Tuesday, July 8, 2003

Marriage Councelling

Logfile from TwoMoons - Savith.

Savith's Chambers(#4706RJLh)

A feeling of magic resonates about the chamber, a shapers touch having recently graced the room. A stone chandelier is centered on the ceiling, several candles set to burn and illuminate the room. Hanging from the chandelier are several small pieces of metal, polished so as to brightly reflect the light from the candles above. A patchwork ravvit fur ground covering is on the floor, colors ranging from tawny blonde, to golden, to a rich deep brown. Around the fur covering, are several large sitting pillows, each one matchnig one of the shades in the center pillow, one which is made of roe deer skin, a soft brown, striped faintly with gold.

Along one wall a stone table has been erected as has a bench, a pitcher and tray set out, though both are commonly empty. Hung against the far wall of the room, is a circular decoration. It appears to be made entirely of leather and ravvit fur, soft browns , again with a touch of gold. Within the circle, strands of sinew create a webbed pattern, in which small beads made of bone are tied. From these beads, strings of leather fall, almost brushing the floor, the ends tipped in more beads, feathers, and fur. Two wall sconces shaped to either side, illuminate the strange piece of art work.

One small corner of the room has been curtained off from the rest, the curtain matching the color scheme of golds, yellows and browns, with fine needlework decorating the light weight leather. Images of great hawks, wolves, ravvits and a myriad of other creatures has been embroidered onto the piece. A small corner of the bed and platform peeks out from behind the curtain, covered in new blankets and pillows, again the coloring the natural golds and browns of doe skin, set to match the rest of the room.

All in all, this Chosen's room has come to resemble a wolfriders den more than a chamber of the Mountain.

Savith's been working Volek hard, his only real duty aside from hunting, is seeing that the youth is trained, his powers growing, and obidence taught. Savith's moods have been up and down lately, and the strictness of his lessons reflecting that. For now, the Chosen takes a moment's rest after breakfast before he again takes the youth out on birdback for training.

Volek sits in his chair. He is quiet as he usually is durring breakfast, taking his time to think. But He's oddly quiet and seperated, save for the focus he gives his training. His already well built body reflects the intensity of his training, as well as his deep, guarding eyes.

Just outside the entrance to Savith's chambers, footsteps can be heard. The flap moves slightly, followed by Larias inquiring softly, "May I come in?"

Savith keeps an eye on his pupil, watching him with faint subtle glances. Savith's room has been decorated since he was pinned to a wall, and Larias is often found here. The Chosen has learned not to interrupt the lad's thoughts, and today is no different. Savith has been his best to keep the knowledge of his Recognition from Volek, not wanting the news to preoccupy the child. Instead, he sips the water in his goblet. Odd, that Savith, of all elves, would have pitchers of water instead of wine. He glances up at the voice, and replies just aloud enough to be heard, "You may."

Volek barley moves and turns to nod to Larias. He takes a sip of his drink, most probably water, and closes his eyes.

Larias's new dress flows as she takes the few steps needed to enter the chamber, the fabric sweeping the floor as she comes to an abrupt halt when she notices Volek's presence. A hand goes to her slightly rounding stomach, blue eyes looking to Savith, "If I am interrupting a lesson, I can go."

Savith shakes his head lightly, "You are not, Larias. We have yet to begin." He faint smirk, "You may join us, if you like." His eyes flick to Volek, judging to see how long he takes to pick up all the details here.

Volek takes another sip from his cup and his eyes sweep the room slowly. His gaze focuses on nothing it seems till he pulls his gaze back around to Savith, returning the look.

Volek smirks as he sends something to his teacher

Volek locksends ** I guess this means i must be on my best, eh? **

You locksend ** And why would you say that, Volek? ** to Volek.

Larias looks between student and teacher. Her eyes drop to the ground though she moves to take a seat on the shaped bench by the table, for the moment, remaining quiet.

Savith glances at Larias, having a private conversation with Volek. The tray of breakfast, still having some food left, seems to slide toward her of its own avail, "Hungry, Larias?"

Volek locksends ** Well, It's vary rare that others join us on our training, right? **

Volek smiles a little more as he picks the cup up and takes another sip from it.

You locksend ** True enough, so, yes, you should be on your best.** There's a pause, and he seem to tap at your mind, **So... going to offer her a drink? ** to Volek.

Volek locksends ** I did not think it was mine to offer **

You locksend to Volek, Savith snickers, **You can ask, child. You can always ask.**

A faint smirk flickers on Savith's features.

Volek me takes another sip of his.

Larias selects one of the smaller pieces of fruit from Savith's tray when it moves over towards her. Eyes now and again flickering between the Volek and Savith. Finally she speaks aloud, "I suppose I managed to kill conversation once again."

