Thursday, July 3, 2003

Brotherly Chat

Logfile from TwoMoons - Savith.

Main Hall

The room rises up round, walls idle in their shape, with little regard to gravity, and fluid stone columns drip from the ceiling to floor, curving and twisting into deep blue shadows. The massive room is dim, lit only at the far side, where rises the skeleton of a great bird, hovering protectively over the throne of Blue Mountain's Lord. Deep, wide stairs rise up to greet the throne, stopping many feet below, leaving no evident manner of ascending the seat. From time to time, elves flit in and out, through hallways and through narrow, ribboned holes in the walls, high above the floor.

Savith floats in to take his place by the throne. He's turn on guard duty, it seems. -sigh-

Tsoran is hovering there already, and nods to his relief. ** Savith **

Savith nods in reply, **Tsoran.** A little preoccupied, his mind is as he floats to his place.

Tsoran lingers a while. It's not as if he has any urgent appointments.

Tsoran locksends ** You look thoughtful today. **

Savith flicks a glance, and a send to Tsoran.

You locksend ** Concerned. Is there a difference? ** to Tsoran.

Tsoran raises an eyebrow. ** Do you have reason to be, brother? All seems quiet. ** He adjust a sleeve minutely.

Savith nods to Tsoran, his gaze drifting away again. But he does not elaborate on it.

Tsoran's thin lips curl faintly. ** Come now, you can tell me. Perhaps I can ease your mind. **

**I dare say you can not, brother,** Savith replies, turning green eyes back to Tsoran. No accusation, though heavy they are.

Tsoran drifts closer, never one to resist a challenge. ** How certain you sound. How is your bond? **

Savith quirks a faint brow, **A little over fed, but healthy.**

Tsoran touches a pale finger to his lips. ** I do not think you ever told me the whole story of how it was retrieved. **

**I know I did not,** Savith replies, his gaze surveying the Hall. Silence. Sweet silence.

Tsoran regards Savith thoughtfully. ** You seem quite recovered from your little encounter with the rock. ** He reaches out with exquisite care to tug at a curl that seems to have escaped Savith's bun. ** And getting wilder by the day. **

Savith pulls his head away slightly. **Do you expect me to report my acitivities fully to you, brother, as if you were my Lord?**

You sense in a locksend, Tsoran's send is warm and softly. Positively velvet. ** The Eight are as one, Savith. We all serve the will of our Lord, as it it were our own. How can we be of one will when we are not of one mind? **

You locksend to Tsoran, Savith snorts softly, wary of you, more than he had been inthe past, **I doubt anyone of you would wish to know the ups and downs of Larias's emotions.**

Tsoran rests his hand on Savith's shoulder, ignoring the others attempt to pull away. ** Outsiders are all overly emotional. Has she returned, then ? **

Savith's face hardens to stone as he fixes a stare at Tsoran, **She has, and you /will/ treat her with her respect and accord.** Cause if not, he'll know about it, ina heartbeat.

Tsoran's even teeth show briefly in a smile. Must be a smile, the corners of his lips are turned upwards. ** Will I, now. And what will she do to earn my regard in this**

Savith seems a touch unnerved by Tsoran's smile, but replies, **She has already told me she will remain on her best behavior, knowing that the mountain is her home until the child is grown, at the very least.**

Well, well. You learn something new every day. ** I am surprised the Underworld let her go. Or did they fear the taint of outsider blood? **

Savith shurgs, only margnally successful at fighting the sneer at the mention of hte underworld, **I know not the condition of her return aside from her desire to see Winddance returned to me.** It's stupid, a silly excuse, he knows, but seems to be accepting it for now.

Tsoran murmurs softly. "How kind of her, to have such concern for you. I must surely thank her."

Savith narrows his eyes slightly, "Of course." Over my dead body.

Tsoran catches a stray emotion. *snatch*. His grey eyes are lidded as he watches Savith. ** I do wonder where your true loyalty lies, at times. **

Savith lifts his chin and calms again, **You've no need to wonder, brother.**

Tsoran reaches out to gently stroke Savith's cheek with the back of his fingers. ** A not entirely reassuring answer, my brother. But I will not pressure you further on the matter. Today. **

Savith remains still, almost glaring back at Tsoran. A reaction born of fear, perhaps, for he knows now, exactly what Tsoran did to Larias. Though the nightmares no longer plague her (thank the High Ones!), the memories linger, and haunt him when, in a quiet memoment, she recalls them. **.........**

Tsoran's smile widens. ** I do believe it is my time for rest. Safe guarding....Brother. ** He floats away.

Savith nods, and replies to Tsoran's retreating back, **Pleasant dreams.** He sneers faintly, the expression quickly schooled.

Tsoran knows exactly how to give Savith pleasant dreams, ohyes, he does. Now, where can that outsider be...

Tsoran glides up into the air.