Sunday, August 3, 2003

Lover's Spat

Logfile from TwoMoons - Savith.

East Bank of the Silver Run River

The lands of the Abode surround you.

At the rivers edge, a pool has formed, sheltered by huge rocks on the west side, allowing the water there to collect and empty out somewhat at odd intervals. Here it seems a good place for the washing out of leathers, bathing of bodies and general relaxing, though the waters you find are chilled. There is smooth white sand, surprisingly, under your feet and you find yourself smiling at this pleasant place. There are a few trees scattered over the beach, providing shade as well patches of cleared ground. The bank here begins tapering off into thick woods, limbs covered with gaily colored leaves as the holt prepares for the season of DeathSleep. Dead and dying shrubs and undergrowth encroaches all around as the bank blends with and eventually becomes the forest. Tiny bugs zip around at ankle height, and occasionally a fish leaps out to snatch at one of them. It is a cool autumn afternoon. The father tree is quiet as elves and wolves sleep in their dens.

She moves to his side and places a warm hand on his shoulder, "I too, love you both very much" she admits.

Larias snorts in her tree branch perch. Help? Bah, help her what? No, he was just being malicious, manipulative, just as those of the Chosen are meant to be, how She has made them. As Llune begins to prattle, Larias shake sher head, High Ones, is that elf blind to what her son does? To what her son has become? With no small amount of effort, she resists swooping down to wreak the havoc. No sense playing as he would.

Savith nods at his mother's touch, but remains silent, head still throbbing. Finally, he smirks, laughing, "You know, I'm not going to sleep for a turn or more now."

Llune hears Larias' faint snort, though can't place where she is, so sends vaguely her direction **I apologize, Larias, please relax - instinct is not always completely correct.** At Savith's words, she squeezes his shoulder, "You will if I must allow Larias to knock you out." She teases softly, trying to lighten the mood... The baby squirms at his sudden lack of attention, and Llune goes back to softly humming that special lullaby

And in resonse to Llune suggestion, Larias actually bothers to send a response, ** Which I will most happily do if there is need. ** Cold, emotionless, the openness so often shown locked tightly behind secure walls. Ahh, yes, there she is, not so high up, with clear view to the camp, she can watch over them, and watch out for him, no longer quite so foolishly trusting.

Savith flicks a glance at Larias, but unlike his usual self, makes no reply. Instead, he turns from the bristling words to splash water on his face and try to cool the burning sensations lignering in his mind. Ah.. what sweet pain.

Llune sighs, too tired to fight with either of them to make them not fight... She snuggles the babe, bow wide awake and looking about nearly blind in the darkness and gurgling at the disharmony between the two who created him... Llune looks from the direction of Larias (she still can't quite see her) and the silent Savith helplessly, finally speaking... "I do not understand much about either of your lives. I fear this ignorance prevents me from truly helping you. And perhaps that is what you prefer, perhaps it is better for me. I apologize for not being adequate - it is a trait I was blessed with, it seems... But I think that neither of you are considering the repercussions of your actions toward each other - they affect many of those around you, and set a bad example of the guests we are going to be, if we are in fact going to be thus." SHe turns to Savith, her quiet and firm voice doling out her reprimand, "*now* is not the time to try to help Larias - if she is not ready, then forcing her will only hurt more." She turns toward Larias, still blindy groping in the darkness (she is afterall, not used to the concept of "trees") and continues in the same measured tone, "and you, Larias, react without thinking, for the sake of the child you must learn to master your emotions." She stops and looks between the two, "Now if it is alright, I must change this child's wrappings."

Llune moves to the edge of the pool a kneels down, gently placing the cub on the grass and begins to strip him for a bath.

A rustle in branches above and across the way can be heard as Larias glides towards a different perch, one a bit closer, and offering just as much in the way of shadowy shelter. Still, Larias' sending is cold, distant, ** Then by all means change him Llune. As for containing emotions? Why bother - your 'son' ** the word a mockery, ** will use them against me, so why not I to him. ** Still so angry, livid, ** If the feelings bother my son, then I will take him from here, from the Mountain forever. As he will suffer far worse if I allow him to enter those Halls. ** Those watching over the glider family are none to happy at the turn their guests additudes have taken, foolish gliders.

Savith sighs, shoulders set unhappily. She'll fume, and he has to start again. He could have just kept his mind shut, suffered without dreams and not have bothered. But talk of the mountain, has him concerned. By now, surely they have been missed. As soon as Winnowill sends for him, he'll have no defenses, nothing to keep their location safe from His Lord. Larias must be their strength if they are to survive, and he is to keep his promise to Rosendo: the boy /will/ have both parents until he is grown. He studies his reflection in the pool, his face as unexpressive as unworked stone. Larias's sends seem to go unheard, though they pierce the Chosen deeply.

Llune sighs deeply, the frothing rage in Larias' send bothering her more than she would like to show, wishing it wasn't directed at her, and knowing that Larias is just mad right now (or hoping it's just that) and once she cools down a bit perhaps she won't be so mean... **I am not here to change him, or to change you, regardless of relation.** She pauses, an odd, pained expression crossing her face briefly before melting back into a defeated, haggard expression. She moves the baby to the water, and coos at him as he is washed, acting as carefree as possible, though Rosendo knows that something unhappy is amiss... He fusses and makes it difficult for Llune's inexperienced hands to bathe him... **Running solves nothing** she sends firmly, before concentrating on happy sends to baby rosendo of nice smells and pretty feathers and kisses and - of course - the lullaby.

