Thursday, August 14, 2003

Tearing Down the Walls

Logfile from TwoMoons - Savith.
East Bank of the Silver Run River
The lands of the Abode surround you.
At the rivers edge, a pool has formed, sheltered by huge rocks on the west side, allowing the water there to collect and empty out somewhat at odd intervals. Here it seems a good place for the washing out of leathers, bathing of bodies and general relaxing, though the waters you find are chilled. There is smooth white sand, surprisingly, under your feet and you find yourself smiling at this pleasant place. There are a few trees scattered over the beach, providing shade as well patches of cleared ground. The bank here begins tapering off into thick woods, limbs covered with gaily colored leaves as the holt prepares for the season of DeathSleep. Dead and dying shrubs and undergrowth encroaches all around as the bank blends with and eventually becomes the forest. Tiny bugs zip around at ankle height, and occasionally a fish leaps out to snatch at one of them. It is a cool autumn afternoon. The father tree is quiet as elves and wolves sleep in their dens.

Who knows where Larias and Llune wandered off to earlier in the evening, but they came back, the guards tolerant of their wanderings. Perhaps not thrilled about it, but tolerant, besides, the two glider gals managed -not- to stir up any trouble. Upon returning, Larias said not a word, instead, she took Rosendo from Llune's arms, made a nest of blankets and curled up next to the sleepy hatchling, with all those walls firmly in place, blocking her connection to her Recognized as best she could.

Savith Had worried a bit, but knew they'd be safe under the wolfrider's guard. He'd taken Winddance out, but didn't hunt. Returning fatigued, he laid down and found himself fast asleep long before Larias and Llune returned. Feeling Rosendo settled near him, Savith rolls to set a hand on the child, a fluttering send at him.

A small bubbling send erupts from Rosendo in response to his father, vague notions, sleepy, confusion, wonder, awe. But as quickly as its there, the send fades on the breeze as the babe to falls asleep, he;s had a busy day, managed to even glide himself a little he did! Larias's arm moves as Savith's hand reaches out to set down on the sleeping boy - no, she's not asleep, not yet. Instead, she watches, hands to herself for the moment, paying close attention to Savith's sleeping form. She doe sher best, keeping her own breathing slow and even, eyes just barely open, hmm, is someone spying?

Savith's hand pats teh boy lightly, before he shifts a bit closer to the child. There's a faint smile, relaxed and calm, for once. A sigh, and he continues sleeping peacefully, murmuring softly, incoherently. That rouge curl falls across his forehead, and for once he doesn't move to push it aside. His body is relaxed, neither tense nor aggitated.

Larias's eyes close a moment, just barely cracking the door to that connection open, sensing feeling as gently as she can. IS he well? Is he dreaming? Brows furrow deeply as she recollects the conversation with the strange wolfrider watching over the Underworlders. To much to think about, her eyes end up staying shut after all, that feigned sleep turning genuine after moments.

You locksend to Larias, Savith is truely asleep, and half dreaming. Pleasant thoughts. A mixture of half-remembered happy moments with a blurring shadow, then a more clear Llune, bleeding into future hopes of what Rosendo's childhood may hold in stor for him. Ther eis a sense of darkness though, a hint that there's that guilt, hidden just bleow the surface.

You sense in a locksend, Larias's mind once again goes out in search of yours, in search of an end to the loneliness which creeps up on her in the waking world. Like a wraith that awareness moves about, searching for the center of your being, through the darkness and guilt, for the moment, not wishing to dwell on her own.

You locksend to Larias, Savith is pulled from the pleasant dreams, as if noticing something is missing. Here, acting as he would when alone with his mother and mother alone, he turns to locate the source, calling and reaching out with a hand, **Larias.**

You sense in a locksend, Larias pulls up short as her name is called, turning in the vast expanse, spinning to search for the sender. There is confusion in her sending as she responds, ** Savith? ** Worry filters through, then fear, ** Where are you? **

You locksend to Larias, Savith summons Larias to him, feeling for her through that bond of souls, to draw her near. **Here, darling. Right here,** he replies, so muddled with pleasant dreams and thoughts, he seems unaware what he said. In his dreams, here, he's not in uniform, but rather one of Llune's fabulous outfits. Deep down, he likes dressing up. He likes the faint lingering of eyes the cut and color causes. And here, that which is deep down is now on the forefront.