Savith grins, "Hardly." His eyes settle on Volek, "Just wondering when he's going ot offer you a drink."

Volek nods to Savith and then turns to Larias. His gaze flicks back to Savith, though it is unreadable. He realizes that he wasn't particularly given a choice. He raises his hand and leans forward to pick up another goblet. "May I get you something to drink then?"

There is a soft scuffling outside the door, and the hanging is moved back every so slightly. The familiar (?) voice of Llune softly calls, "Hello?"

Larias glances almost disapprovingly at Savith, thugh she refrains from saying anything to him. To Volek she smiles weakly and nods, "If there is enough water left for a third, I would appreciate some certainly."

Llune waits outside the doorway, never feeling completely comfortable entering another's quarters without permission - even Savith'.

Savith glance up at the door, then takes a breath as the voice is heard. With a tone too friendly, replies, "Come in, MOther. We're just having breakfast." Oy vay!

Volek nods and smiles to Larias, giving her goblet a bit of water. He looks up to Llune and offers her a nod in greeting

Llune steps into the room, "Oh, you have company, shall I return another time, my son?"

Savith shakes his head and moves over himself to give Llune room, "Certainly not. Please, there may be just enough for you, after Larias has finished eating, if you are hungry."

Larias takes the goblet of water from Volek, sipping, then drinking deeply - ahh, sweet sweet water! She glances up as Llune enters, offering the other glider maid a nod, "Good morning Llune."

Volek sits back in his seat, his own goblet in hand. He drinks from the cup as he quietly watches the three

Llune smiles gently and seats herself beside Savith, "I am not hungry, but I will stay for the good company." She smiles pointedly at Larias, "Good morning, dear, how are you feeling?"

Savith sips at his water, sending to Volek as he listens to the women's conversation.

You locksend ** Do you think you'll be able to take a bondbird out, alone, for some fresh meat? ** to Volek.

Volek locksends ** Yes, I can. **

Larias shrugs once, nibbling now and again at the small piece of fruit she selected from the tray, "I am better than I was a few moon phases back..."

You locksend ** Will you need a spear? ** to Volek.

Volek sets his goblet down and floats out of his seat. The young glider looks as if he is almost to his 16th turn, though his temperment has always seemed to be beyond his years. He turnst to Savith and nods.

Llune nods, knowingly, though she has only been with other elfesses during their pregnancy, never been with child herself, "I am glad..." She turns now to Volek, "And who are you, little one?"

Savith nods toward the entrance, sending to Volek again before he answers Llune's question, "This is Volek, Rikia's son. You remember RIkia, don't you mother?"

Llune says "Why yes, I do - Hello Volek, your father and Savith were very close when they were younger..."

Volek nods to Llune pleasantly, "Hello." Without much other word, the lad floats from the room.

Larias remains quiet, eating the piece of fruit, nibbling really, and drinking her goblet of water.

Llune looks between the two, "So... I see you like your dress?"

Savith watches the lad go, then focuses on the conversation, sipping his drink lightly.

Larias can't help but to grin wide despite herself as she nos, looking to Llune, "Indeed. I am very pleased with it." The old glider pauses, "I haven't been given something so remarkable in turns upon turns."

Now it's Llune's turn to grin widely and blush, "It's not *that* remarkable... I know it's not the breeches you'd prefer, but I hope it'll do until I can finish them..."

Savith sips his water, keeping a tight mental lock on his ward, eyes unfocused.

"Actually, I think you were right to get me back in a dress again." Larias' smile fades slightly as she speaks, "Its more appropriate for the Mountain, and it is definitely much more comfortable."

Llune smiles at Larias, "I understand... Once you are free from child, I will make you comfortable breeches for your adventures..."

Savith's reaction? There isn't one. Nor has he pulled the goblet from his lips, his eyes still looking far off.

After a moment of thought she wonders aloud, "did you stop and find me some new colors last time you left the mountain?

Larias doesn't have much of a reaction to Llune's suggestions about her 'adventures'. As the she asks about colors, Larias does snap back to reality, shaking her head, "I'm afriad not.. We were.. sidetracked."

Llune nods, It's okay - don't know how well new colors would be received in the mountain, in any case.

Savith blinks very slowly.

Larias glances over at Savith, brows arching in form of a silent question. Though she continues her chat with Llune, "I suppose they probably wouldn't be well received. Reminders of what was left behind."

Llune notices Savith's silence, but likewise continues conversing with Larias, "Well, a bright color wouldn't match the decor here, anyway."

Savith's hand lowers to set the goblet on the table. He's moving in slow motion it seems.

You sense in a locksend, Larias dares chancing a send, through the link of souls, she locks on as tightly as she can to you keeping anyone listenning out, her sending is full of worry and concern, ** Savith? Whats wrong? ** Thinking to herself, High Ones, please let it be his strange and distant called, and not the Black Snake.