What? Running solves nothing? Bah, what do these two know! Both sheltered in the Mountain, well, Savith not always in, but his mind so attuned to Hers that he may as well have been. Again, the tree hopping Larias snorts derisively. How easy it would be to leave these two behind right now, Llune so inexperienced Outside, and Savith recovering from her outrage and ire unleased. But then, keen eyes and ears note the child, and she finds she can't go, not unless she can take the child and run farther and faster than both the bondbirds. Hrmph! this is not a woodland she knows well, little chance would she have to get far, but if there was a time to run, now would be it! Diving from the tree branch, Larias comes to swoop downward, landing softly, though not completely silent. She's a few feet away from Llune and Rosendo, ignoring Savith completely, she speaks with a voice hard ad cold as stone, "I will take him when you are done washing him." There is no room for argument in her tones.

Savith turns to look up at Larias, his eyes cold. With such hard walls between them, and his mind recovering, he's displaced, unable to sense her motives. But he's seen that look before on her face. He stands, and moves to face off against Larias if need be, and sends, his mind not able to smooth the rough edges her dark thoughts caused him, **When you and I both are calmer. Until then, I say Llune should care for him. I would hate a repeat of the Raft Holt.** The beach brawl, the attack when they thought he was going to fly off with Amber.

Llune shakes her head but says nothing, washing the babe slowly, wishing she could shake Larias and talk some sense into her, though knowing so little about what happened she can't be certain Savith wasn't absolutely awful... **Savith..** She sends helplessly.... After hearing his send she silently nods, agreeing, **Yes, perhaps you two should give each other some space - Rosendo is always safe with me.**

The babe squirms violently, knowing something is quite wrong with both his parents and sensing that momentarily he might be left without either of them nearby - that means no milk... He kicks, then belts out a wail, his face turning red with worry, though Llune pulls his wet body and snuggles him close to her warm chest, cooing the lullaby to him, trying to send-reassure him everythng will be okay...

Larias stiffens at Savith's send, but he does not shake her resolve, not this time. Her words cold and callous, "He will be hungry, and I will take him." Take him where is the question? Take him to the shelter for a feeding, or perhaps more likely take him and fly off to some distant safe location. At the childs wails, a soft step is taken, light on her feet, muscles tensed, will Llune or won't she, hand the babe over.

GAH! Logic. Okay, Savith. Stop and think about this logically. How would Winnowill handle this? He's making a mess of things. Ah, that's it. He lifts a brow, and nods, **Of course. You're right. He needs his mother... and father both, as we had agreed.** Oh, is that a smooth talk there?

Llune looks up into Larias' dark face, pleading with her eyes, and all her being **Your fury frightens him, please, Larias, please, relax** She doesn't know what else to say, she is hesitant to hand over the child she has already grown *so* attached to this elfess who is mad with anger and very possibly going to zip off with him **He is hungry, but also very upset - your blind aggrivation does not help. This fury has no place right now, and I hope that you have the power to reign it in.** She glares at Savith **And whatever it was that you did was very VERY wrong - I thought you knew the difference between honorable and dishonorable actions** her words sting - this lesson was one often taught by Llune in Savith's youth...

You locksend ** What would you have me do, Mother? Apologize? ** to Llune.

Llune responds to Savith's send firmly, "YES."

Larias very nearly sneers at Llune, another step taken, hardly any distance at all between herself and Llune. Her words spit out, "He is -my- child. I will have him, NOW!" At least she's holding herself in check enough, she hasn't tried ripping the hatchling from Llune's grasp, after all, that might injure him, and that is something she will not do.

At Larias' threatening move, the wolfrider guards move into view, making their presence known - perhaps this is going a bit far, as one has been sent off to acquire additional help...

As Larias takes another step, Savith moves to put himself between Larias and the other two gliders, child and grandmother. "Stop, Larias. Whatever trust I built, I'm certain is shattered, but I can not see the child given to you at this very moment." Oh, but he didn't apologize. Oh, tail feathers, fine mother. Fine! Here. He brings his hands up, as if they would stay Larias, "And... " Gah... "... I apologize for it. I shall tell you the reasons, if you want, but, please, calm yourself." What what what?! He said... please and apologize?!

Llune stands, the babe still in her arms, crying softly **Then you are choosing to abuse your child** she sends, her small frame pulled to its fullest height - this is the closest she's ever been to conflict **and I can not, with good conscience, allow you to take this baby right now - that would be like handing him to an angry Winnowill, who is much more tolerant when *not* in a rage.** She looks her in the eye, hoping this is all that will be necessary to stop her, **In an hour, once you have cooled off** she glances at the river **one way or another.**

Llune takes a self-sustaining step back, to allow Savith to intervene, cooing softly at the baby, and straining to keep the bad thoughts from him - not an easy task, as she's not at all used to this type of stress... "I think it would be best for the BOTH of you to speak civilly. And especially important for you" she nods toward Savith "to explain yourself and beg forgiveness - it is very hard to have two parents if they fight constantly - definately *not* healthy."

If she could will lightning to strike, Savith would be a crispy critter as he places himself between herself and Rosendo. Words low and dangerous, though, for the moment she stays her hands, no sense getting physical if it really doesn't have to happen. "You will remove yourself from my site now," the word is spat out, "Chosen." She lifts into the air, only a few inches, eyes plotting the best course with the least amount of intervention, so she can retrieve her child and go - two things fueling her, the wails of her child, hungry and stressed, and of course, her own rage.

