Saturday, July 26, 2003

Boys Will Be Boys

Logfile from TwoMoons - Savith.

Pool by Rivers Edge(#933RFJa$)

The lands of the Abode surround you.

The waters of the pool are cool and calm as they gently lap up against the rocks that shelter it from the rivers currents. There are a few flattened stones you can use to 'wash' something with or you can take a lazy 'swim' in the deeper section, closer to the dark rocks. The inviting waters make you just want to 'soak' and relax.

Once the child was born, and his cries echoed through the forest, most of the wolfriders melted back into the shadows ot give the new parents some private time to rest and recover. Redlance, among those watching, was informed by the others of the goings ons, and wakes with Llune, leading her toward her son and grandson. The short red-haired plant shaper is wary of the glider, but remains pleasant. His gentle demeanor off-set by the taller wolfrider with the bow. A brunette, Strongbow is nearly growling at having to play babysitter for the odd glider. Like a gentleman, Redlance has moved to help Llune some of the bags, the things he knows, as a father, Savith and Larias would need immediately. Strongbow has made no such offers, and his hands are free, encumbered only by his bow.

Llune follows the two gentle elves, not really noticing Strongbow's surliness, but gazing in awe about her - she's never left the mountain, and the richness of the colors that surround her have her spellbound.. She's pulled from her reverie by another cry from the newborn child, and quickens her pace just a bit, looking between the two, "Can I help with anything? It is so beautiful here... What are your names? I am Llune, if there's anything you need to have mended, I assure you I would be thrilled..." As if noticing for the first time the dark haired elf's distance, she silences and walks quietly behind the two to the clearing.

Savith wakes from his slumber, leaned against a tree with Larias resting against him. Just when he dozed off after the birth, he's not sure. HE looks down at the tiny bundle and sends a gentle hushhush.

Llune stops to stoop and pick a vibrantly colored flower, then, sniffing it, shuffles to catch up with her escorts, "What is this?" she asks of the nice one with the red hair.

And Larias, so tired and exhusted, despite the child's cries, she doesn't stir, at least not yet. That wonderful motherly instinct just not quite kicking in right away. Sound asleep, against Savith of all places, finally, a look of contentment on sher sleeping face, rather than the pain and exhuastion of recent memory.

Scientifically inspecting the odd thing, Llune rubs the velvety petals and then brushes it to her nose, gasping at the lovely scent it emits, "What a curious thing!" She exclaims, to no one in particular...

Redlance, a plantshaper, glances back at Llune's stop. Seeing her get the flowers he smiles and moves over a few steps. "The blue is called skybells, the purple dawn's petal." (OOC: LIke Silverbell and Lavender.) His amber-green eyes warm and with a silent nod, the few buds bloom fully in a wave of magic. "I'm glad you like it." Strongbow, mean while, seems annoyed at the stop, and keeps his eyes hard. Stupid glider.

Llune Ohs at the magic flowers, "Oh, they're so beautiful!" She notes the other elf's annoyance, "I am sorry, friend, I do not mean to offend, I'm just excited to visit!" She dutifully begins to trek toward her glider family again, thinking, "there will be time to see all of this, before I go back, I hope!"

Volek drifts a bit out over the water. In his hands is a small object, something for gathering water, it seems. (OOC: I can't think of what exactally I'd be using ATM) His eyes wander to the group gathered already and out of curiosity, meanders over near them.

Savith hears something. He's certain. Eyes scan the forest in the direction of Llune and her two escourts. Ah... his mother's voice. And there, Volek. Glancing down again, he gingerly pulls the infant from Larias's grasp with his magic, causing some concern in the guards watching nearby. A Chosen, floating a baby. No good can come of this. Tensed, they watch as he pulls the child to him to quiet. Soft sends, **Hush now. Let her sleep more. Ravenous beast, you are.** Child in hand, but still not moving to disturb Larias, he nods to his student, finally greeting him.

Oh bother, elves are talking aloud and sending too, when a new mother is trying to sleep, how terribly rude! Larias's eyes open slowly, she yawns, stretching, looking about in coinfusion. But, reality hits, and the bundle in her arms now gone is missed. She sits up, off of Savith, ** My child where is he?!? **

Volek partially regards Savith as he lends his attention more towards the child, at least for a moment. He holds the bowl in his arms, as he was probably comming to gather a little more water for Winddance.

