Tuesday, August 12, 2003

Wake Up Call

Logfile from TwoMoons - Savith.

East Bank of the Silver Run River

The lands of the Abode surround you.

At the rivers edge, a pool has formed, sheltered by huge rocks on the west side, allowing the water there to collect and empty out somewhat at odd intervals. Here it seems a good place for the washing out of leathers, bathing of bodies and general relaxing, though the waters you find are chilled. There is smooth white sand, surprisingly, under your feet and you find yourself smiling at this pleasant place. There are a few trees scattered over the beach, providing shade as well patches of cleared ground. The bank here begins tapering off into thick woods, limbs covered with gaily colored leaves as the holt prepares for the season of DeathSleep. Dead and dying shrubs and undergrowth encroaches all around as the bank blends with and eventually becomes the forest. Tiny bugs zip around at ankle height, and occasionally a fish leaps out to snatch at one of them. It is a cool autumn afternoon. The father tree is quiet as elves and wolves sleep in their dens.

The night passes silently, sound tracked by the soft sounds of bugs and far off wolf howls. Even Rosendo slept the full night. As the dawn approaches, the temperature drops, waking Savith from his pleasant slumber. He takes a moment to blink away sleep. Okay, what's the weight on his shoulder? He lifts his head and looks down. Blonde. Gah. Larias. Okay, stay calm. There's a good reason for this. Hmm... Ah! The temperature. Right. Okay. If it's cold, then how's Rosendo? He tries to sit up enough to check on the child, hopefully without disturbing Larias's sleep. High ones know she doesn't get enough.

with Savith shifting about, even just a little, it lets some of that cool autumn air into the blanket, down by her face. She shivers a moment, then moves closer to the warmth, arm searching without the aide of eyes to pull the blanket back up, must tuck it in tight under the chin! Rosendo a well seems to be bothered by the drop in temperature, little noises of discomfort beginning to sound, soft squeaks and gurgly coos - hey mom and dad, come get me, I'm cold!

Savith grumbles a bit as Larias presses closer to him. He tries to shift more, enough to see the babe and float him over, but with Larias countershifting... well, let's just say, it's hard going. "Ah, Larias," he says softly into an ear, still trying to find a way to politely detangle himself from her grabbing arms. "You're going to have to let me up for a moment."

To be spoken to so politely, how does Larias reward Savith? Thin brows furrow deeply, she stirs again, then, something kicks in. This is not her own arm under her, nor should she be so warm. Eyes snap open as the gears click and turn in a sleep fogged brain, she jerks her arm back, scooting away abruptly, taking the nice warm blankets with her. She speaks and sends nothing, instead looking at him in wide eyed shock, and wonderment.

Savith gahs, and reaches after Larias, to yank her back against him. Scooting back and sitting on the baby ISN'T a good idea!

Larias lets out a squeak as she's grabbed, unable to move backwards after all. Pale blue eyes open wider and wider as the horror sets in. Choking over her words, "Let me go... Please" Somehow, she retains her sanity, must have been the pleasant night of sleep.

Savith holds on until he floats Rosendo to his arms, thankfully before the babe can start screaming. Only once he's got the child secure and wrapped in his arms does he let Larias go. Green eyes turn to Larias, "I know we're 'bird-elves' and all, but I really don't htink sitting on him would have been a good idea." How long can he keep a straight face? A smirk already tugs at his features. Yup, a very good night's sleep.

As she's let go, Larias scoots back, bumping into Llune, only to squeak again, scoot forward and wonder just where all the space in the shelter seems to have gone. Her cheeks begin to burn with a crimson shade as she finds a spot where she's not brushing up against anyone. "No.. I, sitting?" She's obviously quite flustered, mind racing to try and figure out why she was laying on Savith, eew!

Savith sighs softly as Larias takes ALL the blankets with her. A soft yawn escapes him as he leans back down with the baby. Hmph. No sense of humor. Ah well. And up goes that cold outer husk of his. Brr. "IF you don't mind, I could use a blanket still."

Rosendo sucks in a deep breath, an d lets out a tiny sneeze "Ch-oo!"

When Larias bumps into her, Llune opens one sleepy eye, the pounding of her head forgotten... At Savith's teasing words, the eye droops back close - hey, if they're getting along, then there's no sense in actually waking up. Stirring softly, she rolls over and tugs at the blankets, trying to fall back asleep for just five more minuter.

