Thursday, August 7, 2003


Logfile from TwoMoons - Savith.

East Bank of the Silver Run River

The lands of the Abode surround you.

At the rivers edge, a pool has formed, sheltered by huge rocks on the west side, allowing the water there to collect and empty out somewhat at odd intervals. Here it seems a good place for the washing out of leathers, bathing of bodies and general relaxing, though the waters you find are chilled. There is smooth white sand, surprisingly, under your feet and you find yourself smiling at this pleasant place. There are a few trees scattered over the beach, providing shade as well patches of cleared ground. The bank here begins tapering off into thick woods, limbs covered with gaily colored leaves as the holt prepares for the season of DeathSleep. Dead and dying shrubs and undergrowth encroaches all around as the bank blends with and eventually becomes the forest. Tiny bugs zip around at ankle height, and occasionally a fish leaps out to snatch at one of them. It is a cool autumn afternoon. The father tree is quiet as elves and wolves sleep in their dens.

The last rays of the daystar have faded, the sky just beginning to take on the deep blue hue of night, though the bright light of the Two Moons illuminates the forest nicely. Near the pool at the river, the small glider camp is neither loud, nor is it particularly quiet either. An ancient melody drifts from the new elfin mother as she cradles a tired and cranky hatchling in her arms. She paces slowly on foot, gently swaying as she moves, attempting to rock the babe into slumber, which really shouldn't be too hard since he's recently eaten.

Savith is, himself, sitting on a rock by the pool's edge. He's been completely unsuccessful in locating his hairpin, and so wild curls drift behind him, almost drowning his pointed ears and Chosen's wings. He's watching Larias and the fussy baby, not stepping up to offer aid this time. He's changed into something less wholy as well, and leans his chin on his knees as his green eyes track back and forth, following his Recognized's form.

Llune is a picture of complete contentment. She's curled in a tiny ball, in a spot where there used to be sunshine, her face serene and her hair askew. As a chill breeze brushes across her she stirs, waking slowly, not fully conscious at all, and the humming of night bugs and absence of angry screams or sends allows her to snooze without worry.

Cutter has been meaning to talk to the Glider visitors but, other things have distracted him of late. His lifemate's condition for one thing. Worry over her wellbeing has had his mind wrapped up in knots as he's worried at the riddle to what could be causing them. But,finally, he's been broken from his distraction long enough to approach the campsite. He does so, padding on silent feet through the forest undergrowth and pausing to take in the scene laid out before him as he just watches for a moment.

As Rosendo continues to fuss, Larias switches positions, placing him upright and bouncing him gently, his head in line with her shoulder. With voice so soft, she all but whispers to the child, Shhh little one, whats wrong, hmm? You're ok, momma's right here." With gentle reassuring. loving and comforting thoughts sent to the babe as well, its a wonder why he continues to fuss.

Savith chews his lower lip. Seems the CHosen's trying to sort it out as well. He watches the child fret for several more moments, then asks, **You've already bathed him, yes?** If she has, then why? He stands, while waiting an answer, to float over to see what he can sort out as well.

At the movement in the camp, Llune opens her eyes slowly - perhaps just now remembering where she's at (outside the safe mountain, in a wild forest, having to bathe publicly, etc.), and turns her head to the side to watch Savith step to Larias and the fussy Rosendo, her eyes bleary with sleep. In the low lighting she notices she's no longer in a sunbeam, but on a patch of cold grass and instinctively checks her elbows for stains.

Helplessly, Larias turns to Savith and nods, ** Of course I've bathed him, he's not messed himself either. ** She frowns, shifting the babe once more in her arms, ** I'm not sure at all what to do. Nothing seems to be making him happy. **

Savith peers at the child a moment, then reaches out to take the child. **If I may,** he asks of Larias. Once the child is in his arms, he whistles softly, trying to see if he's tired or hyper. Clicking his tongue, and dipping into birdsong usually seems to make him calm as he's cradled.

As the birdsong begins, Rosendo's chubby little arms begin to flail, his face contorting angrily as he turns red, no sound comes out initially, but then, a full fledged bawling wail echo's around the clearing.

Llune snaps into a sitting position at the screech, immediately sending the typical cuddly warm thoughts of soft things and yummy tastes, along with the lullaby, apparently the only one she knows. **Is he okay?** she sends openly, and stands to walk over, saying outloud, "I don't think he likes that perhaps?" Though her rise is rather stiff from sleeping unprotected on the ground, Llune seems well awake, and focusing almost exclusively on the screaming baby.

Larias continues to watch helplessly now that the babe is in Savith's arm. At his loud screeching wail, she winces, so close it hurts even her own ears. Whispered to herself, "High Ones, whats wrong with him??" Taking a step back, she allows Llune to get in close

A pause is given in Rosendo's wails as he takes a deep intake of breath. His eyes red he pushes back from Savith, looking around, before wailing briefly once more, where upon he looks around again. Upon seeing Llune, with all his might he pushes off from Savith once more, lurch jumping in Savith's arms, towards his grandma.