They say dreams are nothing but memories of the past, and glimpses of the future. But this time, Savith will not back down, nor cloud himself in the guise of another. He holds firm, watching Larias to predict her course. Those Chosen's senses, he knows the guards are doubling, and drawing bows upon them. "Mother, go stand behind the guards, in the treeline." His voice is soft, tense, tired. "No, Larias. I will not move. You are not yourself, and I take the blame." So focus on me, and give Llune a chance to flee.

At Larias strategic elevation, and obvious will to snatch and run, the child wails with more abandon - he can probably be WELL heard by the rest of the wolfriders, and waking them up with such drama is probably going to get this dysfunctional Glider family thrown out, here and now **Don't you realize it's your reckless abandon that is causeing his grief?!!** Llune sends, passionately, almost angrily **If you do not act like a mother, then who will?!** She moves a few more paces back, trying to put distance between herself and Psycho Larias... At Savith's calm words, as drops her eyes back to the babe and continues to try and calm him, despite the terror he is experiencng.

Summoned by the guards' sends and the child howls, Strongbow moves into the area, getting the reasons behind the mishap. They were sleeping. Savith went into the shelter. Hours later, there was a reckus, and Savith shouted. Larias claiming he did something. Strongbow has heard enough. Clearly it is the Chosen's fault, but Larias is continuing it. He draws an arrow, and nocks, but does not aim. Instead he moves forward, glaring at the two fighting gliders.

Llune notes Strongbow's appearance from the corner of her eye, and, though he wasn't exactly happy to see her before, moves to get behind him.

If Larias notes the entrance of more wolfriders, she gives no indication of such. She hoves a few inches off the ground, facing off with Savith, her eyes cold as ice, willing Savith to roll over and die - or at the very least get out of her way. With her child wailing in Llune's arms, and the elfess backing away, Savith in the way, Larias gives him one last warning, "I am more myself than I have been in ages Savith. You saw to that. Now move, or I will make you."

Llune moves behind the nearest wolfrider and finally manages to hush the baby... Why did she come with them, she wonders now, baby still scared and upset, but finally *finally* quiet... She coos and him and hums softly, starining to remove the nervousness from her voice.

Savith stands on the ground, facing off against his Recognized as tensions rise. Thankfully, Llune has put herself behind Strongbow, making her harder to get to than previously. Savith's eyes harden. "And for that, I am glad, and for my eariler actions I am sorry. I'll be sure to let you know next time, that I want nothing more than your strength of will to remain such as this against Tsoran." His eyes narrow, turning a hand to point. No, Savith! Resist the twisting of the... oh! Too late, "Your fear of him is too strong! She will send him for us, and you will crumple beneath him, putting us all in danger."

Yun comes to a halt still within the trees. She has a spear in her grip, held loosely to one side. Narrowed grey eyes scan the scene at the pool's edge.

Strongbow glances at Llune and ht howling baby. Stupid gliders. But he holds his ground, watching the mates, allowing Llune behind him. **Tyleet, get that glider and the cub somewhere safe until the mom's more at ease.** Brown eyes never once leave Larias and Savith. Tyleet nods, and moves forward to whisper softly to Llune, "Come on."

Llune nods and follows without question, sending to the wolfriders over and over **I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry** It's obvious that she feels she counld never say it quite enough.

Darkedge runs in as the glider guards send for 'reinforcements'. His steps are hurried, the quiver tossed over his shoulder, bow in hand. A tender moment with Redstar interrupted by Redlance's worry filled sends. He rushed to get here, telling Redstar to stay put, but not worrying much else about it, so if she follows... well, his mind is else where right now. Getting to the area, Darkedge draws and arrow and aims. What the heck is going on?

Redstar follows, naturally, but wisely keeps at a distance so she doesn't get into too much trouble. All she can tell is something is up, and the baby is upset.

As Llune departs, taking the crying Rosendo with her, no more words are wasted. Larias leaps into the air, ready to bypass messing with Savith, needing to get her child away from here, and now. her expression is a wild mixture of rage, fear, - a mad woman. (teehee)

Yun frowns, lifting her spear in a ready position to launch it at the glider if necessary. ** Tyleet! ** her warning send is an open one.

Savith takes to the air as Larias does, to intercept Larias. She's made an aggressive action, but it is his fault. His eyes are hard, but under neath troubled. He's done it now. "Larias, you don't want to do this." He's ready to tackle into her and drop her to the ground if he must.

Tyleet leads Llune away, into the forest, into the Father Tree, and hidden safely in a deep den.

Strongbow steps between the gliders and Tyleet's retreat, bow at the ready. Redlance and Pike have spears as well, though while Pike's looks ready to throw, Redlance would get up close and personal. Dewshine has arrived too, fear and pity in her eyes, as she readies her bow. Skot and Krim, already here, both grin and draw weapons. Alright! A fight! Skot, wisely, keeps his wise-crack remrk to himself.

Darkedge watches Larias and Savith take to the air. Surely, he thinks, Larias's mind is not her own. gasp! He shakes his head, fighting the urge to see underworld in ever motion. It is too soon, perhaps? Only a month after the warning. But he draws his arrow, aimed for hte flying pair. But, who to drop?

