Tuesday, August 5, 2003

Trying to Sleep?

Logfile from TwoMoons - Savith.

East Bank of the Silver Run River

The lands of the Abode surround you.

At the rivers edge, a pool has formed, sheltered by huge rocks on the west side, allowing the water there to collect and empty out somewhat at odd intervals. Here it seems a good place for the washing out of leathers, bathing of bodies and general relaxing, though the waters you find are chilled. There is smooth white sand, surprisingly, under your feet and you find yourself smiling at this pleasant place. There are a few trees scattered over the beach, providing shade as well patches of cleared ground. The bank here begins tapering off into thick woods, limbs covered with gaily colored leaves as the holt prepares for the season of DeathSleep. Dead and dying shrubs and undergrowth encroaches all around as the bank blends with and eventually becomes the forest. Tiny bugs zip around at ankle height, and occasionally a fish leaps out to snatch at one of them. It is a cool autumn afternoon. The father tree is quiet as elves and wolves sleep in their dens.

Night has long since passed, morning come and gone as well. Rays of the daystar filter down through the canopy, bathing the land in a patchwork of yellow light, the pool of water itself reflecting back the golden rays. The guards are watching the only glider milling about, eyes intent on her every move, she may run for it, she may not, she may start a fight she may not - unpredictable pains in the butts that gliders are. Larias, uncaring of the wolfrider eyes above, is currently walking slowly, a gentle sway in her steps as she cradles Rosendo, humming a melody to the child as he suckles.

Savith has been laying in the shade near the entrance to the shelter. Unable to sleep fully. Larias would feel the flitter of his mind as it tries for dreams, and remains unsuccessful. Finally, as the day warms to after noon, he can't take it anymore, and sits up, openning his eyes. A supressed sigh and he moves to find a new uniform from his packet, and bathe then change into something that isn't all torn up.

At Savith's movement, Llune stirs, but only to curl up in his warm spot and make a few delicate sleeping sounds... Poor thing was up all night and is having just an awful time with all this excitement - it's no wonder she's staying asleep for as long as she can...

Larias glances back as she hears the sigh from the shelter. She offers the waking glider a light smile, wondering if his amusement at the absurd antics of the previous night will remain. A send, soft as a feather, drifts towards him, so as not to stir Llune's still sleeping form, ** I hope you are rested... ** and feeling well

Savith Glances over at Larias, eyes noting the tore leathers she wears. Well, since he's looking for his own clothes, he begins looking for something more suitable for her as well. His reply is just as soft as Larias's. **In body, yes,** is his reply. But in mind, perhaps not fully, though at that brief brush, yes, as tired as he is, the humor lingers faintly, though it is quickly getting eaten away by the emotional fatigue that is a dreamless sleep.

Larias frowns as she feels his mind brush against hers, this lack of dreams he's becoming accustomed to is n-not- good. With a frown, she lifts into the air, Rosendo still suckling like a good happy little baby. Coming to a halt, not terribly far from Savith, she hovers, ** You're body is not so rested as it should be... ** She knows all to well what its like to have a sleep that is not restful, the signs strongly about Savith.

Savith stands, cloth leathers in his hands. Turning, he glances up at Larias, and holds out a tunic for her. **As yours was,** he asks softly, head tilting faintly. **As you did, I will survive.** Even if it is unpleasant.

A simple garment, the dress is of deepest green. It is of soft, velvety material, thicker than most of Llune's creations. The sleeves are long and tailored to fit Larias' arms perfectly, edged with tiny white feathers. The neckline ends just below the dip of the collar bone, much higher than most glider clothing, and is framed with small, downy, white feathers. The waist draws in ever so slightly - it's obvious Llune wanted it to work just after birthing if necessary, but be able to tighten easily. The skirts are full and without slits, and, embroidered along the bottom hem with gold thread and a few smaller white feathers, are flying hawks and moons. It is a warm garment, but not overly warm - more autumn attire, really, though it could be worn with a coat in the winter if necessary.

Larias's frown deepens, survive yes, but it is not a pleasant way to survive, not a pleasant one by any stretch of the imagination. She lands beside her Recognized, another soft brush of magic as her mind touches his, ** If there is anything I can do to help... **

**Whatever permission you would give,** Savith replies, still holding out the green velvet brush of cloth, **would only serve to maket he batter worse.** Trust him, he knows. How long was he Aroree's fix for dreams? He only hopes it will go away in time.

Larias adjusts Rosendo in her arms so he is supported by one rather than two. She snags the dress, not exactly sure what to do with it, seeing as Rosendo is in the process of eating at the moment. Her brows dip in though and the dress is held aloft, her eyes then settle on Savith, ** Then I will give you what strength I can, in what ways I can. ** Ooo, so nice they're playing now, and here, literally, the night before, ready to tear each other apart.

Llune stirs in her sleep, obviously dreaming about *something* and murmurs softly, something about how black and blue just do *not* match...

It's amazing what an apology can do, no? Savith just nods, and floats past Larias, headed for hte pool. He's hair is still loose. What happened to his hair pin? His eyes scan the ground for it, but doesn't spot it just now. **Appriciated,** he replies softly, quieting from anything else he might have said by he's mother's murmur.