Larias moves quickly to do as asked, particularly when Rosendo's sneeze urges her to move even quicker. Still stammering, "Yes.. I.. Oh" She frets, getting blankets and dress entangled and confused. A deep breath, an attempt to steady self, though hands shake, she manages to extricate a blanket from around her, and gently floats it over towards the father and son.

Savith reaches out take the blanket, eyes on his son. "Tsk tsk, what a sneeze," he chatters softly, like he would with his bondbird. Blanket in hand, he drapes it over him, making sure to tuck Rosendo in as well. "There you go. Feel better, hatchling?" Larias is ignored. She's unsettled, after all. Nothign really he can do.

Rosendo sends ** **

Larias runs a hand through her hair, her fingers snagging on a set of tangles received during the night of slumber. Yes, she is rather unsettled, but, trying to push through the feelings. A glance is spared Rosendo as he sends openly, and such sweet thoughts to. Settling her nerves, she smiles at the boy, but does not move any closer, "yes Rosendo.. happy. As you should be."

Savith keeps that soft smile on his face as he works to bring the cuff of a sleeve down to his fingers to dap at the muscus and spiitle from the sneeze. "Did you sleep well," he asks of Larias, though it's odd to hear the polite question asked in soft baby tones, as if Savith were trying to make Rosendo believe he had asked him. 'Wonder if I should mention I actually dreamed,' he muses silently.

Larias begins to work at the tangle sin her hair, eyes still on Rosendo. She rolls Savith's question around in her mind, wondering how much truth to tell. Finally she responds, amidst vague mutterings at her hair, "I.. ooo... yes I slept rather well, aaah!" It can't be becuase she actually slept on him could it? Gah! she shakes her head, pulling her own hair, "Ooow!"

Savith lifts his gaze from the baby. Another smirk, and he shakes his head, turning his eyes back to Rosendo. "You know, there's a brush in the pack over there," he says softly cleaning up the baby. He grins, and bounces Rosendo just lightly, not giving the baby any airtime. A shake of his head, and soft touches on the cheeks, "Yes. In the travel pack. Yes." Baby talk. Too cute.

Despite the baby sneeze, and the exclamations of pain from Larias, Llune manages to sleep, or at least pretend she's still asleep. Who knows. She could be listening, she could still be sleeping, she could be annoyed that they were being too noisy. Whatever the case, Llune sleeps on, her breathing even, the fingers of her left hand wound into her disheveled hair, her right in a loose fist on her jaw. The coverings are pulled up high, and every once in awhile one can hear a soft snore - still angelic, but still a soft snore.

Larias glances at Savith, her look says it all - a brush? in the Pack? And now you tell me? Her head hangs, shaking from side to side. Once more she works at carefully extracting herself from blankets, trying not to bother Llune. Once done, she glides over to where the packs are, a flitting send, ** Which one? ** Her emotions carefully tucked neatly out of the way, ah, back to the bland sending.

"I. Have. No. Idea," Savith replies, almost singsong to the baby. "No, I don't. No. No idea." Fingers tickle softly under the boy's chin. "Maybe the side pocket," he exclaims softly when Rosendo lets out a loud gurgling giggle. "Ooh... side pocket."

Rosendo's face lights up and he opens his mouth into a wide smile at Savith, giving dad a clear view of his gums and throat.

Larias lets out an exasperated sigh, throwing her hands up in the air in frustration. She stands straight up, grumbling to herself - so like a child, looking up for the missing item when really she just needs to look down and in some of the packs. Finally, she bensd down, and begins to sort through, looking first where suggested - the side pocket.

Lo and behold! Right where he packed it! Very organized, he is. Savith coos and giggles at Rosendo as the baby opens his mouth wide. "Oooh, there's a boy! Happy little baby bird, aren't you? Yes!" Tickling fingers, brushing at cheek, chin, nose, and ears. Ah, but there's a good reason too! Savith's checking those reflexes, how fast it takes Rosendo to track his movements with his eyes, then reach with a hand to move his fingers.

