice, brows furrowing. There's one thing missing from his uniform: his helmet. He's never far with out her helmet. But there's something odd about his mutters - they are more of a groan than dream caused murmurs.

For the most part, Larias seems to be sleeping rather deeply and soundly. She's still in her green dress, which is looking rather shabby. Impressive how hard on the delicate materials she is considering how little activity she's had. At Savith's groaning, she rolls to her side, brow furrowing, the blanket slipping off, (after all, its warm in the den). And thats when the full extent of the damage to the green dress can be seen. There is a tear beginning at the hemline, reaching up to roughly midthigh, and a section of the fabric looks as if its been ripped from the rest of the dress.

The fabric which was the compress on Savith's head, which, in his sleep, has slipped from his injury and into his hair.

You sense in a locksend, Larias has kept a tendril of thought locked on Savith as he sleeps. Nothing intrusive, simply an assurance he is there and still ok. Glider lass is all worried about him.

You locksend to Larias, Savith is fine. Sleep was the best healer, truth be told. The unintrusive connection has been helpful, for Larias can feel him dreaming slightly, though the images are broken and beneign. The worry, as he nears wakefullness, gets a bit of his attention, and he seems to try to find you. 'Larias....?'

Savith murmurs again, like a groan, and his head turns again while a hand twitches lightly.

Larias's brows furrow as she rolls over once more, an arm moves to lazily drape across her eyes. Through the fogged lands of sleep, a hazy send reaches out, ** Hmm? What? **

You locksend to Larias, Savith's mind feels it, but too asleep he is, and his inner thoughts remain hidden from all bu the closest of elves. '...worry... you worry. You hurt?'

You sense in a locksend, Larias's sending is much more coherent, much closer to waking up than his own. A correction is made, 'you are the one hurt' she is fine, over extended perhaps, but fine.

You locksend to Larias, Savith seems confused. 'I'm hurt? I don't feel...' Wait a minute! Shouldn't he be awake by now?

Savith groans again, eyes fluttering.

At his groan, Larias moves her arm back down to her side, eyes sleep filled but open. Despite the low levels of light in the den, she squints from the pounding in her head. With a soft grunt, she pushes herself into an upright position. Hardly any distance from Svith at all really, she closes it a worried expression quickly coming to light as she wonders, did she let him sleep to early? to long? She murmurs softly, "How are you feeling?" For the moment, unaware of any other in the den.

Savith fights to wake up, eyes fluttering open with difficulty. He takes a moment to focus on Larias's face. There's two of them? OH, wait, there she is. He grins lightly, then lick his dry lips, "... Thristy."

Larias, though rather worried, smiles down at him, she nods at the statement. "Let me see what I can get." Gently she rises, careful so as not to disturb him. She flits to the packs that were brought with them, then checks the pegs for waterskins which have been hung. Ah, yes, there we go. She doesn't know how fresh it is, but at this moment, a day old won't kill him, he needs liquid! She returns by his side, the skin in hand, voice soft, "Can you sit up?"

Savith had started to drop into sleep again when Larias left his side, but her voice stirs him, and his eyes reopen. Can he sit up? Silly question. But as he moves, it's clear it will be a struggle as muscles complain loudly, and his head screams, forcing him dizzy.

Larias frowns as she watches the struggle, a sigh escaping her lips. She sets the skin off to the side, "If you let me, I will help?" She swallows nervously, "You need to sit up to drink, at least a little."

Savith continues to struggle to sit up, because, Voll help him, he's NOT weak. The effort makes beads of sweat break out on his brow, but when it's done, he's sitting up, panting lightly.

Larias shakes her head as she regards him, stupid stubborn, but then a sigh, she's just as bad most of the time, is she not? The skin is picked up once again, and she holds it out for him to take when he's ready. At least this time she'll allow him the dignity of drinking on his own, rather than a replay of the Mountain. High Ones, don't remind him! Once he's settled, he takes the waterskin and drinks slowly. He drinks a good amount before he pulls the waterskin from his lips, and brings a hand up to wipe his chin, only then seeing the fun bruises left by the rope of his talon-whip. He blinks. Oh my. And he's naked too. He glances at Larias.

Larias doesn't seemed phased by his back of dress for once, heck, she's the one that stripped him isn't she. Where he was doting and watchful of her while pregnant, she takes a turn now that he is injured. She nods approvingly at the amount of water drunk, then frowns, "Meat, or nuts.. you need one or both. Which would you like?"

"Both," Savith replies softly, leaning back to rest his head. "High Ones.... what happened?"

Again, Larias lifts off with care, gliding to where food has been before, and selects some meat and a handful of nuts. Her return is made on foot, that rent in the skirt easily visible when she walks. With a foomp of skirt, she moves to sit on her knees beside him. She doesn't answer the question, instead she hands over the meat, keeping the nuts in her own hand for a moment, "eat first."

Savith blinks at Larias's refusal to answer immediately, but takes the meat first. He eats slowly, sore. "okay, I'm eating," he retort between bites.

Larias sighs, glancing down and away. A shrug, "You were injured hunting. I didn't see how it happened - but one of the deer took off, and you trailed after attached by your talon whip. I found you, unconscious, but alive." Another shrug, "Got you back here as fast as I could."

Savith stops eating, and levels a look on Larias, "And left some of the kill behind?"

Larias nods once, "Save for the beast Winddnace took, I left it all behind." Her voice lowers, hardly even a whisper, "Your health mattered more."

Savith would be bad. He should be mad but... wait, what did she say? He shakes his head, "No, it's not, Larias. Curse it, you and Rosendo need food more than you need me."

Larias smirks, rising as she does so, turning her back, yes, must get something out of one of the packs - a brush, there we go. And so, with back to him, she begins brushing her hair. Her voice is sounds troubled and tired, "Hunting was to help out this tribe. They likely have food enough without you and I adding in kills." Again, her voice drops with her back turned, he can't hardly hear it, though the thought rings loud in her mind, 'I will not trade you for a piece of meat.'

Savith snorts, eating, replying to he mental note, "That's good to know." He sighs, "Well, what's done is done, and the kills been eaten, so /I/ will try again tonight."