You sense in a locksend, Larias flies towards the summons straight and true, fast and furious, her eager approach halting abruptly as she catches sight of the garment. A light smile dances in her eyes, reflecting the very same upon her lips, ** You look... ** She shakes her head, uncertain what to say, ** I don't believe striking is quite right, nor stunning. ** So much more he seems here, to her, he is the grandeur of the ages, amplified by that which Llune has crafted for him, in his dreams anyway.

You locksend to Larias, Savith is grand, is he not. Well, not so much in his dreams, as a memory of an outfit she made for him once, that he wore before informed he was going to be training in earnest. A soft chuckle escapes him, a pleasant smile, and he motions Larias to a hand, turning to watch Rosendo, older in his mind than in real life, playing. Odd though, that the child seems a touch wilder than full glider, yet a touch older than a wolfblooded child, as the wildness would suggest. Like a mix of everything he wishes, playing with stones, shifting them from toy to toy at a whim.

You sense in a locksend, Larias's wraithlike form coalesces into something more solid, dark thoughts swirling her like a cloud, coming to shape in the form of her old Chosen's garb, the garb that she wore for a turn if she's lucky. Her smile from before fades, watching the rock shaping strange child that is and is not her own son. A hand rests on the talon-whip at her side. ** He will be strong no doubt, when his growing is done. But to what end will he be strong for? **

You locksend to Larias, Savith doesn't glance back at Larias, watching the child, **For the glory and growth of the mountain, of course. A shaper beyond what we've seen. A Chosen to outfly Kureel. And a Dreamer of the likes not seen since Voll.** Such high espectations. But those dark thoughts can't but filter in, shifting the shadows at the edge of his mind, reminding him of those fears. He seems pulled away by the darkness, and Rosendo looks up and around, as if suddenly alone. The child's mind, in his dream, nightmare, cries out, **Father?!** But it's not the feel of Rosendo's mind, but Wildstrom's Wolfflames, and his own! And the warm rock chambers turns dark and cold.

You sense in a locksend, Larias's form shifts its location, her garb quickly changing to a sliced tunic and breeches which don't quite fit. Her hands move to grip the stone bars which hold her in the shadowy darkness, eyes wide as she looks out, towards where you are, sparing a flickered glance for the cry that is a remembered send from WolfFlame. She responds much more freely than she did so long ago, ** Get them out WolfFlame, Leave him be, I will see to their amusement, just keep them out! **

You locksend to Larias, Savith is floating outside the Cage into which Larias is trapped. Caught up in the mounting shared nightmare, his scene is a dark forest, frightening and foreign. The cries from the two girls continue as he hides in a shadow, watching them coldly. Unheard to them, his thoughts are clear, "A waste. Both of you. Leave me be." Yet with those cold words, he can't help but argue with himself, "You're leaving them... just like you were left. Well, of course. They are just as worthless. More so." Larias's send gets his attention, pulling him back closer to the present. Finding himself suddently before the Cage, he peers down at Larias. A sneer on his face. "She should have died, you know."

Savith is asleep in the shelter, as he has been since Llune and Larias's return to camp. Larias has set the baby down between them, and Savith snuggled close to his son. As Larias feel asleep, Savith seemed to be dreaming happily, but now, his brow is furrowed, and a few faint groans can be herad from him.

You sense in a locksend, Larias's form moves back, away from the ars of the cages, she looks haggard and worn down. Though the fear and worry is unmistakable in her eyes, she spits back, "I traded my life for hers. I am glad she lives." But then, another ghostlike Chosen's image comes to the cage, and true fear and terror take the place of her near pride. "I'll speak, I'll tell you the truth!" She very nearly screams, "Just don't make me send or touch me! Please!"