Strongbow glances toward the family, now not far from them. He moves with Llune. He sneers faintly at her words, time to see all this. No, and no. Not if he has anything to say about it. Breaking through the tree line, hearing Larias's sudden send, and seeing the child in Savith's arms, the archer reacts.Arrow notched, and drawn back inside the blink of an eye. Aimed for Savith, Strongbow's send is curt, **Hand the cub back, bird-pellet.** Redlance just sighs and commenting softly to his tribemate, "It's his cub too, Strongbow. It's not like he doesn't have the right to hold him."

Llune looks about startled at the tension and the threat of an arrow in her son, "No, wait!" She reacts as any mother would, and jogs ahead to place herself between the archer and Savith, "We mean no harm, sir, please cease your threats!"

Volek frowns "Can you outsiders really handle things without threatening to kill us...." He glares a bit at Strongbow.

She turns to Savith and Larias, "Oh! May I see him? Or her?"

Savith quirks a brow at Strongbow's reaction, sending his reply to Larias, **I have him. He began to fuss. You needed to rest.** So simple. As Llune rushes forward and Volek quips in on his defense, the Chosen grins, and wags a brow at Strongbow, as if to say, You'll be wrong if you do, archer. So just try it. I'd LOVE to see this. See if you can. At his mother's question, he glances at Larias, then nods, **Of course, Mother. Him. Rosendo.**

Llune lifts the child from Savith's arms, bringing him close to her chest, the picture of grandmotherly rapture, she coos, "Hello, my little grandson, Rosendo. You are a beautiful creature." She looks to Larias and halfway extends him to her, "I am sorry, Larias, would you have the child now?"

The faint sneer on Strongbow's grows a moment, flickering like a flame. But reason takes over, and the bow relaxes, and the arrow is withdraw and replaced in the quiver. Redlance moves over and settles Llune's bags down. He watches the family with a smile. Ah... elation.

Savith has the babe? Oh, well thats ok then, she leans back. Man, is this glider slow today, now wait, there's Llune with Rosendo in her arms. As the fledgling begins to fuss, she reaches up to take the child from Llune, "I.. think he might be hungry?" At least, thats what she hopes he is, cause if its anything else, she's in trouble.

Volek hmphs and shakes his head. "hatefilled little creatures..." he mutters under his breath. The teen has no idea how much troubble he'd be in if he was heard, though he thinks he does... mentally dareing for someone else to hear him

Llune smiles at Larias, "I assure you, I would have *no* idea," she says, turning to redlance, "Thank you, my friend," she says, crouching down to ruffle through one of the bags. She is momentarily rewarded with the item of her search, which she hands to Larias immediately, "For the baby, of course.. It may be a little more comfortale than that... Vest." She eyes the garment, noting the stitches, color, material, etc...

Tiny and soft, this little outfit is of most pristine white. The top of it is fashioned into little sleeves, that tie at each shoulder, and the bottom is mostly just a long, soft bag. The chest of the little covering is embroidered with blue and silver thread a majestic hawk, wings outstretched. The outfit is simple - intended for use just after it's birth, and easy to clothe baby with, perhaps between washings of other clothes.

Savith glances at Volek. Yes, he heard, but he approves of the jib, so let's it stand. He shifts, moving for one of the waterskins on the bags Redlance sets down. Looking at the outfit, the Chosen chuckles faintly, "Embroidered? DOn't you think that's a little much, Llune?"

Strongbow heard Volek's comment as well, as did Redlance. The plantshaper, calm and gentle just shakes his head softly, before he smiles at Llune, "You're welcome." Strongbow glares at Volek, and snorts again.

Llune shrugs, delicately, the way only someone like Llune could do

Llune says "Well, it neede *some*thing!"

With cheeks turning a deep shade of crimson, and Rosendo beginning to truly start a fuss of hunger, Larias undoes the ties of her gown, and places the child to breast. She keeps her eyes downcast on the babe, staring at him in wonder and awe. The baby bag is set, with magic of course, to rest on her leg, a bit busy to really look at it for the moment. Offhandedly she sends to Llune, ** Thank you, ** altogether focussed on the babe.

Rosendo's cries suddenly cease, replaced by a loud slurping noise, then another wail....

Llune smiles at the child, then turns to the rest of the group, specifically aiming her question at Savith, "I trust everything went well?" then turns to look again at her surroundings, "I am amazed at the beauty outside the mountain... And the danger seems... negligible... Why are we not allowed to enjoy this environment?" She muses outloud, half expecting an answer, but not really.