Larias spins around, hands paused in the process of brushing long hair. Her eyes narrow and her head shakes once from side to side, "You will do no such thing. -You- will sit right there, until my head stops aching."

Savith snaps his head over, ready with a smart ass remark, but ends up moaning and clutching his head. He mutters, "Your head?"

Larias makes quick work of an approach as he moves to clutch his head, her tone turning soft and tender again, "Yes, my head. When mines cleared I might believe yours is as well. Until then.."

Savith takes a steadying breath and looks up at Larias. There's a smirk, "Finally. You let down those troll-cursed walls." He nods lightly and takes another bite, his tone softening, "Fine, when I'm closer to healed. Until then...." He glances about, not seeing his mother.

Larias sits next to him, the brush held in her hand though she no longer works at her hair. Her eyes remain on her knees, "Yes.. finally I let them down. And yes, when you're better." A faint smile forms, "Though don't expect to go alone. Not after this fiasco."

Savith chuckles softly, "Or hook a white-tail' rump unless I'm braced for it, huh?" Oh, a spark of humor! He pauses to take a drink.

Larias lifts her eyes, a faint chuckle coming from the elder elfess. But, its hard to remain humored when she can feel his head ache, her own, sore, but not like his. "There are other ways to bring them down you know, safer ways."

Savith looks at Larias, all ears, as he takes another bite.

Larias smirks faintly, sensing his attention on her. Now he wants hunting tips, after he's been drug who knows how far and rammed into who knows what. She shakes her head, "Another time perhaps."

Savith just nods. Hunting tips? Please. He was just sure you wouldn't say anything, or say something stupid. Well, he wins, and so, goes back to his meal, a touch smug. "When I'm better," he retorts in a sing-song voice, a smirk on his face.

Larias flicks a glance his way. She sighs softly, shaking her head, "You're still exasperating, you know that?" As if Recognition should have somehow cured him of that quality.

Savith glances up, "And you're annoying." Ah, but he's grinning. Can't hate him when he's grinning!

No, no she can't hate him, especially when he grins at her like that. The corners of her lips twitch, as she tries for a moment to suppress a smile, but, then muscles win out and she actually does. Larias chuckles softly, rolling her shoulders in a shrug, "The bane of your existence."

Savith nods, the smirk turning to a grin which borders on a soft smile. "Oh yes. The bane," he retorts, bringing a hand to his throat, and pretends to gag and fall over. "gah! gah!" What a goof!

Larias blinks as she stares at him in confusion, brows furrow perplexed. Now this is a side of Savith she's not seen. She can't help but chuckle some more, he looks so silly, really he does. "Of all the things I've tried to do to you, choking isn't one of them."

Savith stops and straightens, shaking his head. No sense of humor. Really. He sighs, the smile fading, and he takes one last bite, nearly full.

Larias looks back to her lap as he stops the silliness. How's she supposed to know how to joke and be silly? She sighs, once more beginning the task of brushing her hair. her nose wrinkles as she reaches across her face, getting a whiff of self and dress. "Oh my...."

Savith looks over, and smirks, "Nice. Rosendo smells better at times." Another jibe. He's in a mood. Mayne he should get beat on the head more often! "At least you don't need to be bathed," he grins, a hint of cold humor.

Larias's cheeks color at the jibe, the hand holding the brush falls back to her lap, her eyes turn to look at him. At first, she's almost insulted, but then she smiles lightly, "I'm not the only one in this room a wolfrider could scent from upwind."

Savith's brows lift. Oh-ho! A jibe in return! That gets a grin, almost a smile. "You want to jump into an icy river," he asks, laughing softly.

Larias's blue eyes twinkle in the dim light, her smile turning what could be called, mischievous? "Only if that means I can throw you in first."

From the forest, an eerie howl goes up, a warning.

Savith has! "Just try it."

Larias glances towards the entrance to the guest dens, then shrugs, they are in a holt after all, and though there is a strange sound to the quality of the howling, she shrugs it off. Her look returns shortly back on Savith, "When your head is better... I will." OOo, this could be interesting.

Savith rolls his eyes, "So until then I must live with your stench?" He shakes his head, smiling though. "Thanks."

Larias smirks softly, "And I with yours." She leans a bit closer, sniffs, then "whew, worse than I though."

Savith laughs this time, eyes closing. It's a free sound, light and airy, which tosseds color onto his cheeks.

Larias's own smile softens, the expression reaching her eyes, their blue color almost seeming to grow deeper as light emotions take hold, even if she doe shave a head ache. her cheeks flush a pale pink, hmm, when he laughs, hmmmm....

Savith leans his head back, laughing still. Why is he laughing? Well, he's relaxed! Off duty, sorta, and not trying to make sure everything goes just so. Ask Llune. He's like this sometimes, alone, in her room. A hand comes to his eyes, brushing at the tears starting to form.

Larias clears her throat, eyes glancing away for but a second. But his laughter continues, the sound drawing her eyes back to rest on him. How can she help but to smile, to lean just a little closer. The brush dropped and forgotten in her lap, one hand is free to move forward, halting him from wiping at the tears of laughter, the other completing the motion for him, gently brushing his cheeks dry with the back of her fingers.

Larias clears her throat, eyes glancing away for but a second. But his laughter continues, the sound drawing her eyes back to rest on him. How can she help but to smile, to lean just a little closer. The brush dropped and forgotten in her lap, one hand is free to move forward, halting him from wiping at the tears of laughter, the other completing the motion for him, gently brushing his cheeks dry with the back of her fingers.

Llune walks in with a freshly bathed and dressed baby, smiling and humming gently... At the gleeful scene she is greeted with, she stop and turns the baby to see, ginning at the two, "See? They're so *nice* when they get along!" the statment isn't malicious - it's just... positive reinforcement - her smile is genuine... Rosendo gurgles and shows his *best* toothless grin, mouth wide and drooling just a little.

