Friday, July 25, 2003

The Birth of a Glider

Logfile from TwoMoons - Savith.


One of the great hawks which are bonded with the Chosen of Blue Mountain. Winddance is truely a beauty of flight and grace. Her body is speckled with brown, black, and white feathers giving her a bit of a peppered appearance, especially at her breast. Her wings however are all brown and black in the typical pattern of the birds. Around her neck is a harness for her rider, Savith to hold onto during flight.

Base of the Lost Holt Father Tree(#765RJa)
A dense grove of grotesquely shaped trees dominated by one immense Grandfather of a tree whose age is no less great than its size.
It is obvious that the old tree has survived a terrible tragedy but new growth and thick strong branches cover the worst of the scars left by the terrible blaze. Weeds and night blooming wildflowers grow in natural disorder around the trees roots. Like old friends, the gnarled trees embrace one another, their many branches entwining to form a dense canopy high above the ground, serving to keep the ground cool from the summer heat. You hear hushed noises as the holt slowly comes to life as elves and wolves awaken from the hot summer sleep.

All around the great bird, Since she's got her foster cub with her, and its such a lovely evening, in a nice shady area, Piper decides its a good time to play teach the cub. She leans to whisper into Redstar's ear, conspiring against the troll - he may as well be the prey, after all, he;s been nothing but pleasant with her and the cub so far.

All around the great bird, Redstar smiles, now that she's awake enough, and Darkedge and Piper are there, she's ready for a little fun. She peers over at Chiel while she grins up at Strongbow then nods and giggles. Just think, in a few more years, she'll be his next student.

All around the great bird, Darkedge glances at Redstar's mischevious grin, then quirks a brow. Uh-oh. Well, can't really stop her, but he CAN shot the troll if things get out of hand. So he sends to the child, **Stay in sight.** Then a private thought to Piper.

All around the great bird, Suddenly elves are coming out of the woodwork - for real! Chisel looks up, though his expression doesn't change. Bah.. perhaps he ought to find a quieter spot to sulk.

All around the great bird, Scouter is in a rather good mood, and he only brightens when Strongbow arrives. He grins and settles his hands behind his head, looking up to where Dewshine is even though he cant see her through the tree itself. Its that single movement that causes the elf scout to pause. Anyone watching him would see the smile slowly slip from his face and his hands come back out from where they rest. Was that something in the sky? He frowns and stands on his branch, focusing those sharp eyes of his into the distance, and a frown crosses his features. Without taking his eyes off the sky, he points a finger towards what he sees, and a single word comes from his mind to anyone nearby. ** Gliders! ** A second send is sent to Dew, but he leaves the denhide order to the chief.

All around the great bird, Strongbow was about give Scouter a wordless greeting, but at the scout's frown, he tenses. Moving quickly, the archer scrambles up to the tree, to get a better view, and shot. Of course, the chief's not here, but he gives the order himself, **Denhide.** A glance at the troll, and he frowns, then in a voice somewhat low pitched from infrequent use, he calls out, "Get to your caves troll."

All around the great bird, Piper glances over at Darkedge and smiles brightly for her lovemate, ** Its ok, she's just practising.. He'll not harm her. ** But, what was that? Piper jumps up, moving to nab her little one before someone else does. "Redstar - break off.. Come here, now!" There is urgency in her voice.

All around the great bird, Prior spins quickly on his heels once the order for denhide is given. It's one of those 'rules' that Strongbow had lectured him about not so long ago. But where does he get to hide? He sprints the direction he came from, looking for either Pike or Yun. Maybe they will tell him?

All around the great bird, What the-? Elves disappearing -back- into the woodwork. By some silent mind-signal, Chisel surmises sourly. At the archer's order, the troll doesn't budge. "Why?"

Redstar pouts, she was in mid-stalk too. As much as she wants to try and sneak up on Chisel, Red gets back to Piper's side. the urgency in her adopted mother's send enough to dashing back.

Scouter's eyes stay in the distance and he makes room for Strongbow. "There....two of their birds." He frowns and sends a mental picture to the archer. Two bond birds, two riders each. One's larger than the other. They stop and circle, close together. "They are moving slow, Strongbow, but they were headed this way before they stopped." Part of him wants to make sure Dew is alright, but with a send, he knows she is higher in the tree...looking for herself. The scout is clearly angry, by the tone in his voice.

Darkedge blinks. Denhide? Seeing Strongbow get defensive, and everyone scramble he glances at the troll, "Because it is not safe at the moment. Go, hide." That said, he too moves to the tree, but instead of hiding, he moves to get even with his teacher, looking up. Though not as sharp as Scouter's eyes, he narrows them to try to see.

Once Redstar is at her side, Piper is quick to scoop the cub in her arms. Yes, theres worry in the usually bouncy elf maiden's eyes. She holds the cub tight and close, sneaking around the edge of the clearing until she can dart just inside the Fatehr Tree - but not so far in she can't see whats going on. Always have to know whats going on, yup! Nosy is good.

Chisel follows everyone's gaze, still sitting on the log. He's trying to sulk, darn it. Let a troll in peace! Birds? What's so dangerous about birds? Wouldn't the archer just toss a couple of arrows up and have roasted fowl for a meal? Okay, not roasted; these elves have -odd- taste. Though Chisel will admit that they seem quite capable of appreciating good brew.

Long moments pass, as above the holt, the gliders circle. The CHosen helps another rider to dismount, then begins the process of lowering himself to the clearing. An arm is wrapped about the elfess, and sends flicker back and forth between them. As the pair grow close, Savith glances down and sends, stopping above the tree line, **I am Savith, Chosen of Blue Mountain. With me is Larias. We've come to speak with your healer.**

The pregnant elfess turns her head to eye her escort, her head shaking as she looks at him. A privae thought is shared between Larias and Savith while waiting to hear the response to such a... pleasant greeting.