Never let anyone say that Larias doesn't care for her child, for right now, leaving him around Savith, in her eyes would be a grave mistake. Never let anyone say that Larias is the smartest of elves, as her actions surely show. her mental scream of anguish echo's the shout of her voice, "NO! My child - he is mine! You can't keep him from me!" She darts up, back, fakes to the right, then left, in final preperation of a speedy glide in the direct Tyleet, Llune, and Rosendo ran off.

From afar, to Larias, Savith: Rosendo says ""

From afar, to Larias, Savith: Rosendo says ""

Savith shifts slightly with Larias's fakes, but he remains in her way. There's a send! The child. Mustn't let that distract him, and instead he sends to Larias.

Redstar darts behind a tree while she watches. Too curious to go back to the father tree, but not really wanting to stay where chaos could erupt, she mere ly watches as the grandmother and cub leave and mother try to follow.

Yun grits her teeth, pulling back on the spear, preparing to throw. ** Fat lot of good you do your child acting like a snow crazed elk. Don't make me kill you, glider, and leave your child with no mother. **

You locksend ** He is safe, you know that! You TRUST these wolfrider! Please, land and calm and they will return him to you. They are not like Winnowill. They do not want to keep you from him. ** to Larias.

Strongbow keeps his bow trained on the Chosen, his eyes hard. He sends back to Tyleet, checking on the cubling, and trying to find the chief. Damn it. Where IS Cutter? Even Skywise, finally, comes running in, hand on his blade.

Darkedge keeps his bow drawn, but his aim easily between the gliders. He likes threatening elves not at all, but he must. He doens't know Redstar is behind him.

Redlance, Pike, Skot, and Krim remain tense, ready for anything.

With a burst of magic, Larias glides forward with all the power that she has, if she can't go around Savith, by goly, she's going to go through him! A send leaping from her towards her Recognized, as impact becomes imminent.

You sense in a locksend, Larias is most certainly beyond reason, her thoughts black and red with fury, ** How dare you try and keep me from my child! Wolfrider or no, -you- are here, and -you- are a danger to me, and therefore to him. I will not have it. I will not have you! **

Savith braces for impact, mentally, physically. Ah, but all of Larias's dark thoughts, though not as silken smooth as his Lord's, has something Winnowill does not: a direct link to his innermost soul. Larias slams to him. Fighting through the red haze, Savith reaches to grap Larias's wrists before the pain casues his magics to faulter. Twice in one day as Larias raked her crawls across his mind and soul. The fatigue is showing. But the minds are locked. His reply is private.

You locksend ** I want his safety. And yours! Yes, I am a danger, because my Will is not my own, but for YOU I risk everything, and deny Her Will! (Oh, what pain there is. What agony are you causing, your hate, your fury.) Was I wrong in wanting you strong? My methods, I agree, but please, stop this! You hurt us! ** to Larias.

Puckernuts. Rotting, moldy puckernuts. Strongbow watches the gliders fly into each other. His arm tenses, and he sends to the gathered wolfriders (yes, including you Darkedge.), **If the Chosen can't contain this, drop them both before theey reach the trees. Do not kill them.**

Darkedge nods to Strongbow, along with the others, and aims for Larias. Redlance shifts to throw the spear like Pike and Yun have done. He swallows tensely, but holds his ground, flicking a glance at Yun. She had the Chosen's weapon, didn't she? a private send to the go back.

Yun is reasy to loose her spear, shifting the aim only slightly. Apparently, her first pose really was for a killing blow.

The pathetic wails that have been coming from the direction of the Father Tree increase in volume, the cubs high toned cries easily reaching Wolfrider ears.

Darkedge suddenly starts, and turns to look at the trees behind him, turning his gaze from the gliders for but a moment, then he turns back to the scene before him, tenser than he was eariler. Clearly he has not forgotten Piper's tensions about the gliders.

Barely is there a moment of hesitation as Larias receives Savith's locksend. His words only serve to fuel her anger, and her need to get to her child. The two grapple in the air for moments, but Larias continues her mental onslaught upon Savith, shoving brutally at him. As she senses him weakening, sharply they angle down towards the ground, Savith set to take an impact, with magic and force, Larias crashes him into the ground. As he lets go, the wind knocked out of him, she moves to continue on towards the Holt, her child's wails urging her forward - heedless, foolishly, of the spears and arrows trained on her.

Strongbow doesn't not hesitate as the Chosen is dazed, **Now!** And his arrow is loosed, turned from Savith, to Larias in a heartbeat, aimed for a shoulder.

Redstar stays right where she is, not about to budge except to keep the tree between her and the glider.

Pike aims high, to grace Larias across the back with his throw, while Redlance steps back to play goalie in case Larias get past the missilers. Dewshine, arrow drawn as the others, looses as well, before Larias's flight can get much past Savith, in case she misses, the bow not being her best weapon. Skot and Krin draw their blades and move to flank Redlance, just in case.

What point is there is attacking Savith now? Darkedge, like the others aims for Larias, for legs though, as he's off to the side, and she moves to go past Strongbow.

Yun's spear is released, carefully aimed, sent directly at Larias. There's no hint of hesitation in the half-Go Back's demeanor or attack. Her expression is set.

Savith slams into the ground, dazed. The air explodes from his lungs with an audible grunt. As Larias releases him, he rolls painfully to his stomach, and reaches out a hand as Strongbow gives the order. **NO!** There is terror in the Chosen's mental voice. Terror of what, though? What could frighten a Chosen so?