Savith's laughter stops at Larias's light touch, eyes turning to her in wonder-touched awe. The smile still plays at his lips until Llune's voice fillst he sudden silence. At which point, he blushes and turns his head away. Damn it! Someone saw him being a dork, didn't they? But it's mom. She's used to seeing him. Oh my.

When Savith turns his head away, Larias looks confused a moment, but then the realization that she heard Llune's voice hits, her cheeks flush a deep crimson and she moves back. Her head turned away from Savith as well.

Llune smiles at the two, "Oh, please don't let me interrupt!" she apologizes, "I was just wandering by to pick up this torn uniform of Savith's..." She thinks a moment, "Would you like to play with Rosendo? He's been *very* active the past half hour or so!"

Savith is glad Larias let loose his hair too, for he lets it fall as a curtain to hide his cheeks. "No, Mother," he says, the bruises on his arm visible. "I'd likely dorp him." Once more his voice is growing cold, distant.

Larias rises from where she had been standing, and finally, poor Llune gets to see what a mess Larias has made of her dress. There is a tear beginning at the hemline, reaching up to roughly midthigh, and a section of the fabric looks as if its been ripped from the rest of the dress. She shakes her head at Llune's offer, "He.. is happiest in your arms."

At the sudden change in tone, Llune's smile fades, still visible on her face, but not at all as exuberant as it should be, "I'm... I am sorry... I should leave?" Her tone is questioning, a bit baffled at both parent's rejection of their cub, then noticies Larias' dress, stifling a gasp, "Have you been hurt? Seen the healer?"

Savith remains silently, as he normally does when embarassed by his actions. He sighs, and bites his lower lip. 'go away mom. go away,' he nearly chants in his mind.

Larias shake sherhead as she looks at Llune. "No, I'm not hurt." There is a tremor in the elf's voice as she speaks, "I.. had to take care of matters with what was at hand. Thats all."

Llune nods, all joy drained from her face... Rosendo senses these unhappy feelings and begins to fuss uncomfortably, "Well then..." She picks up the torn uniform, "I suppose I'll leave the two of you to converse..." She smiles thinly, then coos at the babe, glancing up as she drifts toward the door, "Perhaps we could share a meal later this evening..." She nods.

Savith replies softly, "That would be nice, Mother. But later. I've already eaten." Did I foget to mention he's nekkid?

Llune smiles, noding a bow to each of them and ducking out of the room. "Later then. Good day..." And she's out the door as mysteriously as she came.

Savith sinks his head to his hand, then regrets it as it presses down his head wound, "oooh. bad idea."

Larias looks at Llune, cheeks burning crimson now. Her mouth opened and closed but no sounds came out. Oh High Ones! Puckernuts and all that. As Llune makes a sudden departure, she swallows wondering what llune thinks is going on. But the sound and feel of Savith's pain draws her out of her thoughts. She doesn't approach, standing still, with distance between them,. Her voice trembles lightly, full of emotion, "You ok?"

Savith nods lightly, "Yeah, just fine." He sits up straight again and leans his head back, with a sigh. What timing.

And good timing to! Really it was! Larias makes as if ready to begin brushing her hair again, and then she notes with a sigh, the brush is over by him *gulp*.

Savith has his eyes closed, the blush fading finally from his cheeks. Ooops.. does the blanket fall lower when he leans back? *^^*

And here she was looking as the blanket fell to! As the blanket falls lower, Larias lets out a squeak and spins around, her skin a bright red from the tips of her ears down to her neck - and since her leg is visible, its obvious the blush goes straight down to her toes. "Ah.. mm.. Savith.. you're .. proabbly .. going to get.. cold?"

Savith hmms and glances down. oops. and he grabs the blanket up and pulls it up again, shifting to lay down again. "Hmm, thanks."

Larias continues standing with her back turned, tips of ears still pink, posture tensed and uncomfortable - mostly with herself. She lifts her arms, hugging herself, though from behind it might just look like she's folding her arms across chest. There is a quiver in her voice, words short and simple, "Your welcome."

Savith sighs and looks over, sensing that.... "What's wrong," he asks finally.

Larias shrugs, finding her mouth dry, she licks her lips, hoping that will give her the voice she needs. It takes her a moment, but she does respond, actually managing to formulate an answer rather than blow off his question, "I.. don't know what I want. I think I do, then I'm not sure."

Savith watches Larias from the bed area, "If you think you do... what's the problem?

Larias chuckles softly, mirth missing from the sound, "I am.. you are."

Savith blinks and pushes up to an elbow, "We're a problem? That's doesn't sound good." His eyes narrow a touch as he considers Larias, trying to feel her out, not up.

As he reaches out, its easy to sense whats there swirling about, clouding her mind. As one would expect confusion, nervous tension, embarrassment, worry - but below the surface, tucked under that which habit brings, there is love, and High Ones help us - desire. her head shakes at his question, "Not us.." A pause, and s Larias speaks again, her voice trembles, hardly a whisper, "The idea of us."

Savith senses, then nods. "Oooh," he says as he senses the desire, the idea of us. He purses his lips, thinking about Dodia. On and off lovemate, there when he needed. "I see. What did you want to do about it then?"

Larias rolls her shoulders in the form of a shrug, "If I knew.. then there wouldn't be a problem."

Savith nods, and thinks. "Well, we can ignore it," he says, "We can lock it away, or we can act on it."

Larias turns around, her eyes locking on his form. With cheeks burning darker than the rest of her skin, ** And which would you choose to do? If the choice was yours alone to make? **

Admist the howls, Shenshen runs in, "Umm... Sorry to bug, but I think you should know." She glances at Larias, then Savith, eyes reflexively tracing his firm before she tells him, "There's a fire at the edge of this holt. We don't know if it's going to make it here, but..." Shenshen doesn't get further, for Savith's eyes darken, and a sneer forms. He knows what a fire could mean, and with HIS child here, his mother, and more. Ignoring the dizziness, he pushes himself to standing and turns to get his uniform, snapping at the villlager, "Go get my talonwhip." A send to Larias.

