Monday, July 7, 2003

Chit-Chatting with Mommy

Logfile from TwoMoons - Savith.

Savith's Chambers(#4706RJLh)

A feeling of magic resonates about the chamber, a shapers touch having recently graced the room. A stone chandelier is centered on the ceiling, several candles set to burn and illuminate the room. Hanging from the chandelier are several small pieces of metal, polished so as to brightly reflect the light from the candles above. A patchwork ravvit fur ground covering is on the floor, colors ranging from tawny blonde, to golden, to a rich deep brown. Around the fur covering, are several large sitting pillows, each one matchnig one of the shades in the center pillow, one which is made of roe deer skin, a soft brown, striped faintly with gold.

Along one wall a stone table has been erected as has a bench, a pitcher and tray set out, though both are commonly empty. Hung against the far wall of the room, is a circular decoration. It appears to be made entirely of leather and ravvit fur, soft browns , again with a touch of gold. Within the circle, strands of sinew create a webbed pattern, in which small beads made of bone are tied. From these beads, strings of leather fall, almost brushing the floor, the ends tipped in more beads, feathers, and fur. Two wall sconces shaped to either side, illuminate the strange piece of art work.

One small corner of the room has been curtained off from the rest, the curtain matching the color scheme of golds, yellows and browns, with fine needlework decorating the light weight leather. Images of great hawks, wolves, ravvits and a myriad of other creatures has been embroidered onto the piece. A small corner of the bed and platform peeks out from behind the curtain, covered in new blankets and pillows, again the coloring the natural golds and browns of doe skin, set to match the rest of the room.

All in all, this Chosen's room has come to resemble a wolfriders den more than a chamber of the Mountain.

How long does she stand outside the curtain to Savith's room, even she's not sure. But, Winddance was in the Aerie, and since evening has fallen, surely his duties are done now. With a fretful sigh, Larias moves the flap aside just enough so she can call into the room without disturbing the other Chosen, "Savith? Are you in?"

Savith glances up from his dinner. Indeed, duties are down, and the Chosen is merely relaxing, out of uniform. "I am," he replies, standing, "Come in."

Larias slips inside, her steps nearly silent on the stone floor. She halts by the entrance to the room, leaning against the stone. Eyes are drawn to the food and the faintest hint of a smile appears, "I hope I'm not interrupting. I, forgot the shawl to the dress."

Savith nods and floats from the table, moving to a shelf across the room. "No, you're interrupting," he lies politely, clearly having been in the middle of picking at his food. "Yes, I was planning on seeing it returned to you, but have yet to have the time."

Larias glances at the food once more, then at Savith, clearly not believing him. "I, should just collect my shawl and go then." Her eyes drop down, how does she swallow her pride and apologize without looking like a fool?

Savith gets the shawl and moves over, holding it out. He's silent, eyes hard as usual, as he stands before Larias, holding out the neatly folded bit of cloth.

Larias reaches out and takes the piece of fabric, her hand lingering near his briefly. Her head tilts upwards slightly, trying to strike the pose of a proud elf, though, looking in her eyes, the pride is missing from her soul, only the loneliness visible. A soft muttering is made, hardly loud enough to be heard, "I'm sorry.. didn't mean to upset you. Wasn't thinking."

Loneliness. No, this is not loneliness. This is a spat. Savith nods, "Apology accepted." He pauses a moment, his whole demeanor stiff and cold. He's not going to crack under her emotions this time. "Is there anything else..." The question lingers. He would normally have said her name, but that would be his undoing.

[Public] Mad? Me? Maddinagh says, "can anyone translate me this sentence into modern English?: Aftir twei yeer Farao seiy a dreem; he gesside that he stood on a flood, fro which seuene faire kiyn and ful fatte stieden, and weren fed in the places of mareis;"

Larias shakes her head, pale hair rustling softly as she does so. Voice still little more than a soft murmur, "No.. nothing else." She grips tightly to the shawl, then looks down, oh yes, that was her pretense for coming, wasn't it? Placing arms through the sleeves, she, "I'll leave you to finish your dinner."

Savith turns away without another comment, moving back toward his table and dinner. Almost as if an afterthought, he comments, "You're more than welcome to stay. If you like."

Mid-turn to leave, Larias stops, turning back once more leaning against the entryway. "I would like too." The question is, why? Her brows furrow, not even sure of the answer herself.

Savith sits and motions to the chair across from himself, "Then sit. Have you eaten?" His voice is flat, eyes preoccupied.

Larias moves towards the table rather slowly, her movements stiff. She shakes her head at the question, "No.. Not yet I haven't. I haven't really felt all that hungry today." Her selected seat today is the one furthest from him, giving him space.

Savith pushes the barely touched tray over, "Then eat." Either he lost his appetite, or he hasn't had one. Instead, he pours himself another glass of water.

Larias looks at the food tray, hand moving to selecting something, then withdrawing, moving to select another item, and once again, she pulls it back. "Perhaps later.. As I said, I'm not really all that hungry today."

Savith watches the indecision for long moment before taking a sip, "Seems I'm not the only one too preoccupied to eat today. What troubles you?"

Larias rolls her shoulders in a shrug, then lets them sag as she leans back, slouching so comfortable now. "Thoughts." A simple reply, and totally uninformative, "And you?"

"The same," he replies, just as uninformative. Seeing Larias get comfortable, he leans his elbows forward onto the table, peering into the goblet.