Skimming through the air, Larias manages to dodge some of the weapons hurling in her dircetion: Pikes spear dodged with a quick twist, Dewshine's arrow misses as Larias draws an arm close in tight. A master of flight she may be, but no one can dodge so many coming their way. The first strike hits her hard in the thigh, Yun's landing a solid hit, knocks her off balance, then the arrow loosed by Strongbow flies true, embedding itself into her shoulder, and last of all, Darkedge's own arrow grazing her calf, her twist to miss slowed and off kilter, unable to manuever well with Yun's spear sticking out her leg. Senses reeling - hey wait, this actually hurts! A scream of pain is let loose! She presses forward, then falters, magic failing as the pain threatens to overwhelm. The momentum of flight sending her to skid across the ground, landing in a graceless heap at Strongbow's feet.

Strongbow coldly, quickly, draws another arrow, nocks, and aims at Larias. **Stay still,** he orders Larias. **Skywise, go get the healers. Dewshine, Krim, Redlance, Yun: secure the Chosen. The rest of you, stay with me.** Though hard, his eyes regard Larias sadly as he sends softly.

Darkedge draws another arrow an aims down to Larias. His eyes are saddened slightly as well, and flick to Savith briefly, before settling back on Larias.

Yun drops down from her place in the tree, landing almost silently. She pulls her sword, one of those wicked long troll swords, and approaches Savith.

Larias screamed. So does Savith, going to push himself up to rush to her side. As he moves, Redlance and Skot move over quickly while Dewshine nocks another arrow and aims for him. They would notice, he favors one leg over the other, and an arm is stiff. But there are no injuries there.

You locksend to Larias, Savith's mind reels as your hit, that sudden heart gripping fear clutching him. **High ones! No! Larias!** Oh my, is that actual, real concern? He can't lose you.

Larias remains still, haggardly breathing at Strongbow's feet. She grits her teeth, holding back anymore shouts of pain, instead, she remains motionless. A pin cushion at the feet of Strongbow.

You sense in a locksend, Larias briefly touches your mind, yes she is still there, yes she is in agony, but no one is going to get her to admit it, not right now anyway.

You locksend to Larias, Savith seems a touch relieved. **Still there. Thank you. Thank you.** Oh, yes, that's right. That's complete and utter fear.

You paged Yun with 'You can bonk me, stab me, blah, if you like! To hold me still.'.

Redstar peeks out after the missles are loosed then ducks back again. Maybe she should have stayed back in the den.

Yun walks up to Savith, holding out the long sword and moving to tap his shoulder with it. "You just sit right where you are until this whole mess gets sorted out." Her voice is hard as is her face, no hint of emotion escaping her. Yun's business face. The face she wears when killing trolls.

Redlance lowers his spear point, as Krim mimics Yun's actions. Savith, glances up at them brief, then relief seems to fill his eyes, and he sinks to the ground, turning to look at Larias. It's clear, the two are sending to eachother.

Just barely, Larias lifts her head, very wary of moving to much, after all, her shoulder is in agony, her leg on fire. A flicker of sending magic emanates from the downed bird elf, heading towards her Recognized.

Darkedge keeps his bow trained on Larias, swallowing and licking his dry lips.

Strongbow keeps an eye on Larias as well as Skywise resheathes his dagger and runs off, sending. Healers. healers. Here healers!

You sense in a locksend, Larias holds the pain back from her sending as best she can, she's a graceless heap at a wolfrider's feet, who knows how many bows trained on her. Smirking into the send, she inquires, ** Where else would I be? I am a survivor, remember? I will always survive. ** There is no pleasure at the thought, she just knows she will, heck, she'd sew herself up if she could.

You locksend to Larias, Savith has no such strength of will, and so would cluntch onto your mind, if allowed. He seems, to be sobbing. **I don't know. I.. I don't know... The palace? A spirit? High ones, I don't know!** He's shaken. This is worse than when you were hit in the Grove. Far far worse.

Yun keeps her sword steady and her even gaze on Savith. She makes no threatening moves, just that sharp, bright troll blade barely resting against his shoulder.

Savith is laying still, save for the shakes that seem to rack his frame. Head dropped to his arms, hiding his face. In the tussel, his bun's pulled free, an curls spill about. Fear drifts from his frame, as well as blood from the scrapes and tears in his back from where Larias slammed him into the rock.

Larias isn't going anywhere, and she's smart enough not to complain about it either. Through gritted teeth, the injured elf moans, choking back the noise as it begins. The wounsd are all bleeding, slowly though, as none were made to kill, simply stop.

Strongbow watches Larias and sends to Tyleet, to see if the child is calm yet, and to let her know the parents are... subdued for the moment.

Darkedge keeps an arrow trained on Larias.

Strongbow impatient, the scent of glider blood getting to him, Strongbow sends out for any healer close. Leetah's off with Cutter again. Hope is... somewhere. Ah, but Ynderra's near by, but it will take her some time to go. Seeing hte gliders subdued, Strongbow glances at Darkedge, **Get your cub out of here. We'll take it from here.**

Larias slowly, ever so slowly, moves her uninjured arm, she needs to brush some dirt off her face, out of her mouth. She coughs abruptly,sending pain through her injured shoulder and leg, High Ones, if they don't let her move soon, she's going to go stir crazy, must start to sew wounds, must clean them.

