Saturday, August 9, 2003


Logfile from TwoMoons - Savith.

East Bank of the Silver Run River

The lands of the Abode surround you.

At the rivers edge, a pool has formed, sheltered by huge rocks on the west side, allowing the water there to collect and empty out somewhat at odd intervals. Here it seems a good place for the washing out of leathers, bathing of bodies and general relaxing, though the waters you find are chilled. There is smooth white sand, surprisingly, under your feet and you find yourself smiling at this pleasant place. There are a few trees scattered over the beach, providing shade as well patches of cleared ground. The bank here begins tapering off into thick woods, limbs covered with gaily colored leaves as the holt prepares for the season of DeathSleep. Dead and dying shrubs and undergrowth encroaches all around as the bank blends with and eventually becomes the forest. Tiny bugs zip around at ankle height, and occasionally a fish leaps out to snatch at one of them. It is a cool autumn afternoon. The father tree is quiet as elves and wolves sleep in their dens.

Pale blue eyes glance over in Savith's direction as his send brushes against her mind. Larias shrugs, still feeding a hungry child. ** A passing thought is all. **

Savith locksends ** Not a happy one. **

Savith quirks a brow but nods. Ah, yet hte matter is not done. Private sends. Poor Llune. No wonder she missed everything.

You locksend to Savith, Larias sighs, ** No, not a happy one. Even here, the shadow of the Mountain reaches. ** Unbidden, the thought comes again, will she be able to speak to her son as Llune does Savith - will her son know her, will her son see nothing but a useless statueque glider shaping nothing, holding nothing, simply sitting - forever.

Llune hears the odd send, **passing thought? about what?** the context is completely lost on her, as she's missed the private sends, she looks up from her chore **wait, what's going on? **

You sense in a locksend, Savith's resolve hardens. Of course you will, beloved. He'll see to that.

Larias's gaze drops from Savith's form, her eyes returning to look upon Rosendo's face, so sweet, innocent, perfect. Her brows furrow more thoughts pass by, emotions sorted out, and finally she responds to Llune's question, ** I was thinking Llune. Nothing more. ** Ok, so the thoughts were sad, no surprise there.

Llune shrugs and sighs, assuming it's a private conversation between the recognized, but the sudden mood shift is reflected upon her, and she ceases her happy humming, instead lost in her thoughts and searching for a snack.

Savith glances at Llune. Great, not she's un happy. He sighs and moves to the shetler. "I'm taking a nap."

Larias, with Rosendo still nursing, drifts over towards Savith. She tries to look all smiley and happy, but it doesn't quite reach her eyes. "Are you sure you'll be able to?"

Llune sets out a cloth and places a few pieces of dried meat and fruit on it, and, unrolling a water skin, moves to the pool to fill it, "I am famished." she states simply, ignorant, or possibly ignoring the odd mood shift between the two recognized.

Savith glances over at Larias. Oh, now that's a good question. He shrugs lightly, having had a headache for a little bit. "I'm not completely sure," he replies, putting voice to the shurg.

Llune fills the skin with water from the pool.

Larias glances over towards Llune, down to Rosendo, then back at Savith. She sighs, then offers, "If you don't mind waiting until he is done.. I could try and help."

Savith hmms softly, eyes concerned. He turns to gaze at Llune, and sidetracks, "Perhaps I just need to eat." He looks back at Larias, smirking, "As do you."

Llune finishes filling the skin, and moves over to the picnick, "Neither of you eat often enough... At least," She grins, "Not as often as *I* would like."

Larias hrmphs at Savith, then does it once more for Llune, "I eat as often as I am hungry."

"Which isn't often enough for me either," Savith comments, motioning to Llune's pinic. "You're healthier, to be sure, but still. Much is begin demanded on you."

Larias heaves another sigh, shoulders sagging as she shakes her head. She follows the unspoken order and moves towards the food being set out, a defeated tone to her voice, "If I must."

Llune smiles up at Larias, "Oh, come not, it's not *that* bad, is it? I mean, it's a little," She tears off a piece of the jerky and begins a long chew, "tough and all... The water is cold, too..." She offers Larias a piece of jerky, "here..."

Larias shifts Rosendo in her arms, moving to take a seat before taking the proffered jerky from Llune. She takes a small bite, chewing the piece slowly. After swallowing, "I think bark would be easier to che than this stuff is."

Savith follows Larias silently, dropping to sit nearby and take a piece of jerky himself. He tears off a bite, muttering, "It's not exactly like I had a huge selection to chose from Mother."

Larias takes another bite, carefully balancing Rosendo with her other arm so he can continue nursing. ** And there was no time to hunt on the way here. ** Barely enough time was there to make it, let alone take the time to hunt.

Llune turns a smile to Savith, "*I* wasn't criticizing... I think it's wonderful dear." She shrugs delicately, "Of course, it isn't a fresh fruit, but at least it's not something 'unpleasant'."

Like the grub worms Larias was hinting at earlier. "Yes," he replies, eyes sliding towrad the elfess with the baby, "At least." Is that a grin?

Larias coughs back a laugh, nearly choking on the small piece of meat she's taken a bite of. Her face turns a little red, but then she catches herself, a faint smile forming, "Yes well..." She looks to Llune, "If you would like something less dry, I'm sure I could come up with something." her tone seems to drip, 'but yer not gunna like it'

Llune smiles, "Well, poo. I was just hoping you'd tell me what it was that was such a disturbing meal." She grins between the two, glad that the mood is lightening up a bit, "But this is fine... Hopefully we will be allowed to... ah... forage? for ourselves soon..."

Savith covers his mouth with a hand, disguiing it to look like he's working at another bite, but reall, he's snickering softly. "Ah, yes," he replies when he can, "Hopefully." And maybe they'll get a warmer den. It's starting to get cold.

Larias doesn't bother to hide her own chuckle. She flicks a glance towards Savith, then back to Llune, trying to look all serious as she explains to Llune, "Well... as I said, we can forage right here. There is enough to last a bit. If your hungry that is." Oh please, say your hungry, say it!

Llune shrugs, "what about those..." she sends the flavor of a mushroom to Larias, "things... are there any here?"

Savith glances at his mother. About to reply, he's distracted by a send. A moment passes as he listens, eyes turning... a touch.. confused.

Larias shakes her head as she looks to Llune, "not in this clearing no. We'd have to find a downed tree, one that is rotting. Around here, we'd have to scout for some well... grubs. Under rocks perhaps, or even under some of the brush."

Llune wonders, "What are.. glubs? And how do they grow under rocks?"

Savith blinks a few times, returning the send. He's silent long enough to swallow his mouthful. His voice is soft, almost a whisper, so shocked he is, "We've... been invited to a howl."

So very nearly ready to explain to Llune exactly what a grub is, and that it lives no tgrows, blinks as she turns her eyes on Savith. ** After all we... well, you and I have done here? **

Llune looks quickly between the two, noting the awed excitement, **ah... A what now?**

From the tree tops, Skywise and Tyleet drop down. Tyleet's soft smile is almost completely friendly, "A howl, gentle Llune. For joy, and sorrow. For loss and new life." She turns her eyes to Larias, her hair frosting a genlte white, "And yes, even after all that, you're still invited." Skywise smiles hands on his hips, eyes twinkling mischeviously, "Besides, I don't want to miss a howl to sit here watching you four." He winks at Larias softly, a flicker of silver eyes.

Savith glances over at the two wolfriders, and glances between Larias and Llune, "Well?"

Larias rises to her feet with the aid of her gliding magic. She places Rosendo in the air to redo the top of her dress. A glance down at Savith, "You know me and wolfriders. Of course I'd liek to go.. since we're invitred."

Llune smiles widely at the lovely little wolfriders, "I'm still not sure what all this is about, but..." She looks between her glider companions, "I would love to..."

Savith takes a breath. Great. Well, when in Rome.... Don't use the public baths. He stands as well, musing silently, 'Maybe I'll be able to use the time to chat with the chief, and secure a better den or supplies to travel.' He nods to Skywise and Tyleet, "LEad on."

Larias plucks her babe from the air and begins patting his back after placing him up to her shoulder. She looks rather eager to join in the festivities, or at the very least, watch them.

Llune rolls the picknick into a large tube and places it inside the shelter, "Should I change? What does one wear to an even tlike this?"

Savith glances his mother over, and grins softly, "What you're wearing is fine, Mother." Tyleet giggles softly and Skywise, gives Llune an eyes over too, grinning, "Your son's right. Your dress is just lovely." What to go stargazing? seems to be the unspoken question.

Simple and to the point, "Shall we then?" Larias inquires, so ready to be on the way.

Llune smiles and almost blushes, "Thank you." she says to both of the complimenting elves. At Larias' suggestion she agrees, "Let's"


Standing atop the slope, you have an incredible view of the SilverRun river, to the west of the holt and to the Northeast you see the huge branches of the immense father tree in the distance, reaching upward to the sky. The land here rises softly in a gentle slope, then drops off steeply to the river bank which hems in the western side of the holt.
Standing atop the slope, you have an incredible view of the SilverRun river, to the west of the holt and to the Northeast you see the huge branches of the immense father tree in the distance, reaching upward to the sky.. The land here rises softly in a gentle slope, then drops off steeply to the river bank which hems in the western side of the holt. The land around you is covered over with brown and drying grass, dotted here and there with colorful stray leaves from the neighboring trees. It is a cool autumn evening. You hear hushed noises as the holt slowly comes to life as elves and wolves awaken from their daytime slumber.

The suns have set and the night sky is clear of all clouds allowing a clear view of the sparkling stars and twin full moons high overhead. An early frost has settled over the place called LostHolt and the combination of full moonlight with it gives everything a silvered look. The soft crunch of the frosted grass is all that can be heard under Cutter's booted feet as he moves to the top of the hill, scents the wind then tips his head back, letting out a long howl that carries to the far reaches of the holt. Ashefur, the pack alpha, is the first to join in the song but, the rest of the pack quickly pick up the song adding their voices to it. All with wolfblood know that call instictively. "It's time for a howl."