Rosendo narrows his eyes slightly as he sees daddy's hands move, then with a rather stupid looking grin on his face, his eyes cross. Suprised himself, Rosendo blinks quickly and giggles

Larias lets out a relieved sigh as she finds the brush. Standing straight again, she stretches before starting the horrendous process of truly brushing her hair. She stays over by the travel packs, watching Rosendo and Savith from a safe distance. Her cheeks still burn, High ones, what was she thinking in her sleep. A terse statement made, "He'll be hungry soon."

Savith giggles at Rosendo. "HUngry? Again," he chatters softly. "Will you be hungry? Yes, you will. Growing baby. Gonna be fat soon, aren't you? Oh, is that bad Larias gonna over feed you too? Make you all round baby?" Good GOD! What is he on and how much does it cost?!

Rosendo grins at Savith and swipes a hand vaguely in his direction

Larias groans aloud as she listens to Savith babble like an idiot to the child. Still brushing her mass of hair, High Ones this will take forever. Taking a deep breath, she prepares to argue the point about how she'd not bad, but, no quicker does she get ready to say something, she also stops, letting out the breath, a flicker of dreamt images dancing in her mind before they are gone again. She frowns, then sighs, best let thwe two be - when Rosendo is hungry, no doubt he will let the world know.

Savith gives a mock gasp at Rosendo's swipe. "Oh! YOu missed. Come on, try again. There's a hatchling," Savith trills at the boy, a softer version of a bird-signal: Open Claw. All his attnetion on the baby, he can't help but grin. Yup, Larias is annoyed! Mission successful. Begin Phase Two.

Rosendo begins changing expressions, where a moment before he was happy and giggling, now his brow has furrowed, his lips pushed together tightly. He looks up at Daddy again ..... then.. a tiny plaintive whine starts, first from then nose, then it rises a bit in volume as Rosendo open wide his gaping..... bottomless maw.

Larias smirks as she hears the beginnings of Rosendo's whine. Continuing to brush her hair, she's not real sure if thats just fuss, or hunger, or wet, or soiled - well, savith's got the boy, let him figure it out! Hrmph!

Savith clicks his tongue softly as Rosendo starts to cry. Well, is she wasn't awake before, Llune should be awake now. "ooh... what's wrong, my hatchling, hmm? What's wrong?" He checks the swaddle cloth first, pressing a finger to check for mess. IF that's not it, it's off to his mother for food.

Rosendo continues wailing, getting louder each moment, he arches his back in Savith's arms, apparently trying to launch himself, To where he thinks he's going... that's anyone's guess.

Larias snorts, and here she is, only about a quarter of the way through the mass of pale blond tresses, which really are starting to annoy her. Must learn to braid again! She sets the brush back into the pocket she found it, no sense being a snot even though she'd -REALLY- like to. No moves are made to appraoch, nope, she'll let Savith make the moves to hand the child over, though yeah, she's not a terrible mother, she will be ready ahead of time.

Savith gives a soft sigh. Well, good news. He's not messy. Floating up, Savith holds the child firmly and flies toward Larias, taking his blanket with him. "I think he's hungry now," he say in a flat line tone, holding out the baby. When Larias, takes the child, he wordlessly settles the blanket over her shoudlers in the chill morning air, the blanket still warm from his body.

Rosendo wails even louder when daddy lets him go. Now against Larias's breast he thrashes his hands around, his sharp claws digging in. He finds purchase soon enough and begins feeding, the loud slurping sounds can easily be heard as Rosendo eats, Hard and Fast.

With Rosendo's wail, Llune's pleasant dreams were interrupted, Her eyes open and head turned to look at the babe just as Savith moves to hand him to Larias and yawns widely **Good morning** she says, refreshed from the comfortable night's sleep. No more headache from the dream berries, thank goodness. Llune doesn't really move, just lays warm under the covers watching Savith hand Rosendo to Larias and relaxing as he takes teat, ah, no more loud crying in the close quarters of the tent, "It's a little cold.." She wonders...

Larias's eyes grow wide and she grits her teeth, oh, this is so not fun, not fun at all. She gives Savith an accusing look, as if he somehow put the child up to this. She moves her arms into a slightly more comfortable position, using one hand to support, as well as hold the babe's claws away from flesh. Her voice as flat in tone, "Gee, thanks." But then Llune wake sup, and some of Larias' irritation at self and Savith melts, ** Whitecold is on its way. **

Savith hms softly, turning from the ravenous little Rosendo and Larias. A glance at the pack, the pocket opens, and the brush seems to rocket to his hand. There's a soft slap as his hand closes over the brush handle. "Another moon or so, I'd think," he replies, moving to sit by Llune, sharing a private send with his mother.