Darkedge nods to Strongbow and withdraws the arrow and puts it in his quiver. Turning, he sends for Redstar, to grab her and carry her away.

Savith flinches as Larias coughs, sending again to her.

You locksend to Larias, Saviths mind reels from your pain, and he tries to calm, **Please, be still. A healer is on her way, no doubt.** A pause, then, **And for what it's worth, I /am/ sorry.**

Larias lays her head back down in the dirt, ahh, the soil is cool against her cheek, maybe she can focus on that to ignoer the pain. But Savith sends to her. Brows furrow deeply and she sighs, in half murmured tones she speaks, "Sorry? What good does srry do when the deed has already been done."

Savith sighs as well, lifting his head to peer at Larias through his hair. "At least it's said," the Chosen whispers softly.

Strongbow makes a face. Ew. Glider love. He's going to be sick.

Who said anything about love? Larias certainly didn't, not today, nope! But, if this is glider love, do they have a strange way of showing it, beating each other senseless, wishing to take the child from the other, its like a bad divorce battle that never had a marriage. Her pale eyes close, willing herself to keep still, willing her breathing to stay even and slow, no need to be ired now, she has done enough this evening has she not? A sigh, another murmur, "Said? yes and accepted." At least she's not sounding quite as snotty.

Savith drops his head back to his arms with a soft sigh. Accepted. Well, won't mom be proud. He waits for the healer as the elves over him watch him closely. With a wiry chuckle he snickers, "Don't suppose I could get my talonwhip back?"

DUDE! Strongbow rolls his eyes and growls, **No.** Stupid glider! Stupid stupid stupid.

His talon whip? Larias chuckles shaking her head. Ooo, movement not good for her shoulder. Another groan squeezes through tightly pressed lips. A private thought passing to Savith, its better than trying to speak.

You sense in a locksend, Larias actually manages to be somewhat amused by the request, and Strongbow's predictable response, ** Somehow, I doubt you will be seeing your whip for a long time to come if ever again. **

Ynderra is not the best sender in the world. But then again, one doesn't have to be in a Holt with Strongbow. With his sending ringing in her skull, the daughter of Tyleet comes riding hard up from the south, black curls flying loose as she tries to close in on the place from which the archer's call had come. As her wolf-friend bears her into range she casts a worried blue glance ahead -- and only mostly for whomever might be in trouble. There's just a hint of uncertainty in her otherwise forthright eyes, and maybe even a little shock that _she_ has been called rather than Leetah...

But at any rate, she is _here_. And a Wolfrider's nose and ears can't help but catch her coming.

You locksend to Larias, Savith's reply is smirking, almost light, **Great. As if I'm not in enough trouble.**

Savith grins in his arms, and glances up at the sound of a wolf running near. Ah, the healer.

Strongbow looks over. Yes, you, Ynderra. There's goo reason for it. These foolish gliders have bothered her enough. He nods to the healer then to Larias first, who is a pincushion, having an arrow and spear stick in her.

Indeed, Larias is an elvin pincushion. Shes sprawled in a heap at Strongbow's feet, cheek to the dirt. For the most part she is unmoving, as moving brings about more agony than its worth. She has one of Strongbow's arrows in her shoulder, a spear of Yun's in her thigh, and on that same leg, another grazing wound from someone else's arrow. The set to her jaw is tight, but a faintly amused smirk plays on her features as well - at least someone can see the humor in this situation, no?

You sense in a locksend, Larias is definitly amused, ** Right now, a missing talon whip is the least of our worries. **

"Ohmigosh--" Never the most elegant or refined of elves -- especially around Strongbow, in the last many seasons -- Derra knees her wolf-friend to a skidding halt and scrambles nimbly off, hastening over. Her chest heaves with the exertion of the ride, so she jumps to sending and to no one in particular: ** Ohhhhmigosh, what happened... no, don't tell me-- ** Several possibilities present themselves, none of them good, especially since she knows Strongbow's arrows when she sees them. ** Um! ** She crouches down by Larias, also knowing a Glider when she sees one and not entirely certain how she'll be received, but that's almost irrelevant. The pain of the wound that screams for healing is the vital thing, and Ynderra reaches out unsurely, hands kindling golden-green. ** May I? **

Ceratinly they can. Savith lays still. His injuries are far less severe. Just many NASTY gashes across his back from the rock into which he was dive-bombed into.

You locksend to Larias, Savith is as well, humor helping to make light of hte situation. **True enough.**

Pale blue eyes open, teeth gritted tight, Larias turns her head to eye the one now hovering over her. Hmm? Not the same healer which helped in the birthing of her son. Pain shooting through her arm, Larias doesn't take long to acquiesce, just the lightest hint of amusement at this hopeless situation filtering into the mental voice, ** I certainly wouldn't mind... **

Strongbow nods to the rest standing here, Pike and Skot. With Larias being healed, they can relax a touch. But stay on your guard, his wordless send demands. Even relaxes the grip on his bow, eyes turning accussingly to Savith. Freakin' Chosen.

You sense in a locksend, Larias's mind is alight with pain and laughter, through the link that binds your soul to hers, the strange dichotomy can be felt. How silly this all is, really, quite laughable now that her emotions have cooled and her limbs are on fire with pain.

