Saturday, July 5, 2003

Sweet Dreams, Beloved

Logfile from TwoMoons - Savith.

Savith's Chambers(#4706RJLh)

A feeling of magic resonates about the chamber, a shapers touch having recently graced the room. A stone chandelier is centered on the ceiling, several candles set to burn and illuminate the room. Hanging from the chandelier are several small pieces of metal, polished so as to brightly reflect the light from the candles above. A patchwork ravvit fur ground covering is on the floor, colors ranging from tawny blonde, to golden, to a rich deep brown. Around the fur covering, are several large sitting pillows, each one matchnig one of the shades in the center pillow, one which is made of roe deer skin, a soft brown, striped faintly with gold.

Along one wall a stone table has been erected as has a bench, a pitcher and tray set out, though both are commonly empty. Hung against the far wall of the room, is a circular decoration. It appears to be made entirely of leather and ravvit fur, soft browns , again with a touch of gold. Within the circle, strands of sinew create a webbed pattern, in which small beads made of bone are tied. From these beads, strings of leather fall, almost brushing the floor, the ends tipped in more beads, feathers, and fur. Two wall sconces shaped to either side, illuminate the strange piece of art work.

One small corner of the room has been curtained off from the rest, the curtain matching the color scheme of golds, yellows and browns, with fine needlework decorating the light weight leather. Images of great hawks, wolves, ravvits and a myriad of other creatures has been embroidered onto the piece. A small corner of the bed and platform peeks out from behind the curtain, covered in new blankets and pillows, again the coloring the natural golds and browns of doe skin, set to match the rest of the room.

All in all, this Chosen's room has come to resemble a wolfriders den more than a chamber of the Mountain.

Savith glances up from cleaning his talonwhip. "Mother? Something I can... do for you?"

Llune sighs, a little flustered, "Well, my son, it is more something I can do for the two of you." She holds her hands out with the package, "As promised, a simple item."

She looks between the 2, wondering if she's intruding.

A bit on the odd side, Larias is sitting, quietly in Savith's room. She leans back against the wall, comfrtable to idle quietly as he cleans the talon whip, her eyes closed - it is safe in his room after all.

Savith sets the talonwhip done and motions his mother in, rising to meet her, "YOu've finished it, already?" Well of course she did! And she'll say the design was simple, just like what was said of Cutter's new outfit when the wolfriders first 'visited' Blue Mountain two centuries ago. On his feet he moves to take the package, "Should I open it, or Larias?"

Llune shrugs gently, "It doesn't matter," she stifles a giggle, "so long as you don't wear it, my dear!"

Larias opens her eyes slowly, was she *gasp* actually napping? "Hmm? Oh.. hello Llune." She blinks her pale eyes a few times, clearing sleep from them and her mind and body, "Open? Yes.. I suppose." Eh, whats going on here?

Savith chuckles, a faint grin on his face. A brief nod and he turns to hand the present over, "Then she should open it, I think." Even if he IS curious.

Llune smiles knowingly at Savith's curiosity. For all his etiquette, she still ses the little one she raised so long ago.

Savith was never little. It was all Llune's imagination.

Llune has a vivid imagination.... (open the present!!)

Larias rises slowly, moving from around the table to join the other pair in the more open space of Savith's chamber. She takes the object from Savith, one brow arched upwards in curiosity. "I.. did not expect anything so soon." But, she doesn't waste any more time, undoing the strings of the package, she tries to open it up, the dress coming to form as she does so.

Llune moves to pick up the additional pieces that fall from the folds, "I hope you like it..."

Llune watches the two view the dress, eyeing their faces for distaste...

Savith smiles lightly. Yup. It's another Llune-made item. Delicate. Understated. He tilts his head toward his mother, commenting, "It's very nice. The color should suit her well."

Llune smiles, pleased by Savith's approval - now for Larias' reaction, "I tried to make it simple, dear... I hope the embroidery was not too presumptuous?"

As she finds the shoulders, Larias holds the piece up, then against herself. Unable to stop herself, she smiles, tears springing into her eyes - how long has it been since a garment was made for her, not by her or not borrowed? Perhaps the highs and lows of pregnancy adding to her mood. She then moves the garment, fingering the embroidery of wolves, voice raspy with emotion as she states simply, "Its beautiful"

Savith almost actually smiles fully, both at Larias's reaction and the mirrored emotions her reaction forces to bubble to the surface within him. Trying to stay composed, Savith turns from the mothers to collect his talonwhip again. Dead puppies. Dead puppies. That's it! Nice evil thoughts! Not happy! DOn't be happy. Darn it! Harder than it sounds. He always hated this part of recognition.