You locksend ** Think you culd help Larias out with those locks of hers, Mother? It wouldn't do for her annoyance to be felt by Rosendo. ** to Llune.

Rosendo turns his head, teat still in his mouth at the sound of Saviths voice ** ** Then returns to eating, randomly sending out images of a very disturbing mixture of Savith's face on Larias's breast. These are a few of my favorite things

Larias looks like she's about ready to turn green as Rosendo begins happily sending such.... interesting images.

Llune sighs and pulls herself from beneath the warm blanket, stanging and stretching, and, with a yawn, moves toward Savith to retrieve the brush, "Would you like some help?" she asks, looking kindly over her shoulder at Larias.

Well, that's a good way to get... a Chosen's attention... fully. He turns to peer at the child, then he suppresses a shudder, and turns to work at his own curls. Gah! That's a disturbing image. Very disturbing! Make it stop! Oh god make it stop! So... umm.. small talk... oop! Motther took his brush. Right out of his hand too. He sighs and leans back, making it look like he might for her to take it.

Rosendo suckles happily

Rosendo also continues his happy random sendings....much fainter though, his attention is being drawn elsewhere

Oh if only Larias could just hadn the child over to Llune, that right now would be truly helping. Face still blanched white, just a tad wobbly on her feet, she absently nods to Llune's offer, "Help.. high ones please." Just make the kiddo stop!

Llune grins at Rosendo's happy sends, moving behind Larias to look hopelessly at her hair. She releases a heavy sigh and offers, "Shall we then?" She lifts a lock, then begins carefully working the brush through, starting at the ends. "White cold? I think..." She pauses, contuing to de-tangle Larias' hair with the brush and her fingers, used to this on a more basic level - so much like untangling thread in a breeze on her windowsill high up on the mountain... "I think I've heard that before... Ah..." She looks down to untie a particularly wound knot, "Somehow, things - the space on the outside - grows white?"

Larias turns her head, the motion not even disturbing the locks Llune is working on - after all, she has REALLY long hair. "The snows fall Llune, that is all... They blanket parts of the world in ice and cold." She tries to sound matter of fact, but high ones, gah, someone take Rosendo, this child is creeping her out, even if he is still hungry and eating.

Savith looks over, arms tucked behind his head as he reclines back. "Yes, whitecold, mother. You know, snows?" It DOES snow at Blue Mountain. She might have seen it, drifting past her windows. Maybe even felt the icy breezes? OH... Larias explained it. Well, guess he'll just shut up now. His eyes glance over at Larias, and then he grins, a similar cold grin. He's happy she's just as creeped out by it as he is.

Rosendo happily slurps, then his hand feels something interesting! He clasps the soft thing, and tugs playfully at it.... then feeling it stay firm he stops eating and pulls hard on the errant Larias hair that snuck under the blanket.

Larias ahaaaaaahs!!! Larias's head angles downward as Rosendo pulls, quite painfully too on the few strands. If it had been several, it might be tolerable, but with so little, yowsers! "Could ahh... someone, help.. please?" Theres desperation in her voice, this is not fun, not fun at all. Can't someone else take over feeding him, really?

Savith flies over, feeling the tug residually through that bond. Settling at Larias's side, he reaches over to get hte child's hand and pull it away from Larias and hold it away, sending to him, **Gently gently, Rosendo.** There's really only one elf here that can hurt Larias here. :P

Rosendo launches himself towards Savith, a grin on his mouth, still wet with Larias milk. He sends that odd Savith/breast amalgam again and holds his arms out wide

Larias holds onto Rosendo tightly as he wriggles, squirms then launches, despite the desire to let him drop as those images assault her. She grits her teeth, disallowing the images to enter her mind, feeling guilty at blocking out her own child's mental voice. Voice tense, she speaks to Savith, "Thank you.. and.. I think he wants you." Her voice nearly begging, please please take him.