You locksend to Larias, Savith takes a moment, his mind still achy. But, yes, it is laughable. What were they REALLY fighting about, anyway? He feels your agnoy, and moves to try to calm it, as he did for the birthing, to take it from you to him, all with a gentle touch. My, my, how like Elian's laughter his mind feels.

No, not the usual healer that one sees in action around Lostholt -- especially after her last run-in with a mad Firstborn who very nearly turned her own power against her. And which power Ynderra has been reluctant about using, ever since.

But the little black-haired healer tries not to think about that, most days. And when her Holt calls -- she is still a healer. And so she bobs her head to Larias swiftly, offering a guileless and earnest assurance of ** This won't hurt a bit ** as she puts one small hand to the spear that has pierced her and the other to the wounded flesh.

Magic flows... of two different kinds. One to better coax the spear to slide free of Larias' body, the other to smooth away the pain of its passing and mend the hole it leaves.

Savith snickers softly at something, but stays still. His guards have not lessened.

Certainly not, for Redlance, Skot, Yun, and Dewshine all guard the Chosen, laying face down on the ground. (Yun spoofed by permission, only to guard Savith and leave when no longer needed.)

As the healing begins, Larias's eyes close once more. How many times is she going to feel the gentle touch of a healer while she stays here in LostHolt? Silently she hopes it won't need to happen again.

She'd barely noticed the others all surrounding the others, especially her grandsire... but until the task at hand is done, 'Derra avoids meeting anyone else's eyes. A bit of an embarrassed flush darkens her dainty face, almost as if she is stricken with acute shyness to be using her gifts before several pairs of eyes... but then, the actual flow of magic doesn't seem to suffer for it. She is not Leetah, but there is undeniable strength in the flow of light from her hands; the spear is effortlessly shaped free of Larias' flesh, and a few moments after the place where it had been becomes unmarred and whole. Next she transfers her attention to the arrow; once more, the dual magic flows. And 'Derra tucks her lip under her teeth, brow furrowing in intense concentration as she works.

Strongbow watches the healer work. He's still, though the fire in his eyes gives away his angered sending at someone.

Savith breathes easier as Larias is healed, sending to her still.

You sense in a locksend, Larias blocks your pull of the pain, a mental shake of her head, ** Ah ah ah.. I earned these on my own. You've your own pain to deal with this time. **

You locksend to Larias, Savith sighs mentally, a soft caress of sorts as you're healed. He almost fights you on it, but relents, sending softly, **Really, and truely... very sorry. I know it's accepted, but for what I've caused...** He trails off a moment, then, **...I can not say it enough.**

Larias flexes the muscles of her leg as the healing of it is completed, ah, still pain where the arrow grazed her, but that is liveable. She is careful though, not to move to much though, with the healer now working at her shoulder - no need to spook the locals, she's done that well enough as it is.

You sense in a locksend, Larias chastises you ever so gently, ** Then say it no more, else the words will become meaningless. Whats done is done. ** Theres really no arguing with that, is there?

You locksend to Larias, Savith seems to smile. No, there isn't. **As you wish....** -sigh-

The Lostholt healer risks a glance up at the taller she-elf's face so as to gauge comfort... and perhaps Ynderra senses that lingering hurt, for eight fingertips like tiny motes of warm sunshine settle against that arrow wound and send soothing heat through skin and muscle, till the arrow rises up and out and falls away as though of its own accord. Ynderra ignores it, now that she's got it loose. ** Hold on, almost done! ** she pipes. Her sending is as warm as her magic, a palpable counterpoint to the furious archer. Oh, Derra knows all too well the trials Gliders have caused her tribe... but hey. She's healing, here! No place in the middle of her green-golden sphere of light for the troubles between tribes.

Larias can't but help to smile at the warm, infectious, bubbly nature of the healer now working to smooth the wounds she earned in anger. She moves her arm slowly, yes yes, much better without the arrow in it indeed. Her hand brushes some hair and dirt away from her mouth and nose. Silent, she waits for the healer to complete her work - oh but what then. The fight may be over, but there will be repercussions, won't there? *gulp*

You locksend ** Think I should aplogize to Leetah, seeing as I'm, you know, on a roll here? :P ** to Larias.

You sense in a locksend, Larias titters mentally at the thought, ** If you are sorry for insulting her, then yes. If not, I wouldn't bother were I you. She's not so cold as the Lord of the Mountain. Your words stung her deeply. **

You locksend to Larias, Savith sighs, but acknowledges, **I suppose, when I see her next.** Does that mean he's really sorry?

Repercussions are Strongbow's department -- or, um, Cutter's. Sometimes even Rillwhisper's. Anybody in the Holt who is, at any rate, possessed of the stuff that goes into the crafting of a pack leader... in which category Ynderra does not qualify. _Her_ department is healing, and aye, though there's uncertainty in her eyes, it does not douse her inherent brightness of spirit. She gives Larias the best smile she can muster as she finishes and pulls carefully back, her attention shifting now to Savith.

Savith has laid still, like a good boy. (Someone give the glider a cookie!) His shifted slightly, resting his chin on his hands. With Larias healed, he seems less discomforted, though that back of his... He'll need a new uniform, that's certain. A faint quirk of a brow is given the healer as he waits, two swords, a spear, and an arrow still aimed at him.