You sense in a locksend, Larias is beyond tired, her body sore, more than it has right to be considering she has so long to go really, ** That was not the right way to greet them Savith. ** Its not angry, or chiding, it simply, is.

Strongbow watches the pair with a frown. Great. Just great. He sends toward the gliders, **She's not here for you or your lord's amusment. You've quite the gaul, coming to our holt.** And give him one god reason not to shoot your birds down. He can, you know.

You locksend ** Can you think of a better way? ** to Larias.

Noticing Strongbow's tension, Darkedge shifts positions. Ah! There they are. He glances at the elders, waiting a signal to draw, aim, and loose.

You sense in a locksend, Larias sighs mentally, ** It doesn't really matter now.. does it? ** She chides herself mentally, she should have stayed awake for the rest of the ride, she knew hw to do this, or at least, what she thought was the best way - and with two bonds flying high above, a Chosen announcing himself - that certainly isn't how she would have done it.

Healer? Well, at least it wasnt Dew they were coming for. Still, Scouter is less than pleased. Now that others can see the Gliders and Savith....puckernuts, a Chosen....He glances down to where everyone was hiding. One good reason? The scout could name a few to go ahead and shoot, but Tyldak isnt here.

Savith sighs faintly at some private sends, and replies to the sends in the trees, **We haven't come to harm anyone in this tribe.** A glance at Larias, and the Chosen's jaw tenses, **The journey has been long and tiring, and we must take rest.** He glances at Larias.

You locksend ** You're exhausted. I'm tempted to land without their permission, but here, let be take your weight. ** to Larias.

being the curious little cub that she is, Redstar peers out from behind Piper. A soft ooohhh of amazement is heard from her while she looks up at the strange elves floating above the clearing. Never before has she seens such a trick from any elf. Its rather facinating.

Chisel oohs at the sight of the big birds. Now, that would make a -fine- meal. The elves that have not gone into hiding are silent around him. More elfish mind-mumbo jumbo. At least it leaves him in peace. Course, watching the pointy ears - even the new ones, who are unfamiliar - is more interesting than pouting at the moment.

MOre easily than the rest, Scouter can see how tired, worn and exhausted the female glider appears to be. Beads of perspiration on her brow from the effort of holding herself aloft. She nods almost imperceptibly to Savith, relaxing some as he takes on her own weight. The tired mind of Larias reaches down to the clearing below, ** We are not here because of the black snake... I, am in need, something is not right. **

Strongbow sneers and replies, **Toss down the talonwhip, and send the birds to the cliffs.** He glances at Darkedge and nods, drawing an arrow. At Larias's send, the archer growls faintly. Wonderful. In need. He reenforces his order, **Toss the weapon down first, Chosen.**

Yun moves silently through the branches of the thick trees, an arrow cocked in her bow. She hides against the trunk of the Father Tree, using it and the leaves as cover as she takes in the scene at the base.

Prior isn't too far behind the silently moving Yun, a crossbow that is loaded and ready to be fired rests lightly in his hands. When he sees her stop he freezes as well. waiting...

Scouter just stays silent, not in a position to make the call. Still, his eyes are more on Savith. If that one is a Chosen, he would be the difficult one to 'persuade' to leave and find another place to rest. Preferably outside his Holt's forest.

Darkedge pulls an arrow free and notchs. He watches Strongbow, and aims up at the Chosen, but does not draw.

As Red peers out from behind her, Piper places a staying hand on the cub's shoulder. Her grip tight, but not painfully so. ** Redstar, not now, you need to stay with me. ** Danger danger!

Savith grumbles faintly, but reaches down with a hand to pull loose the weapon and drop it to the ground. He too seems tired, though not as near-exhausted as Larias, but the added weight of hte elfess shows in the strain on his face. The weapon makes a solid thud as it hits the ground. But as for sending the birds away, **I can not send the birds just yet.**

Larias hovers beside the Chosen, a thought drifting to him as she waits to find out whether or not they can land. Likely when they finally do, she'll collapse in a puddle of glider goo - its been a long trip!

Strongbow narrows his eyes at Savith, **And why is that?** He flicks a glance to the clearing, and sends to just the Holt's known allies, **Cover Yun while she gets the weapon. If he makes a move, drop him. Scouter, you'll grab the elfess.**

You sense in a locksend, Larias is nearly ready to drop, the child acting up once more, as his mothers nerves begin to stretch thin as the wolfriders below decide their fate (at least for this night), ** I need to rest Savith - more than just on bird back. ** Granted, Savi already knows this, but hey, can't hurt to emphasize.

You locksend ** I'm trying.** then to the child he adds, **Just a moment longer, hatchling. Just a moment longer. ** to Larias.

Yun drops from the tree with a smooth, near silent motion. Having uncocked her arrow, she clasps her free hand on the long troll sword sheathed at her side during the drop. Once on the ground, she darts in to collect the talonwhip.

Darkedge draws back his bow, aimed at Savith. He waits for the Chosen to move, suddenly finding himself shaking. He's never actually held a deadly weapon to another elf. He's seen it numerous times but to do it himself. He swallows, and licks his lips. This isn't right. He feels it. This isn't right.

Scouter hops off his branch to another one below before moving to climb the rest of the way down. His eyes rise again as his feet touch the grass, still able to easily pick out the two hovering forms. The birds however have been lost from his view thanks to the branches. He frowns but stays ready to aid Larias if and when Strongbow agrees to let them land. Blasted Gliders. Erg.

Redstar glances up at Piper when she grasps her shoulder. She had no intention of venturing outside the tree, she only wanted to look. For now, she watches with wide-eyed wonderment.

Savith watches Yun moves for his weapon, his exxpression darkening. **Because Volek is a youth and not fully trained on guiding hte birds. Plus the smaller is not a fulling bonded, and is likely to throw Llune off at any moment.** He looks at Larias, his other hand moving to hold her tighter again, a private send toward her, then, **There is little time, wolfrider. Allows us to land, ...** And there he stops. Not that long ago, there would have been an ultimatum. Such restraint.

