Friday, August 1, 2003

Under Currents

Logfile from TwoMoons - Savith.

East Bank of the Silver Run River

The lands of the Abode surround you.

At the rivers edge, a pool has formed, sheltered by huge rocks on the west side, allowing the water there to collect and empty out somewhat at odd intervals. Here it seems a good place for the washing out of leathers, bathing of bodies and general cooling off from the silky summertime heat. There is smooth white sand, surprisingly, under your feet and you find yourself smiling at this pleasant place. There are a few trees scattered over the beach, providing shade from the hot summer. The bank here begins tapering off into thick woods, limbs covered with lush green leaves. Small shrubs and undergrowth encroaches all around as the bank blends with and eventually becomes the forest. Tiny bugs zip around at ankle height, and occasionally a fish leaps out to snatch at one of them. All is quiet in the heat of the summers afternoon. The father tree is quiet as elves and wolves sleep in their dens, while others choose to sleep outdoors.

Darkedge stays where he is as from the trees Tyleet gently reminds him that to act against anyone in the holt that is not directly threathening them is to be cast out. His eyes flicker to her, and he nods once. Turning back to regard Larias, the underworlder is silent a time, then nods, **Very well. Let's say I believe you. What house claims your alligence?**

Larias tries to figure it out. She looks thoughtful, not schemeing, to nervous to be schemeing. Hesitatntly, she sends, ** I.. was introduced as Friend to House Garado, and to House Jaersendo... ** Pale eyes blink, then hurriedly she adds, ** But Melisanda of Goumando came to the Mountain to see about Tarrant and my return. ** Gee, which house is left?

As nervousness flutters through Larias, Savith stirs again, brows furrowing. But in his sleep, he senses Rosendo nearby. Okay, that's still safe. Ah, but Larias? That's what tugs at him. Through a faint haze of sleep he begins to push at, the Chosen sends for his Recognized in a touch closer thanminds can forge.

Darkedge seemed calm and collected until the words Melisanda and Goumando. His eyes flare with hate and fear, unable to supress it. Spoken word, as Larias is certain to know, is truely an insult. Though in his now five turns in this holt, he's begun to learn that it's not. Yet, old habits die hard, and his voice quivers, "Melissanda. Goumando." And a sneer forms, and his eyes narrow. In t he tree, Tyleet gasps and leaps down, followed by Skot, who comments, "Trollguts, what's eating you, Darkedge?"

The glider female looks rather wary of Darkedge as she glides back another foot or so. Her eyes flicker towards the guards in the trees, a silent unsent plea. Swallowing, she sends, ** I didn't care for the lieks of ehr either. ** Of course she didn't, Mel abused her Recognized - how rude!

Savith's eyes finally flutter open. She didn't care for the likes of.... Eh? Is that... an underworlder? Stupid, meddling, uncaring, arrogant, good for nothing... GAH! Sitting up carefully, Savith moves to put the child into Llune's arms so he can stand and intervine.

Larias's words cause Darkedge to stop a moment, and consider, eyes narrowed. And to think, he was in such a GOOD mood too. The glideress's plea for help does not go unnoticed as Skot and Tyleer move forward. It's Tyleet's calming voice that helps break some of the tensions, **Darkedge, please, relax. Think of your cub.** That might have been the wrong thing to say, for Darkedge ends up scowling a bit more as he regards Larias. **Really,** he mutters, **Do tell.** Still not believing it.

She sent it, what more is there to tell that would make him believe it, if sending alone did not? Larias manges to stand her ground as the voices of others are added into the mix. ** The reasons why are my own. Needless to say, I did not care for her or her actions. **

Llune sleepily accepts the child, completely unaware of the scene just outside the shelter.

Savith floats over, his own eyes narrowed. **What's this? An underworlder in Lostholt,** he comments coldly, not stopping until he's directly between Darkedge and HIS glider. **We've a treaty, your kind and mine. Might I suggest you change your tone before I'm forced to report this to My Lord?** Of course, Savith will left out that he's currently trying to KEEP WInnowill from his mind.