Larias's own brows are drawn down, her expression, though smudged by sleep, is not a pleasant one, her muscles all tense and tight. Lips form to make words, though there is no breath to give those words voice.

You locksend to Larias, Savith reacts, as the terror over takes Larias, puts his back to hte bars, facing the shadowy figure. The children long forgotten, he sneers at the form, suddenly in uniform. "She is no longer your toy, Tsoran. Go away," he commands, voice cold. Tsoran laughs at him, the sound shivering through the dream.

Savith groans, a hand reaching past he child for Larias, as if to steading her in midflight. He groans something, something like, "toy".

In a patch of sunshine Llune mends some of Savith's uniforms, humming softly so as not to wake the little sleeping family... Too far away to hear either of their sleeping murmurs, Llune's happy in her own bubble of nice thoughts. There are a few dresses hanging over tree branches, dripping but clean, and Llune herself has managed to bathe and scrub out those pesky grass stains from her pretty white dress, though she *is* entertaining the idea of changing into something else for a few days...

You sense in a locksend, Larias's presses her back tight against the imaged wall of the cage. Her eyes look to Savith, actually shrinking from him as well, "Toy? Is that what I am to you to?" A pauses and the elfess crumbles to the cage floor as she so often did when these two stood outside her prison in the Mountain. Her soul shudders, a deep sorrow opening up, threatening to swallow her whole, she cries as she speaks, head against the stone floor, "Reed... she was right.. oh High ones why?! I can't turn from you now, ever..." She sobs again, speaking inbetween random breathy intakes of air, "A toy, nothing more, if you call I will answer... nothing more than a traitor, led around by my emotions."

Larias's form begins to shudder, tears trickling down the elfess's cheeks as she slumbers, face drawn up in panic and fear - and sorrow.

You locksend to Larias, Savith fights with both his inner demons, and Larias's sadness all in one, the shape of a dark dark shadow vaguely of Tsoran's form. While fighting, pressed against hte bars, the thorns tearing into his back, he tries to get out, "Not... my .. toy... Not his toy. My soul... AAHH!"

Savith shuffles in his sleep, brows furrowing. His shoulders roll uncomfortably as he lets out a breath.

Larias's slumbering form curls up a bit, perhaps from cold, or perhaps from a dream. She mumbles incoherently in her sleep, "...dare... done.... him"

You sense in a locksend, Larias's mind seems locked into this nightmare, fighting with herself as much as you and the conjured vision of Tsoran. She forces herself up into a standing position, obediently following some remembered order to rise and approach the bars. Another form appears in the cage with her, that of a wolfrider lass, barely recalled, an outline nothing more. Whispered words, "Yes you can. I do." And Larias turns to look at the maiden incredulously, a sharp order spinning her back to forefront. She grabs the bars on either side of Savith's form, her words nearly sobbing as she speaks them, "But how can I? I don't dare... Not after all thats been said and done, what of him?"

Llune finishes a piece of mending and lays it gently on top of the pile of other finished mending, then moves to the shelter, being careful not to wake anyone... Oh... The bags are *in* the shelter, on the other side of the sleepers... Well... Llune pauses a moment to determine a path that would keep her from waking up the little group, and, that done, moves in, picking daintily between their arms and legs, stooping all the while in the low shelter, moving toward the travel supplies... Almost there... Almost... Her foot taps Larias on the inside of the arm, and Llune pauses, holding her breath... But nothing, the two sleep on.. Funny, they look a bit troubled, but no matter... She sorts through the bags and extracts the items she needs - a few pieces of fabric, some extra thread... She turns to leave the shelter, trips over her own feet, and sprawls on top of the two, thankfully missing the sleeping Rosendo.