You locksend to Larias, Savith is all business, **Sorry, my Recognized, but this wil have to wait.**

Savith dresses quickly, then moves to Larias while Shenshen runs off. He rests a hand on her shoulder lightly, looking into her eyes, **Stay here, and guard Rosendo.**

Larias swallows hard but nods. ** He will survive. ** If she has to kill herself to make it so. She can outfly a fire.

Savith nods, his grip tightens sligthly, **Even if you must leave Llune and Volek. He is more important.** The imcomplete thougth resounds, 'and so are you.'

You locksend to Cutter, Savith's mind is cold, but businesslike, **My apologies for interrupting, Wolf Chief, but one of your tribe has told me of a danger that effects myself and those in my care. I offer my whip, and the wings of my hawk to your cause, that I might protect my family.**

Savith comes flying in from the woods, whistling shrilling and sending to someone. Helmetless, the Chosen as a bump on the head that he's ignoring.

Spooked, Skywise instinctively draws his sword with the sound of scraping metal. Upon seeing the source of the noise however, he shakes his head with a bit of annoyance and resheaths his weapon.

Melisandajerks around at the sound of metal on metal, certain she has been betrayed.

Cutter glances over at Savith as he moves out of the father tree. A faint nod is his only acknowledgement of the Chosen's presence.. or is it an acknowledgement? He moves behind Melisanda out of the father tree but, he soon veers his course, **Lady, you will ride with me so we might reach the edge the holt faster.** he sends to her as he mounts the massive grey wolf. He then looks to her guards, **You two may ride with Skywise and Tyleet.** As he sends, Tyleet moves into the clearing astride her large wolf.

Cutter locksends ** You have my thanks. **

Scraping metal? Yes, the sound of Savith snapping shut his talonwhip and putting it to his hip. Savith's eyes glance at Cutter, and he nods, looking up. His cheeks pale faintly, before he bunches his legs slightly and rockets up to meet his bird mid flight.

You locksend ** I follow the smoke, and lend you my eyes as well, that you might see. Where you send, I will fly. (Such obidence. Good Chosen. Here's a cookie.) ** to Cutter.

Winddance(#10355JTaev) One of the great hawks which are bonded with the Chosen of Blue Mountain. Winddance is truely a beauty of flight and grace. Her body is speckled with brown, black, and white feathers giving her a bit of a peppered appearance, especially at her breast. Her wings however are all brown and black in the typical pattern of the birds. Around her neck is a harness for her rider, Savith to hold onto during flight.

You move upon the great bird, settling down on the silver-gilded harness on her back.

All around the great bird, Melisanda looks over at the wolf, arching a brow. ** You're serious, aren't you? **

All around the great bird, Skywise quickly holds up his hands to Melisanda to show her that he is unarmed. "Easy there. Nobody will hurt you," he says, as his wolf friend Skylark pads over and nuzzles the stargazer's leg.

All around the great bird, Reed hurries along, heart beating wildly. Has her Lord really set the woods on fire?! Oh HighOnes please let it not be. Her bow is in her hand and ready to fire. She's watching everyone's reactions. It's so hard to be sure of anything in this fray.

All around the great bird, Tamaris seems to be trying to push Melisanda along, and his eyes dart around. A very stressful situation for the Underworlder, and one he does not care for. He eyes the wolf as it appears and looks quite apprehensive.

All around the great bird, Reed knows the sooner Melisanda is in Malandor's sight then the sooner Cutter's holt is out of danger. **Lady Melisanda....his holt is in danger...he will not harm you. Trust life is in your hands** Reed looks up at Melisanda with as much sincerety as she can muster.

All around the great bird, Cutter nods his head to Melisanda then pats Ashefur's shoulders, **I won't let you fall off.** he replies to her. Ashefur, doesn't look so much aggressive as apprehensive. The pack still howls the FIRE RUN! howl which has the pack leader's senses tense at best.

All around the great bird, Skywise gives his wolf a scritch before moving to Skylark's side and mounting. He reaches out a hand, offering to help Reed onto the wolf in front of him.

All around the great bird, Melisanda arches a brow, and considers her dress. She sighs, and shrugs. ** We shall see. I am... bigger than you, however. ** She moves, slowly, over towards Cutter's wolf.

All around the great bird, Ashefur stands quietly though it's clear that he's ready to spring away at any moment. Cutter chuckles at Melisanda's observation, **Indeed, you are. Mind your toes so they don't drag the ground.** he sends, sounding almost as if he's trying to add a bit of humor to lighten things up a bit. Tyleet peers at Tamaris and pats the ruff of her own wolf, **I suppose you're stuck with me, then.** she sends, offering a quiet smile to the Underworlder.

All around the great bird, Reed glances at Skywise and then back at Melisanda and Tamaris. Reed has no trouble with wolves obviously but it all depends on Melisanda.

All around the great bird, Tamaris looks over at Melisanda, and takes a deep breath. Hopefully, Melisanda will follow. He looks up at Tyleet, having watched Reed, and sighs, pulling himself on top of the wolf as best as he can, in front of Tyleet.

All around the great bird, Melisanda pauses, and looks off at the distance. She sighs, and nods, coming over towards Cutter, and also starting to pull herself up on the wolf.

All around the great bird, A light smirk appears on Skywise's face as he looks at Reed. "I'll be a ride you'll not soon forget."

Savith settles himself on his bird's harness. He sends down to Cutter, eyes narrowing on the small curls of smoke he sees, before he urges his mount toward it, leaning forward to make all due haste.

You locksend to Cutter, Savith lends you his eyes, reporting in to you, his mind businesslike and cold, **I see smoke. Not much. Not growing, but seen clearly.**

All around the great bird, Reed settles in front of Skywise. It feels good to ride a wolf once more, but wish it were better circumstances

All around the great bird, Reed elbows Skywise a bit and replies **Well I can promise you the same thing**

All around the great bird, Cutter aides Melisanda to settle on Ashefur's back. Once she's settled, he catches her around the waist with one arm and with a brief send to his bond, they spring into motion, heading toward the edge of the holt as if the fire were burning on their very tails.