Volek hovers in his spot again. Ahh yes.. the water. While it wasn't particularly needed, it was something to do so that he could move about. Catching Redlance's response, a bit of remorse comes over him, but not too much. Strongbow's demeanor virtually does away with it all. He lifts the bowl and begins to levitate it. He floats it forward to the river and dips it in, collecting a bit of water.

And Llune's question heads to the very heart of the issues behind the Mountain. The CHosen rubs at a temple, and replies to LLune's first question, "Better than expected, all things considered." Let' snot talk about not being allowed outside.

Strongbow does not want to be here. Memories flood back. GAH! He turns and leaves, disappearing into the forest without a another word.

Larias looks down at a loss, the child is at her breast, he's not sucking anymore, just crying. Helplessly she looks up first to Llune (shes close) and then to Savith, followed by the same expression being given to Strongbow, Volek and Redlance. She murmurs, "Hush, shh.. isn't this what you want??"

Llune cotinues to gaze about her - being in the mountain all this time, she's seen trees from her window high up, but never flowers, or streams, or grasses, or bees, or anything else that so many may take for granted. She crouches to the ground agian, she crouches and beings to feel the ground - dirt and grass - with her dainty fingers.

Rosendo finds better purchase this time, and loudly slurps

Llune looks up at Larias' obvious confusion, "Perhaps a song," se suggests - it used to put Savith to sleep when he was young...

It's Redlance that comes to Larias's rescue, smiling, "He just needs to fuss a bit." But at Llune's words, the wolfrider chuckles faintly. The thought of a big bad Chosen, being put to sleep by a lullabye. Savith winces, muttering, "Mother."

Volek smiles as Strongbow leaves. His body relaxes very much and moves over to the river to fill the waterbowl. He would not turn his back to Strongbow... he trusts that one about as far as he can throw blue mountain.

Llune glances at Savith, "You *were* once a child, do not forget, my son."

Volek chuckles at the idea of Savith as a child

Llune nots Volek's chuckle, "Now don't laugh, young one - I may be asked to put *you* to bed one night."

Volek smiles and tilts his head looking back "But I am hardly 2 eights old. Savith... well.... he's acient."

Savith clears his throat lightly, and takes a drink from the waterskin. He'll just not comment on this. It's getting a touch out of hand. Redlance just chuckles, "Even the High Ones were once cubs."

Llune smiles, "once he was innocent, you know. Just like you. Just like Rosendo." She blushes at her mushy reminiscence, "I am sorry, my son..." She looks about, "He was always very sullen, though..." She says, trying to make up

Llune nods and agrees with Redlance, "Aye" She remember being a child... barely...

Volek chuckles to his teacher. He then turns to Redlance with a look of awe in his eyes

Redlance smiles at Volek, standing. Awe, on the cub's face, he muses silently. He moves over to the youngster and asks gently, "So, it seems Savith's brought the family today. I missed the introduction. He's eldest son?"

Larias smiles at the kind wolfrider, "They do that?" Oh how obvious is it she's not been around that many little ones? Well, the little one seems to have it now, thank the High ones for that at least. She looks up, now that her cub (heehee) is busy eating, ** But, Llune, you are no High One. Old yes, but no High One. ** Oo, a glider so willing to admit that, how nifty!

Savith remains seated at Larias's side, happy to change the subject, "They do." Ah, a voice of experience? Eh... almost.

Volek smiles and shakes his head "Somewhat... Savith is my guardian, and teacher. I'm Volek, son of Rikia."

Redlance smiles at Volek, "Oh, I see. Teaching you to be.... Chosen?" That pause, reads volumes. He hasn't a good viwe of Chosen, and doesn't think any child should be taken down that road.

Llune stands, oblivious to Redlance's subtle distaste for chosen, "I am Llune, clothing designer and seamstress. I was brought along to temper the arguments between Savith and Larias."

Gah! Savith settles a look at Llune, and a private send.

You locksend ** Mother! Please! YOu're not helping! (He's got to look all stoic and stuff, you know.) ** to Llune.

Volek shifts a little. "Of course!" He smiles, though his mind is obviously wary now.

From afar, Llune **Not helping what?**

You locksend to Llune, Savith just sighs softly, **Nothing**

Llune pages: **well, it must be *sometihng* my son** It's obvious that she's a little hurt **Perhaps I should just wander quietly off then?