You locksend to Larias, Savith sturggles against the dream-manifestations, feeling himself losing, but unwilling to give in. His words are for the darkness, "No! YOu can't have her! Leave us be!" And then....

Savith's form, tense and shaky from a nightmare, starts awake as his Mother falls on him. But, he doesn't notice it's Llune, and still thinking it is the shadow creature from his mind, he leashes out in fear, hands not too effective in trying to grab at flesh. Especially considering which direction he's facing, much of what he grabs to may just as well be Larias or the child.

Caught up in the nightmare, small beads of perspiration have formed on Larias's brow. As something touches her, she cringes, and then, when weight (however slight) lands upon her, pale eyes snap open. Her mouth opens in the form of an O, a soundless scream given as she abruptly glides up and backwards careless, fully expecting to thump into a wall, rather than hurtling across the small glade and whamming into a tree instead, the wind getting knocked out of her.

Llune scrambles up from on top of the two obviously pretty freaked out gliders, grabbing up little Rosendo, still miraculously sleeping, and scooting away from Savith's groping hands, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry" She murmurs softly, soothingly... As Larias flings herself from the shelter, Llune can do nothing but watch in awe... What a WILD wake-up routine! She looks back at Savith, who is slowly coming back to reality (we hope) and repeats, just as softly, just as soothingly, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry... I didn't mean to.. I'm sorry... Just go back to sleep, I'm sorry, I'll go... I'm sorry..."

Savith sits up fully, shouting as he too feel Larias hit a tree, minds linked now finding it difficult to unravel themselves. "No! I said you can't have her," he shouts at nothing, eyes unfocused. He blinks himself more awake, "Take your hate out... on... me?" What the-? Eyes settling first on Llune, he lets out a breath, then moves from the shelter, "Where's Larias?" Oooh.. concern!

Llune is more than just confused at Savith's words and stops her apology to stare at him open mouthed. Take what out on who? Huh?! "She's out there..." Llune stammers...

Larias lets out an 'ooof!" as her magic cuts out on her rather abruptly, dropping a few feet to land on the ground rather hard. She ends up sprawled on the ground, no bit of grace about her at all, pushing herself up, eyes blinking back sleep, though her mind holds onto the image in the dream a moment longer, a plaintive one word question is given, "Free?" And now, her poor dress, dirty and now with holes in it too from the rough slam into a tree.

Savith rockets to Larias's side, hesitant to reach out for her as he drops to a knee. Eyes confirming what his mind knows, he lets out a sigh of relief. Whole and in one piece. He nods to her replying softly, "Mostly, though Cutter has kept guards on us."

Llune, the most conscious of all present, stands with Rose and rushes to Larias' side, missing her exclamation, and places a hand gently on her shoulder, "Are you okay? Let me help you up..."

Larias flinches from the touch, leaning as much as possible to get away from the hand on her shoulder. Confusion is written all over her face, the pain of her bump and land style brushed aside. A murmured word, "Cutter?" Who's that her expression read? She reaches up, rubbing the back of her head, hmm, that doesn't feel well.

Savith leans back to his heels, keeping his hands from Larias. In reply, he sends to Larias, **Cutter, Chief of the Wolfriders at LostHolt, where we flew that you may recieve healing for the birth of Rosendo.** Not long ago he'd not have cared, and would have just left her to her confusion, but...

At Larias' cringe, Llune quickly pulls her hand away... Oh, so it's like that now... Geez, I didn't MEAN to wake you up... Llune moves away from the two, humming to baby and feeling a little sad... Stupid big feet. *sigh*

Larias blinks at Savith, uncomprehending for a moment. But then, the fog of a nightmare lifts fully from her eyes, as does the shock of waking up with a tree ramming her in the back. She nods absently, taking things rather slowly. Abruptly she pushes herself to her feet, a tad unsteady, and a wince, hmm, bruised a few things doing that she did.