Piper peers out and upwards, not quite so full of wonder as Redstar, but amazed none the less - and frightened, She's heard stories, been at the Holt when 'visitors' have statrted trouble before. This can not be good, nope nope, not good at all.

Where Savith can't be polite, Larias can, as she finishes his sentence for him, ** Please. **

"Let 'em land!" Prior calls from his concealment, blowing his cover. His violet eyes remain fixed on the new commers, the Go-back doesn't bother to watch and see if he gets any reaction, or attention.

Strongbow waits long enough for Yun to secure the weapon, then, sneering at Prior's outburst, the archer nods, **Land.** He motions to Darkedge. Down boy. And moves to drop to the ground himself, tense, and upset.

Yun retreats with the talonwhip, dropping it down by Strongbow. Her arrow is cocked again and her bow brought up and aimed. If she has any qualms about aiming deadly weapons at elves she shows no signs of it. This is a side that doesn't often get to be seen by her tribe: a warrior trained for war; the legacy of her youth spent with the Go-Backs.

Darkedge lowers the bow, and relaxed the draw slowly, then sets the arrow back into the quiver. He takes a shaky breath. High ones, but that takes guts. And it's something he finds he doesn't like at all. But with a family, he looks about. Where's Piper? Redstar? Still safe?

Safe and sound and out of sight, well for the most part anyway. The two, Piper and Red peer from the safety of the father tree. So much for hiding in their own den. Piper hefts the cub into her arms as the Gliders are told to land, best have a tight hold in case this turns out bad after all.

I tell ya, being around elves is better than watching a fight sometimes. Chisel leans back and watches the (mostly silent) show, trying to figure out what's happening from the actions and expression of the elves. The new ones haven't seemed to notice him yet and the Lost Holt elves have their hands full with the newcomers. Everyone oblivious to the watching troll. What fun.

Once the permission is given, Savith waits no longer. A send up to Volek and Llune, telling Llune to dismount and follow Volek to the agreed perching spot, the Chosen starts to lower himself and Larias. When, if ever, has anyone seen a Chosen so gentle? Dewshine, perhaps. Reaching the ground, he shurgs the bedroll he took from his mount before dropping down from his shoulder and gives it a mental push, unroling it. Then, gingerly, he settles Larias to the bedroll, dropping to kneel on the ground himself. No thanks given.

You locksend to Larias, Savith seems relived, though there's still that knot of worry. Wordless, he wonders how you are, if you need anything that he can get without leaving your side...

Strongbow watches the gliders, then asks, **Alright. You've landed. Why, exactly, are you here? Doesn't your mountain have it's /own/ healer?** Scathing tones. Tense. You know, if he were still chief, he'd just have shot you down and be done with it.

Yun eases up on the pull of her bow, though she doesn't drop either it or the arrow entirely. Her expression is impassive, neutral.

Darkedge moves to the clearing as well, and renotch his bow. Better look the part of a stoic guard, and he draws himself to his full height, and pulls that wonderful underworld expressionless mask over his face.

Larias bats at Savith, shaking her head as he goes to lay her down, in the middle of the clearing, in front of everyone. Though exhausted, her sending is tinged with amusement, ** I don't think they will want me sleeping here Savith. ** To the one that gave permission to land, and then begins asking questions, her eyes turn, her expression darkens ever so lightly, ** Yes the Mountain has a Healer.. But, ** May as well be honest with them, its whats worked best in the past, ** I do not trust the Black Snake any more than any of you here would... I've not done this, ** she gestures to her rounded belly, ** before. And something is not right. **

Larias locksends ** Relax Savith.. please? **

Scouter sees he is not needed, but stays close. Yep, the brightmetal dagger at his side isnt drawn, but that can be easily remidied. This is his family's home you've just invaded. Its a very good thing he doesnt see the two above perch anywhere either. Dewshine has also come down, a few branches above Strongbow. Her own expression is more curious, and concerned now that she sees Larias' state of being. She locksends to Strongbow, and then to Scouter who unfolds his arms and steps back a step. He still doesnt look pleased, but at least he isnt gonna pounce.

Savith frowns at the correction, but remains silent. Instead, he shifts slightly, to bear more of Larias's weight and let her talk with the wolfriders. SHe's better at it than he. He glances at the weapons still drawn on him, and his eyes narrow defensively. Ah, a send. He glances back at Larias, and tries to appear relaxed.

You locksend to Larias, Savith acknowledges wordlessly. You'r elucky he likes you. Or, at least, likes the child. :P

Redstar blinks a little while she watches then looks up at Piper and asks softly, "What's wong?" Genuinely curious, and perhaps, in her own way, concerned, she simply wants to know.

Strongbow watches the gliders, frowning. He glances up at Dewshine in the tree, lips pressed tight.

Prior lowers his crossbow, thinking the situation pretty much neutralized.

Piper hugs the young cub tightly to her. Her eyes though don't stray from the strange scene playing out in front of the Father Tree, she keeps her voice low, "I'm not entirely sure Redstar. I think they need help, but.. " How can she explain helping elves of this sort, usually ends badly for someone, some way.

Darkedge moves to put himself between the gliders and Piper and Redstar's location, so perfectly given away by Redstar's little voice. He bites his lip, and keeps his bow at the ready. His shoulders are tense, shaking faintly.

Strongbow's jaw tightens at a mental plea from Dewshine. He turns to regard Savith and Larias again. She's got a point. The gliders don't often have childern, and yet he can't shake the worry that this is just another trap set by Winnowill. He nods, and sends off into the holt, sending for Leetah.

Yun's attention shifts away from the gliders briefly, resting on Chisel. The hard anger she had earlier is still a ghost in her features, but she makes no move towards the troll.