Larias slides down the seat, now fully looking lazy. She smirks then hrmphs. He may not press her, but she will him this time, "What sort of thoughts?"

Savith takes a sip before replying, "Those dreams. I've been trying to make sense of it all."

Well, at least he;s not mulling over what she is. Larias nods, eyes closing, trying to relax, failing miserably. "They're my memories, twisted though they may be by sleep... What of them?"

Savith purses his lips, "Memory. Then why was the room completely unrecognizable?" His brows furrow in thought.

"The Mountain has shifted and changed over time." Larias smiles weakly, "This is a tribe full of shapers. The same as I will never stop flying, they will never stop shaping."

Savith lifts his gaze to Larias, "Perhaps." He pauses a moment, then shakes his head lightly, "And your thoughts. ANything I should know about?"

The sullen young elf child, Savith walks into the chambers he shares with Llune. Wordlessly, the child drops to his bed, and folds his feet up under himself.

Llune looks up from her embroidery, a common before sleep practice, "Something wrong, Savith?"

Savith mutters, "Nooooo." Of course, that's a big fat lie.

Llune watches they young one with interest as he mopes, then arranges her project in the basket beside her. "Are you thirsty?"

Savith shurgs. Ah, the typical sullen teenager.

Llune says "Then come with me."

Savith gets to his feet without comment, though he presses that one rambuncious curl from his eyes. He can fly, you know, but yet he still shuffles his feet against the floor.

Llune turns and motions over her sholder for him to follow her as she lifts the door hanging

Savith follows Llune silently, that ever present frown on his features, aging him beyond his years.

The ascent is quiet, Llune occassionally looking over her shoulder and tossing a smile at Savith, him desperately ignoring her.

When they reach the last turn, Llune stops and tells Savith, "cover your eyes."

Savith looks up finally, and quirks a brow, "What?"

Llune smiles mysteriously, "You heard me, little one, this is a surprise too big to wrap."

Savith frowns and crosses his arms across his chest. "I'm not a child."

Llune smiles, "okay, but an elder would appreciate a surprise too large to wrap..."

Savith's brows twitch down, and the frown turns to a pout. Ah... flattery. After a moment, Savith closes his eyes.

Llune takes his hand and leads him slowly onto a non-shaped ledge on the sheer face of the side of Blue Mountain. The view is extensive, the sky enormous and filled with tiny, brightly twinkling stars. The moons glow brightly, the contrast between it and the darkness of the heavens magnifying it into an enormous, golden dewdrop.

Llune says "Open your eyes."

She watches for Savith's reaction to the exquisite scene before him.

Savith opens his eyes, and drops his jaw at the sight. The moons reflect in his green eyes. In all his young years, he hasn't seen anything like it more, Child Moon hugged protectively by Mother Moon as a dark shadow starts to creep across her backside. He shudders, and takes an invulntary step back.

Llune rests her hands on his shoulders and watches the process with him.

After just a few moments, the young elf, inflecting his own sad story on the moons above, turns to go, "I don't like it!"

The planet shades first one, then the other moon, a process taking only about an ...... Erp, nevermind.

Llune is a bit taken aback, but it's hardly noticeable when she asks, "Why? It's beautiful to me."

Savith floats from Llune, if she lets him, tears in his eyes, "It's scary!"

Llune lets him distance himself a few feet from her, "Sometimes, things that seems scary end up being wonderful...

Savith turns a pouting gaze at Llune. He should be far more mature than this, but turns without parents will do that to a lad. His brows draw up, "That doesn't make any sense!"

Llune says "Neither does thinking this is scary - what element of fear *is* there?"

Savith mulls over that a moment, turning to look at the lunar eclipse again. He shudders and floats back toward LLune, pointing, "Well... well, Mother moon! She's being... eaten by darkness!"

Llune smiles and places only *one* hand on his shoulder, keeping some breathing space between them, "watch - the darkness will cover her, and then continue moving past - it's like a purifying ceremony for the heavens.

Savith drops silent, watching in fascination. As the darkness approaches, he shudders more, retreating back into Llune's armas.

Llune allows him to take shelter against her, and squeezes his shoulders affectionately as he watches the darkness progress over the first, then the second moon.

Savith 's green eyes remain glued to the heavens above.

The process takes only a few minutes and the brief dimming of the heavens is replace by moons shining (it seemed) more brightly than before.

Savith gasps softly at it.

Llune smiles, understanding the awe of a first eclipse, "Now, aren't you glad you waited around for this gift to mature?"

Savith gets self-conscious about the nearness to this, still strange elfess, and he pulls away. "Ummm. yeah.."

Llune softly sighs, noting how Savith recreates the gulf between them. Confused, she asks, "Do you still think it scary?"

Savith hmmmmss and looks about for something else to talk about. "ahhh... well... Umm... thanks for hte shirt."

Llune smiles, glad he's at least attempting to be tolerant, "Do you really like it? I tried to make it soft but durable, and just the right shade for your eyes... ah... I'm sorry, I must be unforgivably boring..."

Savith looks away, "Hmm... Yes. it's nice." He floats a bit, trying to figure out what's next.

Llune says "So..." She struggles to find some kind of common ground with the young elf, "what have you been doing today?"

Savith shrugs. "Cleanned the nests," he replies, explaining the stains on that new shirt.

Llune smiles at the messy shirt, "I can fix that... Did you have fun, talk to any of the other elves?"

Savith shurgs, "Mmmm.. not really." Of course, who would talk to him, with that nasty attitude.