Saturday, August 2, 2003


Logfile from TwoMoons - Savith.

East Bank of the Silver Run River

The lands of the Abode surround you.

At the rivers edge, a pool has formed, sheltered by huge rocks on the west side, allowing the water there to collect and empty out somewhat at odd intervals. Here it seems a good place for the washing out of leathers, bathing of bodies and general relaxing, though the waters you find are chilled. There is smooth white sand, surprisingly, under your feet and you find yourself smiling at this pleasant place. There are a few trees scattered over the beach, providing shade as well patches of cleared ground. The bank here begins tapering off into thick woods, limbs covered with gaily colored leaves as the holt prepares for the season of DeathSleep. Dead and dying shrubs and undergrowth encroaches all around as the bank blends with and eventually becomes the forest. Tiny bugs zip around at ankle height, and occasionally a fish leaps out to snatch at one of them. It is a cool autumn morning. The father tree is quiet as elves and wolves alike seek to their dens.

Early that next evening, the sun has yet to fully set. After that wonderful encounter, Savith continued sleeping, and sleeping, and sleeping. And he didn't have nightmares, or dark sends to interrupt him. There were moments of dreamlessness, but he remained resting and fell asleep again shortly there after. Now he stirs, yawning awake, eyes opening to see who's about.

Like a good mate and a good mother, Larias actually managed not to pester Savith throughout that entire time as well. With the occasional suggestion from the wolfriders in the trees, she managed to keep Rosendo clean, happy and quiet, herself napping in between Rosendo's meals. At the moment, she is indeed awake, sitting near the pools edge feeding Rosendo as she hums a soft melody to him. Something from one of her own dreams of long long ago, when she was a child.

Silent, Savith floats over to study the two after pulling some of the still ripe fruit Redlance provided. The wolfrider guards would notice the light almost smile on his face, before he remembers there are guards, and he pulls the expression away. Larias and Rosendo. It's a good sight, and one he can get close to. Without warning, he drops to Larias's side, landing sitting on the soft moss of hte pool's edge. Though not facing them, his eyes are turned that way. A hand is held out with a fruit, wordlessly offering it for breakfast.

Startled altogether to easily these days, Larias jumps, breaking off her little ones feeding. Rosendo wails, Larias looks down, "Shh, shh, its ok Rosendo, shhh." She repositions the boy and once again, the soft contented noises of a child being sated can be heard. Once Rosendo has settled, Larias turns her head to regard the one that startled her. Oh breakfast! She must be getting more comfortable, as she supports Rosendo with one had, taking the fruit in the other, ** Thank you Savith. I hadn't realized how hungry I was. **

A chuckle, repressed, ripples across the Chosen's features. **Yes, I noticed,** he replies softly, biting into his own fruit. Savith studies Larias, and if judging her health with his eyes, and the feel and weight of her mind. 'She's happier than she's been in a while. Brighter, almost,' he muses. Thoughtfully he chews, 'That's good.'

Larias bites into the fruit, careful not to get any of the juice on Rosendo - no sense giving him another bath unless absolutely needed. Indeed she is looking happier, healthier, more alive than she has in ages. Another smile is given her child before she returns attention to Savith, her send gently flowing from her mind so as not to disturb the hungry one in her arms, ** How are you doing? Did you manage to catch up on sleep at all? ** she has to wonder, did he dream?

Sensing her wondering mind, Savith shrugs lightly. **I am well,** he replies, also keeping his mind gentle, in comparision to how it normally is. **And I've slept more than I have for a while.** But dreams? Well, some. But they were hazy still. He turns his gaze from Larias to study the fruit in his hand. It'll be some time yet before his mind is back to what it was.