From the east, where the Father Tree is, the Odd Family arrives. Darkedge and Piper, each holding one of Redstar's hands as she walks between the two. Darkedge is smiling easily, pressing back the concern of the previous night for the moment. He's got his weapons, as usual, and slows his steps to make it easy for the cubling to keep up. Darkedge has never been to a howl, but has heard from afar. He's a touch excited by it as he moves into the area, family at hand.

Evergreen waits in anticipation, as the tention builds between all the wolfriders. He idly messes his dark hair on his head as he glances around at all the other elves. He sits with his lanky legs folded into him, sitting on his feet.

Perhaps the most unusual band of elves to accept the howls invitation, is the family of gliders, of course accompanied by those that have been watching over them. The male garbed as a Chosen minus his helm. One female garbed in a green simple dress has a newborn elfin boy up at her shoulder, patting his back. The other female is dressed in more intricate Mountain fashion, not exactly well suited to forest life, her eyes are nonetheless wide and full of wonder.

Leetah sits off to the side from her mate, having walked up with him. Her voice joins in the howl, for despite her desert-born youth and delicate ways, she is now and will always be a Wolfrider by choice. As others begin to arrive, she smiles at them each in turn. When Savith arrives, her smile suddenly falters though. She recovers slightly at the sight of Larias and their small cub, focusing her attention on them instead. She pats the log space next to her and invites them to sit beside her if they wish.

In a Chosen's uniform, Savith certainly looks out of place. Leading the group of gliders are Skywise and Tyleet, who move to take a place by their family members. Savith's green eyed gaze flicks over the gathered elves. Oh boy. Lots of wolfblood's here.

Llune smiles brightly at... Well, *everyone*... Though the noise of the first howl startled her, Llune is almost actually joining in now - though she doesn't, it's just not ladylike. She plops gracefully down near the friendly elf offering a seat to Larias and looks about with wonder and joy.

Pike bursts through the bushes with a chuckle and a red-cheeked smile, "Ayooah!" His voice as strong as the others as he shakes a couple of leaves off his foot. Pike spots his chief and gives him a sly, yet very obvious, wink before patting the two wineskins on his side. "I'm all ready for the howl. Got some of Shenshen's best brew dreamberry wine." He spots his lifemates, Skot and Krim, and moves over to sit with them, "Got some treats for later too." Pike pats the bulging hide bag that's been tied to his belt, "Found a ripe berry bush on my way over here and just had to sample some of them." Anyone sitting close to the trio can see fresh purple stains around Pike's mouth.

Piper's own howl reaches out, joining into the howl, the wolfblood stirring within her as the sound ersonates, and joins in with that of her tribe mates. Her eyes are bright and shiny, eagerly awaiting whatever has caused this howl to be called.

Redstar's grip tightens on both Darkedge and Piper's hands as she looks around at all the elves gathered. So many there, she can't help but to shy back at first. When Piper howls, she finds it okay to add her own, high thin voice to her's then just grins.

Melisanda comes towards the hill, avoiding the main cluster of people. She is walking with Tamaris, having joined him here in the Holt early this morning just before sunup. The two tall, pale Underworlders make an odd sight in the already odd gathering of elves here, and they look as if they are not entirely sure they want to be here. She pays the others little attention, instead paying more attention to the unfamiliar terrain and her companion.

Tamaris points out a section away from the main group, starting to head over there. Easily seen, but away from the surfaceworlders, he unshoulders a pack, opens it, and spreads out a blanket on the ground to sit on. He then waits as Melisanda gets seated and he sits beside her, the two apparently locksending to each other, as they spare no comment for the others.

Reed comes strolling up the hill and sight of the gathered elves confirms what her ears and nose had long since told her. She carries her bow, HowlSinger, with her in one hand, a quiver to her back, and her long chestnut brown braid tapping at her thighs. Her silver eyes are like twins to the child moon. Continuing up the hill she adds her own long unused howl, sweet and full none the less. Her eyes scanning the group of elves. Passing Cutter she gives a nod and finds a spot near where other hunters types are like Nightfall and Strongbow. She chooses to remain standing for now, taking in a deep breath and exahaling slowly as thoughts of howls long ago wisp across her diligent mind.

Strongbow strolls in from the direction of the glider camp while his lifemate walks behind the odd family unit that is Darkedge, Piper, and Redstar. He's not happy about all the guests, least of all the underworlders. He's very certain he's got the gliders's numbers in the bag. A faint sneer threatens, but Moonshade is quick to jog to his side and locksend soothingly to him. He glance is given Reed as she settles near him, then a faint nod.

Nightfall from the first twitch of Tangle's ears, Nightfall felt the electricity of a howl being called and stands, smiling, to make her way with Redlance to the hill. On arriving, her smile widens on seeing so many of her family here--even her own Tyleet. Tangle runs to the pack, tail wagging, ears down, and tongue lolling, leaving Nightfall and her mate to make their way to Cutter. Nightfall gives Cutter a warm hug, ruffles his topknot, and sits. She knows, at least in part, one of the topics for this howl--it was her own idea, after all, and she is quite excited for it to be announced. Redlance grips Cutter's hand, then hugs the chief before sitting behind Nightfall, curling himself around her. Ocaisionally, one or the other of the pair raise a hand or give a send to those still arriving.

With a grin to a conspiratorial few, Redlance reveals a couple baskets of his own dreamberries. Nightfall rolls her eyes, but is nevertheless proud that he grew them himself. Well, she's always proud of anything he does.

A pair of wolfriders come from the direction of the Father Tree, an elfmaiden hand in hand with her lifemate. Dewshine breaks off as they get close to the group assembled, just as Scouter's eyes have a chance to see the Underworlders. He hesitates a moment, and then gives a short nod before turning once again to the rest. His smile reappears as he sees Dewshine make her way over with the intent on greeting her cousin with the topknot and his feet follow towards her until they are both eventually part of the ever growing circle of elves meeting for the Howling. Silent the entire time, there is sure to be plenty of locksending between the two mates as Dewshine reclaims her spot, standing in front of Scouter and leaning casually back against him.

As the tribe files in, and finds places to sit, the wolves pad in as well, lying or sitting near their bonds though forming something aking to a protective circle around those gathered near the crest of the hill. Cutter smiles as he ceases the howl and notes how many have shown themselves for this night's event. He flashes a grin at Redlance as he brings out some of his own stock of dreamberries to share with everyone and he returns Nightfall's hug and then Dewshine's. Then, once everyone has settled, he lets his gaze pass over the clearing touching on each elf present before moving to the next. Satisfied that all are ready, he draws New Moon and holds the curving brightmetal blade high over his head, letting the moons' glow glint off of it. Once more he howls but, this is his howl alone: the chief's call to attention. That done, he lowers his head and the sword once more then pricks the palm of his hand with the point of the blade before shifting hand and sword so that bright red drops of blood fall to the flat of the blade. As they fall, his voice calls out like a litany, "Timmorn... Rahnee... Preypacer...."

Darkedge finds a place for himself and Piper and Redstar to settle, collecting the cubling to sit onto his lap. Fortunate is with him and his mood, that he was grinning down at Redstar, giving her hand a soft squeeze of reassuring when the underworlders made their entrance. Once cub is settled, he flicks a glance at Piper, to whom he had been locking this whole time, and tilts his head fainly, an unspoken question: leaning on me, love? If taken up on the offer, Darkedge would lift his arm gently, to drape across his mate's shoulders. Cutter's howl does indeed get hte youth's attention, and he listens to the litany with interest.

Evergreen :'s ears perk at the mention of berries from Pike. Peering over at Pike, Evergreen licks his lips at the thought of juicy berries staining his mouth with sweet juices.... As the howling continues from the few others who have started, Evergreen's wolf blood boils excitment and anticpation for his own turn to howl like mad to the moon. At Cutter's howl, he turns his anxious eyes to the Chief in grand antipaction at this howl.

Having taken the offered seat next to Leetah, Larias continues patting little Rosendo's back until an audible *burap* is given. Though he doesn't care, she hopes silently it doesn't disturb the goings on, her cheeks turning a slight pink. As her gaze makes its way around the clearing, she makes note of the one or two she recalls from other times, with a thought to send to them, she stops herself, turning her eyes instead to rest upon the pale haired one with the top knot, listening with curiosity to the names he speaks.

Leetah continues to greet everyone individually, either via a send or a smile on her lips. She notes the Underworlders and the way they set themselves apart from the rest. She has always found their kind fascinating and spends several moments studying the cool female elf, before her attention is diverted by the arrival of Nightfall and Redlance. Having always shared a special closeness with this pair, she is pleased to see them both in attendance tonight...always more at ease in their presence. Finally, once everyone is settled, she turns her attention to Cutter, admiring the way his spirit seems to shine this night. If ever an elf was born for the role of Chief, it is him. She listens attentively, eager to hear him reveal the focus of this night's howl.

Savith helps both soulmate and mother to a confortable place to sit of their chosing before settling himself down. Rosendo's burp gets a faint smirk from the Chosen. So waht if it interrupted? His eyes note the underworlders, then flick to Darkedge. This should be fun, considering the odd conversation he and Larias had not so long ago. He notes the dreamberries and the wine, sending privately to Larias as he seems to recline on midair, arms crossing softly.