Llune smiles and reaches out to pat Larias' shoulder, "I'm happy you like it. I thought the shawl might help against drafts, and the blue would help you to blend into the mountain." she says the last part with a wink, "I'll have some more for you soon - I'll have to measure for the breeches, but dresses such as this are simple... If you want anything a special color, please just let me know."

Larias doesn't even flinch from the pat on her shoulder. Her eyes lift to meet Llunes, "More?" The glider can't be serious, "I can make this one last... Really, this must have been trouble enough, and unexpected."

Llune shakes her head and squeezes Larias' shoulder affectionately, "Oh, no dear, you must not have been prepared for Savith's mother... You will surely have more clothes than you could ever use!"

Llune she smiles again and looks at Savith (who rolls his eyes even though she can't see him, "He knows what I mean."

Back to the ladies, Savith closes his eyes against Larias's head-spinning emotions. A hand braces himself against the table, as he tries not to get caught up in it. Evil thoughts. Evil thoughts. Chosen are sourfigs! Really they are!

Llune looks from one to the other, "I suppose I should leave you with this... revelation?"

Not when they're Recognized mate's are happy fluffy they aren't! Larias wipes away one of the tears threatening to roll down her cheek, "But... You, really don't have to."

Savith drops himself to a seat, turning his face from them, and resting the heel of his eyes to his eyes. Maybe, if he presses them in hard enough, the tears won't look so odd.

Llune smiles and pats her shoulder one last time, "My dear, I think you're unbridled emotion is making Savith a little... uncomfortable *whispers* he's not the gushing type...

She moves to Savith and drops a hand to his shoulder, "My son, I promise not to tell, please stop forcing yourself."

Savith's shoulders are nice and tense. He replies through clenched teeth, "I'm fine, Mother. Done this twice already, you know. Once more won't kill me."

Larias continues to hold the fine dress, unable at this moment to let it go. At Llune's words she looks to Savith, at his words she comments, "But neither of those times were to one like me." You know, one apt to cause enough problems, he'd wish he was dead sometimes.

Llune sighs and half hugs him, "Darling, things are usually a good deal easier when you do not resist them." she moves away, "But I know you will find your own way." She looks back to larias and offers a smile, "The more I see the two of you, the more I realize why you have recognized."

Llune she smiles one last time, looking over the room, "I should be going..."

Larias shakes her head as Llune prepares to leave, "You don't have to go if you don't want to." Llune makes a wonderful buffer between her and Savith, and weapon too, but hey, she's not in that sort of mood right now.

No, Larias is right. They weren't full elf. Larias is. Yeah, Savith would love to jump off a cliff. The problem is that there would be no sudden stop at the end. Savith, impolitely, does not stand as he mother makes clear her intention to leave the room, still trying not to feel yet not block out Larias. It was far easier to just sulk on a tree branch and feel than be so opennly scrutinized.

Llune smiles, "My dear, I fear my presence makes Savith feel a bit... exposed. I will be around, but now I think it may be best if I were to leave and allow the two of you some privacy."

Larias glances at Savith, then back to Llune, still choked up by the gift of the dres, "If you think its best.. I suppose." Aww come on Savi, please let her stay?

When he's about ready to grab his bird and go? Yeah right!

Savith takes a few gulping breaths to steady himself, and manages, "Thank you for stopping by Mother." Whoa... head swimming. Not good. Not good.

Llune says "I will be dropping by again soon," she looks pointedly at Larias, "Let me know how it fits, I'd love to see it on sometime.""

Larias nods to Llune, "Of course. I will come by very soon with it on." A smile, a genuine smile touching the gldiers face, "I promise."

Llune quietly departs.

Savith pants very slightly. Okay.. head's starting to setlle. Life should be fine soon. Really soon. Whew! That was close! He almost beamed happily for a moment!

Larias holds the garment up to her shoudler's again, an attempt to try it on without actually putting it on. Her smile is still there, the amazement, shock, and joy slowly fading. How could it be? A kind heart actually within the Mountain's walls. It doesn't make sense.

Savith takes an easy breath as the emotions fade from him, leaving behind memories of the previous two just as happy over something: a new wolffriend, a good hunt, whatever. He opens his eyes and presses the wetness away coldly, as if it were mud or dust. Alright! He'll be himself again.

