Monday, July 28, 2003

Family in Lostholt

Logfile from TwoMoons - Savith.

East Bank of the Silver Run River

The lands of the Abode surround you.

At the rivers edge, a pool has formed, sheltered by huge rocks on the west side, allowing the water there to collect and empty out somewhat at odd intervals. Here it seems a good place for the washing out of leathers, bathing of bodies and general cooling off from the silky summertime heat. There is smooth white sand, surprisingly, under your feet and you find yourself smiling at this pleasant place. There are a few trees scattered over the beach, providing shade from the hot summer. The bank here begins tapering off into thick woods, limbs covered with lush green leaves. Small shrubs and undergrowth encroaches all around as the bank blends with and eventually becomes the forest. Tiny bugs zip around at ankle height, and occasionally a fish leaps out to snatch at one of them. All is quiet in the heat of the summers afternoon. The father tree is quiet as elves and wolves sleep in their dens, while others choose to sleep outdoors.

A new day has dawned, the soft unfamiliar lapping of the nearby stream mingling with the songs of local birds and the scufflings of small rodents and brought Llune from her slumber. Despite the relative discomfort of the camp, she slept like the dead, still until daybreak, though plagued with terrible dreams. Leaving the shelter with but a loving motherly caress to the brow of her only son and a brush of her lips to the cheek of baby Rosendo, Llune drifted slowly into the branches of the trees to observe the countryside around her. Watching the sunrise with fresh eyes, she is entranced by the beauty outside the mountain, and waits in the tree for her family to awaken.

Savith had slept. Actually, slept. And thank the High Ones he didn't Dream Walk, huh? The brush against his cheek was barely felt, his lashes fluttering. It's when Rosendo fusses softly, and Larias sleeps on, that Savith opens his eyes. He's about to jab Larias awake to handle the child, when he recalls her eariler exhaustion. Ah, puckernuts. She needs her rest more than he does. Sitting up, the Chosen floats the child to him to shush. Dirty again. And he'll be hungry soon. Can't do anything about hte hungry, but Savith CAN wash him. Bundling the tiny elf in his arms, Savith flies from the shelter, and summons an extra blanket to him, and heads to the pool's edge. Ah, mother's gone. A soft send seeks her out, soft to keep from waking Larias. **Mother?**

She send from at least 40 feet above him **Here, my son.** and then to Rosendo **Good morning, beautiful wee one**

Llune begins to drift slowly and reluctantly from her perch, to assist Savith, if necessary, at least to help clothe baby, or get food or fold something...

Savith glances over as the child in his arms fusses again. He'd be happy to sense his grandmother, but he's a dirty baby! He opens his mouth to cry, but Savith catches him, placing the tip of a finger in his mouth to stay him. Oooh... Food? Rosendo suckles, distracted from his wails. The Chosen just nods, relieved to see Llune drift from her perch. Kneeling at the water's edge, he unwraps the child and begins the process of washing him, using magics to help steady the baby and bring the water to him. All the while, he hums softly. Oh! It's that melody Llune would sing him! What a softy!

Alighting near and behind him, Llune watches with motherly approval at Savith's washing techniques, and begins to softly hum along with him to Rosendo, as she roots about in her bags for another piece of absorbent material to protect baby yuck from baby clothes.

Still asleep, Larias' brows furrow deeply as her slumber is only slightly disturbed. The sounds of Outside don't bother her, but the humming, a faded memory trying to surface. Her dreams shift, head turns as she curls more into a ball now that no one is there nearby. Mmm, sleep filled with dreams, thats the good kind ;p

Llune is rewarded with a strip of baby butt fabric and places it beside Savith as he finishes up with Rosendo's washing, **how long before he will walk?**

Ah! But it's cold, Daddy! And Rosendo starts to fuss louder, crying. Tiny fists ball and one finds it way toward his mouth. Savith, with a worrying flick of his eyes at Larias, again shushes the child, adding half-sent thoughts with his vocal melody. Baby is washed quickly, having nearly been forced to wash the girls under the watchful eyes of wolfrider guards, it's a process that he's at least vaguely familiar with. Done. And Rosendo's pulled back to his chest for a brief moment befor elaid down gently to be swaddled. Walk? Green eyes flick toward Llune briefly. **Some time yet,** he replies, his voice still occupied with a lullabye. Rosendo, cleaned, works on his fist, starting to get really hungry now. **Another full turn of the seasons, at least.** There's a pause, as Savith turns back to finishing getting Rosendo all bundled properly. **If he doesn't begin flying before that.** Which he will, won't he? Ah, worry. Savith's so good at that. 'What if he's like me? No magic?'