You locksend to Larias, Savith snickers slightly, **Dreamberries. I think i should keep those from you.**

Her gaze flicks back and forth between newcomers and those already assembled, knowing no one, but *horribly* interested in all of it. You can be sure Llune is making note of all the new colors and styles of clothing worn by the different participants, as her eyes are shining brightly, and she seems to be trying desperately to hold back drool. "What gorgeous fabrics!" she exclaims, mostly to herself, but not minding a bit if everyone else hears. At Cutter's attention gathering howl she focuses on him, gasping nearly inaudibly as he cuts his palm and begins reciting odd name's she's never before encountered... Her eyes shine with curiosity at the actions of these new, strange elves, and sends openly, though directed toward Savith, **What berries?**

You sense in a locksend, Larias smirks lightly into her sending, ** If they are offered, I will do as is expected of me. We are, guests, of a sort. Its not like one or two won't hurt me. ** Remember, it takes three ;p

You locksend to Larias, Savith chortles faintly. He remembers all too well. Llune's sent question makes him groan, **Tenspan's Feathers! I completely forgot! She's never seen a dreamberry!** This is going to be an INTERESTING night, to say the least.

You locksend to Llune, Savith replies privately. **They are called dreamberries, mother.**

Llune locksends ** Ooh, do they give you good dreams then? **

You sense in a locksend, Larias chuckles merrily in hermind, ** Perhaps your mother and I will keep eachother company tonight then. ** That is, if she can get her hands on some dreamberries.

You locksend to Llune, Savith seems to flinch, hand to forehead, though no outward motion does he make. **Something like that. I would suggest you not eat more than two.**

You locksend to Larias, Savith seems to groan, letting a flicker of Llune's send to him reach your thoughts: '...they give good dreams then?...' High ones help us. A drunk Larias AND Llune. Looks like he'll be babysitting. **I shall take Rosendo for the night then, if you two wish to have some.**

You sense in a locksend to Llune, Savith: Larias is actually laughing merrily into her sending, though outwardly its but a light smile, ** Llune, shall you and I enjoy the berries together then? Or shall we conspire and make your son enjoy one or two as well? **

You sense in a locksend to Larias, Savith: Llune seems quite a little bit confused **Uhm... Okay... I'm a little hungry still, can't I have more than just a few berries? Then I'd have good dreams *and* a full belly!** She sends a smile, then send cuddles Rosendo, **The noise doesn't scare him?**

Pike stops joking with his lifemates as Cutter howls and he turns his attention back to his chief, as the Howl begins. He joins in with the others in naming the past chiefs, "Two-Spear...Huntress Skyfire..." Pike says with passion and a bright smile on his face. He loves Howls, almost as much as Dreamberries. Pike has a very special story to tell tonight and he wanted everyone to share it, hence the extra dreamberries. There's a bright twinkle in his eyes as he continues to say each of the past chief's names.

How could Piper refuse an offer to lean against her mate? Chuckling to herself she leans against Darkedge, one arm going to wrap about his waist, taking a moment to nod to those she knows and even some she does not. Purposefully though, she keeps her eyes off the Underworlders set so far off, instead, looking upon Cutter wondering what all this is about. As the names of the past chiefs are recited, she too joins in, sparing a glance and flashing a grin over towards Pike, hrrm, fresh dreamberries he mentioned, hopefully he'll be sharing!

You locksend, to Llune, Larias: Savith knows what dreamberries cause, but finally comments, **A few, and no more, once offered. You do not want to get a full belly on these, lest you have a headache worse than what Winnowill could muster on her worst day.** He senses out the child. Odd. It doesn't frighten, **I'm not sure he knows to be frightened, mother.**

Redstar nestles into Darkedge's lap while she stares wide-eyed at the elves gathered around. Even the Underworlders are giving a passing glance. As with a few others, this is her first howl, and the names recited are strange to her. Little holds her attention for long, but tonight, she's riveted on Cutter, listening as the recitation continues.

Melisanda looks almost startled as the wolfrider chief cuts himself. A glance over to Tamaris and then back, and she looks rather disgusted with the proceedings. She pulls her cloak tighter against her, and then finds Reed in the crowd, watching as she joins in. A shudder goes through her, her blue eyes going back to Cutter, watching this... this... words almost escape her.

Tamaris sits up straighter as Cutter draws blood from his hand, glancing at Melisanda, his lips slightly parted as he is almost stunned by this. His gaze goes around the almost enthralled Wolfriders, as if in surprise that they could be watching, no, /enjoying/ this. He slowly shakes his head in disbelief.

You sense in a locksend to Llune, Savith: Larias settles herself, stilling her mind just a bit, ah she knows the joys and trials that dreamberries are, bringing up old unwanted memories, ** Yes yes, just a few. ** A bit of a sigh as the twoof you wonder about Rosendo, ** Perhaps, because the sounds do not frighten me, they do not frighten him.. He has been hearing the wolves howling since the day he was born. ** Its not like he was born in the quiet of the Mountain.

Reed 's heart sings with joy and her blood quickens with the sounding of the chieftan. Despite being released of certain obligations this night she keeps her eyes on a certain few. So far so good...maybe this night she will not feel set apart and be able to enjoy herself. Doesn't she deserve it? Well a few hands full of berries will fix the problem either way the night goes, but that matter will be decided later. A smile creases her lips as she sends to Tamaris. She is glad He is out even if it is with Malandor's sister.

Sitting with his mate and wolf, both leaning on him comfortably, Strongbow and Moonshade both join in the naming of the elves, raising his voice to do so. "...Freefoot ...Tanner." He watches each single drop, knowing full well the meaning of each blood split. A silent musing, 'Would his name be added?' Of course not, he settles, giving Moonshade's shoulders a gentle squeeze. He's not rightful chief, no matter what kind of challenge fought and won.

Nightfall smoky voice joining in with the others, Nightfall adds to the list. "Goodtree... Mantricker..." Not her favorites, but chiefs nonetheless, and always to be included in the howls as honored guests and revered elders long gone--but having left an indelible mark. Redlance passes around one of the baskets of dreamberries. Though he was surprised that Cutter had asked him to bring them, Redlance was glad to do it. It showed him what sort of mood this howl was to have.

You locksend, to Llune, Larias: ** True enough,** Savith replies softly, **Still, I will take the child when the berries are being past. Of the three of us, I've the most tolerance. **

Scouter finds a place to sit, and Dewshine follows suit as she finds a warm place in his arms. The scout smiles as Cutter howls, and his eyes sparkle in the moonlight as he waits the litany to spill forth. Its not new for either one of the wolfriders, but it still pulls at each of their souls. At a locksend, Dewshine half turns her head and grins at Scouter but his eyes are on Redlance. He had just seen the dreamberries, and it seems he already has his own ideas about where they should end up...or at least some of them. Yes, its grand to have a plantshaper in the holt. The berries make their way to him though and he turns his eyes back to Dewshine as she laughs silently, stealing a few for herself before looking back to Cutter to await his words. Scouter's voice rings clear, "...Bearclaw..." and Dewshine follows with her own musical voice to join in, "...and Cutter..." Thus ending the list of chiefs.

You sense in a locksend to Llune, Savith: Larias, oddly enough, agrees, ** Then, I will pass him to you once the berries come by, though I won't eat that many myself. ** Her mate of course knows why, more bad memories and dreams than good, ** He should be erady to sleep soon anyway, so I doubt he'll be much trouble for anyone. **

You sense in a locksend to Larias, Savith: Llune sighs in her send, sort of a 'yes sir' reluctant agreement **I hope there will be something to eat, then, otherwise I may have to run back to camp and pick up some snacks.**

You locksend, to Llune, Larias: ** I believe there may be feasting after this, or at least, everyone will return to their dens for sleep, and we can eat what we like. **

You sense in a locksend to Llune, Savith: Larias almost giddy, yet become worried as well, ** If we have our wits sufficently about us to find food anyway. **

You locksend, to Llune, Larias: Savith seems to sigh softly, though there's a faint hint of amusement, **Then I shall find us some. But hush about it now, or I shall be hungry!** He's already got a hungry headache, afterall.

As his own name is called, Cutter lowers his hand, curling it into a fist at his side so that no further drops spill from it. He holds the blade of New Moon higher, keeping it level so that the 11 drops of blood do not spill from the brightmetal. Finally, he speaks up and his voice rings clearly about the hillside, "With the troubles we have recently faced and the gathering of so many from different tribes within the holt, Pike has chosen a special tale to share with us tonight." He pauses dramaticly and lets his gaze wander over those gathered here once more before continuing, "Tonight, we howl for the mother of all Wolfriders. We howl for Timmain!" That said, he tips his head back and lets out another howl, this one full voiced and calling for the mists of the Now to part and reveal that which happened long ago. The wolves follow suit, blending their voices with the pale chieftain's. He does not draw this howl out. Instead, he soon ends it and steps back to accept his own share of the dreamberries and then take a seat beside Leetah, draping an arm about her shoulders as he does so.

Darkedge listens to the litany, intrigued, and sending to Piper again, more and more questions from the young underworlder. When it is done, though not wolfblooded, he seems to sense there will be something more, and the faint leaning forward is a tell-tale sign of his curiousity. As the berries begin being passed about, first by Redlance, Darkedge glances at Piper. Whent he basket nears them, he collects it and holds it still for Redstar to take one, then out for Piper to get a few. At a faint propping from his mate, he takes some as well, then passes it off. Timmain. He glances up at Cutter, then Pike, as the first berry it brought to his lips.

Evergreen drools a little for the berries. Taking a few for himself, as they pass around, he pops a few into his mouth, feeling the juicy ecstasy drip down his throat. After his few berries, he looks softly to the ground waiting for the howl to continue.

Larias bounces the tiny newborn gently on her lap, keeping him entertained as best she can. A faint glimmer of a smile forms on her lips at some sending between herself and her small clan, but only moments later, the expression fades away. Eyeing the berries passed about, she smirks to herself then turns to hand Rosendo to his father. Once passed to her, she selects only a few of the berries before passing them on, the curiosity of before fading - she has heard this story before.

