Sunday, August 10, 2003

Post Howl Hangovers

Logfile from TwoMoons - Savith.

East Bank of the Silver Run River

The lands of the Abode surround you.

At the rivers edge, a pool has formed, sheltered by huge rocks on the west side, allowing the water there to collect and empty out somewhat at odd intervals. Here it seems a good place for the washing out of leathers, bathing of bodies and general relaxing, though the waters you find are chilled. There is smooth white sand, surprisingly, under your feet and you find yourself smiling at this pleasant place. There are a few trees scattered over the beach, providing shade as well patches of cleared ground. The bank here begins tapering off into thick woods, limbs covered with gaily colored leaves as the holt prepares for the season of DeathSleep. Dead and dying shrubs and undergrowth encroaches all around as the bank blends with and eventually becomes the forest. Tiny bugs zip around at ankle height, and occasionally a fish leaps out to snatch at one of them. It is a cool autumn evening. You hear hushed noises as the holt slowly comes to life as elves and wolves awaken from their daytime slumber.

Morning after. Well, not literally. It is later afternoon, a few hours before dusk. Savith has given the baby to Larias, who returned tired from the Hill. Llune sleeps away the druken stupor under the shaped shelter at hte roots of a tree. The Chosen, haven found himself, again, unable to sleep, soaks by the edge of the pool, his uniform in a pile at the shore near him. Hair loose, it drifts in the water, spilling over his shoulders in tight brown curls.

Raven wanders down toward the pool intending to have a quiet swim once again before the water gets entirely too cold for bathing. She pauses upon seeing that there are others at the pool but, knowing that this is where all of the LostHolt elves bathe, she doesn't hesitate for long before stepping out of the trees and making her way to the water's edge. She quickly disrobes and dives into the water, submerging her entire body in one move, hardly disturbing the surface at all.

Savith blinks as the silence is suddenly disrupted by Raven's splash into the pool. A brow goes up, and he greets, sending softly to keep from disturbing the others in camp, **Greetings.**

At the splashing of water, Llune stirs in her sleep, then sits up, startled, wondering how the heck she got back to the shelter after the howl... She vaguely remembers... *some* of the eveining... Looking about, she realizes the dusk is just *too* bright, and her head is *pounding.* Maybe it's a good idea to just go back to sleep... Seeing Savith in the pool, she just assumes he made the splash, then flops back down and rolls over... Yep, better to just go back to sleep.

Raven's head surfaces about halfway across the pool from where she entered the water. She's not close to the bathing chosen, instead, she went the other direction, toward the far side of it. She sends a soft reply as well, **Heyla.** Not a typical wolfrider greeting at all.

No, it's not. Odd. Nor is it a village greeting. Savith just nods. Not noticing Llune's wakefulness, he leans back to peer at the night sky. **Far from home,** he comments after a while. Ah.. glider small talk.

Raven chuckles softly and nods, **Indeed.** she replies as she swims across to the other side of the pool with smooth motions that suggest she is no stranger to the water. Once at the other side, she leans back against the pool's edge and proceeds to soak allowing her body to float freely while her hair fans out in the water around her.

Savith soaks as well, leaning back to wet his hair. Weightlessness is not new, but to be weightless without having to focus on it...well, it's a nice thing. Ears in the water, he stares at the stars above.

As the night moves on in silence, a squaw is heard from above. Savith, peering up, spots his bird, and he sits up. Bringing a hand to his lips, he whistles sharp and high, floating from the pool to pull his uniform on, pressing the water from himself without hands. Smirking, he sends to the guards, **I'm going hunting across the river.** I'm sick of dried meat and fruit, he adds silently. At the whistle, the giant hawk circles lower, waiting.

Raven looks up at the bird and smiles a bit. Her mind touches the giant hawk's in friendly greeting as she fixes her eyes, shadowed by what appears to be lack of sleep on him. She then looks to Savith puttying two and two together now.

Winddance is a happy bird. Well fed, and well tempered. Far cry from her rider's usual demeanor that's for certain. Unlike the wolfriders, Savith isn't bonded as closely to the giant hawk, and so, doesn't sense the sent greeting between elf and hawk. Instead, he shakes his long hair back, and pulls it into a bun as he flies up to greet Winddance, trilling, "There's my hatchling. Volek been feeding you? Oh? Not enough, huh? I understand. Come, let's find a fat grasseater to feast on."

Llune bolts upright, the whistle piercing her thin dreams "Oww!" she blurts, then puts a hand over her mouth. Oh, that hurt... Those berries were nice yesterday, but not so much today... She rubs her temples and sees Savith dressing, looking away to give him some privacy... Unfortunately, she looks down and notices the grass stains on her dress and lets out another cry "Oh! No!" She begins to feverishly check all over the dress to see how badly it's stained, "no no no no no.." she murmurs, placing her hands back on her temples, trying not to jiggle her head about too much... MAN that hurts...

Raven chuckles as she pays little attention to either Glider. Instead, her attention is riveted on the hawk. This is the closest she's ever been to one of the Mountain's bond birds and she's enamoured with the creature. She raises up out of the water, craning to look as she sends again, hoping for a response from the bird.

Winddance's attention is not an Savith as she finds a place in the open clearing to perch. Her soft yellow eyes stare at Raven. At the send, Winddance's head tilts. She's never been sent to. Intelligent, she is, and curious as well. Savith, furrows his brows, floating before Winddance's face, resting a hand on her beak. His voice sounds concerned, "What's the matter, sweet fledging?" A flicked glance at Llune prompts a soft locksend.

You locksend ** drink some water and sleep it off. ** to Llune.

Llune locksends ** Oooooh... Why didn't you *tell* me this would happen?" She sends, just a little grouchy, unlike Llune, **and why didn't you stop me from messing up my dress? It'll take *forever* to get these stains out.** **

Raven grins as she sees that she has the hawk's attention. She swims back across the pool and steps out of the water, not bothering with clothes for the time being. She moves over toward the bird, still sending to it, **<> Lovely..** Of course, she can receive image thoughts from Winddance much like she could from a wolfbond, only, perhaps not quite as clearly.

You locksend to Llune, Savith tries not to chuckle, **I don't you not to have so many. And it's not like we don't have time on our side.**

Llune lifts the water skin from the satchel at the entrance of the shelter, drinks deeply, then moves back into the shadows and pulls the furrs over her head.

Llune locksends ** Owww... Don't send so loud. I'm going to sleep. Goodnight, my beloved son. **

Savith glances over his shoulder as Raven sends. **Yes, she is,** he replies, a touch coldly. Winddance, however, sensing Raven awed by her, ruffles her feathers and moves to preen, bumping at Savith with her head as she does, as if pushing him out of the way so as not to block Raven's view of her. 'Yes. I'm a pretty bird! You got a snack?' he mind seems to think. "Hey," Savith exclaims as he's bumped.

You locksend to Llune, Savith's mind reaches out to touch yours, a faint light careess of sorts. A wordless, 'yes mother' can be felt.

Llune snores softly