Strongbow crouches to Larias as the healing is done, and glares at her. **Count yourself I am not still chief. You would have been out as soon at that pup of yours was born.** His send is cold, but honest. Forthright and uncaring about the adult gliders. **But Cutter is chief, and he'll deal with you. Until then, know that I will be watching. And next time, I won't aim for a shoulder.**

Weapons aimed at him is better than weapons stuck into him; it makes Ynderra's job easier. At the archer's bristling sending Ynderra flinches ever so slightly, but otherwise shows no other reaction as she pours her power over the gashes in Savith's flesh. They begin to seamlessly vanish underneath that blanket of light... and in moments they are whole, leaving only a residual ache behind which vanishes in turn.

Larias pushes herself into an upright position, her own garb pretty much shot now that she's been shot in the shoulder, stabbed in the leg, and nicked in the leg as well. As the powerful send of the archer settles about her, Larias nods, knowing full well that by all rights they should be kicked out and soon, for the sake of the harmony of this tribe. The only thing she can think to do, is assure the archer, as best she can, ** If I have any say in the matter, there will be no next time. ** At least, she genuinely hopes there won't, and she'll do all in her power to make sure there isn't.

Savith's breathing relaxes as do tense muscles. Oh, but high ones, what a difference the touch makes! So unlike Winnowill, he catches him a bit off guard, but eases him as well. Just... wow. But though as Larias was healed the guards let up, they do no such thing for Savith. Whent he healing is complete, he lifts his head, hair falling in his face. In a motion completely foreign between Chosen and wolfrider, he sends, **Thank you.**

Strongbow stands, and glares at Savith. Thank you. Please. Strongbow sneers, then nods the rest away, but orders a doble watch until Cutter gets here and sorts this out. With that, he fades into the shadows of the forest to watch, leaving behind one last send for Savith, **And the same goes for you.**

Derra blinks, then flashes Savith a pleased, startled, and larger smile. ** You're welcome! ** comes her reply, bubbling up like a stream. But she snaps a nervous glance after the archer nevertheless, and even as she finishes with Savith's healing she stands up cautiously and eases away, not wanting to do anything to upset the others whose weapons are still drawn. Redlance glances her way, compassion and pride in his big green eyes, and even though Ynderra flicks him a smile as well it does not stop her from stepping back to her wolf-friend and remounting... and slipping away into the woods as quickly as she had come, blushing as she goes.

Savith glances at the other elves as they hestiantly withdraw then move away from him. Slowly he pushes himself up, expecting there to be pain. There's not. He sighs and stretches. "ahhhh..."

Pushing herself up rather gingerly, Larias tests out her leg. Yup, still there, and works quite well too. She turns, eyes following after the departing healer. shoot, Savith thanked her, but she forgot - damn it, its her job to be diplomatic with the wolfriders.. But, oh High Ones, she wasn't very diplomatic fifteen minutes ago was she. As she hears the sigh from a good stretch, Larias turns to look at Savith, my my, she did do a good job on his leathers, his back must have been a mess, or at least looked it. She checks, ** You ok? **

Savith glances at Larias. There's a faint half grin on his features. **Whole,** he replies, then glances over a shoulder as best he can, **Those my uniform is another story.** The humor of the situation has yet to fade, and the grin widens to a near smile, **I lose more uniforms this way.**

Larias's cheeks pinken, and she glances away. Yeah, so she ruined his flight suit, big deal! She moves over to take a closer look, wondering if it can be repaired. A quick study, and she knows there is little chance, ** I.. am sorry about the suit. ** But not sorry she took your sorry butt down. ** Llune will come up with something quickly no doubt. My own tunic ... will need replacing as well. **

Savith glances over Larias's tunic, and nods, **Ah, but I've another in my pack. It will be you to wear Llune's over decorated clothing.** Ah, Savith can't help but smile. Not only did he get her to blush, he's completely and utterly relieved. It's liberating, if fleeting.

Larias smirks ever so softly, ** No.. what she brought for me was made for an elf with child, I am no longer one of those. I'll come up with something -from my old pack. ** It won't be anything so fashionable as what Llune would make, but it is functional. She lifts her eyes to his once more, the amusement fading as the private thought passes from her to him, ** Promise me, you won't walk in my dreams again, not without asking first. **

Savith's smile fades as Larias's sending turns personal and private. He considers a moment, already begining to feel the dreamlessness his actions cause. His reply is private as well, eyes peering directly into Larias's, **... It will be difficult, but I shall do as you ask, and seek permission first.** See, he can be reasonable!

Larias nods once, a frown as she recalls, ** High Ones! Where is Rosendo? ** She rubs at her forehead, they took him from here, with Llune. Oh dear - what would she have done, he must be starving by now. A muttered curse at herself under breath, but with so many guards about, she doesn't dare even make an approach towards the Holt proper - Puckernuts!

Savith glances toward the holt. **I am certain he is with Mother. Shall I send for her?** Well, he'll do it anyway.

You locksend ** Mother? ** to Llune.

Llune pages: **Savith** her send is obviously relieved **Are you okay? How is Larias??**

You locksend ** She is well, as am I. We are calm now, and the guard doubled. If you could please, bring Rosendo back to us. Larias is certain he is angry. (Yeppers, much calmer.) ** to Llune.

Giving a shake of her head, Larias speaks aloud, "No, let her be. She'll need time." Llune is, after all, a delicate flower of the Mountain, not a hardened Outsider or Chosen. She eyes the guards in the tree tops, then moves swiftly towards the shelter, "I'm sure, she will wake us when she returns... eith er that, or Rosendo's cries of hunger will." Its logical thought, sound thought.