Larias rises into the air, stretching her legs out below her. Though his gaze may be away from her, hers steadying watches him. She tries to keep the worry from her eyes, but with Rosendo in her arms, she just simply can't force cold expressionlessness. Locking her mind to his, she sends softly, just a tad wary of his reaction, ** You warned me before about looking in on dreams, perhaps you should heed your own warning? Your no longer resting as well as you once did. **

Savith takes another bite. Hmph. He's all ready with a smart-ass remark, but the baby's here. He can't quite get himself to, especially since they promised to be nice to each other, for the baby's sake. GAH! This is hard. Snapping at her is so much easier. He ends up shrugging again, and wiping at a drop of juice on his chin. **It allowed you to rest,** he finally sends, a reason for it.

** And I have rested now. ** She smiles just a bit, ** Now its your turn. ** And here, didn't he just wake up? She takes another bite of the fruit he had given her, still so very careful to get none on Rosendo or his clothes.

Savith hmphs softly, a near chuckle. **I'm rested,** he remarks, though silently wishes she'd stop bugging about it. He glances over, noticing the smile. Well, that's good. She hasn't smiled since he's known her. Except that dream. His brows furrow, and he turns back to his breakfast. He still hasn't sorted it all out.

Oh, she's smiled now and again since Rosendo was born, but the smile was always for the hatchling, not for Savith. The doubt in her sending is easily felt, but she acquiesces, ** If you say so... ** With Rosendo finishing, she holds him aloft wrapped securely in a blanket of magic while she readjusts her top. So much for modesty! What with the guards and the small family, and Rosendo inevitably being hungry when -someone- is looking. Snatching him from the air, she places him over her shoulder, tapping his back lightly, waiting for the inevitable burp. As she awaits the noise, she sends, ** Something is weighing down your mind Savith... What is it? **

another bite, Savith studies the fruit's core. What should he say? She can feel it tugging at him, now that there's so little to think about. Then he has to wonder if the weight is weakening him, his mind. Winnowill hasn't tried anything, so he won't know for certain, until... He shakes his head then. Thinking of her almost always seems to catch her attention. **Just a memory... or a dream. I haven't sorted that out yet,** he replies and does NOT mention that it was hers to begin with, though the omission, to one so close to him, is felt.

Larias bounces Rosendo on her shoulder as he begins to fuss just a bit, still no burp yet, and dad is so close and not holding him to. Again Larias's lips twitch into that soft smile despite herself, yes, the omission is felt, ** Perhaps I could help? If you're willing to share the images, the dreams? **

Savith sighs and looks over. A smile? And she's not looking at the babe? Savith turns to take another bite to peer at the safer fruit's core. Well, technically, since the images are her own... she's entitled. But that will be completely admitting he was in her mind while she slept. But it was for a good reason! Honest it was! That bite chewed quickly, Savith takes another, finishing the fruit quickly and flinging it across the lake, propelling it with arm and magic. **Fine,** he states after a long moment. **After he's put down for a nap.** No use in disturbing him.

"ahhh!" Rosendo fusses, trying to twist and turn in Larias' arms. Abruptly the child lurches off her shoulder, an attempt to fling himself towards Savith. But, Larias has a good hold on him, and her eyes grow wide, ** Rosendo! Settle please! ** She shushes him aloud as well. A nod is given absently to Savith's statement, and then she inquires with only a small amount of exasperation, ** Would you like to take him, get him settled for his nap? ** Bah - silly baby, loving Daddy best.

Savith's own eyes grow wide at Rosendo's leap. **Yes, yes, of course,** he replies, reaching out. Soon as the child has begun being handed over, Savith trills a cascading ripple of bird chirps. **Come here, hatchling. What's the fuss, hmm? Giving Larias such a difficult time with everything,** he sends to the baby. Oh... baby talk! He floats the baby a moment to unwind some of the blanket and drape over his shoulder before setting Rosendo over it to burp. No point in getting spit up on himself. He pats the boy gently as he whistles, modifying the lullabye's melody to fit the birdsong.

No sooner does Savith get everything all settled, than a juicy "Buurrrraaap!!" pops out of Rosendo's little mouth, along with a bit of spit up (yay for the blanket!). Almost immediately, once the gas is gone, the little one settles down, content with a full belly, sleep can't be far away now. Larias just shakes her head, smile turning to a smirk as she watches. ** I think he saved it all just for you. ** Not that she minds, she's been spat up on repeatedly since Savith drifted to sleep - eeeew!