Savith does no such thing,blocking out a child's mind. How cruel! He reaches out to take the child, making no comments about the images. I mean, come on! Winnowill's sent worse. Much more painful. Certainly not as disturbing, but hey, she's not very imaginative all the time. Without comment, he wipes Rosendo's mouth with his sleeve, trying to force his voice light, "All full are you? You know, you've left scratch marks. Bad boy." He smirks slightly, "You're supposed to make sure those aren't visible."

Rosendo snuggles tightly in Savith, then looks back over to Larias grins widely, eyes bright like glittering brightmetal. He gurgles out something that sounds like... well sounds like babytalk

Almost immediately after Savith takes the child, relief floods onto Larias's features. She quickly redoes her top, getting everything put away, hiding the scratches Savith just -had- to comment on. She swallows, trying to get those nasty images out of her head, so much for a pleasant night of sleeping, "What do we have for food left.. I can.. scrounge up something, if we need to eat." If we need to eat? Hello bird-brain, everyone NEEDS to eat.

Oh! Thanks for asking. Savith shakes his head, "I'll take Winddance out in a bit for some hunting." Whether or not the wolfriders like it, but knowing Larias's words, he cuts her off, "And no, I won't be hunting within their borders." Besides, it's been a whiel since he'd spent some time tiwth her. Surely she is getting annoyed with him.

Larias frowns just a tad, another thought flitting through her mind, vaguely recalling something, but as soon as its there, once more its gone again. She shakes her head, "Not until the wolf chief gives permission... You shouldn't hunt I mean.. of course, you and Winddance should fly." Oh High ones, is she just confused or simply that off kilter - so early in the morning and its already been a trying day.

Savith flicks a brow, and retorts, "Well, it wouldn't be needed if our hosted would provie once in a while." I mean, the Chosen provided for them....

Llune Shakes her head and looks around Larias' head at Savith, "Really, you should speak with Cutter, can't you just go visit him and ask? Perhaps they have something, or would like to hunt with you...

Larias stands rather still, patient even as Llune works at the tangles, slowly relaxing - ahh, its nice to have someone else brush your hair once in awhile. She half smirks at Llunes suggestion, "The wolfriders, I doubt, will want either Savith, Volek or myself to hunt with them.. The styles are.. too different." A glance is given the trees briefly, searching out the guards who now blend in even better, considering the season and all the abounding colors, even if the leaves are dropping, "Perhaps if we merely asked our watchers? They have provided before..."

Llune nods, liking that suggestion, but says nothing and continues working on Larias' hair - what a mess!

Rosendo belches

As if on cue, Shenshen seems to prance in, a basket of fall fruits and a fresh ravvit. Born in the village, she's sensative to guests, and is at least mostly cordial. And Tyleet's been busy with Redstar since Darkedge as been... stranger than normal. She walks in, and smiles, clicking her tongue, "And there's more than enough to share. Here!" She holds out hte basket to Larias.

Savith grins at teh belch, only to smooth it at Shenshen's entrance. Hmm... he'd still rather hunt for himself.

Rosendo looks over to the new noise, and grins at the colorful elf! Shortly after.... there is a gurgle and something warm and sticky hits Saviths arm.....mmmm Regurgitated Larias DNA

Larias blinks at the timely entrance, warily accepting the basket of foodstuffs. She offers a light smile, "Ah, mm.. Thank you." A glance is given Rosendo and Savith, very nearly giggling at the sight.

Shenshen smiles brightly, turning to giggle at the poor poor Chosen. "He's SO precious," she gurgles, dropping ot sits by the glideress. Savith glances at the spit up, but doesn't rub it in, instead, standing and moving to the pool. With an audience visible, he remains silent, but with his back turned, he makes faces at Rosendo.

Rosendo laughs at his daddys faces, spit up dripping from his chin

Llune amiles at the new arrival, especially intrigued with her dress, the pretty new colors, and the friendliness of the girl, though she's too entrances with the lovely dress that she can barely murmur "thank you" toward Shenshen.

Larias glance sdown, still standing patiently under the attentions of Llune. Sure it looked ok, but underneath, really, it wasn't anything pretty - how long has it gone free and hasn't been brushed well? She tries to make polite conversation with Shenshen, "He is... I'm not sure who he takes after." Really, no one in this family could be called precious. At another random thought, she decides to send to Savith, something of a private nature.

Llune shakes herself out of her color induced trance, "What is your name?" she asks, in that innocent way Llune does, "I'm Llune, I *love* your dress!"