Larias'a pale blue eyes lift up, looking over at Savith, though still wet from her own unbidden tears of joy, "Are.. you ok?" High Ones, the feelings were reeling from her, how did he fare?

Savith's replies as calmly and coldly as he can, "Fine." Especially now that her overwhleming joy is fading. And he though wolfriders had roller coaster emotions. "You going back to sleep?" How long had she been napping there anyway? Hours?

Larias had been there quite some time. She wasn't there when he left to perform his duties, but she was there when he returned, eyes shut, looking and feeling at peace for awhile. She shake sher head at his question, "No.. I don't think so. I should try this on." A light airy chuckle erupts, "I'm almost afriad to.. so much more delicate than anything I've worn in so long."

Savith nods and motions toward his bead area and the curtain, "Then change there." He moves to collect the talon whip again and busy himself with its cleaning. Almost himself again.

Larias nods only once, quickly moving on foot. The curtain falls and the sounds of clothing coming off is heard, a releived sigh audible as the too tight breechs come off finally - and for the last time to. Giddy at having a new garment, she sends the breechs flying out the curtain, "Burn those will you?"

Savith fliches at the giddiness, but reaches out to grap the breeches with his magic. He stands and looks baout. No fire place here. He'll take it to the kitchens later. With a flick of a wrist he hurls the dispised breeches to a far corner, "At my nest opportunity."

More rustling can be heard as Larias shimmies into the new gown. No, its not her preferred style of garb, but it will definitely work, and the wolves are just the sort of touch she would have made herself. Soon, lacings are done, bringing the garment to a suitable fit about her torso and slowly blossoming belly. Satisfied she's got it all on straight, minus the shawl, she pulls back the curtain and steps out.

Savith looks up from the disgarded trousers. When his gaze settles on Larias, his heart skips a beat or five. Like a high one she is, all gossimer and silks. Does his jaw drop? Yep. Do his eyes widen? Yep. By Voll, she's actually beautiful.

Looking down, she smoothes out the dress, or at least tries, one can not smooth away a rounding belly. A tug on the sleeves given, followed by a quick readjustment at the neckline before she actually looks up at Savith. Her eyes seeming a brighter shade of blue as they reflect the color of the dress. Blinking, confused, "Is.. Are you ok?"

Savith is silent for long moments before he shakes his head and turns away. Surely she can sense his heart pounding in his ears. "Yeah, just... the dress... fits you well." Yeah, that's a good way to say it. Okay, let's find a reason to see Larias revolting and everything will be just find!

Larias's cheeks grow warm as a blush springs to them, a compliment? Did he just pay her a compliment? "Llune worked wonders... I hadn't even been down to see her as of yet to be measured." She fidgets once more with the various ties, "Her design, one I'd not have thought of either."

No! It's was your imagination! Really it was! He moves to plop into his soft sitting cushions. "Yes, Llune's something else."

Larias looks only a tad uncomfortable, after all, she was just in a sea elf dress a turn or three ago. But that was before Savith truly had to matter in her life. A nervous swallow, eyes flitting to the room's exit, "You.. don't look well." A lie perhaps? "I, should let you rest."

"I'm fine," Savith replies, "Stay if you want. Tsoran is no doubt on the prowl." He leans back, dropping his head over the back of the cushions, eyes closed. He's fine really. Hopefully she didn't notice, huh? Yeah, that's it. She didn't norice. He takes a breath and exhales. See? Just fine.

Nearly she murmurs, 'its not Tsoran I worry about tonight'. Though the thought is there, she does not give it voice. Instead she speaks, "I think I now understand what you were syaing of your mother. She does indeed have a sense of garments."

Savith hmms softly, bringing a hand up to rub his temple. Ugh, still in uniform. Savith stands and moves toward the shelves where his own numberous garments are kept. "And whom else would you worry about," he asks, plucking the thought away as she so often does to him.

Larias glances at the garments in Savith's closet, yes, look at those and not him, though that doesn't keep her blush from spreading, puckernuts! She coughs once, "Ah... no one in particular." You you big fool, you're not acting yourself.

Savith grabs one at random and moves to step behind his curtain. He hmmms again. Just as Larias shuffled through clothes, Savith changes and steps out, flinging the uniform away. Considering the quickened heartbeat, a looser garment is best, no? "No one, hmm. Alright. If you want to stay here the night... I'll take the cushions. Dodia's out hunting." A Door must have let her out.