Larias continues watching Strongbow, though he doesn't wear a knot, everyone seems to be deferring to him, so, he must be the one in charge. Periodically, the old glider winces, a hand going to massage her rounded belly. The amount of tension here, almost worse than that in the Mountain.

With each wince, Savith's demeanor darkens. His eyes dance with concern as he regard the elfess at his side. He's about to snap at Strongbow, insisting he send for the healer, and quickly, when he notes Strongbow's nod. Finally. Turning his hard aggitation away, he sighs, and just grits his teeth more.

Yun lowers her bow fully, finally and looks over a Prior. A small smirk touches her lips, she can't help it, and she says conversationally, "The problem with burning bridges is that sometimes, you find that you need to cross them again."

You locksend to Larias, Savith not only holds you aloft almost completely, he moves to give mental strength as well. He can sleep later. You need the endurance right now.

Scouter stands not too far off from the gliders on the bedroll. Dewshine is above Strongbow in the branches too, looking like she may just hop down herself if Leetah isnt quick on her feet. Scouter frowns, but he too can simpathize...just not with Savith.

Redstar ohs softly then goes back to watching. The little cub is probably the only one here that's not all hyped up about a bunch of floating elves. she simply curious.

"Aye, you can't forsee every consequence." Prior replies to Yun before he slips out of the tree and lands onto the ground with a small thud. He walks boldy over to the glider with child. "Fawn coming out feet first?" The warrior queries, seeing a few births happen just so at the lodge and assuming that is what is wrong.

At Yun's words, Darkedge, standing before the openning to hte Father Tree to protect Piper and Redstar, lowers his bow as well, though not as much as the half-goback. He quirks a brow. That's true enough, he muses. And something very much sounding like his mother would say. As Prior nears, he tilts his head and watches curiously.

As Prior nears, Larias seems to grit her teeth tightly, her eyes closing for a moment. Once the pain fades, she opens her eyes, looking at him dazedly, ** I don't know... I don't know whats going on. **

You sense in a locksend, Larias is doing a marvelous job of hiding the pain from the wolfriders, waiting for them to do whatever is they need to do to let her stay. A wave of pain washes through her - outwardly, she winces, gritting her teeth, inward she nearly screams, choking it back - they have not yet been told they can stay, and she knows it.

Piper with Redstar in her arms, Piper steps out of the Father Tree, coming to stand at Darkedge;s side. There doesn't seem to be any danger, at least not at the moment, but plenty to watch.

Savith closes his eyes at something, then opens them to harsh emerald slits at Prior's words. A bead of prespration trickles onhis forehead now as the Chosen begins to show more and more outwards signs of fatigue. It's odd. Almost continually sending toe Larias, keeping their minds linked.

You locksend to Larias, Savith helps with your mask, as he can. Just as he did the night before, without you knowing, he moves to take the pain and give you just determination instead. At the scream, his soul shudders. The feeling draws forth memories which are not helpful, and he battles them down.

Strongbow tilts his head. A strong sender, he notes Savith's locked mind on Larias. Hmmm... Similar to what he did with Moonshade when Dart was.... His brows flicker up, and he sends a thought to Dewshine, the 'expert' on glider Recognitions.

With all the attention focused on the 'visitors' it's likely that the movement in the trees overhead is missed, especially since whoever it is is taking great pains to be quiet and remain undetected. A pair of shadows flit from branch to branch, one elf shape, the other..some kind of animal, but who ever heard of wolves cavorting around in treebranches?

Leetah rushes down from the Father Tree, confused at first from going to Denhide, then being called for urgently. She stumbles on to the scene, her hair not even up in its usual fashion, as she had been drifting through another troubled sleep. She looks worriedly around the many gathered there and frowns. **What is going on??** She sends private thoughts to Strongbow, knowing he will provide her with the best information in a crisis.

"It's a shame Rith ain't here." Prior says with dry tone to his words. "She has had plenty of experience in dealing with this sorta trouble." The warrior then frowns, "Looked easy to deal with, she just yanked the fawns right out, and if she had to, she would cuts things a bit wider with a real sharp knife." He glances around and asks, pointing at Larias. "Shouldn't some one peek and see if there is legs or the fawn's head coming out?

Darkedge pales at Prior's brutal sounding words. He draws back a bit, shuddering! Look? No thank you. Not him. Ah... that mental image is going to stay.. for a while.

Redstar clings to Piper while she watches what's going on. When she stops by Darkedge, the little cub reaches for him as well. Red has no idea what's going still.

Larias's eyes grow wide at Prior's most bizarre statements. Cut? Peer? High Ones this is not what she had in mind, then again, this isn't exactly something she asked for either. ** The.. fawn.. as you say. Isn't ready yet. Too young. ** At least, thats what she thinks.

Yun gives Prior's words a grin, "I'd have been glad for Rith when I had my fawn, that's for sure. Though, Snowlock wasn't that hard to get out."

Dewshine crouches on her branch and then she decides to climb down, giving Strongbow a patient smile at the locksend. Once her feet touch the ground, she comes up behind Scouter, touching his shoulder lightly before she takes up a spot next to him. Her delicate features have concern written all over, and as some of the tension is just about to go out of Scouter by his lifemate's touch, it all comes back at her question ** Will you let me help? ** Seeing Savith's eyes on the Go-Back, she isnt going to take an answer from him. Larias is who she is concerned for. Then her eyes move up again, seeing Leetah. ** She is with cub, Leetah....near to delivering **

The shapes from overhead drop down near Yun, and are finally able to be seen. Since we have all sorts of other breeds and types of elves, why not a catelf? Certainly, the elf that steps out around Yun isn't a local, neither is the large black panther that accompanies him. Both direct their attentions to the gravid Glider elf, "You need help?" he asks. Not overly eloquent, perhaps, but he seems sincere enough. He's already reaching into a pouch kept on his belt. "Is there some water?"

