Friday, July 11, 2003

Pre-Birthing Plans

Logfile from TwoMoons - Savith.

Laris sits upon a cushioned stool, her arm stretched out to her side as Llune measures the distance from the tip of her middle finger and the curve of her neck. There is a small fireplace at the back corner with a kettle of water boiling over it, and, along the wall opposite the door, a large window that looks out for many miles. It's mid morning, and Llune has sent her apprentices out to lunch, and set out a plate of cheese and grapes to tide finiky Larias over. The room is bright and decorated sparsely with spools of different fabrics, a multitude of feathers, carefully hung on twine. Along one wall are a few tables, one occupied with 2 sewing machines, or scissors and fabric, or stacks of paperwork. Llune releases Larias' arm and stands in front of her, "I'm going to need you to stand up, dear."

Since her argument with Savith, she's been even more moody than usual. So, Larias rises from the cushioned seat with a grumbling sigh, "I suppose if I must." Really, you'd think the effort would kill her by the tone in her voice and the sluggish way she makes to move.

[OOC] Llune says, "Er, minus the machines."

Llune allows her to stand as slowly as she likes, not fazed at all by her negative attitude. "Stand up straight, dear, I've got to do your waist."

Larias fidgets with her hair, still unused to having it down all the time. She straightens her shoulders, locks her knees and stands rigidly straight up and down. Her voice holding the tone of mild irritation at the world, "This isn't going to take to long is it?" Oh yes, really - she has sooo many things to do.

Llune smiles, "No dear, please relax. The clothes reflet the nature of the subject."

Llune reaches around fussy Larias, measures her girth, "My, my, dear, you are surely growing fast!" She marks the measuring string and lets go, moving to Larias' side and measuring her from the crook of her armpit to the floor, "Have you had any more luck eating?" she asks, motioning toward the plate of cheese and grapes on the table as she marks the string.

Larias smirks, looking towards the ceiling as if it may somehow aide her. Giving a shake of her head she replies, "I've eaten my fill for the day really. I've not much of an appetite of late." She fidhets now and again, shifting her weight from one foot to another, "And yes.. I know I've grown." Not that she seems to really care for the ordeal.

Llune Observes Larias from the side, "You know, it takes two souls to recognize - this child is yours, too."

Larias hrmphs, turning her head to smirk at Llune. "This child is his as well." Of course it is, why else would she be in the Mountain? She drops one arm, letting her hand move to rub at her stomach slowly, "But in the end, it will belong to neither of us, if all plays as your Lord wishes."

It's then that a shadow floats into the the chambers. Heedless of annoucing his arrival, Savith moves in, "Mother, I've brought some uniforms and shirts of mine that need men...ding." His voice trails off as he settles to the ground, eyes on Larias, "Oh. I didn't realize you had company." Odd, isn't it? How the mere sight of this elfess can turn his tone from mostly gentle and warm to flat and toneless.

Already stiff as a board, Larias actually manages to tense up even more at the mere sound of Savith's voice. It takes all her concentration to remain standing where she is, not to look in his direction, not to say something. Ahh, now she's the perfect mannequin, really.

Llune looks up from measuring Larias' height, "Well, dear, I do work... You can lay the mending on that table," She nods, "And would you be a darling and fetch the skin hanging beside my wardrobe in my quarters," she motions again, this time toward the doorway to her personal area, "We're nearly finished, and a touch of wine will do me nicely." She turns to Larias, "I have tea brewing, and it should be done, if you'd like some." She marks the last measurment on her measuring string and stands, moving toward the fireplace containing the fragrant tea.

Llune , noting Larias' statue-like demeanor waves her hand non-chalantly, "Sit down, deat, you're done."

Savith glances from Larias to Llune, then back to Larias again. A faint nod, a soft "Yes, Mother." and he flies to the work table to set the black and grey uniforms down before lifting off toward the wineskin. He blanks his mind, as he would while on guard duty before Lord Winnowill, unwilling to let Larias pluck those wonderful surface thoughts and emotions from him.

Ahh, what a good glider Larias can be when someone else is the boos! She takes a seat as Llune directs her to. Movements stiff, hand resting on her stomach. Her voice is as bland as she can make it, "Tea would be fine Llune, thank you for thinking of such." Ahh, what a pair she and Savith make, irritants to one another

Llune carefully lifts the kettle from over the hot coals and pours it into a pair of carved stone cups.

Savith flies back toward the ladies, and lands at his mother's side, setting the wineskin down on the table by the cups. "Is there anything else you need," he asks, only too happy to make a hasty retreat.

Llune takes the wine, "No dear..." she fills a third cup, "Would you like some wine?"

She'd be damned before she would ask Savith for anything else right now, and the set to her jaw, the look in Larias' eyes says just that. But life never really lets one be as snotty as they'd like to does it? SHe gasps and merps, the sways a bit on her seat, one hand on her stomach, the other gripping the edge of the chushioned seat until her knuckles turn white.

Savith gasps lightly, eyes widening. His head turns toward Larias, brows drawing up in worry as he tries to answer his mother, "Ah... no, thank you."

Llune notes Savith's gaze and sudden change in demeanor an dturns quickly toward Larias, Skin still in hand.

Larias merely sits there, her eyes shut tight, one hand gripping the cushioned seat tightly, as the other holds her rounding belly. She wets her lips, breathing shallowly, nope, not gunna speak a word.

And in his experience, this is when other tribe members would shove past him to see to the soon-to-be-mother. Savith takes a step away.

Llune says "Are you all right?"

But here, there are no 'other' tribesmembers to rush in, and even fewer that would actually want to deal with Larias on a face to face basis. So she sits there, alone. In-between slow, concentrated breaths, Larias responds, "I'll be fine.. it'll pass in a few... moments."

Savith glances at his mother, then holds his ground and asks, "Is there anything that you need?" A healer? No, bad Chosen! No nookie!

Llune nods and turns back to the tea, taking one cup and setting it beside Larias.

Breathing slowly, her grip eventually loosens, until she holds onto her seat no longer. Pale eyes open, looking somewhat pained, but she doesn't ask for help, instead grabbing for the tea. She takes a sip, then answers Savith's question, "I don't need anything." with just the barest hint of emotion in her voice, "Thank you though for asking."

Savith can't shakes the feeling that was bad. His eyes narrow, "That happen often?"

Llune sits back and watches the two, sipping her wine.

Larias sips once again at the tea, her shoulders slumping - whatever it was it has obviously left her tired and worn. A glance is given towards Savith, "Occasionally." Simple answer to a simple question.

Savith's face darkens as his arms fold across his chest. His upper lip twitches as he tries not the sneer openning at the infuriating elfess. Like chips of ice, his send drifts tightly from his mind, **That's hardly an answer...**

You locksend to Larias, Savith ends that with a tug at that bond between you and he, **...Larias.**

Larias's eyes lift to meet Savith's for only a second before once again looking down and away. She sips once more at the tea, finding the warm drink soothing. Again she shrugs, "It happens now and again, never more than once a day."