Thursday, July 17, 2003

Eek!! What was that?

Logfile from TwoMoons - Savith.

Llune sits back and watches the two, sipping her wine.

Larias sips once again at the tea, her shoulders slumping - whatever it was it has obviously left her tired and worn. A glance is given towards Savith, "Occasionally." Simple answer to a simple question.

Savith's face darkens as his arms fold across his chest. His upper lip twitches as he tries not the sneer openning at the infuriating elfess. Like chips of ice, his send drifts tightly from his mind, **That's hardly an answer...**

You locksend to Larias, Savith ends that with a tug at that bond between you and he, **...Larias.**

Larias's eyes lift to meet Savith's for only a second before once again looking down and away. She sips once more at the tea, finding the warm drink soothing. Again she shrugs, "It happens now and again, never more than once a day."

Llune continues to watch the two carefully, as she reaches for the wine skin, resisting the urge to speak - I'll be damned if I butt into everything they argue about - she thinks.

She refills her cup and sips it, watching as the two convers/argue.

NOrmally, Savith would have just nodded, and backed down, but with Larias starting to show nicely, Tsoran grinning coldly waiting for the slightly openning to do Tsoran-type things, and Winnowill itching for a reason to cripple him, he's not about to sit back if there's something wrong. Not being a healer himself, and fighting desperately not to run, as he did with the first two, Savith squares his shoulders and narrows his eyes. "Should I ask our Healer to see what it is," Savith asks coldly, voice dripping. We all know who the mountain's healer is, don't we?

Equally icy, though in her voice one can hear she is worn and tired, Larias responds, "If it becomes unbearable, -then- and only then will I seek the Winnowill out. For now, I, and the child are fine."

Llune 's eyes grow slightly - not noticeably - wider at the mention, knowing the not-so-healing things winny has done to help heal fellow elves, "I know a few elves that have borne before, perhaps they'd have some advice, so we wouldn't have to trouble our lord?"

Savith stares at Larias for several long seconds. High Ones, the urge to ring her neck gets stronger with EACH arguement! GAH! It's Llune's gentle question that makes Savith turns his head slightly, though his eyes remain on Larias. "Yes, that's a good idea, Mother," he replies. Turning, he's had about all he can take of this elfess for today. At least, not without good reason, so he asks Llune, "Did you need anything else?" You know, an excuse ot make him stay? Otherwise, he's certain he can find something better to do. Like go out and kill something.

Llune smiles softly, her best 'calm-down-savith-or-you-know-I'll-give-a-long-mushy-lecture-about-loving-other-things smile, "But darling, you visited me, to drop off your mending... did *you* need anything else?"

If these were an anime, Savith's head would get that cute little teardrop, and his cheeks would turn blue, then there'd be some funny drawing of a pig or something, and he'd fall over. But, this isn't an anime, so instead, the elf almost seems to flinch. Yeah, he did come to visit. Umm... Is there anything else he needs? Ummm... eeerrr... that is to say... that... umm... Well... He really did just want to lament Larias's stubborn attitude and see if Llune could take some sense into her and stuff, cause she's being a pain and does nothing but argue and.... GAH! Why did SHE have to be here? Finally, he turns to look at the door, "..... I guess not." Troll guts.

Llune turns to Larias, "Are you feeling well? Perhaps you should return with Savith to his quarters to rest? Or would you like to rest in my room?"

Larias lifts her eyes to look at Llune as she inquires about where she would like to rest. The elfess sighs, glancing at Savith briefly, then back to Llune, "I'm fine now thank you." Oh how she would like to go back to Savith's quarters, really they are the best in the Mountain so far as she is concerned, but, she'll end up fighting with him won't she? "No.. no I don't think that would be a good idea, I'll find someplace comfortable when I am ready to rest, though I appreciate the offer to stay here."

The refusal is for the best. Hands almost clenching to fists, Savith just turns and makes his way to the door, lifting from the ground to he doesn't stalk or stomp or anything. Besides, it gives him something else to concentrate on, as minimal as it may be for him now.

Llune nods, "Savith, if you would like to dine this evening, my apprentices should have your mending finished, and I would so *adore* your company..." she says, turning to him and glowing with a bright smile, "Or I could bring your mending by tomorrow morning..."

Savith stops midflight. Great. Mom wants him to stay. He ALMOST heaves a sigh, as he turns and moves back to the table. GAH! That smile! Bad Mommy! No fair smiling at a time like this! "Whichever you think is better timing, Mother. I'm certain your apprentices have greater projects than some siple tears and patches to do." He drops ot he gorund lightly, making his way back over to the table. Deep breaths, kiddo. That's it. Deep breaths.