You know, Chosen as notoriously bad at making things worse. Skot, noticing tensions rising, takes a breath and gets ready for action. Tyleet, on the other hand steps up and interjects before Darkedge can reply, "You stop, Chosen. You're barely a guest here, while Darkedge is more one of us than you are." Darkedge settles a near-glare on Savith, a half grin trying to form, daring him to try it. In a way, the underworld hopes he will. It'll be a good test to see how far this tribe is willing to go for him.

But Larias isn't willing to test that. No longer encumbered with pregnancy, she glides swiftly around Savith, back to Darkedge, a private thought quickly passing from her to him. Their stay here right now is tenuous, no need to make it worse.

You sense in a locksend, Larias is worried, fretting, ill at ease, ** Savith, No.. don't make threats. Now is not the time nor the place. This is his land, see how he is dressed, he is one of theirs now. Like me, he no longer belongs just to those that bore him. **

Llune stirs as words are spoken, the babe in her arms muttering and shaking a tiny pair of fists in the air... She opens her eyes halfway - as though still trying to sleep and coos at the babe, humming a now familiar lullaby under her breath, barely audible to the group outside but still a quiet soundtrack to those that can hear...

You locksend ** Really,** Savith replies, faintly interested. **Think he'll help make Tarrant's life miserable? (soft chuckles, humorless) ** to Larias.

Larias's shoulders tense, back still to the Underworlder, send magic rippling from her in a flurry.

Savith watches Larias's motions, then back to Darkedge. His eyes flicker with a faint hidden amusement. **Oh, I see. My apologies, then. Darkedge, was it?** Clearly, there is still a hint of mockery in his tone, but as those that know him well can tell, he's at least being less threatening.

You sense in a locksend, Larias's sending flashes with a hint of anger, ** If he is one of Tarrants, then leave him be. ** Uh oh, did someone make a promise to Tarrant before she left his company?

You locksend to Larias, Savith seems to snort. You might have, but Savith has NO love for Tarrant. He was, after all, completely responsible for having him strung up on a wall.

At Larias' storm of sending, the babe wakes, dazd but not fussy, and listens to the soft lullaby...

Darkedge watches the interplay between the two gliders silently, lips pressing tight at Savith's send. Tyleet sighs softly and looks at Darkedge. A private send to the underworlder, **Darkedge, stop and think a moment. They are the guests here. Not you, but if you attack, then you'll no longer be welcome. And how happy will Piper be then?** Darkedge regards the gliders thougtful, then takes a step back, toward his shadows, sending publically, **Yes, it is.** More sending, private, to Larias.

Larias moves so she is at Savith's side, eyes back on Darkedge, sending to the elf privately now that he seems at least a little calmer, less likely to pop.

Savith glances between the too, but he remains silent. Well, he WAS asked not to right? Though temptation remains to goad the underworlder as see where he stands with the rest of his kind, but that's for later. Instead, he plays silent guard.

Darkedge continues watching Larias, sending. Tyleet and Skot stand by, tense, worried.

Llune coos the little one back into half sleep and closes her eyes, breathing softly and drifting back toward dreamland...

Larias looks at Darkedge confused, blue eyes stare unblinking. ** No, none. If I did, I'd have to go to Sorrows End. ** She only knows for certain of one entrance, the other one, who knows where that may be.

Yes. Who knows and who cares? Savith sighs boredly, but keeps an eye on Darkedge. He glances at Larias, a brow rising. **Sorrow's End? Only if we must,** he replies, not quite sure what they are talking about.

Darkedge's eyes narrow at Savith's quesion. He knows that there's another entrance there, as well as EXACTLY where the closest entrance is. It's far to close for comfort, but hey, that's life. He turns his gaze back to Larias, **No plans? Good. You shouldn't go.**

Larias smirks to herself, ** Seems you and Savith have something besides a bad temper in common then. ** Though just a hint of irritation is there, its also a tease, directed to the Chosen.