Savith stands, flicking one last thought at Larias before he turns to check on Llune, **You seem whole and unbroken?**

Swaying slowly back and forth across the edge of the clearing , humming to the baby and trying really hard not to think about Larias' coldness... Mat've had a bad dream. yeah, that's it. She doesn't hate me now for waking her up.. She's just... Ah... Grumpy... Yeah... As Rosendo stirs - still asleep somehow, but coming closer to waking - she coos at him, "Oooh, little one, little guy... Sleep, sleep..." And she continues humming a familiar lullaby.

Larias bobs her head in response to Savith's question, answering with voice, "I am." She swallows, mm, yes a few things tender, but nothing is broken. Rather than walk, she lifts into the air, eyes following after Llune, a grown forms as she plays out the events, recalling them as well as one trying to look through mud. Bad dreams, waking up freaked out, against a tree, Llune looks upset, Savith's in a tizzy. Her head hangs low and she lets out a sigh, sending softly, ** I.. am sorry... ** A pause, ** I.. must have let, my dreams control me.. again. ** Hrrmm, maybe talking to Leetah wasn't such a dandy of an idea after all.

Savith flies to Llune, commenting softly, "You did only if I did." He remembers what he shouted there, upon waking, though the rest just seems terrifying. Memories of leaving the girls, memories of watching Larias's torture, then a black form, nameless, shapeless. Almost Tsoran, Winnowill, everything, fear, and hate all mixed into one. To Llune, trying to brush away the darkness, he asks, "Is he alright?"

Savith flies to Llune, commenting softly, "You did only if I did." He remembers what he shouted there, upon waking, though the rest just seems terrifying. Memories of leaving the girls, memories of watching Larias's torture, then a black form, nameless, shapeless. Almost Tsoran, Winnowill, everything, fear, and hate all mixed into one. To Llune, trying to brush away the darkness, he asks, "Is he alright?" (REPOSE)

Llune smiles, a little sadly, though she hardly lets it show - it's only apparent to Savith because he's known her intimately for so very, very long... "Of course, though I think he's a little hungry, he seems to be waking up a bit... I'll rock him and see if he'll sleep for a little while longer," she says softly, the vibration of her chest soothing the child back into a happier dreamland...

Larias drifts back over to the shelter, eyes down, not looking at anyone for the moment. Silently she's cursing herself, cursing her fears and dreams all at once. A flicker of a thought is sent to Llune, as she once again tries to steady her walls in place, blocking anything from leaking out to her Recognized that she doesn't wish too.

Savith nods to Llune, noticing the disappointment. What always made her happy when things saddened her? Why this, of course: "Do you have something warmer I could wear, Mother? Whitecold will be here before we know it. I didn't think we'd be gone so long."

Llune seems to be concentrating on something else, then smiles again at Savith, this time closer to genuine, though still a little worried - she masks it well, and it comes out fatigued. "Of course I do, dear. There," she nods to one of the satchels in the shelter, "There are a couple of items, for you and Larias *and* little Rosendo." She shrugs one shoulder, "I figured we'd get to them when the time came."

Larias settles a little roughly on the ground, quickly moving to sit rather than stay standing, man does her back hurt, and her rump to for that matter. A glance is given as she sends a flicker of thought towards Llune, then a bit of a smile, guarded though the expression may be. She ermains quiet, trying to sort through her nightmare, somehow, it was different than it used to be.

Savith nods to Llune and moves toward the shelter. He glances at Larias, a touch of concern still lingering after the nightmare, before he ducks his head and moves to step to the back of the shelter. **Which, Mother?**

Llune motions to the right with her head, "the last one... See? The little rolled up packages?" Rosendo squirms a bit in his sleep, hunger beginning to outweigh sleepiness, and with all the sending and speaking going "I think he's waking up..." Llune turns to look at Larias,, then glances at Savith, "I think he may've messed himself in his sleep..."