Leetah refrains from taking many berries, as she always likes to be prepared for unforeseen results of Howls. Besides, Leetah has never really cared that much for the Wolfrider treat. Once Cutter finishes setting the mood for the Howl and joins her, she snuggles down into the crook of his arm, ready to hear the it is one of her least now. Smiles softly to herself, remembering on how this story used to terrify her...back when it threatened her soul. She turns her attention to Pike, waiting for the rosy-cheeked elf to begin. Though still visibly tired, she is very much alive this night...caught up in the festivities just like everybody else.

Savith takes a small handfull of dreamberries himself before floating hte basket toward Llune, again stressing silently she not take more than a hand or so. Preferrably less. He collects Rosendo, the darling tiny glider child, in hand and settles him against his chest, pulling the warm blanket over him more fully to ward off the chill. The babe's eyes already begin to droop with sleep as Savith drops two of the purple round berries into his mouth, and sits back to listen. This could prove educational, haven't never had the previldge of sitting in the middle of a wolfrider howl. Like the well-trained Chosen he is, his mind, though beginning to numb from the berries, drops into a 'record' type mood, to allow His Lord to pluck any information about this event she may deem useful.

You locksend to Larias, Savith's mental state becomes obvious to you, such is the bond you share.

You sense in a locksend, Larias's mind is reaching out to someone else, but at that feel of record, she snaps back towards you quickly, ** Don't turn us into poorer guests Savith... We are bad enough ones as is. **

Llune plucks the basket from the air and takes a few berries - no more than 3 or 4, as instructed - then passes the berries on to the next nearest elf... This done, she sniffs the first berry tenatively, eyeing it in the moonlight, then, as though her inspection were complete, she pops one into her mouth and croons, delighted, at the flavor, "Mmm!"

Llune locksends ** Aw, Savi, these are good - can't I have more than a few? **

Pike finishes saying the chief's of the past and present and hands off his bag of dreamberries so they can be passed out to those around him. He hands over one skin to Skot and Krim, where it's promptly opened and passed back and forth between each other. Pike turns his head back to Cutter as his name is spoke and he lifts his head to howl as well. As it ends Pike gets up and he stumbles a little, whether from dreamberry intoxication or from a boot to the rump from Skot. Pike recovers and makes his way to where cutter was standing. "Cutter is right tonight we howl for Timmain, High Ones and Mother to all the Wolfriders." He opens the wineskin to his side and takes a very long drink of it, so that he'll best remember the story of course. Pike lowers the skin and takes a deep breath before he starts, "Long, long, long ago, before any elf set foot on this world, the High Ones left their world as it had grown too old for them. They took with them the Preservers and the Trolls, for they, besides the High Ones, were the only things left on their world. Perhaps it was a mistake, but they did not have the heart to leave any living creature behind to its death. So they traveled, through space and time, searching for others like them. Their quest was interrupted as one of the two beings they had brought with them, the Trolls, betray them. Slicing open the wrapstuff cocoons that protected the High Ones guiding the Palace, they plunged themselves, the Preservers and the High Ones, on to the planet of Two Moons. The High Ones had taken forms they though the Humans would find acceptable, like the humans, but noticeably different. As they ventured out of the Palace to greet the humans they were not ready for the humans they encountered. The High Ones brought love, peace and acceptance with them. The humans feared the newcomers in their Mountain from the Sky and that fear turned to violence. The humans brought death to the High Ones, something they had never known until now. Pain, panic and fear followed as the High Ones fled the blood thirsty humans, their magic weak on this new and strange world. They fled into the night seeking safety away from the Palace and the Humans, they found it in a cave" Pike sends images that correspond with his words and then pauses to let the others digest this part of the story as he takes a drink from his wineskin to wet his throat.

Redstar still has no idea who is being talked about while she listens and takes a couple of the juicy berries. Before she even pops one into her mouth, she sniffs at it curiously, then she gives it a taste. Murrr Good. the second soon follows and she's nestling down in Dark's lap to listen to the story.

Melisanda settles down a bit as Cutter sits down, and she watches as the others start passing around the dreamberries. Another glance to Tamaris, certain to be another locksend, and a nod before she reaches for the backpack Tamaris brought with him. She pulls out a small pouch, opening it and taking small pieces of mushrooms from inside and eatting them as she watches, offering the pouch to Tamaris. She then sits up a bit -- she knows this story.

Tamaris sighs softly, his eyes finding Reed in the middle of this, a send, before he glances at Melisanda. He shifts around a bit and relaxes, seeing as how this won't be turning into the barbaric scene they had thought it was. He glances at the small pouch of mushrooms and takes a couple pieces, popping them into his mouth as he watches. As Pike starts to speak, he arches his brow and the corners of his lips go up, just slightly.

Reed shrugs at Tamaris' sending and considers just letting the basket of berries pass her by this time. Deciding it would be better to just 'look like' she were having some would be better and so she gets a handful. Most of them she deposits in a pouch. One or two she rolls around in her hand. Looking around she decides that one berry will be acceptable for now at least to enhance her mind to bonding of thoughts with her wolfblooded kin. Looking around she tucks the other berry in her pouch and props her hands on her prized bow. The story is familiar to her mind and made more interesting hearing it from different story tellers over her many turns of the seasons. `

Strongbow takes a handful of berries, as does Moonshade. Ah, this one. The one from the Scroll of Colors. He got it the first time, but ah well. A story is a story, is it not. A glance and a private send to Cutter, and a berry goes into his mouth.

Nightfall nabs just enough dreamberries to pink her cheeks, looking around at the anticipatory faces of the gathered crowd. She lingers for a moment on the cubs. She would love to have another bouncing cub on her knee, but she'd had her own cub, and grandcubs, and greatgrandcubs. She'd had her share, and probably wouldn't like to divide her time like that again... probably. Her eyes move on though. She glances back at Redlance, rubbing noses with him before watching and listening to Pike.

Cutter smiles at something as the basket of dreamberries comes back to him once again. He picks it up, disengages himself from Leetah's side and pads over to where the two Underworlders are sitting. With a silent smile, he offers some of the berries to them as well. All the better to join in the sharing of the story, after all.

Darkedge watches Cutter move over. Ah... Tamaris and... HOLY CRAP on a STICK! Is that... Melisanda?! Darkedge turns his face from the underworlders again, frowning. He rolls a dreamberry in his hand before Piper gives him another private nudge, as she did earlier. He smiles softly and nods, bringing the berry to his mouth and forcing himself calm again. After all, HOW many times was he in a drunken stupor in the River Cavern around everyone? Only this time, he's friend out number them, 20 to 2 or more. Ah, pleasant safety. He bites into the berry, following it with another, flicking a glance at the underworlders, a dark grin on his pale features. Heeheehee.... evil thoughts always come to him when he's drunk. And yes, he's been listening to Pike's story. He nods, a faint purse to his lips, and sends to Piper once more.

Evergreen ponders lightly to himself of the people present at this howl. He glances from each to the next. He listens tentively to the stories being presented.

Larias gives Leetah a quick glance out of the corner of her eyes before she gingerly places one of her three berries between her lips and into her mouth. As the storyteller begins, a delicate brow arches upwards, the glimmer of a smirk playing upon her features. A thought passes from her to those she calls kin.

You sense in a locksend to Llune, Savith: Larias is almost delighted, amused, and forlorn all at once as such an ancient story is shared, ** I have to wonder where they first learned this... I can't imagine they remember that far back. **

You locksend, to Llune, Larias: ** I can not hazard a guess, though there were wolfbloods about hte Palace when I located it on the Plains,** he replies, hesitiating a moment. Oops. Wasn't finding the Palace what Larias wanted. Ah... heck. **Perhaps they learned it there? **

Leetah sits up a bit as Cutter goes over to the Underworlders, pleased at his thoughtfulness. She pats Larias on the shoulder, giving her comfort about something from a private send. Her eyes also drift over to Darkedge, noting how uncomfortable he is around others of his kind. She grins, listening intently to Pike, but still letting her mind drift over how much Darkedge has changed since his arrival. She remembers the awkwardness and the sunburns, and now...look at him...he has his own family and is so happy. She couldn't have wished for more for this elf. He is truly becoming one of them...a Wolfrider. Something, she too had to go through once upon a time. Finally, she looks back to Pike, returning her thoughts to his story as she realizes it isn't the one she has heard so many times, but a new one about their Wolf-mother. Realizing this, she grows very intent upon Pike's words, indeed.

You sense in a locksend, Larias has eaten a berry, and one an empty stomach too! Quickly the fuzzed feeling enters into her being, ** The palace? ** Curiosity, anger, distaste, how can one of elvin kind hold distaste for the Palace? Regardless, this elf seems to. She hrmphs into the sending, ** Figures, the secrets of our kind. Aurek will suffice for me. **

Savith chews his few dreamberries slowly, making sure to stay NICE and alert. NO getting drunk while on... well... pretending to be on duty. Oh, Leetah's here. Right. Ah.. he sends privately, though keeps his eyes on Pike.

You locksend to Leetah, Savith lightly touched your mind, as if asking permission to send fully to you. Hmm... that's polite.

Llune listens in awe to the story - she's never heard a story told quite like this, in the moonlight, with the howling, and the intoxicating affect of the dream berries... Oh yes, dream berries. She pops another two in her mouth, and leans, a little less gracefully than usual, back onto her elbows, shretching out and listening to the amazing story... Though her kin send to her, she makes no reply, in part because she's far too intent on the story, but also because she is suddenly just *way* too bleary, the idea of food completely forgotten. She rolls her remaining dreamberry between her thumb and forefinger, but saves it for later on, 'cause, you know, they're really not affecting her. Honest.