Llune sits beside the stram and extracts Savith's mending from her bag and begins to silently mend it.

Rolling to her other side, Larias doesn't yet wake up, but so close she must be, with Rosendo fussing, even if only slightly, something in her stirs, must wake up, really you must. Her arm moves to drape over her eyes, must shut out the daystar. She tenses abruptly - daystar? High Ones, those birds singing and those crickets chirping wasn't a dream, was the humming? She pushes herself upright, blinking sleep from her eyes rapidly, must be the Outside Larias again, must be alert, aware, ever watchful again.

Savith gets the hatchling all bundled into a clean blanket, and drifts back toward the shelter. He keeps the child distracted from his hunger with the tip of a finger. His eyes are downcast, at the child. No, the humming wasn't a dream, for as he sits, back to the inside of the shelter, and leans against the 'doorway', Savith continues to hum, rocking the child softly. Gentle sends drift from him, to the child, **There you are, hatchling. Stay silent a moment longer. She'll wake, and you'll eat. Until then, rest more. Save your tears.**

A send drifts from Larias mind, ** I'm awake now... ** She rubs at her eyes once more, glancing about, yes indeed she is Outside, and High Ones, the little one is there, in Savith's arms. A soft smile appears despite herself, father holding son, humming, soothing, Savith may be exasperating, but he is, brows furrow as she wonders, what is he to me? Blue eyes watch intently, ahh, but the child is hungry again, she reaches forward, but does not just take, instead asking, ** May I? ** Aww, how polite and considerate.

The soft sound of Savith's voice, working so well to soothe the child, cuts off aburptly at Larias's send. Crap on a stick. Did she hear? As Larias reaches forward, Savith turns, nodding faintly and almost relunctantly gives up the child to his mother. **Certaintly. He is hungry again, after all,** he replies, trying to sound nonchalant and impartial to the boy. He's expression, no, just his eyes soften when the babe refuses to let go of his hand, and Savith must wiggle his hand free. **Ah, there.**

Larias chuckles softly as Rosendo holds tightly to his father. She cradles the babe a moment, cooing at him before beginning the process of feeding him. SO much easier than the first time she tried, definitely not a natural, she at least does have a clue, and between herself and Rosendo, Larias makes do, occasionally having to break off the childs latch to reposition until she gets it right. ** He seems quite attached to you, ** she comments as Rosendo feeds, ** The most I can get him to do is eat. ** Did she notice Savith's reluctance at handing over the babe, perhaps, ** If you would like him back once I am done? **

Llune watches the two converse from the corner of her eye, thinking, "maybe I should just let them be - they seem to get along okay..."

What expressions flicker in and past Savith's eyes at so simple a question. Through the bond of souls, Larias would detect the slight skip of heartbeat. **IF you've more important matters to see to,** he begins, though what could be done her ein Lostholt, is beyond him. **I shall, though certainly you must learn more than I, for once we return, I shall be... no dount, too busy to spend much time with him.** Too busy. Maybe. Though the most likely scenario is that he'll be a statue somewhere, or shaped into a hideous broken thing, or turned mindless, with no memory or care for what was. The knowledge of the kind of punishment he can expect from his actions linger at the bak of his mind, thankfully away from the surface thoughts. But mother and son could feel it, certainly. And more, if Larias is prying.