Larias's nose wrinkles at the thought. She lets out a light cough before speaking, "Well.. if thats the case. Why don't I take him after he's been cleaned." She is sore after all :p

You sense in a locksend, Larias seems to passively note some level of concern, and though her walls are firmly in place, one breaks down just enough to let you know, she is ok, sore, bruised, nothing more really.. But behind that wall, for the moment its down, a stormy sea, dammed up, just waiting for the wall to well and truly crack.

Savith collects the outfit and stands to go by to Llune. He's about to send that he will cleant he babe first, but something stops him. He turns to regard Larias, and send privately.

You locksend to Larias, Savith senses the storm behind the wall, but instead of probing, he offers a shoulder of sorts, to lean on, and rebuild as best you can.

Llune turns toward Savith, "Here, let him wake up with daddy." She almost coos - it's not clear if it's toward LIttle rosendo, or *her* little baby, Savith.

Larias though pleased no one's going to force her change the yucky baby butt, there is no outward show of that pleasure. It could be the pain, it could be something else. She shifts where she sits under the shelter, pulling a blanket over her lap, it is cold after all. Then, she shifts again, trying to get comfortable, finally ending up on her side. A glance is given savith, and she replies to something out loud rather than via sending, "Thank you.. but, not right now. I can't." Or the dam will come crashing down.

Llune trades baby bundle for clothing bundle, then moves the packages to under a pine tree...

Savith gives Larias a nod, then moves to trade with Llune. Baby for a masterpiece of cloth and feathers. "I'll take him, Mother," he says softly, taking the baby. Just in time too, for his little eyes open. "There's a boy."

Llune smiles at the waking baby, any sadness or anything at all unhappy completely forgotten in his toothless little smile, "Aww.." She says, then manages the rolled bits of cloth, "I guess perhaps we should open these a bit later... But first, here..." She hands Savith a rolled bunch, of a thick wool/velvet material in deepest blue, "To warm up with..."

Larias gingerly lays back, closing her eyes, though she is no where near sleeping now, and likely no time in the futire considering Rosendo will be ready to eat soon as he's clean. She sends off towards Llune, a tight thin line of private communication.

Savith takes the bundle with a soft thanks and moves to the nearing icy stream. He frowns, this won't do for long. It'll be too cold for the child ffar too soon! He unwraps the boy gurgling, twittering, and cooing at him to keep him occupied until he's clean. But hte water is too cold, and its not long before he's complaining about it.

"If you would.. that would be much appreciated." Now what in the world is Larias babbling about?

Llune places the packages on the ground, not concentrating fully on what she's doing, then blinks and looks toward the fussing Rosendo, "Savith, it's too cold! We'll need to heat some water, I suppose..."

Savith finishes cleaning quickly and dries him with the clean towel given to him by Llune. "I know, mother, but do you think they'd let us have a fire here?" He stands and moves over, Rosendo hushing now that he's warm and clean. "And it's not so cold, but it will be soon. I'll get a decision tonight."

Larias lifts her head to look at Savith, "A decision?" Then it hits her, and she oo's before he can answer, "I suppose.. we will need to know soon, yes?"

Savith nods to Larias, moving to kneel at her side and hand the child over, "We will. If we can not stay, We'll be goingto Sorrow's End." Oh, not home?

Llune coughs slightly, "But, Savith, we can't live in the *wild* during a cold season!

Larias's mouth curls up, just a bit as a smile starts to form. A hand goes to cover said mouth, trying to turn a chuckle into a cough, but then oo, that hurts just a bit. She corrects Llune, "Sorrow's End is in the desert, there is no cold there." Ahh, but there are friends, some whom she can talk to freely and easily.

Savith chuckles softly as well, sitting to tap Larias lightly. "She's right mother, no cold, ever, except perhaps at night." To Larias, he says softly, "He's clean for you."

Llune ooooohhhhhhs. "Well, why didn't you say so, sillies! Are there... Ah... trees to live in...?" She smiles, politely, used to her soft cushions and not the ground (or tree branch) with a few furs thrown over it, though deeply apologetic about this fact...