You locksend to Larias, Savith barely spares you a reply, his eyes seeing through eyes not his own, the sense of flight and feathers, and the thrill of the hunt in a heart not his own, **I am hun... Volek is hunting. I help...** He tappers off, again needed.

Larias's eyes remain on Savith, she pause sin conversation, then continues, only half aware of it, "Mmm, I suppose not. Perhaps, later I will have to get some dyes from RavenHolt and make something obnoxious so I can truly stand out."

Llune smiles at standing out, "You don't necessarily need wild colors to stand out - one can stand out just by being creative with what one has."

A soft tink, and the goblet is finaly set down. Savith blink slowly again. His eyes are unfocused.

Llune turns toward Savith, notes his odd appearance... "Is there... Anything... Wrong?"

Larias rises from where she is sitting, moving over towards Savith, a frown appearing. Her eyes flciker towards Llune, "I'm not sure.. it is either your Lord... or something may very well be."

She looks from one to the other, watching Larias watch Savith, watching Savith not move.

Savith does not reply, as if, he didn't hear his mother. THere's a slight dip of his chin, moving to a tilt of his head, and his lips press togher.

Llune stand nervously, staring at Savith, "Larias, what is wrong, do you know?"

Her voice is beginning to crack, she's beginning to panic.

Larias places a hand on Savith's shoulder, resisting the urge to shake the life back in to him. Llune's starting to panic, Larias is starting to panic - two fretful old glider gals - just what this room does not need, but has anyway.

Savith turns his head toward Larias, as if to acknowledge her presence, but his gaze doesn't fully meet hers. Instead, the Chosen almost grins, eyes narrowing a sliver.

Llune beings to pace about nervously, wringing her hands and murmuring quietly.

At Savith's nearly surprising/relieving movement, Llune almost leaps to his side, "Savith? Savith? Talk to me, my son!"

"Yes," Savith replies distantly, turning toward Llune slowly. The grin fades lightly, eyes almost starting to think about focusing.

Larias glances back at Llune, "Relax.. you'll not help him that way." She closes her eyes, preparing to send to him, but as she speaks, she opens her eyes, foregoing that method for a moment, instead, choosing to speak aloud, "Savith... You need to come back to yourself. Please."

Llune takes a breath - she didn't realize she'd been holding it - "Come back to us!" She looks helplessly at Larias, "Can you reach him?"

Savith takes a moment to close his eyes and open them, focused again. Hearing only his mother's quesiton he looks over, "Reach me? I'm fine. What is it? I'm busy."

Larias moves back away from Savith, irritably inquiring, "Busy with what? It was like you weren't even there.."

Llune SIghs deeply, nearly faints, and collapses, relieved, into a sitting position, "You worry me, child."

Savith sneers at Larias, "Making sure that child out there doesn't fall to his death!" The CHosen stands, his flashing, "Which he might very well do if I don't keep his mind linked with my own. Is that okay with-*" As Llune collapses, Savith looks over, "Oh, by Voll's rotting bones! I was just locksending!"

Llune shivers at Savith's anger, "I'm sorry, my son - If you would give us some warning, I think it would ward of panic...."

Llune *off

Llune sighs again and stands, "I apologize - I cannot help but fear for you, my son, you are in a dangerous employment."

Larias's pale blue eyes turn on Savith, a fire within them, "As your mother stated, you could have let us know. Its not the first time, as you might recall, you've gone quiet and still - though at least this time you weren't talking with someone that wasn't there." She moves towards the chamber's exit, pausing to look back and say something else, "If the teaching needs be done, then by all means do it. No one in this room needs to be watched over."

Llune sighs at the unharmonious couple, ah me!

Savith sneers again and is about to reply, but a send catches his attention, a send more urgent than bickering with a silly elfess. Eyes narrowing at Larias, he replies quickly, then brings up a hand tense.... Oooh. if only she's weren't expecting, he'd beat the elf-poo from her and toss her back in the Cage for Tsoran to play with. The dark thoughts clearly visible on his face.

Llune steps between the two, "Savith, I was just as frightened as she, if you must express your exasperation physically, do it to me."

Llune glares at him with a fire not oft seen in her peaceful eyes, "I do not think it is too much to ask for you to inform your guests that you will no longer be entertaining them."

Larias stands rooted to the spot, obviously catching the 'subtle' meaning of his look. Her own jaw sets, lips form a tight thin line. Instead of retreating like a smart elf would, she does a very Larias thing, and taunts him further, "Go ahead and do it Savith. Or I should I say, go ahead and try."