At the mention of Dodia's name, Larias closes her eyes, nodding once. "And if she should return?" A light faint smile, "I would not wish to cause her pain. I'm sure she worries enough as it is. Needless though that worry may be."

Savith moves to regain his seat, eyes settling on Larias. Ooops.. shouldn't have. Wow. A true elfess. He takes a moment to reply, "She's a grown elfess, and understands the closer your time draws, the more concern I'll feel.

In a Mountain full of elves, albeit many of them ones that don't necessarily care for her, why be alone if you don't have to? Didn't she spend enough turns alone, scared? The thoughts are shaken from her head as she relents all to easily, "I.. suppose." She finds some place to hover sit, fingers beginning to undo the long braid at her back. "If you're certain she won't be upset."

Savith's eyes don't leave Larias as he replies, "She'll understand. We are only lovemates, afterall." And begun that way under orders to boot. Finally turning, he moves the shelves again and grabs two blankets for himself which he takes to the seating area.

Larias frowns to herself, then shakes her head, "Let me take the cushions. This is your room after all." A hand is held up to ward off any arguments, "The cushions will be fine for me, more comfortable thana tree branch I'm sure."

Savith openned his mouth to argue, but is halted. He too shakes his head, "I insist. You are the one expecting, after all."

Larias moves to the seating area at that point, the dress flowing nicely as she does so, yes Llune definitely is a master of her skill. Carefully, skirt held so as not to damage it, Larias sits on the cushions, grinning defiantly, "Go ahead and try to move me then."

Challenging... a Chosen? Is that /really/ smart? Dropping the blankets, Savith extends a hand to float Larias up. Let's try the easy way first. "I shall. THe bed to you, lunatic," he replies, a faint smirk, teasing.

Larias leans way back, apparently getting comfortable, grinning all the while, "A bed of cushions? Why, thank you for agreeing with me for once Savith." Ahh yes, this is the life.

Savith's eyes narrow and he brings both hands up to try to lift Larias. Is she fighting him? Silly elfess! He's going to move you if he has to grab you physically.

Of course she's fighting him, though, the attempt is pathetic considering what he knows she is capable of. "Savith..." Larias gives the name a cautioning tone, "It won't hurt me to sleep on the cushions." Oh my, is she pleading, "I'm giving in and actually sleeping here, isn't that good enough?" Little beads of perspiration break out on her forehead, fighting just the tiniest bit costing her much energy.

Savith steps closer, eyes narrowed, "No, but if you roll and fall?" He shakes his head, now pushing with his gifts to haul Larias up into the air, "I'll not risk it. The bed you'll have. I'll deal with Dodia, should she anger about it."

Larias give sup, Savith's magic enveloping her as she sighs, "Fine.. But I dont have to like it!" So old, but still a petulent child at times. After a moment, a grin begins again, "Too bad, I'm not ready to sleep again."

Savith stops moving her, holding her aloft. "Not ready to..." He sighs, taking another step closer, "You'r impossible, Larias." Somehow, and trust me he's not sure how, but that hint of soul drips into that. Must be the magic connecting them.

Larias swallows hard, looking at anything but him, her smile wavering, turnig nervous, "Heh, thats me. Thought you figured that out long before now. Someone in the Mountain has to be, right?"

"Trust me," Savith replies, starting to settle Larias back to the cushions as he nears, "Mother is enough." Now, just which mother is the question, though now that he nears, he too shows the signs of the brief contest of wills, a faint glimmer of sweat on his brow.

As she's set back down, Larias breaths a sigh of relief, under the control of someone else not something she is used to, or thinks she cares for. Her eyes close, headache forming after the brief, half-hearted battle, "You're mother is not impossible." A smile encroaches, "I am impossible. I'll always do just what everyone wishes I don't do. Your job is to do as told, mine is the exact opposite."

Savith settles himself behind Larias, leangin on the cushion next to her. "Is that so," he asks, a grin sneaking up on him. "You're doing a fine job of /not/ staying near by for me to protect." Oh my! Will wonders never cease?! Was that a tease?

Larias leans her head back to look at Savith, eyeing him with more amusement than her expression shows, "Well, how can I truly torment and pester you if I'm not near you? Even Sprig made the trip for such worthwhile sport."

Savith regards Larias, with a very stern look. It lasts for about a full minute, before he drops his face to his hands! "Oh! That was insane!