Leetah catches up from various sources, surveying the scene. Ever gracious, but needing to get down to business, she moves to join the pregnant Glider. "I am sure that everyone would love to help, but she seems to be in great pain and I think everyone shouting out suggestions at once might frighten her more than ease her worries, no? Could we take her to a more secluded spot? Near the stream? It would soothe her nerves...and mine...if I'm too work properly."

Piper grabs one of Darkedge's hands, grinning just a little as Red grabs on to him as well. She has an idea whats going on, and Prior and Dewshine seem to have the same notion, but, where they seem to be able to help - Piper stays out of the way, keeping hold of her family, seeing as there is still a Chosen (though weaponless) next to the pregnant maiden.

A sneer, an ever-present look on a Chosen's features, it seems. Savith sneers at Prior, and moves to put more of himself between the two. He tenses again, aggitated by the goback's words of cut and yank and sharp knife. A sudden thought of, maybe this WASN'T such a bright idea. Ah, but it's too late now, moron. Instead, as Leetah appears, and Dewshine offer to help, and now the catelf from the trees, he takes a slightly easier breath. That was the reaction he was gambling on. That most would for go being too nervous and tense and help his m... er... the mother of his child. Yeah, that's it. As Leetah draws near, Savith's first instinct is to tense. But he takes a steadying breath and nods to the healer, still keeping his mind focused, mostly, on Larias.

Prior opens his mouth as he is about to make another shot at what could be the problem, "Maybe she took a hit in the belly? If that is the case, we might loose both the fawn and the mother. Saw it happen twic--" Then Leetah rudely interupts him, he was on a roll there.

Darkedge shifts the bow to his other hand, so he can wrap an arm about Piper. He leans down enough to give Redstar's head a faint nuzzle. Never do his eyes leave the gliders.

Mathryn realizes, perhaps a bit late, that matters are well in hand, so he doesn't intrude. He steps back to Yun's side, keeping one hand on the panther's back while his free arm slips around Yun's back.

Strongbow glances at Dewshine, then Leetah. Thank the High Ones. He steps back, and faints into the background. He'll watch. Make sure that Chosen doesn't do anything funny. To Pike, Skot, Krim, and the rest that gather toward the end, he asks they go find the other two gliders, and keep a close watch on them. He sends to Savith, **And the others?** Now that Larias is being seen to.

You locksend to Larias, Savith tries to put on a brave front for you. But this has him running scared. **Their healer. Finally. You'll be fine now.** I hope.

As Larias's nerves begin to frazzle, her teeth grit once more, eyes closing tightly. Her hand reaches out to grab the nearest thing available to squeeze, poor Savith, he's going to have marks after this. If she had planned on responding to anyone, its not going to happen now. But, the pain recedes again, leaving her breathing haggard. Beads of sweat line her brow, "Help.. please, yes. Something isn't right."

Yun leans casually against Mathryn, keeping her troll sword unencumbered for easy access just in case. Ah, those Go Backs. So open and trusting. A smirk rides her own features at Prior's comments and another bit of evidence of Yun's upbringing is the evident lack of concern over a difficult birthing.

Savith looks at Strongbow, his eyes troubled. **Volek is my student, and Llune my mother. I would..** he's stopped by the grab from Larias. Eyes widen faintly, and he forces himself to press on, **introduce you, but I have more important thigs to deal with at the moment. I would ask you see to them, until this can me... worked out.** Marks? Yes, most likely. He too looks haggard, face drawn and sweaty. What, did they fly straight here from the Mountain without stopping, and Larias about to drop? Sheesh! Stupid glider!

Leetah rises, assuming control of the situation quickly as she hears Larias' pain. **Glider and Scouter, can you please carry her to the Pool. I will help her there.** She scans the area, spotting faces **Dewshine, will you assist me? And...Strongbow, I'd like you to come also. Any may be near, but please keep your comments to yourself.** Shoots a look at Prior, before heading off hurriedly.

You sense in a locksend, Larias still holds back so much of the pain, her mind reeling, but outwardly, no, they haven't been told they can stay, must be ready to go, wolfriders and gliders don't get along. She truly doesn't think this is birth though, just that 'something' is wrong - thats what you get from an old bird such as she, never having had a child.

Prior shrugs helplessly at the dark skinned healer and takes a step backwards. "Sure... Sure, no more mouth from me." Yun probably knows best, that his promise will be a difficult one to keep with him being once of the worst yackers of the Lodge.

Strongbow presses his lips tight at Savith's send. Fine. **Tyleet can see they are made comfortable,** he replies, putting a lean on the last word. Ooooh... Almost cold, that send. He moves to follow Savith, Larias, and Scouter, moving to grab up the discarded bedroll when the gliders move off it. Larias'll need a place to lay down, after all.

Scouter takes a step forward, slipping his hand out of Dewshine's that he didnt even realize had come to be there. He moves to crouch beside Larias, eyes always on Savith. "Let me help" Its not a request. He isnt pleased, and make no mistake, he is eager to get you two back to teh mountain so, if getting this cub born will help, he is all for it. Dewshine simply nods and watches. She will follow along and be Leetah's assistant in this. She even gives the pregnant glider an encouraging smile.

Savith regards Scouter coldly. He was there, in the mountain, though perhaps not Chosen himself yet, when his tribe took Kureel's bond bird. He was there when Dewshine and Tyldak. Shudder. But with his mind linked to Larias's, feeling all that she does not show the world right now, he nods, waiting for Scouter to take a portion of Larias's weight before daring to lighten his load. His eyes flicker shut briefly at it, his breath a few pants.

Redstar smiles up at Darkedge when he ruffles her wild curls then watches as the soon to be mother is moved.

Larias groans, gritting her teeth once again as her body is lifted, and her weight shifts. At the moment, she doesn't rightly care who was where when what happened, this hurts!