Of course Larias is prying! What else is there to do in Lostholt, pick posies? A soft, sad smile is given Savith, yes she can feel the fears, they are her own as well. ** There is nothing more important.. but, ** The elf maid pauses, ** We each need to relish the time we have with him. ** She knows the time Outside is borrowed, that sometime they will have to go back to the Mountain, and when that happens, the chances of knowing her child are slim. ** He seems happy with you, I like to see him reach and grab as he does when you and Llune hold him. **

Savith hmphs softly, and watches the child with his mother. **I suppose,** he muses softly, trying to find something else to occupy his mind, other than those sad thoughts, **Perhaps, instead, we can both spend time with him.**

Larias rocks back and forth where she sits. As Rosendo finishes with one side, she swaps him onto the other, only a little fussing in-between. Cradled so carefully in her arms, Larias looks down at the tiny creature in her arms, smiling lovingly down at him. After a long quiet moment, she nods, ** You are right, we should... ** amused she adds to her send, ** You hold him and I'll look on. ** Feeding is one thing, but gah, its nerve wracking to hold him when he squirms, what if she breaks him?

Break him? Hardly. Elf children are sturdy. But Savith nods, with a quirked brow. **As you will,** he replies, then shakes his head. No, bad Chosen! She's no Lord. **I mean, if that's what you'd like.** He takes a breath, then looks away. My, what interesting.. trees.

Llune continues silently mending Savith's clothes (the ones he brought the day she was measuring Larias and all this began?), listening intently to their sent conversation, but refraining from joining.... It may, after all, be best to allow them to be amiable to each other with *OUT* her interference.

Once the child is done, Larias lifts him away from her, holding him aloft with magic as she redoes the laces of her bodice. Snatching Rosendo from the air once done, she hugs him to her tightly. Squished, the hatchling fusses, and Larias, never having had one of her own to deal with, taps Savith on the shoulder, ** I think he wants you. ** Either that or he wants to be burped

Savith glances over and reaches for the child. Yes, burped. Ekana was notorious for holt shaking belches, though she'd never admit it. Placing the child to his chest, chin to his shoulder, Savith taps lightly, rubbing as he goes. He glances at Larias, and comments, **You shouldn't squeeze him after eating. It'll end up coming right back out again, one way or another.** He glances at the child's back a moment, whispering, "Come on, hatchling. Out with it." ANd.... BUUUUUURRRRRRRRRAAAAAAAAAAAAPPPPPPPPPP! Oh my. Savith smiles softly, and brings the child down to hold again, "Well done."

Llune finishes the mending and smiles at the kindness between the new parents before silently drifting back up to the top of the tree to look about at this new and beautiful world.

Blink blink. Did that horrendous noise come from her son? A hushed, "Oh my... I hadn't realized they did that." Of course she doesn't know, all she's ever seen of cubs is from quite a distance, save for Amber, but even with that one she only dealt with on a limited basis, and only after much older. A hand is run through her hair and she leans closer to Savith, looking at Rosendo, ** Wait, come back up? ** Time for Savith to teach Larias infant fun 101.

Savith glances at Larias with a barely held in check chuckle. **Yes, they do that. Quite a bit,** he replies. A hand comes up to let Rosendo suckle on more, and the glider-daddy consigns himself to humming again as the pacifier alone doesn't settle him completely. **Come back up. Newborns spit up, a lot. They don't yet know how to swallow correctly.** He had Wildstorm spit up on him once. Eww.... it was... unpleasant. **And usually don't figure it out fully for a turn or so.** OH, but the lullabye has words, words that are sung softly to the child, "...till the day I was blessed with you..."

That same tune he was humming earlier. Something tickles at the back of Larias' mind, but what exactly she isn't sure - maybe she's still tired? At the thought of anything coming from the hatchlings mouth and back onto her, Larias' nose wrinkles, ** That sounds disgusting... ** Ahh, bright idea Larias gets, ** Well, seeing as I have to hold him to feed, you can hold him afterwards then. ** See, sharing, excellent idea!

Savith gifts Larias with a very dirty look. Yeah. They said the SAME thing. We'll cuddle them and feed them, and love them, but YOU have to clean them, at least, any time we don't want to! :P **Thanks. That's really... very sweet of you.** Oh, the sarcasism in that is thicker than honey. Still he sings sofly. Wow! Savith! Singing! "..hold you late at night... what i was put here to do."

Larias can't help but grin as her bright idea is rewarded with a dirty look and sticky sweet sarcasm. ** Any time you don't want to, ** she smiles, ** I'll understand. Maybe you can show me the best ways to handle bathing and cleaning," oh my, she's asking for help, admitting she's not got this all figured out. ** I made him scream yesterday when I bathed him, I didn't know how to do it right. ** Her eyes trail back to the child in Savith's arms, a hand reaching out to brush gently against Rosendo's cheeks, "hushed she whispers, "Amazing.. I never thought.." Thought she would be in love with anything or anyway, and yet, here is this child, and she is.