Savith stops midflight. Great. Mom wants him to come back. GAH! That smile! Bad Mommy! No fair smiling at a time like this! "Whichever you think is better timing, Mother. I'm certain your apprentices have greater projects than some siple tears and patches to do." Well, it's not until later, and maybe Larias

Savith stops midflight. Great. Mom wants him to come back. GAH! That smile! Bad Mommy! No fair smiling at a time like this! "Whichever you think is better timing, Mother. I'm certain your apprentices have greater projects than some siple tears and patches to do." Well, it's not until later, and maybe Larias'll be elsewhere. But that thought sets him to worrying about. Elsewhere where Tsoran could get a hold of her. You know, maybe she should have just kept the bird and stayed with the underworlders. *grump*

Larias carefully pushes herself up into a standing position, once more looking between Savith and Llune. "If you both will excuse me?" A pause, though she was actually hoping to talk with Llune about -him-, "I have something I need to attend to." Like what is the question? But really, what a good girl, leaving so Mommy and son can chat.

Llune stands and moves to embrace Savith with a "good-bye, then, for now" on her lips.

Savith rolls his eyes at Larias, stopping to let his mother have her hug. "Honestly, Larias. I just came to drop off mending. You and Llune were obviously in the middle of something." He smirks, "Don't let me have interrupted it completely."

Llune turns to the now mobile Larias, "But Larias, darling, we *haven't* finished! Please stay, but a few moments more?"

Larias turns her eyes fully upon Savith, "I am learning, I have all the time in the world with which to finish conversations that haven't yet begun. You can't interrupt what hadn't yet started," eyes turn to Llune, "And the measuring was finished yes?"

Savith steps back from his mother, a 'see-what-I-mean!' look in his eye. "Certainly Mother will see you measured for much more than just a simple dress, Larias. Stay. I've a child to train anyway." And, Llune promised to talk to him at dinner. So there!

"Fine then..." defeated, and deflated, Larias heaves a sigh. Her eyes close briefly, really, she doesn't set out to irritate him at every word, it just, happens. She remains standing near the stool she had been sitting upon, venturing small talk, "So.. how goes the training of Volek?"

Llune shuffles about to the side, retreiving the tapes to measure Larias with, but listening very closely, so as to be able to throw in positive, calming comments.

Small talk? After all that trouble! Savith's upper lip twitches, threating to sneer. "It goes, as ever," he replies flatly. Fine, we'll play this game, dancing on the edge of terse tempers while not really getting to the root of the issue.

With such an enthusiastic response to her inquiry, Larias nods, her expression fading to a blank look, "I suppose thats good then." Really, she's trying, but its sooo hard, and no cooperation from him either ;p

Llune pipes up, "He seems to be a fine boy, surely he has a more intriguing personality than 'as ever'... Does he know any games? Or jokes?"

Savith quirks a brow at Llune. Always able to get him to talk, this time is little exception, and Savith just shurgs. "We play a few games," he replies, "Mostly geared as training excersizes." Like Catch-A-Chosen! Larias KNOWS that game, first hand. Doncha, Lari! heeheehee....

Llune nods, somberly, "That sounds like fun, doesn't it Larias?"

Llune turns to Larias and smiles, trying her best to encourage kind interaction between the two.

Larias's lips nearly threaten to lift, just the tiniest bit at the corners. Yes, she knows that game quite well, having caught a few in one fashion or another during her short stint allied with the Mountain. She moves as she's directed by Llune so the measuring process can be completed, "I don't know how fun it is, but its is excellent game for specializing skills. I don't suppose Volek has managed to catch you yet, has he?" Savith is, after all, one of the better flyers in the Mountain, and Volek, just learning to extend his abilities.

Llune measures around Larias' ankles, trying desperately to wipe the joyful smile from her face and remain somber, "Yay! They're talking!" she's thinking.

That wasn't a chortle! Nope! Nor was that a faint half-grin! It was all your imagination! Ah, but Savith did chortle in his throat, and nearly grin. "No, he has yet to catch up to me," he replies, tilting his head faintly to blandly regard the measuring process. "But I meant Winddance's favorite, for I spend equal time on birdback with the boy." Is he trying to rile things up again, mentioning hte outdoors again? Maybe not intentionally. He was just being honest. Glancing at Larias, he whistles the scoop-with-talon then grab with beak, and flip up command. "I'm certain you remember that one?"