You sense in a locksend, Leetah is reluctant to answer the Glider, but is worried he has a concern about the cub, so answer him **What?**

Pike continues with the story as he lowers the wineskin. His sends and voice pick up where he left off. "The High Ones were confused as they sat huddled in the cave away from the Palace. They talked about getting back in to the Palace so they could return to the time they were supposed to be at. While they planned Timmain brought the body of her beloved, the first High One to offer a hand of friendship to the Humans and to have his life stolen by them. In the distance a wolf let out a mournful how and for the first time Timmain raised her voice to howl the wolfsong. She covered the body of her beloved with her clothes and then left the High Ones in the cave. Timmain left to discover the song of this world." A bright grin plays across the storyteller's face, "And oh did she find it. She discovered the joy of running, of eating, of joining, of just being. Timmain found that everything on this world was celebrated, birth, living, dying, for everything that died on this world fed something else, from the tallest tree to the smallest bug. Life was a great cycle. Life gives itself to others to preserve life. She found no greater love of life than this." Pike pauses to take a short sip of his dreamberry wine and continues, "Back with the High Ones, the one called Haken argued with the others. He wanted to go back to the Palace. He wanted to go back to how things were before the Humans. Harek shuttered at the thought of having to kill and consume to survive. When the others suggested that there were more truths then just the truth that Harek believed he flew into a rage and stormed out of the cave and back towards the Palace. By the time he got to the Palace, night had fallen and the humans were asleep by a campfire in front of the Palace. Haken sneaked past them and into the Palace. He was grief-stricken at what he say, the broken bodies of the High Ones that had not escaped littered the floor of the Palace, their blood still pooling on the glittering floor. He vowed to the spiritless bodies of the High Ones that they do not die, they build new vessals to hold their spirts. They do not die. They live foreverForever!" Pike swallows a little as he sends the images of the beautiful bodies lying in all to familiar crimson pools and he shouted the last forever to add emphasis before he pauses for a moment. Taking a breath he continues the story. "While Timmain was learning the lessons of this world, Haken was learning different lessons. Lessons about fear and anger. Using his magic that was restored by being in the Palace, he turned the bodies of his brethren into armor and weapons to use against the humans. He shaped his own body, distorting it so that he may look more fearsome to the humans. Haken would play by the human's rules and he would beat them. While Haken was readying himself for his assault against the humans Timmain had returned to the High Ones with food, fresh raw meat." Pike's eyes twinkle, "Even then the Wolf Mother knew that raw meat was the best meat. While the other High Ones ate they decided to return to the Palace before the world changed them and they changed the world. They feared their presence would hard the world more then anything the humans could do. After they ate they did return to the Palace and found the humans beating on the doors with their clubs of bone and wood. As the High Ones got ready to make a break for the Palace the doors swung open and out Haken came. Hideously deformed he roared at the humans and flung spears of bone at them, intent on killing them and driving them away from the Palace. With a great ax of bone he chopped down the humans like they were old rotten logs. The other High Ones called out to Haken to stop, but he ignored them until out of no where a great wolf leapt at him. It was Timmain in wolf form, she had to stop Haken before he could continue the slaughter. She had learned the dance of I pushyou pull. Haken learned the dance of I pushyou bend."

You locksend to Leetah, Savith takes a moment to compose himself, not seeming much affected by the single berry he ate. **I have need to say two things to you, Healer. First is a thank you, for the aid you've given us.** A pause. This is part is just a bit harder for the stoic Chosen. **And the other is an apology.**

Continuing to send now and again with her mate, Piper pops a dreamberry in her mouth every now and again as the story continues. Though, as it takes a turn for something different, something new to her, she sits up, watching Pike curiously, if a little bleary eyed.

Leetah locksends ** @emit Slight shock is evident in her mind, then careful control. **And what do you think you owe me an apology about?** She isn't going to make this easy on him...Glider or no...he hurt her feelings too badly. **

Evergreen yawns softly to himself... he stands politely and heads back to his den, he is exhasuted

Oooo... this is trange. Redstar leans back against Darkedge while she listens to the story. As strage as it seems to her. Two little berries mixing in her tummy make for one mellow cub. for a bit, her eyes stray from Pike to look upon those of the tribe she's come to know, and some adore, then return to Pike once more as the story becomes more interesting.

Melisanda looks over, her eyes following Cutter as the chief approaches them, perhaps a little wary. As the wolfrider chief offers the dreamberries, she nods, and sends quietly, as to not disturb the story teller. ** I arrived earlier in the day, I'm afraid I haven't been properly introduced to you, Cutter. I am Melisanda of the Great House Goumando. I am here to aid Tamaris. ** As she sends, she inspects the basket, takes a few of the berries and puts one into her mouth. She pauses for a moment, and then nods. ** My thanks. ** As she listens to the story, she seems to agree with it, and when Haken's name come up she actually smiles.

You locksend ** I likened you to My Lord,** Savith replies smoothly, having had a few days to mull over this, and a goo dpoke from Larias. **I would not apologize if I did not feel the need. For all that you have done, it was no way to speak to you, espeically about that. So, accepted or not, the apology stands. ** to Leetah.

Tamaris watches Cutter with the basket of the berries. He leans forward, eyeing the basket of dreamberries. He takes one, curiously, eyeing it. Seeing nothing obviously wrong with it, he takes a couple more and nods his thanks to Cutter. He watches Melisanda as she takes some of the berries, and waits for her nod before taking one himself. As Pike continues on, he listens with interest. It's certainly a different perspective than the tales he was told.

Reed moonsilver eyes do not miss the movement of the masculine chieftan. She is curious to see if Tamaris will accept. She could care less what Melisanda a point. For just a moment she closes her eyes and shakes her head at the mention of humans and destruction. She can't recall if she's ever seen one face to face and probably not. She'd remember that. Oh very good he's enjoying the berries. Her attentions wander over some of the antics of Krim and Skot. She rolls her eyes.

Nightfall has heard the story too, but the novelty of having Pike tell it has Nightfall interested again. She snuggles tighter against Redlance, though one hand rests lightly on Cutter's arm. She smiles at Leetah, another important part of her chosen family. Close family, family she would always treasure and protect. But the story still holds most of her attention. Timmain was the most interesting figure in the tribe's history, and the most important, of course.

Strongbow's features darken at the mention of humans, Moonshade leaning into his chest. Other than that, he's silent.

Cutter offers a welcoming smile to Melisanda and sends very quietly to her, **There is time for proper introduction later. For now, please, enjoy the howl. It's not something we can hold very often.** That sent, he turns and moves back over to rejoin Leetah, slipping his arm back around her shoulders as he leans close and listens to the story.

Aid Tamaris? Darkedge pointedly AVOIDS looking back at Melisanda and the other, as if ignoring them will make them go away. That and he's good at playing drunk, and so let's a fog seem to drift over his eyes as he watches Pike, craddling his precious little cub to him, before he nice and openly, making sure the underworlders and wolfriders alike see the motion, gives Piper a soft squeeze and a nuzzle on the ear. See what you uniterrupted Tamaris! :P Bad bad elf. The name Haken gets some attention, a brow flicking up, and some private sends again shared with Piper.

As talk turns to that of the Palace, Larias's expression sours, or maybe she just happened to bite into a bad berry - she is now eating her second after all. She turns her eyes away from the storyteller, frowning to herself, only half heartedly continuing to listen.

You locksend to Larias, Savith's mind seems distracted, but a portion of it notices the soured expression and leans against yours in offer of some strength.

Leetah shares a smile with Nightfall, then settles back against Cutter, still avidly listening to the Storyteller. Though from time to time, she does pass her gaze around those gathered, always alert to someone having taken in too many dreamberries at once. Though, she usually won't aid anyone who overindulges without reason. She feels that if they are going to abuse the treat, they deserve the pleasure of the pain the next day.

Leetah locksends ** I thank you. Your apology is accepted. I only ask that you always remember one is like your "Lord." No one...least of all me. Everything she stands for, I am against. Everything she does to others, I usually have to end up think much more carefully before pairing me up with that Black Snake again. **

Savith turns his gaze from Pike to check his son. The names and events really aren't much consequence to him, but as he notes Larias's reaction to his, his brows furrow ever so slightly, and a touch of a send flickers to her just before his eyes flick toward Leetah. Whether or not he catches her gaze, he nods faintly, then turns back to Rosendo. Out like a light.

You sense in a locksend, Larias brushes the offer aside, mulling, no, stewing over ancient stories and memories. Oh boy - someones cranky and having dreamberries, look out world. But, for now, she is at least keeping quiet and to herself, unwilling to disrupt the Howl by departing - that would of course be rude.

You locksend to Larias, Savith hmms softly, but withdraws. Don't want his help? Fine.