Yun gives a slight shake of her head, "That'll be a long one," she predicts of the birth. Mathryn gets a squeeze and even a kiss before the half Go-Back says, "I'll get back to my look out position. Someone let me know what happens." She starts off towards the trees.

Mathryn returns Yun's kiss and nods, "I'll keep an eye out as well," he doesn't seem anywhere near as hostile as the lostholters are, but then, he's a little different. He does seem more curious than anything.

[travel spam omitted]

Pool by Rivers Edge(#933RFJa$)

The lands of the Abode surround you.

The waters of the pool are cool and calm as they gently lap up against the rocks that shelter it from the rivers currents. There are a few flattened stones you can use to 'wash' something with or you can take a lazy 'swim' in the deeper section, closer to the dark rocks. The inviting waters make you just want to 'soak' and relax.

Leetah follows the Glider and Scouter, who carry Larias gently in front of them. She points to a soft bed of moss. **Here, here...and we need to get off these clothes.**

Strongbow moves ahead and drops the glider bedroll down where Leetah indicated, then steps away to play guard. He remains silent, as he's likely to pick a fight with the mountain's denizens. Let's hope they don't ask to stay and rear the brat here.

Savith works with Scouter to bring Larias to the pool's edge. Each step for him is agony as it is for Larias. He is less successful than she at keeping the pain away from his face, for his mind does it's best to keep her from feeling it. That's what the constant locksends must be about.

Leetah drops down beside Larias, reaching out to gently touch her belly. **There now...let's see what the problem is...** She closes her eyes and focuses her energies inward, examining both mother and child. After a few moments slip by, she opens her eyes and frowns. **The babe is small, not eating well...but I think it will survive the birth if I am able to hurry a bit of its development along...will you allow me?** She addresses Larias, but Savith is included in the question as well with a dart of the eyes.

Scouter stays with Savith, watching him as the scout's jaw clenches. No, mustnt feel sorry for them. He gently lowers Larias with Savith to the bedroll before taking a step back. Dewshine on the other hand brushes past them, a cool piece of cloth already damp from the pool in hand. She moves to dab the coolness onto Larias' forehead while she waits for Leetah to delve and see just whats wrong here.

Sweat beads continue to form on Larias' brows, groaning and moaning as she bumped and jostled - even the slightest causes little short of agony. Savith may be trying to keep the pain from her, but there are some pains that can't be erased entirely. The muscles of her abdomen clench, and she lets out pained yowl. As it subsides, her eyes open to meet the Healer's, ** Do.. what you need to. ** She swallows, mouth dry, ** I will do what I can, the child -must- survive. **

Strongbow watches, silent. Hmm... Definately. Definately soulmates. He didn't think it was possible. Two gliders. How strange.

You sense in a locksend, Larias ;'s mind reels from Leetah's words, indeed, something wasn't right, the babe, coming now? Might survive? Already having answered the question, she explains it, quickly, knowing the pain will come again, and soon, ** If she does not, he may die.. I can't let that happen, I can't. **

Savith turns his gaze from Larias to Leetah. His eyes are tired, but stubborn. On the ground, he rests from the use of his gifts. Concentrating again to keep pain from Larias, he nods at Larias's send. Adding weight to her thoughts, his own come, soft, and tense, **Yes. He must.** And that's why they're here, after all.

You locksend to Larias, Savith relents. He too is worried. The child shouldn't be here yet. It is too soon, by a moon or more. Sudden fear gives him strength to bloster you, and the memories of his first two surface. He's felt this, and Leetah's confirmation soldifies it. The sensation that he understands is shared, and the firm knowledge that unlike the others, these wolfriders will have to kill him to remove him from your side. **He will.**

Leetah nods, relieved. She had hoped they would ascent, as she has sworn never to use her magic without permission since the War for the Palace. Now, that the formalities are out of the way she is able to focus completely on the task at hand. She pushes the female Glider's dress up, out of the way. She then places her hands firmly on the small mound of her stomach. **I'm going to have to heal the child first, so you musn't push and you must bear the pain a little longer as I can not heal you till the child is free. Do you understand?**

Dewshine crouches beside Larias as well, opposite of Leetah. Waiting to assist however needed, she concentrates on making sure Larias' head is made to be comfortable and that she is given the coolness of the pond to help with the pain she is undoubtably bearing. Scouter stands beside Strongbow and crosses his arms. Aye, thank the High Ones for those two wolfrider maidens.

Strongbow glances at Scouter, and sends privately, eyes back on the gliders.

Savith looks at Dewshine, crouched by Larias's head next to Leetah. He reaches to grab Larias's hand, and hold it, keeping up the locksend. The Chosen's helm (not in desc, sorry!), he reaches up for and tosses away. It's hot, and stifling. That done, Savith turns back to looking Larias in the face. Leetah will have to cause pain? All healers are the same, aren't they? Ah well, such is life.

A nod is all the answer Larias can give to the Healer. Her jaw sets, prepared to take whetever pain she must, she's dealt with pain before. When the cool water is placed on her forehead, she relaxes, if only for a second, thank the High Ones some things do help, if even a little. But, as another wave of pain washes over her, it is not just Savith that is gripped, Larias somehow finds Dewshine's own small hand and latches on, eyes shutting tightly, grip fierce as she does what she can to not do anything.

Leetah nods, then closes her eyes, turning inward. She seeks out the child within Larias' womb, needing to "push" its development to the point it will survive after birth. The cub is small and she starts there. A golden aura slowly begins to expand around Leetah's hands and Larias' stomach. She helps strengthen the cub's bones, his digestive tract, and his bladder...all essential prior to birth. Then, she moves to increase the surface area of his lungs, expanding them to be ready for the harsh air of the outside world. This process causes the cub to grow slightly, stretch, and kick...which obviously will cause Larias some discomfort due to her small size. Leetah tries her hardest to divert some of the pain, but the reality is she must focus more on the cub than the mother until it is ready to be had...till the point it is about to drop.