Savith stares daggers at Larias, but turns his head away slightly as he's sent too again. Distracted, he replies to Llune, "You were doing... a wonderful job of entertaining in my stead, Mother. What woul dI have added to that conversation?"

Larias smirks, turning back around, she exits in a rapid fashion, muttering and cursing under her breath.

Llune sighs, "Larias, as it is improper for him to disappear, it is improper for you to evoke punishment."

Larias catches Llune's statement as just as she's leaving, pausing to reply, her words still biting, now in a 'mood', "Haven't you heard Llune? I am improper. A traitor. Expect anything decent from me and you'll be disappointed."

Llune sighs again, "perhaps it's a position you fight to keep."

Savith finishes that round of sending, and looks at Larias. High ones. Mother's going ot insist he apologize, isn't she? A glance at Llune's stance, and it's clear. "My apologies... Larias. I will... avoid from sending to completely." There. Can he wash his mouth out now? The sneer he is stull unable to shake though. Gah! Larias is just asking for it, isn't she?

Llune smiles tenatively, "Now Larias, don't you feel you may have overreacted a bit? Savith has apologized..."

Larias smirks at Llune's simple statement, barely giving it a thought in her mood. And, when Savith apologizes, sneer in place, fire dances in her eyes, fueling her own anger, "His apologies are worthless." That said, she makes her exit.

Llune sighs at Larias' retreating footsteps, "You sure mated with a stubborn one, my son."

Savith grabs the goblet he was drinking from and flings it at Larias's retreating head. Either he's really agnry, gotten to be a bad shot, or he can't bring himself to hit her, for the goblet is high and clatters agani the stone above the archway, yelling curses at her that aren't so nice.

Savith's curses would make a Go-Back blush!

Llune steps to Savith's side and steadys him with a hand on his shoulder, "Are you done?"

Savith locksends again, dropping his head as a fist shakes, trying to stay calm for the child before he replies to his mother in a horse whisper, "I'm fine."

Llune cradles his shoulders in a affectionate half-hug, "I know, you always are. Even when you're not. If you need me, I am always here."

A dark little storm cloud seems to float over Savith's head as he fumes and tries to keep it down, "There are times when I honestly think she says those things just to annoy me."

"My own personal hell," he mutters.

Llune says "I would not doubt she does. You are not so kind to her, either."

Savith looks to Llune, green eyes troubled, "And how am I to be kind to /that/?" He shakes his head, "I've been nothing but kind to her in the past. I fought to reearn her trust, after all that I tortured her in the Cage."

Llune pats him softly, "nothing is easy, my son."

Savith sends again, his mind split at hte moment, trying to keep Volek aloft and a coheret conversation going with his mother. "Especially not with Larias." Hesays her name almost like a curse.

Llune says "Perhaps the two of you should break from each other for a bit - give time to release this... tension."

Savith sneers, "If only I could, but Tsoran, I know, waits in the shadows for my guard to slacken. He would try, I know it, and none of us would see it coming if he did."

Llune sighs, "I had not realized to constant danger..."

Llune says "Is there no way you could appeal to our Lord to forbid Tsoran's abuse?"

Savith closes his eyes, again sending. When it lets him he whispers, "Only now do I realize the torute she went through..." He laughs harshly, "What would I say Mother, that She would not consider treason, my mind weakened by this." He shakes his head again, "No Mother. I am in enough trouble already."

Llune sighs and stares at her feet, "Why do you defend her if you dispise her so deeply>

Savith turns his moss-green eyes on his mother. Eyes the exact shade of his real father, if he could remember who it was. "Because she carries a pure blooded child. A glider child. My child."

Llune sighs and nods, knowing that, despite her undying love for him, it was too late in his life - he had already turned hard. "I understand, my son."

Hard as stone. Just like his parents, some would say. Savith, who has been keeping as tight a mental link with Volek throughout, though he's been arguing with the two women in his life, lifts his chin as the lad reaches for him again. Savith sends more instructions, and turn his eyes to Llune, replying when he's able, "Do you...?" In the mood he's in, he nearly says it: childless one. But the Chosen bites his tongue, and trying to soften his gaze, his voice slightly, "I'm sorry Mother. It's been... a trying turn, with .... Larias."

Llune nods, "I know, darling. Please be patient - this, too, shall pass. I must go."

Savith sighs and nods, sitting back down to give Volek his full attention once more, replying first, "If you can talk some sense into her, I'd appriciate it. You seem to grate on her nerves far less than I."

Llune smiles, "I will see you soon, please, do not harbor ill feelings toward me."

Llune says "And yes, I'll do my best - she's due for a measuring at my work quarters, I'll speak with her then."

Savith shakes his head lightly, his eyes unfocusing again, "Never Mother. You, as always, have been a soft cloud in my life."

Llune says "I will see you soon, my dear."