Savith, used to dealing with icky things, just folds the blanket up to cover the spit up. Bringing Rosendo down to his arms to craddle, he wipes at the babe's mouth. **He's considerate,** Savith replies, leaving off whistling in favor of humming, which works better to putting the child to sleep. Softly singing, the words drift out, without him really develling much into the emotional content. (info savith/3 -i think.) As he gets the boy settled, he stands and moves toward the shelter to set the baby down once he's asleep.

Larias remains where she's at, hovering quietly, watching and listening. she's got to learn the tricks Savith's knows, he seems so much more the natural at how to deal with Rosendo, where she has to guess, he already knows. A sigh, one day she'll be so good at all this as he. But, now is not the time to worry about that, instead, she clears her mind of those thoughts as best she can, waiting for Savith to put the child down, waiting to find out what is on his mind.

Savith takes his mind, though whether it's on purpose, or to make fully sure Rosendo's completely sleeping before setting him down, is anyone's guess. While he sings to the lad, rocking softly, his mind's pushing and moving the blankets about to make a small nest. There. He's asleep. Savith floats the child down to the blankets, having worked the babe free from the dirty one. He pulls another thin blanket over him, and moves back to the pool's edge, floating slowly. One glance at Larias. She still wants to know. Okay. He drops to his knees at the shoreline and dips the blanket in to wash. How should he begin? Privately, of course. There are elves watching.

You locksend to Larias, Savith seems uncertain for a moment, then shows the first part ofthe dream, perhaps the part he's hoping you won't remember? It's Elian, and those soundless words he couldn't hear. And yourself, that bright flower admist the blue-grey of the mountain. Honey blond. Sky blue eyes. Wow. Hey! Wait a minute! Just the facts here! Then a question, Larias's: **How old is your son now?** Then the shift, to your current state, and his own shock as Elian's features grow cold, turn to stone, and he seems to sit, his eyes rolling up to stare at the beiling almost. Brace.

At his land, Larias drops to the ground as well, only a bit reluctant to leave the embrace of magic about her, she doesn't feel so heavy anymore now that she's had Rosendo. If she weren't in a wolfrider Holt, she'd be gliding everywhere, never letting her body touch the ground save for slumber. As the dream hits her though, she s glad she has landed already. Swallowing hard, she finds a spot on the ground to sit, oh - that. hrmms. Her mind and mouth remain silent for several long moments, but then she does send a private response.

You sense in a locksend, Larias is taken aback by the images, the fragmented memories which come to full light in her dreams, but can never be more than half remembered when awake. A floodgate of emotions regarding this Elian swirl in her soul, friend, cohort, accomplice, long ago half wishing to be his lovemate but not really caring that she knew she never would either, fury at what he is now, a lone shaper devoid of life and expression. Managing to get her thoughts stilled and under control, she tries to slam the door to such thoughts closed, her words chocking out as the floodgate attempts to overwhelm, ** What of it? **

Savith pauses in his 'chore' to glance at Larias. Not exactly what he was expecting. But far better than the out right fury he was bracing himself for. No pun intented! **There's more, or do you want to work on this piece by piece,** he asks publically, giving Larias some space. Her emotions disturb him. How was this elf that she was so enamored with? Oh, but he was expecting fury, and he got it, but rather than directed at him, it was at Brace's current state. But there in lies yet another question for Savith. Didn't Brace choose his place?

Larias places one hand on the ground, steadying herself, schooling her face ever so slowly back into a placid expression. Swallowing hard, she shrugs uncertainly, ** I think, perhaps piece by piece would be easiest on me. **

Savith nods and goes back to the private conversation, cleaning the blanket.

You locksend ** As you wish,** he replies. He recalls those memories, but keeps them sepereate, like under glass, nothing more than images, displaced from them both. **These caused you distressed, they still do, but what has me thinking is the sense behind it. As if you do not believe that he chose his place. ** to Larias.