Larias turs to glance at Llune's murmuring, arching a brow, then shakes her head. A sadness enters her sending, regret and shame as well, ** Your mother needs to return to the mountain. She's not suited to be out here. **

Savith peels the uniform off and drops into the water, letting both uniforms drop to the shore. **I know. If we go, it must be either before or after white cold.**

Larias glances at the trees, their leaves in the process of changing, some already dropping. She nods with a light sigh, ** I know... and we will have to decide soon. ** A meekness enters her sending, ** Unless the wolf chief decides for us. **

Savith sinks down to the bottom of the pool, to stare up at the light reflecting down to him. **When you and Rosendo are strong enough to travel, he mentioned briefly shortly after we arrived. That must be way the healer checks up on us so often. He's still to young yet. The journey will be difficult, at best. I would prefer to wait until newgreen, but for that we would need a more secure den.**

As Rosendo finishes eating, Larias places him in the air, fixing her top, then brings him to sit upright against her shoulder, softly patting his back. ** Whitecold is not a... ** her sending breaks off, oh, hrmm, well, not a problem for her, but yes, Rosendo would not do well out in the elements, for that matter, neither would Llune. ** Perhaps, the wolfchief will let us know if we are to stay or go... I suppose planning anything before then is pointless. **

From the shelter, Llune sends quietly, who knows how long she's been listening **Perhaps we should leave these elves in peace.** is all, and, upon closer inspection, one can see her sitting in the shelter, looking actually quite rested and comfortable, though obviously needing a bath.

Savith 's mother's send gets him to break the surface before he was fully ready, his lungs not yet burning. Breaking the surface, his hair plastered against his head, he pushes a lock form his eyes, **Yes, planning until we know for certain is useless. I shall speak with the chief as soon as possible. Until then, we'll have to settle in.**

Larias moves to go sit beside the eavesdropping grandmother, a light smirk upon her lips. ** It would be rude to leave before he speaks to us Llune, let him come and say to us what he must, what we, no doubt, deserve to be told. ** A quick glance to the pool and Larias's once again quickly return to the ground in front of the shelter, ** For now, Savith is right, we settle in and assume we will be here, unless told otherwise. **

Llune stands and moves to her satchel and removes a soft garment for herself, pausing and looking between the two recognized **Wherever has Volek been?** she sends, before moving towards the pool where her son bathes **and where could I bathe and not be...** she looks about at the wolfrider guards **..uh... seen?**

Savith glances up at his mother, and answers her first question, **No where. Just try to pretend you're somewhere else. As for Volek, he's with Winddance most liekly. The lad would spend every moment with her, if I allowed it.**

A gentle smile is given Llune, though the expression doesn't reach Larias' eyes, ** You could wash one part at a time... Its what I tend to do when in situations like this. ** If nothing else, just about everything stays covered, and the eyes aren't quite so unbearable. A shiver runs up and down her spine, and even Rosendo can feel his mother tense at her unsent thoughts, as he begins to fuss.

Llune sighs and looks around one last time, before doing something no one would ever expect Llune to do... She steps, fully clothed into the pool, the dirt ground into her dress fading into mud, and once she's deep enough in to kneel down, shonly then does she begin to strip off her clothes **Perhaps this will work, too, as my dress deserves a washing as much as I**

Savith just chuckles at his mother and flies fro the pool, to pull on his uniform. He's been in far too many situations to worry about his state of dress or undress. Once clothed, he moves over to Larias and the still fussing child. **He giving you issues,** he asks, hair starting to curl strongly as it dries.

Without a word, Larias nods, moving to hand Rosendo over. The look in her eyes just a bit too tight, her lips drawn thin. Nastybad thoughts running in her mind, best not have a cub on her shoulder to pick up on them.

Now nude under the water, Llune begins to splash around a bit, trying to twist the mud from dress and scrape it from her scalp. She's smiling, humming a little tune to herself and looks, actually, quite happy, though she knows nothing of Larias' unhappy thoughts... **This water is lovely - quite refreshing...** She notices the interaction between the two and offers **If you'd like I can bathe Rosendo while you talk...**

Savith takes the babe. While not having lighter thoughts, per se, his mind is too tired to work into a fit about much of anything. A moment is taken to study the babe, then a glance at Llune. He nods, sending the boy flying toward her, **Of course. It may help.** With Llune there's no true fear of dark thoughts.

Llune plucks the child from the air with one hand and places her soggy dress beside the dry, clean one on the bank, then goes back to humming, playing with the baby in the water.

Larias lifts her eyes to look out over the water, a faint smile forming as she sees her cub with a bright happy Llune. A thought drifts out towards Savith, though it is open for all to hear, ** She should have a strong hand in helping raise him. She's the brightest flame amongst us. **

Llune ignores the send and keeps humming - Llune's never been very good with compliments... Rosendo has forgotten any ill thoughts that might've drifted through Larias' mind and is now splashing in the water and - yes - almost laughing... gurgling happily, at least... Llune looks over at the other 2 gliders **He is a happy cub! He will grow strong and healthy!** and she throws a brilliant smile **regardless of what happens, he will be GOOD.**

Savith watches grandson and grandmother together. **Aye, that she is,** he agrees. Heaven help us all! They're agreeing! Ah, but the faint grin can't last long. He's too tired, even to grin at Llune's comment. Hope she didn't say the same about him. He brings a hand up to rub at his temples. **I think, I'll rest more, if you two are alright?**

Llune nods **Sleep well, my son - we will wake you soon, when we have prepared some food?**

Larias frowns to herself, but nods to Savith. ** If you need anything, you have but to ask. ** Oh - agreeing is one thing, but an outright offer to help? Without having been asked... soon, the ground will shake and swallow them up whole if they aren't careful.

Sleep, not something Savith will actyally see tonight, but he nods and heads toward the shelter. Larias's offer catches him a bit off guard, and he stops to look over his shoulder at Larias. He smirks, then shakes his head, **I'll not ask you to dream for me, Larias. Clear skies.** And into the shelter he goes, burying down into the blankets to try to shut out the world and pretend to sleep.