Llune sighs contentedly, trying to continue to listen to the story, but somehow... She's just *so* tired... She looks at the dream berry between her fingers and watches as it becomes 2 or 3, then syncs back into one... How... Odd... But, with a shrug, and a near miss, she pops the final berry into her mouth, leaning back on her elbows once this is done and sighing again, her eyes droooooooop and she blinks, keeping her eyes closed for a good deal longer than usual... And not on purpose... The story continues, and Llune picks up bits and pieces of it, but somehow is too distracted by the odd humming in her skull to really put all the pieces together... Only when the story teller sends does she understand what's going on with the story, the berries helping her to completely bond with the sends... She remains quiet, though, save for the occassionaly happy sigh, and blearily watches the goings on, the fuzzy moving shapes *must* be the other elves, right? *sigh*

Pike takes another long sip of the wine and swallows thinking a moment before he continues, "Timmain tried to get Haken to stop, but Haken wouldn't. He was just as savage as the humans were, killing without restraint or conscience. Haken claimed that the humans were beneath the High Ones and that if he didn't kill them that they would destroy all that the High Ones were. Timmain countered as she leapt towards Haken to physically stop him. Would the humans or would Haken destroy what the High Ones are? Haken could not stand up to Timmain fighting hand to hand. He called out for another High One to help him, but Timmain sent for the other to stay back, that Haken had to be driven out of the Palace. Haken reaching for a bone spear pushed Timmain to the ground, while she sent to the others to watch wellis this what they will become? The other High Ones were confused and did nothing, but the wolves leapt to her aid, for Timmain was part of the pack, part of the wolves family and they always, always defended their own. The humans ran fearing the wolves as they attacked Harken. The High Ones were confused. Timmain seemed to be one of the wolves, they were revolted at the idea and ask Timmain why she would be one of them. Timmain didn't answer their questions as she held them back from the wolves so the High Ones would not get hurt as the wolves took down their prey. Haken cried out for help, but his pleas went unanswered as the other High Ones left Haken to his fate, they weren't sure about Timmain's way, but they knew they could not follow Haken's way. Haken managed to summon up enough magic to break free of the wolves. The wolves only killed when they had to and once the other High Ones were safely away Timmain asked the wolves to not kill Haken. Haken killed because he wanted to and that desire to shed blood made him very ill. The wolves forgot the attack almost as soon as it was over and they left whole and content. That evening the High Ones made Timmain their chief and asked her to help them make the world their home until they returned to the Palace. The first lesson Timmain taught them was about song. The song of the wolf." Pike cups his mouth and lets out a howl. He lets it die and continues on with the story, "The High Ones had a little trouble at first, but most got it, and those that couldn't kept the beat used stikes striking against stones to keep the beat until they all beat with one heard. They howled for all they had lost, for this was the first howl and when Timmain felt the moment was right she pooled all of their magic to create a fire. It sapped all of her strength and she had to sleep for three days and nights, but her last command was to keep the first going, and they did." He stops again to wet his throat with some more dreamberry juice before he continues with the conclusion to the story. Pike is sending as he talks, as he has been doing throughout the story, so that the images accompany his words.

You sense in a locksend, Larias frowns a bit as you withdrawl, silly berries,making her think, making her remember, ** I.. ** Mentally she sighs, ** You were right, I shouldn't have eaten any. ** Dman, when is she going to learn to listen to him?

Piper snuggles up against her mate, a hand loosely moving to drape over Red's shoulder, family good, family safe, she smiles to herself, hazel eyes closing as she listens to the story and sees the images provided by Pike. Ahh, yes, the pack defends its own. A fuzzy send ripples from her to Darkedge, silly elves, chatting and trying to listen to the story.

You locksend to Larias, Savith grins mentally, and leans to your mind again. You'll learn when your head explodes. :P

The gentle touch of Piper's hand to her shoulder has Redstar's eyes fluttering. Like any child her age, she fights to keep her eyes open while she's intent on the story. as the dreamberries work on her, she pretty much drapes herself across Darkedge's arm, him being the only way she's able to sit up for the moment.

Melisanda listens as Pike continues her tale, her expression getting darker and darker. She looks at Tamaris, the two Underworlders have a long send conversation it would seem. She has consumed all four of the dreamberries she took from Cutter, but doesn't appear significantly affected by them.

Tamaris listens as Pike recounts the tale of Hakin, and them seems to ignore the tale after Haken leaves it. He turns to look at Melisanda, sends shooting between the two. His own dreamberries go untouched, setting them into a pouch as he sends with Melisanda, his own expression having lost any bit of enjoyment from the story it may have once had.

You sense in a locksend, Larias very nearly chuckles darkly into the send, ** If my head hurts, yours will too. **

You locksend ** Yes, I'm well aware of the fact. ** to Larias.

You sense in a locksend, Larias sighs, so quick to change moods, trying to stave off the effects of the berries, trying to be good, really, ** Leetah said she could remove the effects from my milk for Rosendo, perhaps I will have her remove them entirely. If she is willing. **

Reed feels calm and watches different elves here and there. She's seen all the kinds there are so none of them surprise her really. It's she that ends up surprising most. Ahhhh well blame it all on the HighOnes. Yep...

Strongbow has been feeling hints of private sends. It's rude, really. You're suppose to LISTEN to a story, not talk amoungst yourselves. He shifts, Moonshade giving him a smile and another dreamberry. Hmph.

You locksend ** That would be good. No point in HIM having a hangover. ** to Larias.

Nightfall's own thoughts have gone only a bit fuzzy, but the sent images and story are still clear--maybe too clear? as the story takes almost physical shape in her blood's memory. Memories from the tribe and all her ancestors. Even the Now remembers sometimes.

You sense in a locksend, Larias almost exasperated, but not quite, ** Yes I know.. thats why I bothered to ask her before I even ate the first one if it would bother him. ** After all, Leetah = Healer, and Healers (who aren't Winny, know everything, right?

Cutter is feeling rather comfortable just now, what with his lifemate at his side and his tribe.. nay.. his family surrounding him. He pops another dreamberry into his mouth and lets the flavor roll over his tongue as he listens intently to the rest of the story.

You locksend to Larias, Savith chuckles faintly at the exaperation, **Calm, Larias. That's the dreamberries talking. I've done nothing but agree with you.**

Darkedge tenses, his eyes narrowing faintly. Uh-oh. Something's going on. But a send from Piper, and he grins faintly, then, with a sideways glance toward the direction of the underworlders, he chuckles in his throat, a nice audbile sound. Yep, part of the pack. Good thing to know, just now.

Larias turns back to look at her son and her Recognized, carefully paying only a little attention now to the story, regretting having eaten the two berries that she did. Facing forward once more, she leans down to tap Llune on her shoulder, handing the other glider the last dreamberry she has. May as well have one of the three happily dreamberry drunk, no?

Leetah sighs softly, closing her eyes as she senses the tale coming to an end. She is so content that for one brief moment, she rests. Allowing herself to drift in the tale and the moment. For once, the images that attack her undefended mind are kept at bay as instead she dreams of the story unfolding in the air about them. It's a blessed, brief moment.

Savith glances at Larias, holding the child easily, keeping him warm. He watches the elfess offer his poor inebrieated mother one last dreamberry. Well, atleast neither one of THEM will have the headache in the morning.

Llune responds to Larias tap by swiveling her head unsteadily on her neck to look at her, then, crossing her eyes to focus on the dream berry, reaches for it... and misses... Reaches again... and misses... Reaches a final time and ah ha! There's that wiggly little berry! She smiles at Larias - or at least she thinks she does - it's more like a widening of the dopey grin already on her face - For that matter, she's not entirely sure it was Larias anymore... But what the heck, it's one of those yummy berries that give you good dreams... She drops it into her mouth, misses, and plucks it off of her dress, to finally, *slowly* place the berry in her mouth on her tongue... Making an effort to *close* her mouth, and keep the berry in it, Llune slowly puts pressure on the thing and sips of the juices, relishing the vibrant taste, before swallowing the mush. No longer able to support her weight, she slides backward on the grass and lays flat on her back, gazing at the sky and the many many swirling stars, grinning and watching the sends of the story with her eyes closed.

Pike finishes his drink and starts the end of the tale, "Haken stayed in the palace while Timmain slept to recover from his wounds, his physical wounds at least. He was outraged that Timmain betray him and had interfered when he tried to save, at least in his mind, the others. He saw in Timmain what he could not see in himself. He thought Timmain wanted power, control over the group, to set herself up as Lord. Haken wasn't going to let her get away with that. Not when he could save them. He enlisted the aid of the humans, who now revered him as a god. His first command was in fire, he made an image out of fire, of a wolf with a spear though it. The High Ones learned from watching the humans, they learned what plants they could and couldn't eat. While the other's foraged, it was Timmain that did all the hunting. She did so in wolf for because in it, it was made killing for survival easier, more graceful. Many a human trap did Timmain escape, but guile or luck or a mixture of the two. She always gathered enough meat to sustain the High Ones." Pike shoots a look over to Redlance and smiles, "The High Ones wanted to shape their shelters in the trees as they would be safer, but unfortunately living up high." He points his finger up, "Mean you can fall down." Pike lowers his finger. "It was this that drove the High Ones back to the Palace for the second and the last time. Their treeshaper had broken her legs and the High One's healer was not strong enough to mend them. Timmain was weary about returning, but she conceded to the will of the tribe." He smiles over at Cutter, "A good chief knows when to go with the will of the tribe and when to go against itfor their own good, of course." Pike winks a playful wink at Cutter before he continues on with his story, "So the High Ones prepared the best they could to retake the Palace, but the humans had been fortified by Haken. Haken had made a line in the sand and although it broke their hearts, the High Ones had to cross it for the sake of healing one of their own. They fought the humans back, with the help of their wolves until they came to Haken. His mind was twisted and he used black sending against the High Ones. They cried out for him stop, but her wouldn't. Only Timmain in wolf form was unaffected and she made her way up to Haken. She tried to turn him from the path he started down. She tried to turn him on to the path of love, but Haken claimed the path of love was one of weakness. He was wrong. In love we find out greatest of strengths, and with that strength Timmain ripped off the arm of Haken with her mouth, in half elf, half wolf form. She demanded the he leave now or die and Haken ran for his life. Timmain was shattered by what she had done and the rest of the High Ones were unconscious from the black sending. Only the love bond that Timmain forged with the wolves saved the High Ones from the Humans in the Palace. The High Ones first whitecold was a tough one, but they survived, thanks to Timmain. And as the white colds got longer Timmain hunted more and more for the High Ones, until she could not come back any more. In the middle of one white cold many turns of seasons after they had left the Palace for the last time Timmain reappeared with her son and she left her son with them. That night the High Ones howled like we do tonight. Then they howled for all they had gained and tonight we howl for Timmain, teacher, mother, wolf, elf, High One."