Larias's arm tenses at the tap, but, forcibly she schools her expression, relaxing the taut muscles without flitting off into yet another tree. Gingerly she reaches out to accept Rosendo from Savith, already set to feed the bottomless pit of a hatchling. Her words to him are soft, quiet, guarded? "Thank you." A bit louder, she speaks to Llune, "There are virtually no trees. The desert can't support that kind of life.. There are huts though, very comfortable. Sleeping cushions and all."

Savith glances at Llune, and sends her visions of the Fesitval of Flood and Flower, all color and blooming things, bright and carefree, the music, the drinks, the happy villagers. "Very comfortable."

Llune nearly swoons at the send! Ah, the colors! Ah, the brightness! Ah, the happy festivalness! It's like, this is were Llune belongs, "Oh..." She says, enraptured, "Oh, could we??" She turns shining eyes on Savith, "Just so I can meet the tailor?!"

Larias lays down, positioning Rosendo so he can lay next to her and suckle at the same time. Ooo, someone's getting comfortable with this whole motherhood thing, scary thought, no? A bit of a chuckle comes from the back of Larias's throat, perhaps.. we should go anyway, just for Llune's sake." She turns her head to regard Llune briefly, "Else you'll never forgive, will you?"

Savith sighs softly. And moves to stand and change, "We'll see what happens. Perhaps we can visit closer to new green, when the festivals are held."

Llune looks pointedly at Savith as she squats beside the mound of gifts, "Savith, how long are we going to be staying outside the mountain... I thought this was just so we could get Larias a healer... Shouldn't we be heading back that way? I know we will be in trouble, but shouldn't we just go *home* for winter? We can wander about later on..."

Larias speaks softly, "Llune... when we return to the Mountain, I highly doubt any of us will be allowed to, as you say.. wander. Rules have been broken, Rosendo of the Mountain hasn't even graced its halls." She pauses, her gaze resting on her childs form, "We are all traitors now..." the voice softens, "Even if we shall return willingly."

Savith steps behind a tree, only to hang his head. Him. A traitor. Well, Larias is right. He is, isn't he? Stolen a bondbird. Stolen the Semtress. Stolen a child. And stolen a mother and the infant too. He's lucky he didn't have to render someone open on the way out. With those walls up, would Larias notice the fear?

Llune sighs, "Well, we would never have needed to leave if Winnowill was herself in the mountain we would never have needed to leave... Staying away is what could get us into some trouble... And perhaps she's not even back yet?"

Larias is thankful she has the child to stare at, at the moment anyway. And no, she can not feel anything, not through the walls she has so firmly in place at the moment. A shrug is offerd to Llune's statement, "The Lord of the Mountain does as she will. Who are you or I to question it?" Mmm, is someone playing devil's advocate, or resigning themselves to a dark fate?

Or both? Savith takes a steadying breath, then steps out of uniform and into the outfit his mother made for winter.

Llune smiles, "Oh, that's silly. Winnowill works for the good of *all* of us. We haven't done anything wrong, we've *helped* elf-kind! She should be *thank*ing us when we get home..."

Larias smirks, having had first hand experience with Winny's kindness. Her heart is not in the statement, its quite obvious she does not believe, "Perhaps you are right llune... There may be a chance she will see reason and understand." Ha, yeah right!

Savith steps out from behind the tree, adjusting hte cloak on his shoulders. He glances at Llune, "As I said, you both will make sure the blame is mine."

Larias glances over at Savith as he steps out into view again, quickly looking back at Rosendo, though there is just the barest hint of pink in her cheeks. Perhaps odd for her, she makes no remark about what she will do when she returns to the Mountain, though, what chance is there she will let savith take the blame? I mean really, Lari -loves- to tick off Winnowill.

Llune sighs, "My son, the blame is not yours alone - we are all capable of making our own decisions. I could have FOUND a way back. We all came willingly, to do what was best for Larias, for Rosendo, and for the mountain. What did she *expect* us to do?