You locksend ** High ones, no! Stay close. I just... Can I tell you later? ** to Llune.

Llune nods absently, one must assume it's for Savith. "I am famished..."

Redlance looks over at LLune, "Hungry? Would you like meat or fruit?" Fruit he can do. Meat, he'll have to hunt, or send for.

With the child finishing off his meal, he drifts off into slumber at his mother's breast. Relieved, Larias can put herself away, cradling the babe in her arms. Food, did someone mention food? She's famished, and her throat dry. "If.. I.." she pauses, then stops from speaking, best not to ask for to much from these wolfriders, they don't know her, trust her. Why couldn't this have been Ravenholt?"

[OOC] Volek says, "erf, Wary is the wrong word... I think... aware... or suspicious is more proper"

Llune nods, regaining her energy just at the thought of food, "Oh, fruit is wonderful!

Rvaenholt? Well, one reason. He swiped Ekana from Ravenholt, remember. Showing up there, they would have shot first, and then thought baout asking questions.

Llune looks to Larias, "And Larias is probably starved as well... from what I understand, birthing is quite a grueling task."

Redlance smiles and moves to a brush. A reach of a hand, and he plucks a few pieces of wonderfully ripe fruit from the tree. Filling an armful, he moves back over, more than enough for all. HE nods, "Yes, I know." A gentle nod to the new mother, he comments, "Which with her mate's help, she handled well, at least, so Tyleet helps me."

Llune smiles and takes the offered fruit, handing one first to Larias, then bioting into one for herself, she stops short, "High ones! Tis is exquisite! What is it? The food in the mountain is never so brilliantly flavored!"

Savith takes a fruit as Redlance offers it and eats without comment. "The difference is that the fruit's been ripened by magic." Not that there's anything WRONG with that. "And plant shaping isn't something needed much in the mountain." At least, not since the mountain's plantshaper disappeared ages ago.

Volek returns to filling the bowl with his hands. More enjoying the feel of the cool water on his hands and the task more than filling the bowl. He smiles to himself as he seems to zone away from the adults

Llune finishes her piece with obvious relish, then reaches for another, "You do not mind?"

The plantshaper smiles at the delicate glider, shaking his head, "Of course not." He hands over another piece of fruit. "It's a peach," he replies to Llune, and asks, "You said you made clothes? I can see why Savith would want you to come with them. That cub's going to go through clothes faster than you can make them."

Volek blinks from his trance. He lifts his bowl and turns to Redlance. Which cub?

Llune smiles, "I am th ecreator of glider fashion. I;m very happy to see all the colors you are blessed with outside the mountain, and I'm sure I will enjoy creating clothes in these shades... If you would like me to make something for you, I would be honored."

Why, the new born, of course. Redlance ehs softly at Llune's offer. "Well, I'm not sure the fashions you'd make would be suitable for forest life. But thank you." He smiles, lightening his tone with the expression. "Though the fabrics are wonderful. Say, you didn't make that outfit Cutter wore, did you?" It was a simple design, afterall, as Winnowill ordered. Maybe too simple for the Master Clothier. Perhaps it was her assistances, seeing as it was a male and female that delievered the outfit to Their Lord.

Savith glances up at Redlance, then out to Volek. Seeing the child looking this way, he purses his lips, and sends to him.

Being careful not to eat to quickly, or drip juice all over Rosendo's head, Larias munches. Mmm, its been so long since she's had fruit fresh from the tree, magiced or not. Her eyes flutter from one present elf to another, simply listening, best to place foot in mouth and insult one group or the other.,

You locksend ** I fear I've been preoccupied. I am impressed at how you handled the bonds, what that the young one was nearly unmanageable. ** to Volek.

Llune smiles "why yes, I *did* make that for Cutter... I *can* make simpler clothes, you know... In the mountain we have need, though, for decoration... I understand the necessity for simplicity here... besides, nature is so decorative, it would be *wrong* to try and outdo it!

Redlance can't help but chuckle softly. This is such an odd odd glider. "Maybe you'll find inspiration then? Take a bit of the outside in?" That causes a faint scowl from Savith. Oh, this was a bad idea.

Volek lowers his head as he picks up the bowl in his hands, with a decent amount of balance. He sighs a bit as he returns the send to Savith.