You sense in a locksend, Larias holds back the memories which for so long stay hidden from her wakeful self, only to come out and play when she sleeps (now that she can dream normally again anyway). ** Why would I think he chose his place? His mate did not chose hers. **

Larias adds to that thought, a frown marring her features as she does so.

You sense in a locksend, Larias tacks on angrily, though the anger is not directed at Savith, ** If you were a shaper, would you waste your time keeping one small fault in the stone from causing issue, or would you shape a support and move on. To shape more, to enjoy your gift, to build and dream? **

Savith purses his lips as thoughts flicker between himself and Larias. He holds up the blanket. Clean, and floats it to dry on a tree branch.

You locksend to Larias, Savith turns to regard Larias, as if in life. **I am not a shaper,** he replies. So close this communication, the envy, the self-hate at that fact ripple just below those words. **So I have no say the matter.** he turns back to the flickering images, **But since you believe such, then I'll leave it at that.** Shifting them to just before the shift, Larias's question. Ah, but didn't she mention something about Voll and leaving? **Then there's this.

A thoughtful half dreamy look overtakes the glider as she begins sifting through ancient memories, trying to keep the painful ones away, but to find what he is looking for, she has to run through them all. Her eyes turn down, away from Savith, staring out over the water as she sends.

You sense in a locksend, Larias's mind is distant, could one so old as she lose themselves to ancient dreams and ghosts of those that she left behind? Not likely, not with her soul tied here and now as it were. ** What of it? You know well enough that Recognition brings forth a child, ** a hint of a smile in her mind as she thinks on Rosendo, a happy memory of now. Pushing the thought away, she continues, ** Their son came not to terribly long befoer I left the Muontain. **

Savith sits back, leaning on his hands to peer up at the sky.

You locksend ** I have never heard of this son of theirs. Odd, don't you think? Brace, from what I've been told, was among the most gifted,** he stops a moment. Just like his own father. Nah, it's a stupid thought, and it is brushed aside even as it begins to form. **But, perhaps, the son consigned himself to the same task, elsewhere in the mountain.** Back to the thoughts, he flips past the shift, since that's a sore spot for Larias, and they've agreed to disagree on it. On to... what.. Darkness. Here Savith pauses, and glances over, **The rest is... of a more personal nature for you. I do not know if you'd take kindly to the fact I know it now. ** to Larias.

Larias without moving, Larias seems to shrink away from Savith, head turning just enough to eye him from the corner of her eye. She sends, back to him warily.

Savith seems not to notice, but his brows tighten together, his face darkening as he peers up at the stars.

Larias locksends ** I can not believe anyone but Aurek would chose such a fate. ** Of course not, his gifts are amplified, extended, one with rock and levitation as he shapes the events of today, the past and tomorrow. But, as you leave off those thoughts, she does as well, despite the tickling in the back of her mind. Her mind shifts, wary, could she block you out of her mind if she wished, perhaps, ** I.. would like to know what you know of me. ** Of what you know, there fore, what Winnowill might find out. **

You locksend to Larias, Savith almost seems to sigh, **Of course.** And then, he seems to step forward, into that most private place. But it is different than it has been the past week or so. It is, once again, cold, heartless. He stops to study the place again, the eeire shadows at its border. It is where he hid for part of the dream, amongst the biting beaks from the Cage. But again, the memories he displaces, and locks behind glass. Her tears, and her words, "Oh Savith. Would you be different if I am stayed? Would the mountain?" And he stops it there, and waits.

Larias draws her knees up to her chin, wrapping arms tightly about them. Bending her head down, she rests her forehead on top of her knees, hiding her face easily enough as her hair falls as a shield around her. The grip about her knees is tight, breath forced into a slow and even state. At the image of that place, her familiar hopelessness washes over her, that center in her soul, that where all her deepest horrors are held, shared with another. High Ones - how could she be so foolish.