"I turn, off the world, and listen to you sigh," Savith sings on softly as Rosendo's eyes droop toward sleep. "And I will sing my Angel's Lullabye." Watching Larias lean in close to him, to caress the infant, Savith holds still, and replies, his sends softening as the distance between them closes, **That was the scream. He's too little to keep himself warm. We'll either have to warm water with a fire, or bring the water to him with hands and magic. Soon, he'll be big enough, and won't mind. But slowly it must be done, so as not to frighten him.** A stray breeze flutters that out of place curl, and Savith rolls his eyes up to it. Ah, puckernuts. Well, he should bath anyway. Eyes back to the child in his arms, and Larias, he decides. Later. **YOu never thought, what,** he prompts softly, though the faint sense of the emotions he can feel.

"Hmm?" Oh, oops, did she say that out loud? Larias shakes her head, "Nothing, nothing." Oh but there is something, Rosendo's arms spastically raise upwards and slowly drop down again, the rush of love for the life in Savith's arms overwhelms her, tears sneaking slowly down her cheeks. She sits back, sniffing, looking away as the emotion threatens to overwhelm her. Ah, Savith, he's safe to look at right? Noting the hair in his face, she checks, ** Did you want me to brush that back for you? I know your hands are full and all... **

"Know I've forever near, the one you can always call," Savith continues singing. Oh, if Larias tears up at the love for the child, Savith's eyes start to mist over too. Stupid song. He frowns, and drops to mindless humming, the melody ruined. He takes a moment to force his eyes dry before he glances at Larias, then up at that damnable curl. **Only if you want. Otherwise, I can hand Rosendo back to you, and do it myself.**

Does she want to? She's not all that sure herself, but she fixes the curl anyway, brushing it back with her fingers, making sure it stays put, at least for the moment. Anything to not look down at Rosendo, else she'll well and truly begin to cry. ** Nono, you keep him for now. He's sleeping peacfully, I don't want to wake him needlessly. ** Or take him in her arms, squish him to her and pretend nothing else exists, then fly farther and faster than ever to outrun the Mountain's reach.

Savith stis still at Larias fusses with his curls. And to think. This is the same elfess that cringed from his touch, even through the demand that is Recognition. He smirks faintly, humming randomly, not feeling up to thinking about that song again. Now that he's old enough to understand the words fully, it makes him all shaky inside. **Alright,** he replies, as close to saying thank you as he would come. Hmm.. child fed, but what of the parents? **You should eat yourself, Larias.**

Llune at hearing the distant send of eat, Llune begins to drift back down from her elevated perch **Eat?** she sends softly.

Oh yes, food is a necessity of life isn't it? Larias nods, glancing about, ** You should eat something as well.. but, we dare not hunt in their woods. ** At least, she won't, she respect wolfrider rules.

Savith nods to one of the bags that was brought in. He too understands wolfrider law about hunting, and so states, **We've some jerky and vegatables I managed to take from the kitchens before we left. You eat your fill first.** A glance at Llune, and he continues, **You too, Mother. If there's any left, save it for Volek. You three need it more than I, at the moment.** Besides, there's a river not far from here, he saw it on the way in. And a pond here. He could use his talon whip to... egads! It's STILL missing! Razzle frazz!

Llune alights silently beside the two, **can we not visit the chief and ask?**

Llune nods at his sent statement, **You are our protector, my son - you need your strength, also.** But she begins to search through the bags for the food he's described.

Finding said rations, she pulls them from the bag triumphantly... My, what a large bundle... There should be plenty to feed all of them enough, but then there will be nothing... Llune unfolds the bundle and arranges the food so it looks pretty.

At the glider's mention of the need of food, the sweet hearted Tyleet slips from the tree and finds a ravvit. A fresh kill, she moves into the clearing, smiling, "Here you go." She holds out the ravvit, offering the fresh meat. "This should help out." A glance at her father, also on guard duty tonight, he nods. Staying in the tree, though, he coaxes some late season fruits to ripen nearby, while Tyleey says, "And there's some fruit there."