Dewshine's small frame is backed with the strength of the wolf blood flowing through her veins. She gasps at the suddenness of the grip, but doesnt flinch away. Her free hand continues its efforts to soothe, quite used to childbirths. Still, she cant help but glance to Leetah with some concern. Surely the baby must be close. Scouter just half smiles at Strongbow's locksend. It doesnt reach his eyes though.

Strongbow licks his lips and turns away. These things are hrad to watch. Instead, he scans the sky, what he can see of it, and the surrounding forest.

As Leetah begins to work on the fledgling inside her, initially there is the thought she can bear this, really, it won't be that bad. But then, as the child grows faster than a body is made to handle, Larias head lifts, letting out a low aching scream of nothing short of sheer agony. Her grip on the two hands she holds turns fierce, as if holding on for dear life. As she the air in her lungs runs out, her head falls back to the mat, breath raggedly coming, grip still tight, eyes dull with pain.

You know. There's one thing to be said about being in Winnowill's service. It makes an elf used to a certain about of pain. But this? As Larias cries out in agnoy, Savith gasps, eyes widening. He too seems to feel the pain, and more than he should, for he's actively trying to help Larias bear up under it all. 'High ones,' he thinks to himself, the thoughts echoing into Larias, 'The others weren't half this bad.' His shoulder shake with the effort, of trying not to cry out too, but as the air runs out from Larias, Savith picks up, a low, dull groan.

You locksend to Larias, Savith's mind shudders. What more can be said? Nothing seems to have fully prepared him for this, but firm resolve holds him.

Scouter had helped Dewshine give birth up in the treetops. On the ground, with his view obscured by the maidens and Savith, he didnt need to turn away. He also didnt trust Savith enough to leave Dewshine out of sight even with all this happening. Strongbow's send just strengthened that resolve. Dewshine makes soothing noises to Larias, for all thats worth. "Its almost done....your almost done. Just a little longer, for your cub...."

Strongbow scans the area again. Scouter's watching the gliders proper. He'll watch the rest. Stupid gliders. Why can't they give birth on their own?

Volek walks slowly up in behind the group. A glance scans the elves and watches. He stand in his place, watching Larias. His mind wanders as he ponders.

Behind Volek, is Tyleet. The gentle elfess sends to Scouter and Strongbow, **This is Volek. He said he was with Savith, and wanted to be here.** She knows it'll be okay. He's just a child, after all. Okay, maybe not a little tiny child, but a young elf in anycase.

Leetah ascertains that the cub is ready, then diverts a small bit of her attention to Dewshine. **I need you to take over the actual birth...I'm going to shift from the cub to the mother now and it's going to instantly start to make its way into the world. Be ready.** She breaks the contact, then releases her magical grip upon the baby, her magics instantly shifting to the mother. She works to expand the elf's womb, to compensate for the size of the cub, and to heal the tears its caused in its need to come into the world. Larias instantly feels the soothing warmth of a true healer, making her insides feel lighter than a feather, calming the turmoil she's been feeling for the past few days. That done, the babe is free to make itself known to its parents...and the others gathered.

Savith nearly panics as Larias's pain suddenly subsizes and he begins to realize what may be happening. His mind a rush, he blurts out, **But it's too soon, isn't it? I mean, it hasn't been two full turns. We're still a moon away, I think. This can't be good.** Didn't he listen? Leetah made sure to make the cub READY first.

What, you mean its not over yet? The pain now, all but gone, though the body is old, Larias catches on to what she needs to do as her child begins moving more easily. A push and the head begins to show, hopefully Dewshine there to note the progress and put on her catcher's mitt.

Strongbow glances over at Volek's appearance. The archer takes in the youth's appearance. Savith's studnet, hmm? He narrows his eyes slightly, but nods to Tyleet, sending in reply, **He's fine.**

You sense in a locksend, Larias's mind relaxes, almost as if she's hardly there, retreating to that fluffy happy place you created for her in place of her cold lonely hole int he Mountain. Surrounded by the warmth of a true, gentle healer, she lets her body do what it must.

Dewshine moves down to help with the delivery, glancing to Savith in the way. "You dont get a choice in the matter. Your child is coming wether your ready or not." Its not said with any hatred, but she does emphasize the word 'Your'. As soon as the head shows, she looks up and tells Larias with a grin on her face. If one wouldnt know better, the maiden has forgotten these were Gliders. Well, cant blame the cub for that, can she? "I need you to breath....and then hold your breath and push." She says steadily, ready to get the baby as soon as its out.

Volek gives Strongbow a smirk, almost a defying smirk... Of course he's fine, he has every right to be with his teacher.

You locksend to Larias, Savith's worry ad panic kick in. Worry about everything. He would move to follow, if he didn't feel rooted to the spot. Dewshine's words cut through. HIS child. The only time any of his children were called HIS was when someone wanted to rub it in they were half wolf, or to emphasis a failure.

Savith's brows draw up in concern, worried about it all. He bites his lip, but continues to lock send with Larias. Somehow, it doesn't seem like he's helping much, anymore. At least, not as he was earlier.

Leetah does not release her healing powers on Larias until the cub is completely free, she makes certain that all the afterbirth is expelled properly, then helps to shrink the elf's womb down slowly to its proper size, leaving time for her body to adjust to the absence of the child. When it is finished, she sits back on her heels and sighs. **There's done.**

Strongbow returns Volek's smirk with a faint quirk of a brow. He tests the air. Hmm.. He turns his gaze to the new elf in the world, waiting for it's howl. Hmph. Can he toss them out yet?

Dutifully, Larias followed Dewshine's instructions, to the t. Push when told, breath when told, an automaton, taking direction from someone that knows better than she. When its over, Larias falls back on the bedroll, hair wet with perspiration, exhausted. Its done she said.. But there is no cry. Tightly, the glider shuts her eyes, something didn't work, but finally in the arm of Dewshine, comes the mewling, "Aaaa wahhhhh!"