You sense in a locksend, Larias flinches from the shared image, her mind balking, hastily slapping up defenses, from what - herself? Her torrent of memories held in check, now there is something deeper to worry about, so this is what it means to have Recognized? To have another able to share your soul, to share the deepest darkest reaches of who you are? Sending tight with worries and fears which that dark place in her mind holds, ** What of it? My questions? The room? ** Where has that room been of late? Understanding hits her like a well aimed bolt from a trollish crossbow,** You... Oh Savith. **

Savith glances over as Larias moves at the edge of his vision. Hunched over, the Chosen's brows furrow again, though if the expression is concern, or concentration, you'd have to know him well to tell. As if disguisted, he turns his face from Larias, and peers at a flower nearby.

You locksend to Larias, Savith stands stiff at the accusation. Yes, this is what it means to be Recognized. There is no where, now, either can hide from the other. And yet, just as he can feel, see, touch that dark place with in her, so she can do the same. He allows the dream memories to continue, confessing his deeds with them. Larias pressing against him seeking comfort. His wish to make her rest easier, if only he had the power to shape the rock of this self made cage. Rosendo's unease fluttering against his mind. Then the power lent. It brings the sense of stinging eyes, and a blur to his vision. But the dream-Savith doesn't hesitant long, turning the cold dark place into a warmer, softer portion of itself. Seen from his point of view, while yes, he settles Larias's dream self into a bed to sleep, then step away, his vision of it has him place her on a pedistal of sorts, then look up. Like a flower the 'mountain' opens, unfurls to the sky. So close to pulling her into himself, he stops the memories forcibly, halting the scene and the sensations before she can feel what it cost him, the sensation of the lent powers gifted turning in on him, refusing him further, and piercing into flesh, holding him down firmly. It locked him down, and refused to let him go until Larias was near waking.

As the confession is made, Larias' head lifts off from her knees, her hair shimmering under the light of the moon, tear on her cheek catching ray of the moons as well. In her eyes dances a cornucopia of contradicting emotions, anger, fear, amazement, awe, shock, along with an emotion she will not admit to. A moment of hesitation, and an arm reaches out from beneath the mass of hair, to touch Savith's own, as she sends.

You sense in a locksend, Larias, is awash with turmoil, a bubbling brew of confusion, emotion, desire to run, to stay. But that which brought her unbidden back to the Mountain, holds her here in this spot now as well. What can she say to such a confession, she is angry he was there, but she herself allowed it somehow. Cold and lonely her mind had been, and now, a warmth crafted for her, gifted to her has ousted so much of that darkness. Hating him for it, loving him for it. Finally, she brings forth words, knowing how hollow they must sound in comparison to the sacrifice he made, ** You should not have... Thank you. **

Savith turns back to Larias at the touch, his eyes settling on her hand. His eyes are ... no they can't be. Just hazy, it seems. His face as impassive as he can make it, cold, expressionless. He turns from the hand again, to stare at the ground near him. He too is torn. He's loyal to two elves: Llune and Winnowill, in that order. But here he is, maknig sacrifices for Larias. No, he fights to convince himself. It was all for Rosendo.

You locksend to Larias, Savith, though torn as well, tries to keep you at a distance as he tucks away the rest of the dream. The happy dreams he fed while swalllowing hte darker ones, all the while making that happy place more and more solid for her. Yes, the words are hollow, by comparision, but then again, has she ever thanked him for anything? **It was the only way to ensure you slept fully,** he replies finally, his own words shaking from the effort of holding back. **Rosendo was near to waking you, disliking though dark thoughts.**

Withdrawing her hand, she once more wraps it about her knees, though instead of forehead she rests her chin on them instead. Finding a spot across the pool to stare at, Larias nods to his sent statement. She can feel there is more behind the words, more that he won't say. Silently she sits there, as still as any statue in the Mountain, breathing slow and shallow, hardly any motion at all as she thinks in silence before any response can be made.

