Wednesday, July 30, 2003

By the Pool of Water

Logfile from TwoMoons - Savith.

East Bank of the Silver Run River

The lands of the Abode surround you.

At the rivers edge, a pool has formed, sheltered by huge rocks on the west side, allowing the water there to collect and empty out somewhat at odd intervals. Here it seems a good place for the washing out of leathers, bathing of bodies and general cooling off from the silky summertime heat. There is smooth white sand, surprisingly, under your feet and you find yourself smiling at this pleasant place. There are a few trees scattered over the beach, providing shade from the hot summer. The bank here begins tapering off into thick woods, limbs covered with lush green leaves. Small shrubs and undergrowth encroaches all around as the bank blends with and eventually becomes the forest. Tiny bugs zip around at ankle height, and occasionally a fish leaps out to snatch at one of them. You hear hushed noises as the holt slowly comes to life as elves and wolves awaken from the hot summer sleep.

The night has past quietly. Rosendo has been fed, and given to Savith to be settled downto sleep more as Larias takes the moment to sit and enjoy the night air. Savith reclines in the shelter, almost hidden from sight, with the infant in his arms. The Chosen, never able to fool Llune with his tough-guy act, hums softly tot he child, letting the babe suck on a finger.

Llune smiles a soft goodnight to Larias, too exhausted from her day of mending and daiper washing to stay up and enjoy the starry night, and crawls, gracefully somehow, into the shelter beside Savith and Rosendo. Dropping a light kiss on the cub's brow, she turns to Savith, "You do have quite a way with this child, my dear."

Savith glances over at Llune and smiles softly. His not wearing his helmet again, leaving his wild curls free to dance about his face. TO keep humming, he sends gently, **It is like caring for the hawks.** An odd analogy. OH, but it's the melody of hte lullabye you taught him.

Llune smiles at Savi's casual analogy and sends, **I think perhaps this babe is a bit more dear to you than the hawks.**

Llune joins in with humming the lullaby, harmonizing with his deeper voice.

Savith grins softly, turning his eyes to the child. **Yes, perhaps,** Savith replies, though as his parent, Llune knows the truth. OF COURSE the child is more dear to him than the hawks. More dear than perhaps Llune knows. The Chosen brushes the tiny elf's cheek as the baby's eyes flutter softly, soothed by the combined voices of Father and Grandmother.

Llune cuddles up beside stoic Savith and sleepily watches the child **You do not fool me, my son** She sends gently to him **I understand this love -** She looks up at him **because that is how I love you**

She blushes and looks back at the child - it must be the heat and exhaustion, or perhaps the reminiscence of that lullaby that's bringing all these mushy feelings to the surface. **Ah... He is truly a handsome specimen.**

Savith glances down at Llune. Damn it. Why does she have to be so sweet and loveable? Oh, I know! To balance the infurating Larias! Once that's settled in his mind, he shifts the child a moment to drape on arm about Llune's shoulders, letting her settle down close ot him. It's rare for the feriously private glider to show such emotions, yet here he is, sheltered in a wolfrider holt, child in one arm, the only mother he remembers in the other. Smiles are rare on his features, and they are a far cry better than the stony and cold sneers and frowns that normally grace his features in the mountain. The humming causes his chest to rumble softly. Clearly, that's what is making the baby so calm and happy. Savith's reply is a wordless acknowledgement of Llune's thoughts.

Llune snuggles close to Savith and settles in, ready to doze off for the night **When will we be welcomed into their camp, my son? I long for some soft furs...**

Savith would sigh,but that would disrupt the humming that is working so well to put Rosendo to sleep. **I don't know, Mother,** he replies, a hint of concern and worry in his thoughts. He knows he and Volek can survive a winter in the wilds. It's more than certain Larias could, but without the cub. But Llune? Rosendo? With both of their well-beings depending solely on him, his frown returns as he pats Llune's shoulder softly, **But soon.** I hope.

Llune nods into his shoulder, drifting towards dreamland **I too**

Savith leans his head on Llune's, humming softly. 'Rest well, both of you,' he muses softly, 'I'll figure something out.'