You locksend to Larias, Savith's heart sings once again. The child's cry. His first. Pure elation. Not flight, nor dream-magic can compare to this. And this time, he wasn't pacing in front of a tree, or holed up on a branch. He was right there! Holding the mother's hand. Mind locked to hers to feel and experience and. **High ones,** comes the whispered thought, **You are... ** He's at a loss for words, only sweet sweet emotion. Pure joy.

Leetah sighs softly, smiling in relief at the cry. She looks around, dazed slightly from exhaustion and her work. Wearily, she calls out...**Strongbow?**

Dewshine grins like the mother that she already is, and Scouter comes over with his own vest. Dewshine takes the clothing of her mate and bundles the baby up to keep it from the cool air before her almond-shaped eyes look to Savith. "Your son....I think he wants to meet you." She smiles engouragingly and holds him out gently to Savith before she glances lovingly back to her mate and stands up to go stand within his arms.

Strongbow looks over at Leetah, then moves over, **Yes?**

Volek furrows his brow back as he sees Strongbow's demeanor. Ahh yes, the raceist distrust he sooo missed in the mountain. He idly mulls ofer the ideas of moving off to prepare for departure, but holds his place. He eyes the newborn child and smiles a bit.

Leetah looks up at him, the pure exhaustion written across the strain of her face. She is blanched, and almost green. **I think I need help...getting home.** It's evident that the Healer has over-exherted herself and the continous lack of sleep from her nightmares are finally start to effect her ability to cope with her magics as well. She starts to wobble where she sits.

Are those -gasp- tears that mist the Chosen's eyes? Surely not! Just some... eh... swamp gas... reflecting off of... the light of... Venus. Yeah, that's it. Gingerly letting go of Larias's hand, Savith reaches to take the child, bundled in Scouter's vest as he is. Darn it, where's Llune when you need her with those baby blankets? Child in hand, Savith blinks, and yes that is a large wet drop that rolls down his cheek. He whispers, "Mine?" The sound is almost unbelieving. A moment, and he lowers the bundle to Larias.

Larias's bleary eyes open, the child is crying, Savith is happy? Everything turned out right after all, and the pain, no longer there. ** Is he well? Is he alright? ** It won't be long before she herself passes out, exhausted as well, but she needs to know. Her head turns to take a look at her newborn, so tiny, but aren't they all at first?

Volek furrows his brow a bit and floats back. in mid flight he turns back in the direction of Winddance and floats off.

Strongbow nods and moves to help Leetah to her den. Then, he'll be back.

Leetah walks slowly off with Strongbow.

Scouter nuzzles his cheek against Dewshines in a silent greeting, and then he glances over to Strongbow and Leetah. Still not happy with the Gliders here, he has a hard time being angry when his lifemate is safe in his arms. Its only when more elves begin to appear in the trees that Scouter makes his way with Dewshine back into the forest. So the tribe now knows of the Glider's presence. Dont expect any time alone now that your guards have arrived.

Savith nods to Larias. He hasn't even looked up to notice Volek's entrance, or give the lad a greeting or anything. Sheesh! What a bad parent. ;P His reply is soft, **He's fine. He's fine.** High Ones bless Leetah, but the hatchling is fine. **Healthy and strong,** he adds. Though thoughts as to whether or not he'll fly, shape rock, or fling fire are saved for another day.

Larias's reaches up, touching the crying infant on the cheek. It takes so much effort to do so, for how long, having slept so little. A slow stream of tears trickles down her cheeks as well. Still crying? Its not a pleasant sound, why is He doing that, concern flashes in her eyes, ** Are you sure he's ok? **

And thankfully, Savith saw this many times. Not enough to know all the cries, but still. He nods, and sends to both. A wordless comfort to the child, and **Yes. He's fine. Just needing some sustenance.** to Larias. He looks into Larias's face, concerned, **I know oyu're tired, I know you need to sleep, but you must let the child nurse, for a moment.** Don't ask him why.

No, not why, instead she asks him, ** How? ** If only Leetah and Dewshine hadn't departed so quickly. Her mind so fuzzed and frazzled, so tired. She gives her head a shake, clearing the cobwebs. With great effort, she pushes herself upright, into a sitting position. ** Nevermind... I've, seen.. I think. ** Dull pale blue eyes furtively glance about, oh, but there they are, in the trees, watching. Despite the presence of guards, she undoes the ties of her dress, unsteady arms held out to take the fledgling.

Savith helps as he can, then almost relunctantly holds out the child. HE's silent a moment, then... **Has he... told you his name?**

His name? She needs the child to tell her his name? Wobbly, Larias takes the child in her arms. Exhausted she sways back and forth, worried she'll tumble, ** Help me? How... ** Ahh, the worries and frets of a new mother. Afraid she's going to break the babe, she brings him to her breast. It doesn't take long for the little one to figure out this is what he wants, and once there, he's not likely to let go until he nearly gets his fill.

Savith reaches out and pulls Larias against his chest. To steady her, really. He watches the child. How? Good question. He sends gently to the boy, a sense of himself, father figure, then his name, **Savith.** He lets it linger a moment, then asks the question, a sense of looking for a similar reply.

Thank the HIgh Ones she has something to lean against, no more worries of dropping the child, really, theres nothing else that makes leaning against Savith any good, honest. But, her head leans back, nestled comfortablym, her eyes close as she repeats Savith's images of self as mother, and her name, ** Larias. **

It takes two to make another elf. And, with this child, sometimes it takes two to get a response from him. fears from birth have subsided, now that his need for nourishment is being taken care of. The light of his mind if small, a flicker that brightens after a moment, ** Rosendo ** Fresh mind, so many questions, no way to even ask them, but he is warm, surrounded by love (and guards). Could life be any better?