You sense in a locksend, Larias begins to form mental contact, an attempt to hide her disappointment, not for her, but for Rosendo, she should have known. She's far to often seen things in Savith that apparently aren't there, friendship, caring, a drifting thought chastising herself, High Ones, do you think he is Elian, foolish old bird that you are. A swallowing of pride, ** Regardless of the reasons. Thank you. ** Just don't do it again!

It's times like these that Savith would go off hunting. But here, in Lostholt, there's no hunting he can do. He's not allowed, nor has he weapons to hunt with. Not and be effective. As the silence grows heavier and heavier, Savith gives a slightly deeper breath, like a sigh. Instead, he glances over, and shudders, turning his eyes away again. Like a statue. Gah, that's just.... creepy. As a tentative mental contact is formed again, Savith replies.

You locksend to Larias, Savith was working on recovering from the shudder at seeing you like a statue. As the send works its way into his thoughts, he starts and seems to scramble to pull up that stoic uncaring demeanor of his. He wasn't concerned that Larias will be a statue. Honest! **You've every right to be angry, so no thanks are needed.** Just... don't be surprised if he does do it again.

The hollow sound of a humorless chuckle erupts from the glider maiden that has been sitting in still silence for so long. Her head lifts to turn and regard Savith, "It was for the well being of Rosendo, how can I be angry with that?" Larias shakes her head, unable to bring herself to send anymore at the moment, to close, to intimate a form of contact right now, with her mind so muddy with memories, hopes, dreams and nightmares.

True enough. And Savith's paying his price. So it all works out in the end. Mostly. But in sharing them, it's only openned more questions. Hmm... maybe he'll ask his mother. Maybe she will know. And seeing as it's Llune, she'll be far more willing to answer than Larias will... won't she? He sighs and looks up at the stars again. Unlike Larias, who's mind is muddy with memories, he's keeping thought from himself save one or two at a time, trying to work through them. Elian's mate... He doesn't know anything about that either. GAH, this is so confusing. Oh, but she'll need answer. "Hmmm, true... Then we can agree to leave the matter be for now, I suppose."

"If you wish." Comes Larias' altogether quick reply. She turns eyes away from him once more, mm, yes, what a lovely little pool of water this is. So much better than all the thoughts running in her mind. Without really thinking, she searches, has she helped ease his mind, did she give him the answers he was seeking. It takes little time to note, in fact she has done no such thing, and he, gave her so much more, without ever being asked. She'll hate herself more than likely for this, but, she presses, openly sending, its safer, easier, ** You had questions.. I don't believe I gave answers that were worth much... ** Unsent, the open invitation, ask away my Recognized, I shall endeavor to answer properly this time.

**You seemed not to wish to share at the time,** Savith replies. It's almost meek, not wanting to press. He considers, brows drawn together. But there's an invitation, isnt there? **But if it will not disturb you more than you're willing to allow... ** Ah.. but there are so many questions... what to ask? Where to start... **Voll asked you to go,** he begins, the statement sounding like a question.

Larias has told this to wolfriders in the past, and so, sees no reason to lock her response from them, and yes, there is that bit of self-protection. She needs to keep a part of herself as her own, really she does! A shrug is given as first response, ** No and yes... I asked him, many many times. It took many turns for him to agree and send me on the mission I chose for myself. ** The sent dream from before, fresh in her mind, brings forth a smile - Larias the pest, the bug, the annoyance, outspoken and opinionated even so long ago - time has done little to temper her.

Savith doesn't see the smile, so intent on studying the sky. But he listens, and asks, **What mission was that?** Surely not the death of the bondbirds.

Of course not, that was a mission from Winnowill. Wistfully, Larias's eyes scan the sky, ** I did not like that we had locked ourselves away. It never felt right, not then, not now. ** Why she shares that, she's not sure, but after a moments pause, she continues, ** I sought the true home of our kind. The palace of the High Ones. ** It turned out to be a lost cause, her ultimate failure that took many millennia to return from. Only to find out, someone else had already found it.