Piper sits up, grinning brightly as she returns the nuzzle of her mate, its not often he shows affection outside the den, and by golly with a few dreamberries in her, she'll make the most of it. Her attention though, isn't completely on darkedge, there is a wonderful story being told afterall. And the nuzzles leave off after a moment, as she becomes more enraptured - tearing off an arm, eeww! But all ends well, so mayeb its not so bad.

Redstar shivers when the story turns more violent in nature, but, even she, in her drunken state, is quite taken by it. Already, she likes this timmain person, though she's only a character in the story to her.

Melisanda turns to the listen to the rest of Pike's story, Haken's name getting her attention once more, her eyes going wider and wider. She wears a mask of disbelief, and as the story ends, she just slowly shakes her head, lowering it, a dark smile slowly creeping across her features.

Tamaris lets out a soft 'heh' as the story ends, and he looks to Melisanda. He arches a brow, shrugging his shoulders as he replies to the sends. He watches Melisanda, and as she smiles, he looks more concerned. He looks around the crowd, trying to figure out what his Lady is up to.

Reed makes a quick check on the few that concern her. Yes she sees, scents and senses tension. Hopefully nothing will come of it. She remains standing as she looks to Cutter as if expecting him to say something now that the story is done.

Strongbow frowns softly at something, a glance at Darkedge. A glance at Melisanda. Sigh. Troublesome underworlders. Shut up already. A scowl. A send to Cutter.

Nightfall doesn't worry about some of the gathered partaking of too many berries. Quite frankly, she knows that a few of them will use Pike's "tried and true" remedy for dreamberry morning aches--more dreamberries! She only ever takes enough to keep herself warm and fuzzy, no more than that. The first few usually do the trick and anymore fuzziness can be had from her mate's cheek and chin fur. Redlance has had more than a few dreamberries and snuggles affectionately against Nightfall.

Cutter knows that Leetah has finally relaxed with the help of the dreamberries and she seems to be resting so, he waits for Pike to move out of the center of the clearing before he speaks from where he's holding his lifemate against him, **There are so many of us from different places gathered here that I wanted to share with you, the first story. Timmain's tale as it has been passed down through the tribe.** He looks around at all gathered, noticing the tension on the far side of the clearing, **It was not meant to bring tension among us, only share tribal memory with you.** Tribal memory? What's he talking about?

Melisanda looks up, across the crowd, her eyes finding Darkedge, a wicked smile on her face as she sends. Oh she wants to see his reaction, she has been waiting for this!@

Darkedge turns to glare at Melisanda. It seems toward the end of the story, the two have been trading insults of some sort. His eyes are cold, like the heart of a cold cold glacier as he settles them on Melisanda. You want a reaction. Here's a reaction: Cold gaze, suddenly turns into soul-ripping shock. If an underworlder could grow paler, this one does, and he seems to stop breathing, eyes transfixes on Melisanda's. (locksend incoming.)

Larias smirks mostly to herself, 'tribal memory indeed'. The story over, she turns round to look upon Savith and Rosendo, ahh, that brings a smile to her face, the little hatchling, snug and soundly asleep in his fathers arms. Why can't everything else be so wonderful?

Melisanda blinks in surprise, climbing to her feet, unsteadily. Her eyes go wide, her expression loses that previously cocky grin she had, her expression quickly turning to terror. "No..." she whispers, carrying the timbre of horror.

Reed can tell the sendings are heated and as Darkedges shocked face becomes clear the level of mental agressio she gives up hope of any more relaxing going. Clearing glad to not have inbibed on the berries. She grips her bow begins heading back around the outside of the group towards Tamaris. She has vow she must keep.

Piper frowns up at Darkedge as he turns to look at Melisanda, she has after all been trying to keep her mate calm since the jibes began. Oh but for a clear head, how many berries did she eat again? And then, her own face falls into confusion, she wraps her arms more tightly about Darkedge, sending to him.

Tamaris looks over at Melisanda as she stands, his expression becoming more and more worried. He nods to something and then closes his eyes, a STRONG send burst coming from him, to some one far away.

Leetah amazingly sleeps through all this.

Redstar huhs? softly as she flutters her eyes open again and looks up at Darkedge. What has him tense this time? Now that the story is over, she can move her attention to something else. Maybe climbing out of his lap to sit on the ground. Its soft. She thinks.

Llune rolls onto her side, then, with the will of a titan, pushes herself into a weird, sidway sitting position, and, listening to Cutter's send, murmurs to all **mmm, yes, love *is* a great power** she grin, then slides back down to lay on the grass, oblivious to anything that's going on... Wow... The grass is sure soft now, isn't it... And Llune is *so* tired... With no vivid sent story, there's very little keeping her awake and she begins drifting... drifting... drifting off to sleep... **good night, brothers and sisters... Good night, dream well...** and her eyes droop shut one last time before soft snores can be heard.

Pike nods to Cutter as he moves out of the limelight and sits with Skot and Krim. He gets a punch on the shoulder and a good job from Skot as Krim gives him the last of the dreamberry wine. Pike smiles as he leans into his lifemates and enjoys the rest of the howl.

Cutter continues on, "Though Rosendo is not one of our own, it is with gladness that we welcome this new life into our midst. It is for him, as well that the story was shared with all of you.** He starts to send more but, is cut off by the sudden outburst on the opposite side of the clearing. He looks back and forth between Darkedge and Melisanda with both brows lifting in curiosity as they both suddenly look as if they've been kicked in the gut. His gaze slides over to Nightfall while he shares a private send and smile with her since Leetah seems to be sleeping so peacefully.

Darkedge shudders physically as Melisanda stands, his eyes unable to pull away, no matter how hard he fights. As Redstar moves to climb from his lap, Darkedge's arms are slack, too much going on in his mind to give orders to his body. Piper's tightened grip, and his eyes harden like knives, "... you good for nothing, troll mating, backstabbing little slave!" Oh, that wasn't nice. Nope, not at all. Those eyes, like daggers, aimed at Melisanda. "You had this planned, didn't you? What, did your Lord put you up to this? Promised you a House of your own?" As his temper rises, so does the volume of his voice, clear and deep from moons of practice.

Savith chuckles softly at Llune, and sighs, ready to figure out hos to get her back to the camp. There's a look to Cutter, semi startled. Rosendo... welcomed here? But as Darkedge's angry tones echo on the air breeze, Rosendo starts to fuss. Oh, birddroppings! He was sound asleep too! Savith's face darkens, threatening to sneer at the underworlders.

Larias glances at Cutter as her son's name is spoken, one brow lifting, so ready to ask, but then, the underworlder dressed as a wolfrider speaks up. She frowns, lifting into the air, she's only had the two dreamberries, in front of her son and Recognized, eyes flickering back and forth from Cutter, to the two standing off.

At the raising of voice, Llune half-wakes, and rolls over, somehow managing to lift her head enough to look around at the fuzzy shapes of elves and croak out a drunken howl owhoooo!

Oh, that does it. Strongbow, already annoyed at the underworlders, stands and growls dangersously.

As Reed reaches Tamaris she senses emotions and knows there is only one he'd be concentrating such power on so suddenly. She swallows as she looks at Melisanda and then to Derkedge. The she-wolf has seen it all before....yet never experienced it herself. **DUNG!** she sends openly expressing her own shock and even some anger. Oh HighOnes You are cruel.

Melisanda glares at Darkedge, her own voice heard for perhaps the first time, sharp and clear across the hill. "I had NOTHING to do with this... this... abomination you ungrateful worthless traitorous childling!" Her eyes can't seem to break free of Darkedge's either, and her expression is filled with the hatred that fills her mind. "Do you HONESTLY THINK I would CHOOSE this with YOU? You're so insignificant it would be a waste of time!"

Nightfall snorts at a send, and grins at her own reply to it. Her own mate might as well be asleep, as far gone into dreamberry fuzz as he is. He'll be less comatose later, but that later will be in the furs. For now, Nightfall shakes her head at Cutter.

Touching on something as she sends to Darkedge, Piper abruptly releases her hold on him. Her eyes wide with a shock all their own, but obviously not for the same reason. Blinking rapidly, she tries to clear the fuzzyness from her vision, oh if only she'd had a few less berries.

Leetah groans softly in her sleep, the sudden discord about the previously pleasant scene disrupts the newfound peace she had just found. Almost immediately the images begins to pour back in. Unfortunately for everyone gathered, Leetah is still lost in the open mindsends of earlier, linked through the dreamberries. It's also unfortunate that Leetah is a powerful healer, able to send with great amounts of skill. For the images that start to flood every mind present are unbelievable. Things being disembowled...elves being disembowled, flayed alive, skin ripped from their bodies. Her tribe slaughtered like cattle, Cutter's face pale and with dead bugs crawling out of his sockets. Her own cubs, in pieces. The castle in pieces...the spirits roaming the world, lost. Images horrific beyond belief. Leetah begins to scream, still trapped in her sleep...having let her defenses down for the first time in months...only to receive this.

"Insignificant," Darkedge repeats, eyes flashing, as he about STALKS toward Melisanda. Umm... is that a dagger his hand is going for? "Traitorous!? Look to yourself, deciever! OF course you planned this, from that very same moment of 'kindness' in your room. I'll end this now, before it even begins. I'd rahter sit out in sun bare as a bagfrog than let you touch me."

A wail from the glider child rends the air as the tempers flare, and Savith hastened to try to calm the boy, floating up to get away from the noise.

You locksend ** Stupid underworlders. I thought our Recognition was difficult. ** to Larias.

Strongbow growls darkly, sending harshly to Cutter privately.

Nightfall shakes her head. ** Would you two sit down! Look, you should talk to our Leetah and Dewshine about difficult Recognitions, if you think you have it hard. Maybe then you'll see it's best to just get it over with and get on. **

Lifefire sits up a little and chuckles as he whispers to Krim and Skot what he thinks happened. They all laugh and Pike comments, "Like sitting on a thornbush, gulping overripe dreamberries with a sand flea up your nose." They all start laughing again.