Larias's cheeks turn a light shade of pink, ahh yes indeed she certainly recalls that one, now at least. And though yes, the thought of going Outside is an enticing one, being tired, sore, and with child, its just not quite as enticing as it usually is. Just the barest hint of amusement enters her voice as she speaks, "I hope he fared better than I did for his first try? Or.. did you demonstrate what to do first?"

Savith nods, seeming to lean against an invisible wall, "Yes, I showed him it's use: to prevent a fallen rider to plummet too far. In case the rider, for whatever reason, can not fly to safety." He purses his lips, "My bond, in particular, is trained to return home should the elf in her talons remain limp. Without feeling motion, she'll not try to toss to the harness."

Llune marks the measuring tape and pretends to continue measuring, though she's actually finished - just to keep them talking nicely...

"Yes.. I think I recall your bond being trained as such though.." Larias's voice tapers off hardly audible though her mouth still moves, her face paling out rather abruptly. She sways forward once, back again, then forward again - until finally, her eyes roll up into the back of her head. Look out below, cause this ones going down!

Savith reacts quickly, as a Chosen is trained to, simulatneously reaching with himself and magic to catch Larias. Only a few moments before he was ready to yell and scream and throw things at her, then he was calm, and actually almost chuckling, and now, he's worried, all over again! True to his calling, Savith flies fast and hard to get to his Recognized's side and scoop her from falling.

Llune gasps and cushions Larias' fall with her own body, "Oh!"

Savith lifts Larias up off Llune, a faint grunt escaping him. He's never carried a pregnant elfess before! He never thought they'd be so HEAVY! Shifting the weight in his arms, he glances toward Llune's private rooms, "Do you hae a place I can lay her down?" His voice, so cold and emotionless before, is alive with concern.

No sooner does she land on Llune, with Savith scooping her up, pale eyes flutter open. A weak bemused and slightly embarassed smile forces its way onto her face, "ooo.. ah. That wasn't very much fun."

Llune stands up, nodding as she inspects her slightly scraped palms

Llune says "Are you all right?" She leads them into her quarters, "Here.."

Savith takes to the air, finding it much easier than walking right now. As blue yes flutter open, he glances down. Though his face he pulls into a hard mask, his eyes and of course, that bond, gives him away - worry and concern. "High Ones, Larias," he breathes, but doesn't let her go just yet. "What happened? Here, lay down. Do you need water?" Okay, maybe the concern is just a bit too apparent....

Like anyone in the arms of someone they trust, even if she is mad at him most of the time, Larias curls against him taking what comfort she can from his close presence - the lsack of arguing is just an added bonus. A languid nod is given Llune, "Yes.. yes I'm fine I think." Her nose wrinkles as blood rushes back to her legs giving an oh so wonder pins and needle feeling from her waist down. She slowly responds to Savith as well, "My legs went lumb, and everything went dark..." She licks her lips, trying to wet them, finding her mouth dry, "Water.. yes, Water would be good." Ok, so she's a little out of it, but hey, what can you expect

Llune's quarters are dark, but upon entering she lights a candle and the room is bathed in a soft warm glow. The walls are covered in thick, soft furs, in most pristine shades of white. The floor is bare, painted with odd shapes in different colors. The ceiling is black, and dotted with tiny silver and gold specks. To the left of the doorway is a long closet-like box, the top of it reaching to about shoulder height. It is topped with a collection of paintings and pretty rocks and dried flowers. To the right of the door is a table and Llune's harp, and in the right corner, behind a screen of woven reeds and feathers, is Llune's soft bed, merely a large pillow filled with feathers. She's already pouring a fresh cup of water, , "I have it," she says, and moves to them.

Savith flies over, his charge carryed in his arms like a precious jewel, a delicate eggshell made of glass that would crack and shatter at the slightest pressure. Yet, there's an almost impreceptable tightening of his arms, protective, in a way. Reaching the feather pillow, Savith drops to the bed, lowering himself to set Larias downjust as light as a feather on a stray breeze. Never taking his eyes from Larias, he reaches out for the water, a muttered thanks to his mother, as his brows draw together. Once again, he rambles questions, "Why, though? Is something wrong? Does this happen often? I can't think of anything like this happening..."

Llune hands off the water, and sits, limply, behind Savith, lips pressed together, noting every movement in case of more problems. A clanking in the work room tells her the the apprentices are back, good, they can be sent for Winny, *if* necessary.

The color begins to return to cheeks, along with a healthy shade of pink. Larias speaks slowly, obviously choosing her words carefully, "I don't know why," a hand moves to touch her belly, yup, still moving, "And nothing feels wrong, it .. I just, stopped." A frown forms, "Its not happened before, maybe I should have eaten more.. or had some water earlier."

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