Savith snorts, chuckling faintly. Ironic, and it's not lost on Savith. Just like him and Ekana, don't you think? Well, that answers that. **And Elian... he seemed to be a good friend,** Savith comments, wondering how much it hurts her, to have a friend motionless, mindless.

Pale eyes close, High Ones does it hurt so. They had done so many things together, she had gotten them into trouble how many times? A flitting memory, Elian called her sweet once, well semi-sweet. A curt nod is given in answer to the question, ** Yes, we were good friends so long ago. ** And now, he's nothing but a shell, shaping one small crack forever, when he used to make such pretty things, and for her, stone flowers.

Savith's eyes close as well, feeling a tug. After so many months attuning to those subtle shifts, to lighten her mood and make her feel better so the child will grow right, it's a hard habit to break. He remains silent as he tries to regain that cold distance he once had for this elfess, when it was just business, to woo her back into his confidence, then gift her to Winnowill. But the touch of souls is hard to deny, hard to remove, nay impossible, save by death. But that brings another shudder to him, one barely supressed. But, come on! Focus! Get back to the topic at hand. **You claim,** savith begins, having to pause a moment to recollect himself.

Larias forces her eyes to remain on the water, despite the shudder she can feel coming from him. Morbid thoughts are common amongst these to, no? She encourages him to ask away, ** I claim what? ** She has, after all, made many of those, some true for all, some true only to herself.

Savith takes a the time to recompose. Okay, all better. **You claim he did not chose. What of his mate, then? She could not have enjoyed the feel,** he falters again, having to keep those twice memories of losing parts of his soul from his send. That what it would feel like, he imagines.

The elfess smirks to herself, keeping her gaze out across the water. ** I would assume, that she didn't mind since she had already been placed to her task. ** Larias' thoughts turn dark, ** Maybe you are right, maybe since his mate had been turned into a frozen, wakeless, sleepless Door, he chose to join her. I don't know though - I had left before he was set to his task. And I doubt much you'll get an answer about it from Malene. **

Malene! She's Brace's Recognized. Savith blinks, amazed by the knowledge. Malene had never mentioned it. Not a word. Then again, she's confused most of the time, so it's not a big wonder. Espeiclaly not now, seeing how difficult it is for Larias to remember things that long ago. He thinks back himself. Brace and Door... had always been there. **No, I don't think anyone could get much of anything from Malene,** Savith replies, then muses, **Their child must have been a match for Egg.** Hidden beneath, is envy, mingled with understanding. No wonder the child is missing, forgotten. Savith's parents are a pair of statues, though he doesn't know which ones. It further goes to strength his resolve. Rosendo must have both his parents until he's grown, and can fly on his own.

Again Larias can't help but to smirk. How is she supposed to know what became of their child? She wasn't there. Brows furrow, until finally she shrugs, ** I doubt he was a match for Aurek.. Aurek is... alone in his skill I think. ** She tries to think, what was the boys name, he must have had one, but such a detail is elusive, she wasn't around long enough to really know the child anyway, ** As for the boy.. I don't know. I can't even recall his name anymore. **

Savith shrugs, and forces those thoughts away for later. **It matters not. Most likely he's another Door by now.** He turns to glance at Larias, then turns away to stand. Why did he stand? This inactivity is getting to him, and he clasps his hands behind his back, and paces a bit. Oh! The blanket, that's a good excuse. He floats over to check on it, finding it still damp.

Larias lifts her head, turning so she can watch him head off to the blanket. Her gaze moves to the trees, eyeing the branches until she spots the wolfriders standing over their small camp. Ahh, safe and sound, protected whilst they protect their tribe. A soft inquiry floats through the glade, ** Were those the only questions you had? **

Savith spreads the blanket out a bit more, and shakes his head. But the set of his shoulders, things still eat at him, as always. Ah well. **No, but the rest can wait until I've thought them over more,** he replies, putting voice to his thoughts. All the while, he tries to keep his mind sounding even. **And you've no doubt been up for a time. Go and rest. I'm awake.** Is that meant to be a comfort?