Savith erks at the push, then the push again. He lets go, taking a step back from the child. You know, if these weren't gliders, Savith would have just effectively dropped the child. But Rosendo just hovers there a moment then moves toward Llune for her to take. "High Ones, Rosendo! I can take a hint!" Sheesh! Take about not being loved! ;) He glances at Larias, a note of worry in his eyes, before turning back to Rosendo. Will THIS make the fledging happy?

Llune reaches out and recieves the child, cooing to him and snuggling him close, "there there, it's okay..." she murmurs and tickles his nose with a slender finger, she glances about and back to him, "I think the sounds scared him a bit..." She smiles lovingly at Savith, "but at least now we know what he doesn't like."

As soon as Rosendo is in Llune's arm, his nose tickled, the redness about his face clears up and he offers her a gurgle and toothless smile. Reflexively he reaches for her hand, misses, reaches again, misses, and finally on the third try he manages to hold on. Squealling in delight, he gets excited and forgets to keep hold, letting go once again.

Shaking her head, Larias looks back at Savith, utterly out of her element with babies. A thin hand reaches up to rub at her forehead, "Well.. at least he's happy now..."

The babe squirms in close to Llune, then, with the happy sends and familiar smell and sound settles down, bright eyes watching the scene, his tears completely forgotten, and, as he's not hungry, and not messy, he's very, very interested in what's going on... Movement and bright colors especially catch his eyes. Llune waggles her fingers near his tiny hand and he grabs at them in that clumsy way babies do. "Or perhaps he just wanted to play...." she smiles.

Savith shakes his head and gives a sigh. "Yes, that at least." But Llune's words stick, and he just rolls his eyes lightly. Sure mom. He hates it. Whatever. Hmm... He turns to Larias, shoving that one rebellious lock from his face, "YOu haven't seen my hairstick have you?" There's a hint of a private thought between the two.

You locksend ** I'm being to think Mother's found it and hid it. ** to Larias.

Larias's lips curl upwards into the beginning of a smile, her eyes flickering from grandmother and child, back to Savith. Giving Savith a shake of her head she shrugs, "Perhaps someone else found it? Or maybe it is simply lost?"

Llune plays with the baby, giving him almost her whole attention, but answering her son, "I have a few things that are similar in my bag, you're welcome to check for some *other* hairstick..." she glances up to him, then to Larias with a bit of a grin, "Of course, they are a bit ornate..."

Savith grumbles, though from the lack of his Chosen hairstick or the curl that AGAIN flops into his eyes, it's unclear. He shoves it behind and ear again, replying, "No, it's okay. I'll .... live." He was about to say suffer, but changed his mind.

Larias places a hand over her mouth, attempting to hide her chuckle though the sound can be heard, muffled as it is. A light hearted send drifts from the glider, ** If you're hair is bothering you that much... It wouldn't hurt, and who knows, maybe it'll look nice. **

Llune smiles at the bewildered Savith and giggling Larias, "I have one with only a few beads on it - you can *hardly* see them... Don't worry, it's masculine, I promise.." She blushes, "It was going to be a gift.."

Savith groans softly, bringing a hand to his eys. Hardly see them, assurances of being masculine and it being a gift, all from Llune do little to sooth his concerns. Instead, he moves to the packs and plucks a leather cord and just ties his hair back with that. "There. Problem solved."

Larias chuckles softly, shaking her head from side to side as she watches Savith. "I suppose that method works as well." Which reminsd her, her own hair, unfettered since her return to the Mountain, has remained such on this trip - oy, is it going to be terrible when she bothers to actually try and comb it later.

Savith muses silently, 'Maybe I should just cut the damn thing off, and not worry about it. Yes, that's the ticket. Cut short, at the ears. No tangles. No mess. No hairstick... and... it'd all fit under the helm, hopefully without poking through the edges. He grins then, and glances at his mother, "Mom, where's your cloth cutter?" Rut-roh. The guards perk up, their number doubled since fight night.

Llune shrugs and is only a little hurt, Savith has never really been into this stuff - but oh, he is so *handsome* when he dresses nicely... "Oh, no, I don't think so." she says, only a tinge of fear in her voice, but mostly a sure, not-on-your-life tone, "You have beautiful hair - it would be a *crime* to lop it all off!" she finishes.

Pondering the idea herself, Larias moves to join Savith by the packs, "Well, if he can't have them, can I?"

Savith heaves a sigh. You see what he has to put up with? With a sound of complaint, he mutters, "Yes, Mother." Ah, typical teenager sound. Phooey. Then the curl, wiggly free, leaps into his face again. He looks up at it, thinking silently, 'If only I have my knife...' Hmm... Larias moves over, asks for a blade. He glances over, grinning softly at his Recognized. 'Oh... Larias....'

You sense in a locksend, Larias conspiratorially sends, ** If you help me cut mine, I'll help you cut yours. **

You locksend to Larias, Savith replies without hesitation, **Deal.**