Savith quirks a brow and glances at Larias. Well, screw you too. A light sneer teases his features at the glideress. Something, in common with and underworlder? EWW! That's worse than mating a troll! But the thought that an underworld doesn't wnat anyone going there is too much bait to leave alone, **Now that /is/ a strange thought. Don't you like taking surface world slaves?**

At that, Darkedge truely seems disguisted, **I am nothing like Goumando, to trade in flesh and souls.** Ah, tempers seem to move to flare again, but Darkedge steps back again, **I've hunting to do.** Yes, that's it, hasty get away. Must make a hasty get away, and send to Larias, of course.

You locksend ** Hmph, this one's as testy as Rhen-something-something. What was his name? Ah, doesn't matter. What got him all worked up? ** to Larias.

You locksend to Llune, Savith touches your mind briefly, **Mother? Sleeping well?** Let's hope you haven't noticed the raises tensions. And.. this is also a test. Let's see how easy it is to get into Llune's mind without her noticing.

Larias nods to the Darkedge as she sends to him, her gaze then turning to level a steely look upon Savith as she begins sending to him. Uh oh - did someone put a bee in her briches?

Darkedge gives Larias a faint nod of his head as he slips back toward the underbrush to find that ravvit Strongbow asked of him. Tyleet and Skot, happy that the fight is over, retreat to their posts.

Larias locksends ** Just like you, he reacts when threatened. ** quickly she adds, ** Please, just let him be, and if he should come round again (which she doubts) let -ME- be the one to speak to him. **

You locksend ** Happily,** Savith replies, **I dislike Underworlders. ** to Larias.

From afar, Llune locksends to you **<>Hrm? Rose is sleeping, so am I** just a little testily at being woken **All is well?** she finishes, wondering if you weren't sending to make sure she hadn't heard anything...

Larias glances at the fleeting form of Darkedge, a faint hint of a smile as she shakes her head, what a strange thing for one to think of her to Savith. Ah, if only it were true, then so much would be better, easier, and the Mountain so much a nicer place.

You locksend ** Ah.. yes. Things are calm. ** to Llune.

It's not? Darkedge gives the pair one last look, then disappears. Ah.. but see how readily he obeys? Good glider. Here's a cookie.

Savith watches Darkedge disappear, the gist of the conversation between the pale elf and Larias lost on him. But, as Larias requested, the Chosen has stopped prodding the youth. Ah, so pleasantly boring. Once the underworlder is gone, he turns to float back to the shelter.

Larias lets out a hefty sigh, yes Savith, go back to catching up on all your sleep. Please! Just stay asleep until its time to leave, makes everything SO much easier.

You locksend ** Though I will be near, should he get any ideas. (distrust) ** to Larias.

Savith settles back down and notes Rosendo is awake, though not fussing. But it's only a matter of time, so the glider hefts the child and moves back to Larias, **Here. You watch him for a while.** I'm tired of bathing him for you. Brat.

Larias takes the babe in arms, smiling as she does so, all ill feelings from the confrontation evaporating as the tiny creature settle sinto her arms. ** Yes, of course. Anytime. **

Savith rolls his eyes. **You'll find some clean blankets by the pack.**

Oh, but the baby is just TOO cute!! Savith hesititates a moment, to regard the tiny thing. Is that a faint smile that plays against his lips? No! Surely not! Chosen don't smile! **Well, I've yet to sleep fully since we arrived.** He pauses a moment, then comments softly, **The wolf chief will decide if we can stay fully or if we must leave we you are more rested from the birthing. Do let me know, so I can inform him.** And assuming Cutter insists they go, Savith must be fully rested.

Larias nods absently, ** Yes yes, I know. Get some rest, I've had more than my fair share of late. ** Looky there, acknowledging his sacrifices for her, how sweet. Almost immediatly, she begins cooing at the little one, smiling brightly at the quiet child.

Savith gives Larias one last look, then heads into the shelter. My my, how obident.