Llune smiles thankfully at the guards (as if they're really guards - more like... watchful friends), **thank you** she sends, not wanting to speak and awaken the cub.

Savith glances up. My, how friendly. Well, it's a good sign, he hopes. He nods to Tyleet, but stays withthe sleeping baby, trying not to snerk at his mother's arrangement of the food. **Wonderful. I'm ceratin Larias would like the fresh meat,** he quips, a mental jab at the glider near him. **But as I said earlier, Mother, you two eat your fill. I'll eat in a moment.** He's... got his arms full, after all. It's as good as an excuse as any!

Llune looks up at Volek's perfectly timed arrival... Though the ravvit is much appreciated, *She* doesn't want to fix it... "Volek!" She exclaims, "I'm so glad you have returned... Are you hungry?"

Llune looking about to make sure she hasn't awakened the cub, she switches back to sending **Would you like to... ah... prepare the meat?**

Tyleet, one of the guards tonight, is holding a freshly killed ravvit for Llune to take while her father, still hidden in the tree above, ripens some fruit. Savith sits with the babe in his arms by the entrance to the shaped shelter, while Larias sits by his side. Ah, the picture perfect glider family. How cute! *gag* ;>

Volek pauses mid-flight and approaches, expecting them all to be further along. He was actually comming to see them about eating anyway. Spending most of his time with the bonds, he sometimes forgets to do his own hunting. If he never makes it to chosen, perhaps he'd be great at careing for the bonds. He nods to Llune ** Quite hungry actually, dear tailor. **

Llune smiles **You could call me Llune or mom, if you'd like, Volek dear** It's obvious that Llune just likes kids, babies, toddlers, anything.

Savith glances up at Volek's arrival. A touch of relief drifts through him. Thank goodness. Strongbow hasn't spitted the boy yet. Nor has he heard of any ill-doings. So everything must be hunky-dorry. At Llune's send, Savith rolls his eyes, **You would mother the mountain, if allowed.** This brings a giggle from Tyleet, who instead, holds the ravvit out for Volek to get. Savith doesn't make a move to approach, though the hungry Larias does.

So what if Savith jabs at Larias' enjoyment of fresh meat, raw meat, tasty bloody meat. She rises, walking quickly over to the smaller wolfrider, pausing since TYleet has held the ravvit out for Volek to take, drats, someone's going to end up cooking it after all, aren't they? A tad disappointed, she to offers her thanks to the wolfrider, "The meat is much appreciated. I've missed it so fresh."

Volek nods his head and accepts the ravit from the wolfrider maiden. Like in the old days, the cub has actually taken Savith's advice and kept civil. And as long as the locals are nice, he's fine. ** Then, thank you Llune. Say... would I be able to ask you for some new clothing? **

Tyleet notices Larias's disappoint and smiles, "There's plenty of ravvits. I could get you another, if you needed?" A mother needs her food, after all. In the trees above, Redlance glances about and spots a small game hen, and sends that to Tyleet, who comments, "Or a small game hen?"

Llune Beams **of COURSE you can!! I'd be delighted! What would you like??**

Larias's eyes flicker over towards Llune beaming about making clothes, she shake sher head, returning her gaze to the wolfling before her. ** I would enjoy either, if its no trouble. ** They aern't even guests yet, just interlopers, don't want to push the luck.

Savith remains seated, watching the ladies and youth chatter. Tyleet's soft voice doesn't bug Rosendo, though Llune's excited and happy sends cause the child to stir faintly. Savith reacts, and immediately sends softly, just a dull blanket between the world and his tiny mind. **Sleep more, hatchling,** the whisper soft words are barely felt by the rest. As her sends, a hand reaches up to gently press a corner of the blanket a bit closer.

Tyleet smiles, and moves off, "oh, no trouble. Give me a moment." She slips off into the underbrush and is gone. From above, Redlance comments softly, **And there's fruit there, for those that don't like meat.**

Volek smiles and floats over in Llune's direction ** Um. Something a little brighter, perhaps like a few of the flowers here.. the ones that are the same color as the Daystar... and with a cape, perhaps. **

A brown brow flicks up at Volek's reply. Savith smirks gently, **A cape even. How flashy.** And he wants something bright yellow? Egads! Please, Larias, no jokes about Savith the Bumble Bee, alright? **Certainly aren't going to stealth, are you,** the Chosen asks of Volek.