Path Around the Father Tree(#1106RJ)
The path, bordered by steep rocks, is used mostly by the elves for travel to the woods behind the great Father tree or to lay traps for abundant small game that can be caught farther north.
Now during the whitecold, game is rarely to be found. The path itself is choked with bright snow, huge drifts piled up, making traveling increasingly difficult as you travel.

All around the great bird, Nightfall jerks her head in the direction of her mate, then in the direction of Cutter's send. ** It... just... wait! They are coming. Please, do not continue this. ** Redlance looks at his mate, smiling weakly, as the last of his wet, green growth keeps the sputtering fire back.

Malandor looks around at those gathered here and narrows his eyes. ** Very well. It should take no more than 20 minutes (OOC: Yes I know that's not a elvish unit of time. Sue me.) by wolfback to get from the center of your holt to this location. Melisanda tells me she is on such a beast. ** He stops, and the guards move a little more to circle out around him. ** I will hold here precisely that long. **

High above, drawn by the smoke, the large form of a Mountain Bond Bird can be seen. Sharp of eyes? Yes, she has a rider, long hair streaming behind his head. Bringing a hand to cover his eyes, Savith peers down, gripping the harness tightly, and sending privately as he surveys what he can.

You locksend ** I see them. Three hand. The fire is not spreading. I see no wolfriders. Only underworlders. I'm too high to catch their sends. ** to Cutter.

Breath comes uneasily to Lostholt's archer, Strongbow Waykeeper. His aim does not lessen now that Malandor as stopped, nor does he stop his growling. Rather, he remains, as he is, growling ferally, eyes streaming hot clears that only now slow, the scent and heat of the flames lessen.

Pike flicks a glance at Strongbow, glad he's holding up, then looks back at Malandor. Skot alone seems a bit deflated by the event. He was hoping for a fight, as was Krim, to an extent.

StarFall moves to Strongbow's side and puts a hand on his arm that holds his bow trained on Malandor. With a send for archer from archer she slowly attempts to lower his aim.

Malandor turns to regard Strongbow, narrowing his eyes slightly.

You locksend ** Shall I decend? ** to Cutter.

Cutter locksends ** Aye..we're almost there. **

StarFall removes her hand from Strongbow's arm and steps away from the other Wolfrider, allowing her gaze once more to fall upon Malandor.

Above the scene, the hawk begins her decent, circling lower and lower. Her rider's eyes narrow. Trying to make out details to send elsewhere.

You locksend to Cutter, Savith obeys, without question. He surveys the scene, lending you his eyes for it all. As the angle of his descent brings the forest into view, he spots Starfall easily, and with difficultly, Strongbow. But no emotion does he flavor onto it, simply reporting to you, that Your Will may command.

Surprised by the tears from the strong archer, Nightfall almost starts to growl herself. But she must practice restraint. She must be the calm one here.

The Underworlder guards lower the crossbows, uncocking them, apparently at an order from Malandor.

The sound of racing paws can be heard in the forest before Ashefur bursts from the underbrush bearing the weight of the wolfrider chieftain and one other: Melisanda. The wolf skids to a stop near Strongbow. Fierce lupine eyes survey the scene with a look that speaks of displeasure but, there is no fear there. **Stay your fires, Lord Goumando. Look upon your sister. She has suffered nothing worse than being sent to the vistor's den to allow herself time to calm down. The same was done for Darkedge..... her Recognized.... when they decided to try to kill each other at the howl.**

Strongbow's eyes spot the motion, flicking quickly from Malandor ot his troops, then back. His growl reduces in volume and intensity, a signal to his scouting party to lower their weapons as well. Pike is the first to comply, bringing his spear down to his side. Krim is the next to comply, followed by Skot. The fires finally calmed, Redlance sinks wearly to the ground, panting and shaking, fighting to recovering quickly. When Cutter arrives, Strongbow finally relaxes the hold on his bowstring, slowly bringing the arrow closer to the bow shaft, but never lowering. He flicks a glance and a send at Cutter.

Melisanda spots the Underworld group with a warm heart and smiles as the wolf comes to a stop, moving to start to get off the wolf.

Skywise rides in with Reed on his wolf. His grin sours as he takes in the situation and he releases his grip on Reed and dismounts.

Reed jerks up out of Skywise's all too snug embrace and leaps off the wolf before it has even come to a stop. **I'm not made of moss cloth and I know how to ride a wolf** Clearly Skywise was right she would not soon ever forget that ride. In a running leap she's at Ashfur's side reaching up to help Melisanda down, impatient with Cutter's stalling. She wants to get Melisanda to her brother's side as much if not more than anyone else.

StarFall crosses her arms over her chest and watches with cold, dispassionate eyes.

Nightfall turns, still on her own wolf. Tangle backs up, whurfing once at Ashfur. Nightfall glances at Cutter, glad he is here but still unsure about the UW guards.

Tyleet, brings up the rear of the new arrivals and skids her wolf to a halt. The gentel wolfrider lass, quickly releases her charge and even affords him a smile but, the tense situation she's ridden into soon has that smile fading from her face.

Tamaris nods and gives a smile to Tyleet, and then looks over at the group of Underworlders, and then over to Melisanda, moving towards her as well.

The bird above continues to circle, bringing her rider closer and closer to the treetops, and finally into open-send range, and clearly seen. It's a Chosen, in uniform. But he's hair's loose, fluttering in the wind, the curls pulled from the locks. He looks over the scene, face impassive and unreadable, cold and calculating, just like a good Chosen should be. The question becomes: what the heck is a Chosen doing here and who's side is he on? Again he sends privately.

You locksend to Cutter, Savith's mind remains focused on giving you the upperhand by remaining informed. It's a sublte link he creates, one, it seems, he's used to forming, allowing another to simply replay, freeze-frame, rewind, and play again any 'scene' in his short term memory, or see from his eyes completely. There's a sense of a question, a wordless: Your orders?

As the situation calms more and more, Strongbow's tension ebbs, the growl subsiding until only a sneer remains. His eyes are red, and his shoulders tremble slightly. Redlance, collecting himself, starts to push himself up to his feet, tired, but finding strength to stand with his tribemates, willing himself to go on.