Llune smiles at Redlance, happy that he's friendlier than Strongbow, "Why yes, of course - I plan to gather some berries before we leave so I can use them for dyes once I get back... Perhaps I will make a habit of visiting the outside more often, now that I know the fabled danger is... well, fabled.

Volek locksends ** No worrys, I'm used to it now... you being preoccupied, that is... but thank you. **

Larias nearly choke son a bite of her fruit, did she just hear Llune say what she thought she heard. Unable to stop herself from grinning, "I would be happy to take you Outside Llune.. I tried to tell you it wasn't bad at all."

You locksend ** I still, must spend more time with you on your lessons.... ** to Volek.

Volek turns to Llune and furrows his brow. In his experince, he's seen the ugly side of these otusiders. His distaste for them was in no way influenced by Winnowill or any chosen.

Savith groans and settles his head to his hands. Why? High ones why was he cursed with this? He shakes his head, and will have to have a talk with these two ladies... alone.

Volek floats the bowl in the air a little. ** Unfortuantly, Redlance here is an exception, not Strongbow... **

Llune has been completely won over by Redlance, she now assumes all other elves will be as kind as he (and at the worst, as sullen as Strongbow, which she can handle, especially after raising Savith), and the colors are exquisite... Why *not* leave the mountain once in awhile...?

Llune smiles at Volek's send, then sends to the group **come now, noe one is *all* bad, Volek - have a little faith in your kin.** She smiles at Redlance, "What is it that you do, magical friend? Where is the rest of your tribe? I long to explore, but do not wish to do it unescorted..."

Volek sneers "They would rather try to kill me because I'm a glider, because I wish to be a chosen... they are hardly my kin. You saw how fast Strongbow was to draw his arrows at Savith... That is rather normal. **

Llune sighs, "there is much I do not understand about our relation to the outside, true... But I don't understand why *I*, who is not a chosen, but a simple lover of life, would be threatened.

Redlance notes Savith's distress, and Volek's comments. "The dangers aren't as fabled, I think, as you'd like to admit," he replies. Oh, but Llune shifts gears faster than Shenshen! He chuckles, "I'm a plantshaper. I keep the holt from being seen by the humans in the area, as well as.." Volek's reply and Redlance presses his lips together, "Only after turns and turns of strife. But such feelings aren't good for a newborn." He looks back to Llune, "I'd love to show you around, but Cutter has yet to give full guest rights. Until then, since the cub's too young to travel, and Leetah would get mad if the child moved right now."

Llune turns and directs her question to Savith, "*WHY* do the outsiders not like us?"

Llune nods to Redlance, "I see. Well, then, for now I suppose we should find a way to entertain ourselves?"

Volek turns to Redlance and Llune. ** FOr the same reason a 9 year old child must be threatened.... **

Larias tries to hide her expression by taking a bite of fruit, so happy to hear Llune's sentiments, but at Volek's response, dejected. Peace will never be had will it? She holds her newborn close to her. tight, but careful not to wake him in doing so. ** Anger on both sides Llune - that is why. It festers and does not end. **

Savith grumbles softly at his mother's question, and replies softly, "It's a long story." And one he doesn't want to get into. Redlance levels a glance at Volek, then a glance at Savith, beofre he motions Llune over a bit, "Certainly. Here." He reaches for some vines. As his hand nears the plants, they shift, and bloom into bright orange flowers. Pulling them from the ground, he holds them out to Llune.

Volek walks away, back towards the bonds "Hate begets hate."

Llune takes the flowers from Redlance, utter joy expressed on her face - as though she's forgotten (and she probably has) the entire conmversation previous to the flowers, "oooh" she coos at them, collapsing into a delicate heap where she stood, softly caressing, smelling nearly tasting the flowers, "Thank-you."

Savith snaps up and sends sharply at Volek, **Stop that, Volek. We're not yet guests here. YOu'll be polite, is that understood?**

Redlance glances at Savith's snap, troubled, before he regards Llune softly, "You're welcome."

Larias's gaze lands on each of the elves in by the pool. She shakes her head and sighs. Moving so she can try and stand, even if a bit early to attempt the fete, she does so anyway. If folk'll be snapping at one another, she'll not listen to it, she'll not have the same prejudices build up in Rosendo, not yet, there is time.

Volek turns his head back for a brief moment. He won't forget Shadows and Quickblade from the Islands. All the others who made him fear for his life. This is not something that will rest for him.