Llune giggles at the prospect of designing *bright* clothing, takes Volek's free hand and pulls him to sit beside her, momentarily forgetting the gross dead carcass, "what about embroidery? I'll have to measure you for breeches and whatnot... any other colors you'd like? What do you envision for yourself?" She says softly, refraining from her excited sends... She looks at Volek, noting hair and eye color, as that's *SO* very important to designing a perfect outfit...

Larias watches Tyleet disappear into the underbrush, brows furrowed, ahh how they hunt, that always was a marvel, if not somewhat bestial. But, she's not going to complain, especially if it gets her some fresh raw ravvit, yum! A glance back assures her Savith is all set with Rosendo, whew, he didn't wake at Llunes sending squeal of delight.

Volek turns to Savith. ** Why be dressed for stealth when there is no need. I can have two sets of clothing. ** Yeah, anyway, he'd look sooo cool with a cape. He turns back to Llune to answer her question ** embroidery would be nice, though my father would be better at what than I, so I'd say whatever your eye thinks would look best. As for colors... well, perhaps some coloring like the shades of the trees, and... ** he points to a blue flower ** that color. **

Llune looks closely at Volek, noting his features, trying to envision his upcoming outfit, and nodding at the idea of blue, then reproaches savith **oh, pooh, Savi, I can make you something pretty to wear while we're out here too, if you'd like.

It's not long later that Tyleet reappears with a ravvit and a cornish game hen. She smiles and gives both to Larias with a soft whisper, "For later." That done, she scrambles back into the tree with a glance at Rosendo. Oooh.. so cute! Savith chuckles faintly at Volek's comment. True enough. Ah well, let the lad live a little. He'll beat him stoic again when he feels up to it. Rosendo, slack with sleep in his arms, gets his attention again, and Savith checks to see if he can pull his hand free. Llune's send makes him force the almsot grin from his face, **It is not needed, Mother.** At least in his mind. All he brought by way of clothes is three sets of uniforms. Given Llune's taste in wardrobe, that hardly seems enough.

Llune smiles mischeivously at Savith, then turns back to Volek, **I can make you something in a day or 2 - but I'll have to measure you first, whenever you think it's best.** She then sends to the helpful 'guards' **and if you would like anything, I would be honored to help clothe you also**

From the trees, Tyleet sends happily, **Thank you, but no. You've a family to clothe first, and we have our own tanner.**

Its not like Larias has much more in the way of clothing choices than Savith. All fixed hand me downs from an Underworlder at Raft Holt, and the blackish tunic she wears, a moss cloth tunic of the Underworld. A nod is given to Tyleet, ** Thank you. ** She then takes the two creatures and heads back over to the shelter, now to chow down and disgust Llune by snacking on ravvit raw.

Volek nods ** when ever you'd like Llune. If I'm not with them, i'll probably be with the bonds."

Savith glances at Larias, as she approaches with the ravvit. He's had his far share of raw meat. It's good, in small amounts, like a delacacy, to be savored slowly. But the stoic Chosen doesn't budge from his earlier commitment to not eat until the rest have had their fill by sending to Super Volek, **Eat up, lad.**

Volek turns to Savith and nods, pleased with himself and anxious about his new outfit. He draws a small dagger and slices through the ravvit, eating it.

Llune releases Volek's hand and turns to the picknic and picks a few items of dried fruit and turns to offer them to the young elf, who is already eating. With a slight shrug, she pops the item - some dried fruit into her mouth and rises to fetch some of the nearby ripened fruit.

Savith sits back to relax. So few occassions where he can. The child didn't let go of his hand, so the Chosen leaves it with Rosendo. Savith sighs faintly, and glances up at the canopy above. If he were a High One, he'd stop time for this one moment, where everyone is being pleasant, and there's no danger.

Llune daintyl picks several of the... What were they called?.. Oh, "peaches," from the bush, then moving back to the transported food and sitting gracfully on the ground

Volek smiles to himself as he enjoys the ravvit, and raw at that. Something that just seems to remind him of old times.