Cutter locksends ** Hold for now. Let's see what Lord Goumando will do now. **

Skywise goes over to assist Redlance.

You locksend ** As you Will. ** to Cutter.

Redlance shakes his head, though whether to clear it or at Skywise's approach, it is hard to tell. He blinks, his tired eyes narrowed and watchful.

Cutter locksends to Skywise, **For once, I'm glad to have a Chosen hanging around the holt.**

Skywise nods in Cutter's direction at the private send as he puts an arm around Redlance to support him. ** True. Eyes in the sky can be very useful in a situation like this. I just hope he doesn't have other reasons for being here. ** is his private response to Cutter.

Malandor nods, noting the arrivals. He seems more relaxed to see the three returned, apparently unharmed. He nods to Tamaris and Reed, and actually smiles to Melisanda.

Cutter releases Melisanda to her guards but, remains on Ashefur's back. **She has Recognised, Lord Goumando and to my knowledge, that has not been fulfilled. She will waste away if it is left that way.** And he should know how that wasting goes having gone through it himself so long ago. **I trust there will be no further action against LostHolt or must we be forced into a war over this?**

Melisanda slides off the wolf and makes her way over to go inside the circle of Underworlders, standing beside Malandor, and looks at him with a smile of her own.

Strongbow remains mounted, where he is, silent, unmoving now that his bow is slack yet still held at the ready. His breath remains a very shallow light pant through clentched teeth, nostrils flaring slightly. Tyleet lets her wolf carry her back and out of the main hunters' way.

Aramis's off to one side, just doing what she's supposed to do. The 'captain' of the guard's brows slide upwards at that announcement, her attention wavering just a bit to glance towards Malandor.

The hawk pulls into a slow circle some elf heights above the tree tops, wings flared in a glide. Her rider waits, mounted silently, watching from above, reporting every movement the underworlder's make to... someone.

The only Underworlder not a part of the group is the elfess with the silvery hair. StarFall watches openly with a cold look in her lavender eyes, standing somewhat with the Wolfrider's yet even they she keeps her distance with.

Malandor shakes his head. ** My soul purpose for coming was to ensure Melisanda's safety. And, until midday today, I was told she was held in the den while Darkedge was permitted to be free. ** He glances to Aramis and then back to Cutter. ** There is no reason for war between us. I had truely, honestly, hoped violence would not be required, and I am sorry a demonstration of my resolve was required. ** He sighs. ** Regarding the recognition, that is something you and I and Melisanda should discuss in private. ** He glances around. ** However, I am assuming you would not tolerate such a force inside of LostHolt. Therefore, we will move back outside of LostHolt. We are prepared for a stay in this weather. **

Tamaris looks quite relieved, indeed, and walks with Melisanda, to the security offered by the Underworlder group. He looks up at his Lord, apparently, receiving a send, and nods in reply.

Melisanda sighs and looks down. She does look more relaxed, being with her own kind, and says nothing about Malandor's suggestions.

Reed sees her Lord and is hesitant about returning the nod. Up to this point she has yet to send to Him. She was ready to help Melisanda dismount but the help was not needed. She follows Melisanda at a distance. She does not enter the 'circle' of Underworlders. Seeing the ones she was responsible for safely returned, her duty is done. While her Lord speaks she just stares at the singed and smoldering trees. She just shakes her head.

Cutter eyes Malandor for a moment before he responds, **What is there to discuss about Recognition? It is either fulfilled or they both will waste away to nothing... be useless to their tribes? What is there to discuss?**

The faintest of gestures is made by Aramis, and the guard's relax their guard just a bit. However, the captain doesn't appear to relax. Of course, it's her job to be overly paranoid.

Strongbow remains silent, watching.

Malandor smirks. ** Because, chief, I highly doubt we want a repeat of this particular episode. ** He shrugs his shoudlers. ** It matters little for the moment. We will go make our encampment. **

Skywise chuckles a bit, thinking back to Cutter's recogniton. "Lord er...Goumando. I know he has firsthand experience with that," he says, addressing Malandor. "He was about as blunt when he was trying to convince Leetah to give in to the calling of recognition. In the end it turned out that he was totally right and they ended up having two cubs!"

Still circling, the hawk's rider watches and listens, waiting. Ah yes, Recognition. It's not safe, waiting like that. Really it's not, Savith can't help but think. But then, a cold thought, and an evil grin, eyes narrowing as that twisted sense of pleasure a true blue Chosen feels at the pain of another. Melisanda's feeling Recognition denied. It's almost enough to make him laugh at her plight! HAHAHA! Let her suffer, Darkedge! Savith cheers mentally, making note to thank the boy for getting back at her for blacksending at him while he was shaped to a pilar in the Main Hall.

You locksend to Cutter, Savith's mind, so ready for your order, can't disguise, cover, or hide that sick pleasure, that cold sadism that marks nearly all that Winnowill has touched. The reasons behind it are clear should you press.

Reed doesn't want to hear talk about Recognition and she's still waiting for her nerves to come down. What she wants most in all the world now is not possible and so she makes her way around the other side of the circle to wait for the out come of this confrontation. Looks around at her Lord upon hearing that an encampment will be made. She's not sure what to make of it.

StarFall's visage breaks for a moment, giving way to a nervous twitch as she hears Skywise's words. It is only for a breath, then the mask returns.

Malandor nods. ** Yes, I am quite familiar with how Recognition works. Forgive me then, I will rephrase my desire. I wish to return, make our camp secure, and get out of this blasted cold, before any further discussions about what has and has not happened occur. The Recognition will... work itself out. There are other issues, however. **

Skywise locksends to Cutter ** Although this recognition looks like it could be even more painful than you and them as well as everyone around them. **

Nightfall locksends to Cutter, ** So, want to adjust that bet we made earlier about this being a difficult Recognition? **

Cutter nods to Malandor, **Very well. Go make your camp and we shall meet again soon.. to discuss whatever you feel needs to be discussed about it.** That sent, Cutter glances at his own tribesmates and there is a brief flicker of send from him letting them know to stand down. He then nudges Ashefur, who soundlessly turns and moves back into the forest. **No fires inside our borders.** Cutter sends almost as an afterthought to the Underworlders. He does chuckle at a locksend and replies, **How much?** he asks of her.