Pike sits up a little and chuckles as he whispers to Krim and Skot what he thinks happened. They all laugh and Pike comments, "Like sitting on a thornbush, gulping overripe dreamberries with a sand flea up your nose." They all start laughing again.

Redstar plops down on the ground, and would curl up to sleep if things didn't start erupting around her. No, its too noisy and too much going on for that now. As Darkedge stalks towards the other, she scoots over towards Piper, seeking some comfort from her and mumbles, "Moma?"

Even Skywise snickers at Pike's joke, though he feels for these two.

Melisanda motions Darkedge forward. "Just try it childling!" Her other hand slips into a hidden pocket. "I would relish ending this right here! Right NOW! Anything would be better compared to being soiled by the likes of you! The mere thought REPULSES me!"

Reed 's hand's tense ready to draw on anyone who even 'looks' like they intend to attack. Reed looks to Melisanda, listening...and thinking..ooOOO(Well not so insignificant to the HighOnes). She swallows back some personal feelings about this twisted situation and focus on her duty. Taking deadly aim she sends to Tamaris. Eyes on Darkedge.

Piper's not laughing, particularly as Leetah's send floods her mind. Her eyes shut tight, trying to keep such images from her head, but she can't. As she hears Red call her, she slides down to the grass beside the cub, cradling her in her arms.

Tamaris quickly stands up, whispering quickly. His words do not carry to others, his lips at Melisanda, moving quickly as his words fire off in rapid succession.

You sense in a locksend, Larias sighs, ** It seems so.. This could end badly. ** Oh how badly she already knows, Melisanda of course had given her pointers on how to deal with Recognition.

The images finally get through the dreambery soaked minds and Pike ouchs, "Hey quite that!" He looks around for the offending party as doesn't Krim and Skot, appearently the images got through their brain as well.

Darkedge growls. OOoh... Wolfriders be proud! Must have been something Piper taught him how to do. The dagger he draws is not the delicately crafted brightmetal blade he used to carry, but a thin bronze Sun Village blade, unmarked but very sharp. "As it does me, filth," Darkedge practically spits, still stalking toward Melisanda, blade at the ready. "I'll see you sent back to your brother in tiny pieces." Yup, he's not thinking clearly.

Reed nods and sends openly at Darkedge. **Not another step Darkedge! Don't test me!**

Llune starts awake, disturbed by the horrific sends, but not too, as she was getting pretty deep in a pretty dreamless sleep. Hearing Rosendo's cries wakes her more fully - though under the influence of the berries, there's *no* full consciousness - and she manages to somehow sit up, jaw dropping and tears forming in her eyes at the awful images pouring forth from Leetah, and the hostility between the other two elves... Llune tries to struggle to her feet to protect the babe, but manages only to fall forward, almost onto her face... Struggling into a squatting position - the most stable one at the moment - Her head snaps around - more like rolls back and forth, but to her, it's snapping - and she calls out in a panicked send **Stop stop stop stop stop!** and presses her hands over her eyes. **Whatever happened to love!** The tears well up, unbidden (but what else was she going to do, really) and she drops her forhead to her knees and sobs, send-murmuring **Stop, stop, stop... Love love love... PLEASE**

Cutter starts as Leetah's mind spills over with images. He quickly draws her close and sends privately to her, letting Nightfall take care of the Underworlders for the time being. It's enough that she willingly shared the dream images with him but, to inadvertantly share them with the entire tribe and its visitors, though most seem not to notice right now. He then looks over at the Underworlders and with a quick send to Redlance and Skywise, he leaves Leetah in their care while he jumps to his feet and darts across the clearing with a menacing growl tearing forth from his throat. **This stops NOW!** he sends as he steps between the two Underworlders. The wolves rise as well and move to ring them, growling a warning as fangs are shown in a menacing display, **/You/ were allowed here in peace and you draw a weapon here in the middle of a peaceful gathering?!?** he sends to Melisanda as he turns his fierce cerulean gaze upon her, **Your Lord should be ashamed sending emissaries with such poor manners.** Well, hasn't the wolfchief learned a thing or two? He then turns to Darkedge and the send to him is locked.

Nightfall stands, her own dagger drawn but not pointed at anyone yet. "SIT! DOWN!" Her voice raised, Nightfall is... formidable. "You will work this thing out, because you cannot help it. But for now, you are guests! So sit yourselves down, shut yourselves up, and behave, or you'll find yourself at the mercy of some upset and drunk wolfriders."

Larias flicks a glance over to Savith, sending quickly to him before of all things, gliding wiftly towards the sleeping sending Leetah. Good thing the old bird has a strong will and mind of her own, willingly approaching, and perhaps foolishly approaching, after all, she -is- a glider, and this -is- Leetah.

You sense in a locksend, Larias's mind reels at something, then steadies itself, a hushed ** Oh High Ones... ** and her mind is drawn towards Leetah's nightmarishly cruel images.

Tamaris winces a bit at Leetah dreams, but has to push them aside. ** She has not yet drawn, Chief, whereas the one under your protection is approaching her with blade bare! Stop /him/. **

Redstar clings tight to Piper while she curls up in her arms. There's the security she needs with all the strange mind images and the shouting going on. She has no idea what to make of all of this.

Leetah begins to sob, Cutter's send having finally broken through the nightmare images. She buries her face in Skywise's chest, terrified and mortified beyond belief that she just shared all those images with the entire gathering. She is much to shielded...much to private to have ever let this happen willingly. She knew better than to relax...she knows. Leetah stifles her cries, trying to not bring any more attention to her and thankful that apparently something else equally nasty is distracting most those present.

Melisanda is breathing quickly, her blood pumping. Her hand remains in the pocket, whether to draw a knife or something else isn't clear. She continues to watch Darkedge approaching, the smile returning. "Yes, an out... An out... Anything to avoid this!"

Strongbow watches, eyes narrowed, a growl in his throat. Stupid cub. Just accept and be done with it.

Leetah doesn't notice Larias in her terror and buried face. (add on)

Piper breathes a sigh of relief as the images stop coming, but oh High ones, what is Darkedge getting himself into now. She pulls Redstar more tightly to her, eyes closing, sending to her brash mate.

You locksend to Larias, Savith forces his mind not to be, tring tocalm Rosendo.

Lifefire rubs his head as the images stops, "Ohhh High Ones...did I just have a bad dreamberry vision?" Kirm and Skot are rubbing their heads too.

Pike rubs his head as the images stops, "Ohhh High Ones...did I just have a bad dreamberry vision?" Kirm and Skot are rubbing their heads too.

All this sobbing and shouting and sending it making Llune's highly intoxicated world spin FAR too fast... Her stomach begins to churn, and she leans to the side - away from the fuzzy elf shapes - and vomits like a champ **Ewwwwwwwwww!**

Savith contines trting to calm his son, sending to cover the shouts. His wail fills the night air, and he starts drifting toward his camp.

Pike spots Llune throwing up and he goes over to help her, figuring she ate too much. He stands up wobbly and makes his way over to her to gently rub her back, "It'll be. Need me to hold your hair back?"

Cutter glances to Tamaris and Reed, "Sit down," He commands the two of them and to any others coming toward the ring of wolves surrounding himself and the two newly Recognized elves, **Everyone else sit down as well.** His tone is low now: low and menacing like a snarling wolf's growl rumbling through the mind.

Llune nods, spitting repeatedly to get the nasty bile taste out of her mouth, "Please..." She's still kind of crying, but very relieved that the scary sends stopped, and the shouting has quieted down. Now, if the world would just stop spinning SO fast... *blarrrrrgh!* Okay, maybe that's tha-- *Bleeeergh* Nevermind...

Lifefire holds back Llune's hair as she continues to throat up. He rubs her back with one hand and sends to her private so that he doesn't get in trouble with Cutter.

Pike holds back Llune's hair as she continues to throat up. He rubs her back with one hand and sends to her private so that he doesn't get in trouble with Cutter.

Tamaris looks over at Cutter, ** Chief, with all respect, I cannot, not until I know my Lady is safe! My present instructions are from a much higher authority. **

Darkedge is stopped by Cutter's send, though his glare, those hate-filled eyes remain on Melisanda. The blade in his hand is trembling from the sheer amount of emotions coursing through him. His eyes are wild. There's a faint quiver through him, at Cutter's send, as if he almost does indeed move to sit, but he stays on his feet a moment, longer. With a sneer for Melisanda, he finally seems to heed the Chief, and drops to a knee, but still ready to leap at Melisanda. His breathing is sharp, quick, through his nose.

Llune nods at Pike's helpful send and pukes a few more times, in a wobbly graceful way that only Llune could.

Pike continues to to gently rub Llune's back although he glances over to see what's going on.

At the order to sit, Larias alights on the ground next to the stricken healer, Skywise and Redlance. Concern rides deeply within the pale blue eyes that look on the crying form of Leetah. Cursing the skirts she now wears, she manuevers to kneel in the grass, a hand moving forward to touch the healer on the shoulder, that is, if the caretakers allow, ** May I help? **

You locksend to Lifefire, Savith sends, a touch of worry to Pike, **Care for Llune, if you would. I must see to Rosendo.**

Melisanda watches Darkedge carefully, her entire body shaking, breath drawn through clenched teeth. As he drops to one knee, Tamaris lightly pushes on her shoulder, more whispered words, and she drops to a crouch - the best it seems she'll do for now.

Cutter turns on Tamaris and snarls at him, **Strongbow, if he doesn't sit down, shoot him. In this holt, there is no higher authority, now, SIT.** He growls at Tamaris. **Your.. Lady.. is pefectly safe as he will have to go through /me/ to get to /her/. Now sit down or else.**