Llune nots Larias' movement and sends to her **everything is well? Do you want me to hold Rosendo?** Llune's the most unbiased in the group, probably...

Savith narrows his eyes, sensing Larias getting up. **Apologize, then tell me you understand, and will follow orders.** Or Voll help him, he'll drop you to poop duty.

Redlance sighs as the gliders' tempers rise. It's not good for hte child, but he'll stay quiet. Opening his mouth now would be bad right now. Instead, he sighs softly and watches.

Volek hmphs and growls. He flies off into the woods silently.

Llune looks toward Volek, noting the tension she's been pretty much oblivious to uintil now, "Perhaps we should relax a bit - this is sure to irritate Rosendo... I apologize for bringing up angry issues... Perhaps we can discuss more important things, such as how we become guests, where we will sleep, if someone should fetch meat or water...?"

Larias shakes her head to Llune, "No.. I will hold him for now." Slowly, with careful steps, she moves over towards, of all elves, Redlance. He's not testy or angry, or flighty happy with colors either, simply calm - the sort of thing an infant needs to be around.

Savith starts to go after the youth, but the need to stay and protect the three most helpless in his party holds him for a moment. As she moves, Savith battles with himself. Stay and keep Rosendo, Larias, and Llune safe, or go after the loose cannon Volek. GAH! Being a parent is HARD, man!

Redlance straightens as Larias approaches him, tilting his head faintly.

Llune pages: **go after him - we will be safe here, for now.**

Savith glances up at Llune, from a private send. Brows furrow. Yes, she's right. They'll be fine... GAH. This blows. A gentle send to the gathered elves, and he grabs his helm and flies off after Volek, weaponless, as he is. Yun still has his talonwhip.

You locksend, to Llune, Larias: ** I'm trusting you to be safe here. Larias, I know you know how not to get them angry at you. I've got to make sure Volek doesn't so anything stupid. **

[travel spam removed]

You walk around to the front of the Father Tree.

Base of the Lost Holt Father Tree(#765RJa)

A dense grove of grotesquely shaped trees dominated by one immense Grandfather of a tree whose age is no less great than its size.

It is obvious that the old tree has survived a terrible tragedy but new growth and thick strong branches cover the worst of the scars left by the terrible blaze. Weeds and night blooming wildflowers grow in natural disorder around the trees roots. Like old friends, the gnarled trees embrace one another, their many branches entwining to form a dense canopy high above the ground, serving to keep the ground cool from the summer heat. It is a hot summer morning. The father tree is quiet as elves and wolves alike seek to their dens.

Volek moves tensly. A bit of the fire still in him. Still he gently cares for the bonds, giving them drinks from the water bowl he gathered at the river.

Savith follows behing, and stops to watch the youth for a moment before drifting closer, "That was stupid, Volek. I know you don't like them, but we have to tred lightly."

Volek sighs placeing a hand on Winddance's neck. ** I'm sorry... It anger me.. they all do. Espically when they feel that someone like you or Lord Winnowill has.... "twisted" me into this. I return only what they've given me. And I don't want what happened on the island holt to repeat here. **

Savith nods and moves over, **I understand, completely. But you can't drop to their level. Let them rage, as a storm, against the sturdy rock of our Mountain home.** A pause, **Besides, you know the truth, you Chose. Let them have their assumptions.**

Volek floats in his place. Silent, for what seems like forever. ** It's not fair..... **

Savith leans on his bird, Winddance glancing over. **What isn't,** Savith asks gently.

Volek turns back ** letting them treat us like this.... **

Savith's face is impassive, **There isn't any other option. We are visitors, not even guests yet. This is their home. We do the same, when they enter the mountain.** And worse.

Volek sighs and shakes his head. ** Perhaps... I don't trust Strongbow though... He seems to be waiting for an excuse to put an arrow through one of us... And I did hear what he did to *what's his name's* bondbird all those years ago.

Savith nods, **From what I heard, they didn't know it was a bond bird.** Ack! But he's not defending them! HOnest! **And they've served their time. Lord Voll has seen them cleared. But, yes, he does itch on the edge of control. It would be wise not to aggrivate him.**

Volek touches his whip.. a part of him does want to challenge the elf... but he stops. ** I will keep my temper... though I will not apologize. **

Savith quirks a brow, **Then apologize to me. You've made me look the fool, that my student can not keep his temper.**