Malandor locksends to Tamaris, ** Three skins of dreamberry wine it is, then... **

Melisanda sighs and nods, turning to look down the path Malandor took to get here.

Tamaris smirks a bit at Malandor and nods.

Skywise sighs as the tension in the air slowly slips away. He shoots a mischevious glance at Reed and waves to her before mounting Skylark and heading off after Cutter.

Strongbow finally pulls the arrow from his bow, and slips it into his quiver. Without another word, he nudges Kindle, and the two turn to head back toward the holt, sending to Cutter.

Malandor mmms, nodding. ** As you wish. ** He nods to Aramis and turns, starting to retrace his steps, leaving LostHolt.

The hawk circles again, her rider awaiting orders to stay or go.

Reed rolls her eyes and just can't believe 'that' wolfrider. She turns her back and hopes he goes quickly. She distracts herself now with seeing what that Glider is up to with his bird.

Melisanda nods and smiles, turning with her brother, starting to walk.

Tamaris sighs and looks over at Reed.

Reed is looking up at the bird and separating herself from things on the ground and waiting. The cold doesn't seem to even phase her at the moment.

StarFall watches the wolfriders begin to slip away back to their beloved Holt, while the Underworlders begin their slow trek out of the territory and off to set up their camp. For long moments she is merely a tall and slender shadow, the faint breeze stirring little tendrils of hair that have slipped from ponytails or braids. Like little whisps of memory, or ghosts of the past, they dance around her face and neck. She settles her hand upon a stone for a moment, the feeling of magic strong, most likely a send, and then the lieutant of Garado slips back towards LostHolt.

Pike, Skot, and Krim turn as well, as does Tyleet, and they all start heading home.

Cutter locksends ** Go back to your family, Savith. I don't think they'll be attacking us this night. **

A shrill whistle from the glider, and a squawk as reply from the hawk, and she turns again, flapping and gaining height, carrying her up and away from the scene as her rider replies to a private send.

You locksend ** As you will. ** to Cutter.

[travel spam omitted]

Base of the Lost Holt Father Tree(#765RJa)
A dense grove of grotesquely shaped trees dominated by one immense Grandfather of a tree whose age is no less great than its size.
It is obvious that the old tree has survived a terrible tragedy and you can see some of the scars left by the terrible blaze on the snow covered branches. Snow lies piled around the trees roots and in drifts around the Father Tree. Like old friends, the gnarled trees embrace one another, their many branches entwined and now snow collects atop them, occasionally crashing down to the ground below. You awaken in the cold winter night to the sound of cracking and snow falling, perhaps from branches above.

Skywise looks up for a moment from his contemplation at a private send. A grin breaks across his face and he sighs deeply.

Savith has settled Winddance to her perch, and flies back into the holt, headed toward the Hollow Tree and the Guest Den. But part way through the clearing, the Chosen, gliding stoically, topples, slamming into a nearby tree, panting, weak, and shaking. His cheeks pale, and the head wound aggrivated, bleeds into his hair and down on his forehead.

Strongbow rides in silence until near hte Father Tree. Sliding from his mount he starts to make the rest of his way to his den, stopped by the sight of a Chosen. If his mood wasn't good before, it's down right fowl now. He sneers, a low growl forming.

Skywise looks at Strongbow with his eyebrows arched. "What's wrong now Strongbow?"

Savith lifts his head and looks at the archer. Oh. Right. Pushing himself up, Savith forces himself to stand. Once on his face, a hand drops to his hip, to his talonwhip.

Strongbow reacts as Savith's hand drops. A sharp growl, and he draws an arrow, nocking, aiming, and drawing in one smooth motion.

Skywise sends franticly. ** Strongbow STOP! **

Savith blinks once. It's clear his mind it's all their, and wild curls, thick and brown, fall in disarray about his face. Mooving slowly, watching Strongbow, Savith sends, **I must return the weapon, archer.** He unhooks the weapon, and holds it out, the rope coiled in his hand as Strongbow growls and aims at him.

Strongbow growls, ignoring Skywise's send. Too much has happened. Too much as threatened, and Strongbow's mind see only Chosen, and smells the oily-sick scent of living trees burning around his ears. He rode fast to get here, to get to Moonshade's arms, who is now running from the Father Tree, violet eyes worried. "Strongbow! Lifemate, stop!"

Ashefur races into the clearing bearing Cutter on his back. Cutter slides off of the wolf's back before he even comes to a complete halt. He doesn't pause much to take in the scene, instead, he moves over toward Skywise giving his soulbrother a questioning look. **Strongbow! No!** he sends openly as he realizes what the archer is doing.

Nightfall had been trotted in sedately on her wolf, her lifemate now half-asleep against her back. But what is this? Another uproar? ** What is the matter? ** she asks, her mind voice curious and a little urgent-sounding.

Savith watches Strongbow, then turns his hand slowly, and open his hand. The silvery talonwhip drops to the ground at his feet, talons closed. He levels a tired green-eyed look at Strongbow, as if begging the question: you going to loose sometime tonight, or are you goingto make us all wait? There's even a slight lift of his chin. There's the scent of elf blood in the air, glider blood. from where? His forehead. A line of blood trickles down nearing his brow and green eyes. The set of his shoulders, the weight of his body in the snow - it's a micrale he's still standing, looking as if he might topple at anymoment.

Skywise mentaly pleads with Strongbow as he nudges Skylark closer to the archer's mount. ** Strongbow please. No good will come of this. How many will you send to the palace? **

Strongbow watches Savith, long after the hated weapon clatters to the ground. Skywise's send stings the archer, so ready to end Malandor's life as he was. Moonshade glares at the stargazer as she senses it, and touches Strongbow's arm softly. Soft sends pass between the two, and a hearteat later, the arrow is removed from her bow, and placed into his quiver. Stalking toward Savith, he crouches, still growling, and graps up the weapon. Good luck getting it back now, smelly Chosen. Weapon in hand, he turns and leaves, Moonshade on his trail.