Larias closes her eyes once more, ahh, lounging, something she only relearned how to do among the Raft Holt. "You have to admit, his tenacity was... admirable, if not utterly stupid."

Savith shaks his head, lifitng it again, "More than stupid, but yes, admirable." He drops his chin to an arm, "I wouldn't be surpised if that Little Bird put him up to it."

"Does it matter who put who up to what?" Larias asks as her hand moves to rest on her slightly swollen abdomen. A soft sigh, almost content, her voice changing tones, "How does it feel Savith? To finally win?"

Savith Hmms? "Win?" He turns his eyes to look at Larias, "What do you mean, win?"

"Finally, you got me i the Mountain. Staying of my own free will for who knows how long." Is the elder glider's reply. There is no anger in her tones, nor in her mind as she speaks.

Savith ohs softly. Well, does it? He turns his eyes away from his Recognized, though it doesn't keep her from sensing, "I need you safe, and the gliders need this child. There is no place better." A moment, "I suggest apologize, if Tsoran's attentions grow."

Larias opens her eyes, turning so she can look at Savith, a bit of a frown forming, "Apologize? You think I should apologize to .. to him?"

Savith looks over, shaking his head quickly, "Oh, no! I meant... I should apologize to you." It's been a long day.

Larias's frown fades into her usual lack of expression. She nods once. After a moment, rolling back over to the comfortable position she had found before. "I haven't seen hide nor hair of him in what feels like a few of the moons phases."

Savith lets out a soft sigh, "Well, that's good." His eyes droop slightly, and his right hand, tucked other his other arm, finds a few stray locks of Larias's hair. Mistaking them for either his own locks or something else, he twirls the silvery locks through his fingers. Unspoken communication. He's worried about Larias's safety still.

Larias's eyes begin to close once again, her body beginning to demand that she sleep soon once again. Her voice softly murmuring, "I am as safe here, now, as I am anywhere else Savith. while I carry this child, no one here dares harm me, or repay old debts. That will all come in time." Ah, such a pleasant thought no? One that doesn't particularly bother her anymore either, "Come what may, I will stay."

Savith turns his gaze back to Larias, and watching her start to drift towards sleep. Well, it's now or never, Chosen. He pushes sleep away from the moment and raises, floating Larias up with him, to bring her to his arms. Come what may, huh? Amazing elfess, this one. He turns, and starts toward his bed to tuck her in.

Blue eyes flutter open as she's lifted. Aww man, and here she thought for sure she'd get the comfortable cushions as her bed for the night. Her eyes almost immediately begin to shut again, though one arm drapes loosely about Savith's shoulder to hold on until she is set down, voice murmuring though the haze of sleep, "I'm not a child. I don't need to be carried like one." Not that she resisted it either.

Savith shushes softly, "Just getting practice." His voice is but a soft sleepy whisper, fatigued himself. Floating toward his bed pit, he stops to rest a knee down and set Larias down gently. See? Isn't the bed better than cushions? It's just as soft! Really it is. Setting her down, he whispers softly, "Sleep well, Larias. I'll guard your dreams." And try not peek in on them.

Larias curls onto her side as she us put down, using one of her arms as a pillow. The other absently feels for blankets. Half asleep already, she whispers something unintelligible, then breathing evens out slow and steady, gone to sleep.

Savith starts to float a blanket over but... MOther would always yell at him for sleeping in a new outfit. Aw heck. Withdrawing an arm, Savith floats Larias's hair from the braid and uses it to screen his vision as he floats the dress free.

Larias shivers, though she doesn't wake, her hand still reaching for that blanket. In any other room in the Mountain, she'd wake no doubt, but here, its safe. Its where she can sleep easiest - even if Savith strips her down a she snoozes :p

Savith sets the dress aside, and floats the blanket over to cover her.As the blanket covers, he pulls her hair free. Only once she's fully covered does he pause to rebraid, knowing the headache she'll give him for the dress and not wanting to add a mass of tangled hair to it. Chores done, he pauses, panting softly. A full day of hunting and flying and working, and then having to be so careful and precise.

Ahh, there's that blanket! Larias snuggles into the fabric, though, as she enters into a deeper sleep, she rolls onto her back where she'll stay for the rest of the night. The blanket pulled tight under her chin, ahh, this is the life. *snoore*

As he hears Larias drop into a deep slumber, Savith smiles and folds the dress to set on the foot of the bed before dragging himself out of the bed area and closing the curtains for her to drag himself to the cushions, where he passed out himself.