You sense in a locksend, Larias touches your mind, retreats, then touches it again, ever wary, she did after all, wake up in your arms and that thought has not left her since waking, ** I.. am sorry about how I woke up, or woke you up. ** She's obviously confused as to how she got there, ** I'll endeavor not to let it happen again. **

Shenshen giggles, giving hte Chosen a stinigng glance as only she can, "Well, his mother, of course!" She smiles at Llune, wiggling her dark skinned fingers in greeting, "Hi!" Back to Larias, "And I LOVE your dress." It's saidnearly the same time as Llune's is,and she turns her eyes back to hte glideress and giggles. "I'm Shenshen."

You locksend ** Don't fret over it, Larias. The night /was/ cold,** he replies calmly. **Besides, you curled up to me. What was I supposed to do? Shove you to the ground? ** to Larias.

Savith drops to the pool's edge and cleans first Rosendo's face, sticking out tongue and crossing his eyes, before her cleans off his sleeve.

Larias glances down at the dress and smiels weakly, offering a shrug, "It was crafted by Llune." At a lock send though, the smile falters and she swallows hard, moving back to be patient and quiet, once more sending privately.

You sense in a locksend, Larias's sending drops low, quiet, ** I am sorry about that Savith.. I, had thought I apologized for that. ** If only she were still in the Mountain, she;d be a perfect glider right now, ** It will not happen again. I will keep myself under better control in the future. ** Under control - yes, no more gliding savith into the dirt, no more curling up for warmth, she is strong enough in survival skills, she can lay alone, on a snow covered tree branch if she has to - that is, if given the right clothes, which Llune's dresses certainly aren't.

Savith glances up at Larias, a private send, before he turns back to his son.

You locksend to Larias, Savith's mind makes no reply until after his eyes drop to Rosendo. **I didn't say it bothered me.** It WAS cold for him too. THe extra warmth was very nice. **But if that's what you want, I can't realy stop you, can I?**

Llune focuses on a particularly difficult knot, saying gently to Larias, "I'm sorry if this hurts a little.." and a sharp tug is felt as Llune goes to work.

Larias's head jerks up as Llune tugs, but Larias is tough and she makes no noise. Her eys do close though, face schooling to impassive as best she can. Thankfully, Llune has someone else to talk to, and another lover of dresses it seems.

THat she does. Shenshen's a chatter, going on and on about the wonderful clothes Anshen and Shendia make. Just lovely! Yak yak yak.

Llune seems to be listening carefully, asking a few key questions here and there to gather information about the cut of neckline, method of stitching, different materials for beads... All VERY interesting.

You sense in a locksend, Larias doesn't know what to make of his statement, it didn't bother him? Just extra warmth? High Ones, she's so confused. So like her, full of indecision. ** I.. perhaps, as the cold continues, and we are still here then.. Best for Rosendo, between us for the warmth. ** Oh yes, this elfess is confused, not even knowing what she wants, what she can tolerate - silly bird.

It's all, mothsilk this, and gold plate that, and glass charms for decoration. Oh... and can't forget the spring greens. Shenshen's favorite. Matches her eyes.

From afar, Rosendo in a sending ****

You locksend to Larias, Savith acknowledges it all, noting the confusion, **It would be best for... eh?** His mind pulls away by something.

You locksend to Rosendo, Savith focuses on you, **What is it, son?** WOOO! Called you son!

Savith glances at Rosendo in his arms standing with the baby.

Larias simply continues standing there, motionless, eyes staring off at nothing, taking the brushing in stride. What else is she going to do? No where to go, no where to hide.

From afar, Rosendo in a sending

You locksend to Larias, Savith comes back to you after a moment, **Sorry. Rosendo sent something.** What were we talking about? OH yes, **Anyway, yes, I agree, it would be best for him to stay warm.**

You locksend to Rosendo, Savith focuses on you, your tiny mind, trying to help you, give you that gentle hand to give wings to full thought. **Yes, you want. But tell me, what do you want, Rosendo?**

Rosendo begins wailing again, a frustrated, unhappy sound

Savith shushes softly, pacing, sending to Rosendo, trying to sort it out again. "what what? Hungry again?"

Larias glances over towards Savith and Rosendo, brow furrowing briefly, and then she nods. Not that Savith can see it.