Nightfall looks bewildered. What in the snowy hells of the Northern reach has happened here? Strongbow has gotten blood in his nose and cannot let well enough alone? Then let the wild wolf of an archer hunt; as Skywise said, how many must go to the palace to sate him?

Skywise lets out another sigh of relief, his hand going to his forhead and rubbing down his face.

Savith watches Strongbow, unflinching as the archer puts up his weapon, then as he moves to leave. He blinks once. Then twice, and the head wound from the night before's little 'hunting trip' with Larias takes hold, and he drops to his rump in the snow, dazed.

Cutter moves to intercept Strongbow as he's moving toward the father tree. He reaches for the Chosen's weapon, expecting it to be given. He'll hold it for the time being. **He was on our side this night. I believe he deserves a little more thanks than what he has been given.** He looks to Moonshade, urging her in send to help her lifemate to relax from this evening's events. He then turns back to Savith, **You should have a healer tend to that.** he sends to the Chosen.

Moonshade nods to Cutter, and manages to coax Strongbow to let go of the weapon. But that's all, and he stalks off.

Skywise goes over to Savith and dismounts. "Can you get up? You're rump's gonna turn blue," he says with a slight grin as he offers to help the glider to his feet.

Nightfall shakes her head. This is too much. ** Go hunt, or sleep, or roll in the furst, all of you. It has been stressful. ** A slight smile and weak wink is given and Nightfall heads up the Tree with Redlance, while Tangle goes to find her packmates.

It takes a moment before Savith turns his gaze up to Skywise. Huh? Oh. Umm. He has to actually focus on what the stargazer asked of him, before he nods. Reaching a hand down, Savith fights to push himself to his feet, the strain paling his cheeks, a drop of blood landing to his cheek. It distracts him, and he drop again, landing on his knees. He shakes his head, trying to clear it, a hand coming up to wipe at the blood. High Ones. He can't think. Where's his magic? Oh, there. Okay. Right.

Skywise looks at Skylark and appears to be giving the wolf a command. Skylark whuffs and moves over to the glider. The wolf then crouches down and crawls under Savith's arched form as Skywise helps push him onto the wolfs back.

Skywise sends for Leetah and then turns to Cutter. "I don't think he's coherent enough to call her himself."

Cutter considers for a moment then finally sends for Shenshen. Ynderra is out hunting, Hope is off somewhere and Leetah is just exhausted so, he calls for the herbalist to help Savith until one of the magical healers can spare a moment or two for the injured elf. **Shenshen will be here in a moment. She'll get that taken care of.** he sends to Savith then looks over at Skywise, not liking that the Chosen is having such difficulty even standing up.

How do you tell when a glider's not feeling well? When he doesn't complain about being pushed onto wolf back. Savith doesn't complain, not really, save for when Skywise's hands grab his right forearm. That elicits a moan of pain from the glider, and he shakes his head again, fighting to focus. "Shenshen," he whispers, trying to sort things out. "Just need to sleep," he replies after a moment, and fights to straighten, opening his eyes and regaining a touch of his composure, and gifts as he shakily lifts from the wolf. "I can make it to my chambers," he states, though his powers seem to flicker about him. Chambers? Dude, Earth to Savith: You're not in Blue Mountain.

Skywise winces with empathy as his touch hurts Savith, but like all Wolfriders, he knows that staying out in the snow is just not a good idea. He restrains Savith when he tries to get up. "We need to get you inside. Just relax."

Cutter's brows arch high on his forehead at Savith's faux paux. He sends to Skywise, **Chambers? I think he's hallucinating...** He sends a more urgent request for Shenshen to come quickly and soon the herbalist is racing out of the father tree looking as if she was just awakened. She doesn't even ask as she catches sight of Savith. Instead, she hurries over to him and tsks, "You need to be inside and under some nice, warm furs, then we'll fix you up good as new," she states then gives Cutter a look as if to ask him why she wasn't called sooner.

Cutter just backs off letting Shenshen look Savith over. At her glance, he gives a small, helpless shrug then turns back to Skywise. He gives the stargazer a small smile and shakes his head, Ah, the life of a chief...

Skywise nods. ** He acts like on who hasn't slept in days. ** he sends as he leads Skylark with the semi-concious Savith on his back into one of the lowest dens.

Savith struggles to stay aloft. Ah, don't you HATE it when women are right? Larias said he needed to stay put, but he just HAD to get up and fly, didn't he? Stupid Chosen. Skywise's grip holds him near the ground, and his powers flicker again, finding him dropping to the wolf's back again. Thank the High One's he's not really a heavy load, huh? Shenshen's examination reveals the cause of much of the issues. Seems this glider's taken a rather NASTY blow to the head not that long ago. Worse, the skin was cut, and now, bleeds freely again. It's very possible he's got a concussion, or worse, but such things are difficult to detect without a magical touch. The pain of his forearm, as Shenshen rolls up the sleeve, walking at the wolf's side to keep up and hold Savith steady, reveals odd bruises, thin lines that wrap about his arm, wrist and hand. As his being moved, and fighting to stay awake, he tries to send, but his mind remains foggy, and nothing that could be called a send, emerges.

Cutter sends to Savith, **Let Shenshen help you tonight. We will take you back to your mate and child after we're sure you're alright.** He moves along with Skylark, hoping that his send makes sense to the addled Chosen.

It surely does reach the addled glider, and Savith grumbles, "Not my mate." How many times does he HAVE to repeat himself, huh? Of course, considering just how much he's been cutting up around Larias, cracking jokes, and making smartass remarks... who knows? A lifemating just might be in their future. There certainly isn't the utter disguist and distrust that exsists in OTHER Recognized couples currently staying in Lostholt. :P Once inside a den, and laid in warm furs, whether Shenshen really wants it or not, Savith passes out, blooding matting in his loose hair, eyes falling closed. And no amount of shaking is going to watch this Chosen until he's good and ready. Unless you black send. That should wake him, well and good. A healer, magical, could wake him too. And of course, there's always Larias.